Ye Linglong nodded, but suddenly shook her head and said: "It still doesn't work. Angel Stars may be useful, but I'm afraid one is not enough. At least five more are needed."

Although one was not enough, it gave Ji Wufeng hope. He immediately became energetic and said, "It doesn't matter if it's not enough. I'll send someone to collect it right away."

Even if he turned the world upside down, he would find the five angel stars at any cost. If he really couldn't find them, he wouldn't want them. At worst, he would lead people into the Holy Court to grab them.

Ji Wufeng immediately conveyed the orders to his subordinates one by one. When he dialed one of the numbers, the other party said respectfully: "Master Feng."

Ji Wufeng was very satisfied with his attitude and said: "Let your auction house pay attention. If there is another Angel Star, you must keep it for me at any cost. Not only that, you must also send all your informants to find the Angel Star." star."


Just when Ji Wufeng was about to hang up, the person on the other end of the phone said again: "Master Feng, Zheng Fenghai has started to make new moves."

"Oh? Are you from Gu Tianyang?"

Forbearance is a person's advantage, but if you are too forbearing, it means being timid. Now that Ji Wufeng has left Shanghai, if Zheng Fenghai still dares not take action, then he will have no value at all in Ji Wufeng's eyes. .??.??

"It's not Gu Tianyang's people. These people are very scary. No, they are not human at all. They are monsters. I saw with my own eyes that they can suck a living person into a mummy."

The breathing on the other end of the phone was obviously getting heavier, and he was obviously frightened.

monster? That was the person from the Nine-Headed Insect. He sneered in his heart. After being a coward for so long, did he finally dare to show his face?

But Ji Wufeng also knew that he had crippled the Snake Cave and the Black Dragon of the Nine-Headed Insect, and the other party would definitely not let it go.

"Don't worry too much, just don't expose yourself." Ji Wufeng said.

The other person on the phone hesitated for a while and then said: "Master Feng, although Gu Tianyang did not come forward this time, I feel that there is his shadow behind him. I know Zheng Fenghai too well, and he does not have the courage to contact such a person. ."

Thinking about it, it's not impossible. Gu Tianyang thought he was the king. It would be strange if this matter had nothing to do with him.

Tianfeng Group finally made its grand debut, and all major news media were working hard to promote and report it. Its popularity spread all over the world in an instant, setting off a frenzy.

However, it is impossible for such a large consortium to rise smoothly.

As expected, Tianfeng Group was blocked by several powerful forces as soon as it went public, including the Baqi family in Dongyang, the Nelson family in Ximeng, and the Sara family in the Middle East.

When they heard the names of these forces, many people took a breath of air. Oh my god, these are super consortiums that are rampant in the world. Now they are joining forces to deal with Tianfeng Group. Is there any way for Tianfeng Group to survive?

But why?

No matter how powerful Tianfeng Group is, it has only just emerged. What qualifications do these super consortiums have to join forces to attack?

It's like martial arts masters. Four martial arts masters who are already famous all over the world actually join forces to deal with a fledgling young man. It doesn't make sense.

\u003e But no matter what the reason is, Tianfeng Group is not going through difficulties.

Just when it was thought that Tianfeng Group would be killed in its infancy, new blockbuster news emerged.

Lin Haiguo's Chamber of Commerce announced in the international news media that it had reached a cooperation intention with Tianfeng Group, and the two parties had long been the closest partners.

Subsequently, the Eric family, the Denaro family, and the Wilps family, who are related by marriage to the British royal family, all announced at the same time that they had become cooperation partners of Tianfeng Group!

Now the whole world was dumbfounded. After working on it for a long time, it turned out that Tianfeng Group actually had such a deep background, with a lot of helpers behind it, and each of these helpers was more powerful than the last.

There is no need to doubt that if these forces go all out to fight, the resulting business war will definitely be a global financial storm, and may even lead to a world war.

Now that the two sides are evenly matched, it is impossible to kill Tianfeng Group, but it is also very difficult for Tianfeng Group to develop rapidly.

"It seems that the situation is not very optimistic, and there won't be much movement." Marcus, one of the four exchange student kings, shook his head and said, while Eric, one of the four kings, also nodded in agreement.

Now it is a stalemate situation. If you want to continue to develop smoothly, you can only apply crazy pressure, but the other party will never be weak. When both parties are at odds and are willing to fight, it will not be a big deal. No.

"Why do we have to make a big move? Do you all hope that my Tianfeng Group can dominate the world? Don't talk about them then, I guess even you won't agree?" Ji Wufeng blew out smoke rings and laughed. road.

The expressions of the two people were stunned. It is true. The fundamental reason why they are supporting Tianfeng Group now is to get some benefits from it. If Tianfeng Group really becomes bigger, then they will get more than just benefits. There are also crises that threaten themselves.

Having common interests is a friend. When this interest no longer exists, the friendship no longer exists.

However, Ji Wufeng had long expected this situation. His goal was not to dominate the world, but to focus on Asia. As long as he could gain a foothold in the Asian market, he would have enough capital to talk about other things.

As for global domination, that's not what he has to worry about anymore. What he should worry about is the big guys above.

As Tianfeng launched, major aristocratic families in Yuzhou were the first to announce their participation, followed by Tianxiang Group, Jiang Ruoshui's Ruishui International, and several major families in Mingzhu, the Su family in Shanghai, the Tiannan Jiang family...

For a while, although Tianfeng Group's international market was in a stalemate, it instantly overwhelmed the domestic market and impacted the Asian market!

Tianfeng Group's development is booming and unstoppable. It's time for Ji Wufeng to implement his second step plan.

After an order was issued, Ji Wufeng quietly left Yuzhou in the night and rushed towards Shanghai.

Nowadays, the Jianghu forces in Shanghai are divided into two parts. The development of Qifeng Pavilion is in the expansion stage. It is reasonable and reasonable for Qingfeng to ask Su Danxiao to attend the meeting. However, this meeting was actually arranged on a ship, which made Su Danxiao feel confused for no reason. A little uneasy.

Accompanied by Tong Xin, the two sisters boarded the boat. Apart from Qingfeng, the elders and senior officials of Qifeng Pavilion were also there. When they saw the Su family sisters arriving, they all stood up and said respectfully: "I have seen the eldest lady." , I have met the second young lady!" Ye Linglong nodded, but suddenly shook her head and said: "It still doesn't work, the angel star may be useful, but I'm afraid one is not enough, at least five more are needed."

Although one was not enough, it gave Ji Wufeng hope. He immediately became energetic and said, "It doesn't matter if it's not enough. I'll send someone to collect it right away."

Even if he turned the world upside down, he would find the five angel stars at any cost. If he really couldn't find them, he wouldn't want them. At worst, he would lead people into the Holy Court to grab them.

Ji Wufeng immediately conveyed the orders to his subordinates one by one. When he dialed one of the numbers, the other party said respectfully: "Master Feng."

Ji Wufeng was very satisfied with his attitude and said: "Let your auction house pay attention. If there is another Angel Star, you must keep it for me at any cost. Not only that, you must also send all your informants to find the Angel Star." star."


Just when Ji Wufeng was about to hang up, the person on the other end of the phone said again: "Master Feng, Zheng Fenghai has started to make new moves."

"Oh? Are you from Gu Tianyang?"

Forbearance is a person's advantage, but if you are too forbearing, it means being timid. Now that Ji Wufeng has left Shanghai, if Zheng Fenghai still dares not take action, then he will have no value at all in Ji Wufeng's eyes.

"It's not Gu Tianyang's people. These people are very scary. No, they are not human at all. They are monsters. I saw with my own eyes that they can suck a living person into a mummy."

The breathing on the other end of the phone was obviously getting heavier, and he was obviously frightened.

monster? That was the person from the Nine-Headed Insect. He sneered in his heart. After being a coward for so long, did he finally dare to show his face?

But Ji Wufeng also knew that he had crippled the Snake Cave and the Black Dragon of the Nine-Headed Insect, and the other party would definitely not let it go.

"Don't worry too much, just don't expose yourself." Ji Wufeng said.

The other person on the phone hesitated for a while and then said: "Master Feng, although Gu Tianyang did not come forward this time, I feel that there is his shadow behind him. I know Zheng Fenghai too well, and he does not have the courage to contact such a person. ."

Thinking about it, it's not impossible. Gu Tianyang thought he was the king. It would be strange if this matter had nothing to do with him.

Tianfeng Group finally made its grand debut, and all major news media were working hard to promote and report it. Its popularity spread all over the world in an instant, setting off a frenzy.

However, it is impossible for such a large consortium to rise smoothly.

As expected, Tianfeng Group was blocked by several powerful forces as soon as it went public, including the Baqi family in Dongyang, the Nelson family in Ximeng, and the Sara family in the Middle East.

When they heard the names of these forces, many people took a breath of air. Oh my god, these are super consortiums that are rampant in the world. Now they are joining forces to deal with Tianfeng Group. Is there any way for Tianfeng Group to survive?

But why?

No matter how powerful Tianfeng Group is, it has only just emerged. What qualifications do these super consortiums have to join forces to attack?

It's like martial arts masters. Four martial arts masters who are already famous all over the world actually join forces to deal with a fledgling young man. It doesn't make sense.

\u003e But no matter what the reason is, Tianfeng Group is not going through difficulties.

Just when it was thought that Tianfeng Group would be killed in its infancy, new blockbuster news emerged.

Lin Haiguo's Chamber of Commerce announced in the international news media that it had reached a cooperation intention with Tianfeng Group, and the two parties had long been the closest partners.

Subsequently, the Eric family, the Denaro family, and the Wilps family, who are related by marriage to the British royal family, all announced at the same time that they had become cooperation partners of Tianfeng Group!

Now the whole world was dumbfounded. After working on it for a long time, it turned out that Tianfeng Group actually had such a deep background, with a lot of helpers behind it, and each of these helpers was more powerful than the last.

There is no need to doubt that if these forces go all out to fight, the resulting business war will definitely be a global financial storm, and may even lead to a world war.

Now the two sides are evenly matched. It is impossible to kill Tianfeng Group, but it is also very difficult for Tianfeng Group to develop rapidly.

"It seems that the situation is not very optimistic, and there won't be much movement." Marcus, one of the four exchange student kings, shook his head and said, while Eric, one of the four kings, also nodded in agreement.

Now it is a stalemate situation. If you want to continue to develop smoothly, you can only apply crazy pressure, but the other party will never be weak. When both parties are at odds and are willing to fight, it will not be a big deal. No.

"Why do we have to make a big move? Do you all hope that my Tianfeng Group can dominate the world? Don't talk about them then, I guess even you won't agree?" Ji Wufeng blew out smoke rings and laughed. road.

The expressions of the two people were stunned. It is true. The fundamental reason why they are supporting Tianfeng Group now is to get some benefits from it. If Tianfeng Group really becomes bigger, then they will get more than just benefits. There are also crises that threaten themselves.

Having common interests is a friend. When this interest no longer exists, the friendship no longer exists.

However, Ji Wufeng had long expected this situation. His goal was not to dominate the world, but to focus on Asia. As long as he could gain a foothold in the Asian market, he would have enough capital to talk about other things.

As for global domination, that's not what he has to worry about anymore. What he should worry about is the big guys above.

As Tianfeng launched, major aristocratic families in Yuzhou were the first to announce their participation, followed by Tianxiang Group, Jiang Ruoshui's Ruishui International, and several major families in Mingzhu, the Su family in Shanghai, the Tiannan Jiang family...

For a while, although Tianfeng Group's international market was in a stalemate, it instantly overwhelmed the domestic market and impacted the Asian market!

Tianfeng Group's development is booming and unstoppable. It's time for Ji Wufeng to implement his second step plan.

After an order was issued, Ji Wufeng quietly left Yuzhou in the night and rushed towards Shanghai.

Nowadays, the Jianghu forces in Shanghai are divided into two parts. The development of Qifeng Pavilion is in the expansion stage. It is reasonable and reasonable for Qingfeng to ask Su Danxiao to attend the meeting. However, this meeting was actually arranged on a ship, which made Su Danxiao feel confused for no reason. A little uneasy.

Accompanied by Tong Xin, the two sisters boarded the boat. Apart from Qingfeng, the elders and senior officials of Qifeng Pavilion were also there. When they saw the Su family sisters arriving, they all stood up and said respectfully: "I have seen the eldest lady." , I’ve met the second lady!”

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