Although the Su sisters rarely show up, everyone in this group knows that they are the real owners of Qifeng Pavilion.

"Well, everyone, please take a seat." Su Danxiao nodded slightly to everyone, and then he and Su Qianxiao sat on the two main seats.

The meeting officially began, and the yacht slowly sailed toward the river. However, not far away, another yacht quietly approached.

"I would like to invite the eldest lady to speak." Qingfeng said respectfully.

Outside the yacht, the Qifeng Pavilion elite who was on guard suddenly noticed that a yacht was approaching. He immediately raised the gun in his hand and said angrily: "Leave immediately, otherwise we will shoot!"


There was an eerie sneer on the yacht, and a dozen black shadows suddenly burst out, hitting the yacht like cannonballs. A dozen Qingfeng elites didn't even have a chance to react, and they felt a pain in their necks. Poof , blood sprayed out, and they instantly lost the power to shoot. They wanted to shout but couldn't. Yan fell to the ground in pain, covering her neck.

A skinny middle-aged man stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked the blood on his nails, pushed open the door of the yacht, and said with a sinister smile: "Long time no see, everyone. I miss you so much."

"Ruan Xiang!"

Everyone in Qifeng Pavilion stood up and exclaimed in disbelief!

This Ruan Xiang is none other than the leader of the predecessor of Qifeng Pavilion. When the Su sisters developed their power in the world, they chose Ruan Xiang. However, Ruan Xiang was unwilling to succumb to others and was eventually beaten by the Su sisters and fled like a bereaved dog. to Shanghai.

I originally thought that Ruan Xiang would not have the guts to come back in this life, but unexpectedly he appeared again.

Su Danxiao's expression changed slightly and she said, "I didn't expect you would dare to come back?"

Ruan Xiang stared at Su Danxiao with eyes full of hatred and said, "How dare I capture you two little bitches before I kill them?"

The resentment in Ruan Xiang's eyes suddenly turned into lust, and he said: "But I have changed my mind now. It's just that it's too cheap to kill you. I will personally turn you into the most despicable women, and then buy you into a brothel to make countless of the most despicable women." You are played by lowly men, we will make you suffer so much humiliation that you will be worse than a bitch."

Ruan Xiang fought hard for half his life to build a kingdom, but in the end it was taken away by the Su sisters. How could he let it go? Although they left Shanghai, they never thought of giving up revenge. Today they finally got this opportunity.

"Ruan Xiang, you are too arrogant. Today I think you are not here for revenge, but for death!" A Qifeng Pavilion elder shouted loudly.

"How dare you talk to me like this?"

A fierce light flashed in Ruan Xiang's eyes, and he stood strangely in front of the elder in a flash. He stretched out his hand and pinched his neck, lifted the whole body off the ground, and laughed ferociously: "Today we will do it." Let me show you what will happen to anyone who dares to talk to me like this!"

His palm suddenly hit the top of the elder's head, and his five fingers were grasped, and the fingers were inserted directly into the skull. The elder immediately let out an extremely tragic howl of pain: "Ah... kill him, shoot, quickly Just kill him..."

The expressions of the others changed greatly, and they immediately took out their guns, pointed them at Ruan Xiang, and pulled the trigger.

But suddenly, Ruan Xiang's figure disappeared in front of their eyes, and then they all felt a sudden pain in their necks, and then they saw a terrifying face with two eyeballs.

Scarlet red as if dripping blood, face as pale as a dead person, and a ferocious smile that twisted his cheeks like a ghost.


More than a dozen men in black stretched out their palms at the same time, inserted their fingers directly into the skull, and immediately screamed miserably. The living person just now turned into a mummy with only skin and bones left in front of everyone's eyes!

In an instant, everyone was stunned, including the Su sisters. This was really terrifying. It could suck people alive into mummies. Are they still human now?

No, how could people become like this!

Tong Xin's face suddenly darkened, she blocked the Su sisters from behind, and whispered: "I will block them later, and you can find a chance to leave."

She didn't expect that the one who came this time would actually be an immortal warrior. It seemed that there was big trouble this time, but Ji Wufeng had asked her to protect the safety of the Su sisters, so she would risk her life to protect the safety of the Su sisters.

"If you want to leave, let's go together!"

Although Su Danxiao was frightened and turned pale, she rejected Tong Xin. Let alone whether she could find a chance to escape, even if she escaped, she would not be able to explain to Ji Wufeng. She knew the importance of Tong Xin in Ji Wufeng's heart. .

Su Danxiao was still calm, but Su Qianxiao was simply frightened. Her whole body was shaking violently, and her legs were so weak that she could hardly stand. Although she had seen ghosts about the killing scene, she couldn't bear to see such a terrible killing method. It’s the first time I’ve seen it, it’s so weird.

"Ruan Xiang, what do you want?" Su Danxiao asked calmly.

"I'm just here to take back what belongs to me, hehe, and then give you back tenfold the torture you put on me."

Ruan Xiang looked at the three women and said: "But I want to give you a chance. As long as you agree to be my woman from now on, not only will I not kill you, but I will love you well."

"Do you think the dream talk will come true?" Su Danxiao sneered.

"If you don't eat the toast, you'll be punished with a drink, so there's nothing I can do about it."

Ruan Xiang's eyes flashed with blood, and he stretched out his pale claws to grab Su Danxiao. Suddenly, a cold light flashed through, and it was Tong Xin who took action, and the dragon tooth blade in his hand struck Ruan Xiang's claws like lightning.

If it were an ordinary person, the palm of his hand would be chopped off directly with this chop. However, Ruan Xiang groaned and quickly retracted his palm. He saw that most of the wrist had been chopped off, but strangely, there was no sign of it. A drop of blood flowed out.

"Hehe, it turns out she is a woman with thorns. I like her better." Ruan Xiang licked the wound on his wrist with his tongue, and a numbing scene appeared. He saw that the almost chopped off palm was actually Healing is visible to the naked eye.

The Su sisters were immediately horrified. Could it be that Ruan Xiang had died a long time ago and was no longer a human being?

"You guys leave quickly!"

Tong Xin suddenly shouted coldly, and then her body suddenly jumped towards Ruan Xiang.

"Catch her!" Ruan Xiang said angrily.

Immediately two men in black rushed forward to block Tong Xin, stretched out their white palms to grab it, Tong Xin turned around in the air, and the dragon tooth blade in his hand shot out like lightning, inserting it into the chest of a man in black. Throat.

Then a cold light flashed around his waist, it was a piece of software, like a silver snake spitting a message and wrapping around another person's neck. With a flick of his wrist, the head of the man in black fell to the ground, like a rubber ball. Rolling on the ground. Although the Su sisters rarely show up, everyone in this group knows that they are the real owners of Qifeng Pavilion.

"Well, everyone, please take a seat." Su Danxiao nodded slightly to everyone, and then he and Su Qianxiao sat on the two main seats.

The meeting officially began, and the yacht slowly sailed toward the river. However, not far away, another yacht quietly approached.

"I would like to invite the eldest lady to speak." Qingfeng said respectfully.

Outside the yacht, the Qifeng Pavilion elite who was on guard suddenly noticed that a yacht was approaching. He immediately raised the gun in his hand and said angrily: "Leave immediately, otherwise we will shoot!"


There was an eerie sneer on the yacht, and a dozen black shadows suddenly burst out, hitting the yacht like cannonballs. A dozen Qingfeng elites didn't even have a chance to react, and they felt a pain in their necks. Poof , blood sprayed out, and they instantly lost the power to shoot. They wanted to shout but couldn't. Yan fell to the ground in pain, covering her neck.

A skinny middle-aged man stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked the blood on his nails, pushed open the door of the yacht, and said with a sinister smile: "Long time no see, everyone. I miss you so much."

"Ruan Xiang!" .??.

Everyone in Qifeng Pavilion stood up and exclaimed in disbelief!

This Ruan Xiang is none other than the leader of the predecessor of Qifeng Pavilion. When the Su sisters developed their power in the world, they chose Ruan Xiang. However, Ruan Xiang was unwilling to succumb to others and was eventually beaten by the Su sisters and fled like a bereaved dog. to Shanghai.

I originally thought that Ruan Xiang would not have the guts to come back in this life, but unexpectedly he appeared again.

Su Danxiao's expression changed slightly and she said, "I didn't expect you would dare to come back?"

Ruan Xiang stared at Su Danxiao with eyes full of hatred and said, "How dare I capture you two little bitches before I kill them?"

The resentment in Ruan Xiang's eyes suddenly turned into lust, and he said: "But I have changed my mind now. It's just that it's too cheap to kill you. I will personally turn you into the most despicable women, and then buy you into a brothel to make countless of the most despicable women." You are played by lowly men, we will make you suffer so much humiliation that you will be worse than a bitch."

Ruan Xiang fought hard for half his life to build a kingdom, but in the end it was taken away by the Su sisters. How could he let it go? Although they left Shanghai, they never thought of giving up revenge. Today they finally got this opportunity.

"Ruan Xiang, you are too arrogant. Today I think you are not here for revenge, but for death!" A Qifeng Pavilion elder shouted loudly.

"How dare you talk to me like this?"

A fierce light flashed in Ruan Xiang's eyes, and he stood strangely in front of the elder in a flash. He stretched out his hand and pinched his neck, lifted the whole body off the ground, and laughed ferociously: "Today we will do it." Let me show you what will happen to anyone who dares to talk to me like this!"

His palm suddenly hit the top of the elder's head, and his five fingers were grasped, and the fingers were inserted directly into the skull. The elder immediately let out an extremely tragic howl of pain: "Ah... kill him, shoot, quickly Just kill him..."

The expressions of the others changed greatly, and they immediately took out their guns, pointed them at Ruan Xiang, and pulled the trigger.

But suddenly, Ruan Xiang's figure disappeared in front of their eyes, and then they all felt a sudden pain in their necks, and then they saw a terrifying face with two eyeballs.

Scarlet red as if dripping blood, face as pale as a dead person, and a ferocious smile that twisted his cheeks like a ghost.


More than a dozen men in black stretched out their palms at the same time, inserted their fingers directly into the skull, and immediately screamed miserably. The living person just now turned into a mummy with only skin and bones left in front of everyone's eyes!

In an instant, everyone was stunned, including the Su sisters. This was really terrifying. It could suck people alive into mummies. Are they still human now?

No, how could people become like this!

Tong Xin's face suddenly darkened, she blocked the Su sisters from behind, and whispered: "I will block them later, and you can find a chance to leave."

She didn't expect that the one who came this time would actually be an immortal warrior. It seemed that there was big trouble this time, but Ji Wufeng had asked her to protect the safety of the Su sisters, so she would risk her life to protect the safety of the Su sisters.

"If you want to leave, let's go together!"

Although Su Danxiao was frightened and turned pale, she rejected Tong Xin. Let alone whether she could find a chance to escape, even if she escaped, she would not be able to explain to Ji Wufeng. She knew the importance of Tong Xin in Ji Wufeng's heart. .

Su Danxiao was still calm, but Su Qianxiao was simply frightened. Her whole body was shaking violently, and her legs were so weak that she could hardly stand. Although she had seen ghosts about the killing scene, she couldn't bear to see such a terrible killing method. It’s the first time I’ve seen it, it’s so weird.

"Ruan Xiang, what do you want?" Su Danxiao asked calmly.

"I'm just here to take back what belongs to me, hehe, and then give you back tenfold the torture you put on me."

Ruan Xiang looked at the three women and said: "But I want to give you a chance. As long as you agree to be my woman from now on, not only will I not kill you, but I will love you well."

"Do you think the dream talk will come true?" Su Danxiao sneered.

"If you don't eat the toast, you'll be punished with a drink, so there's nothing I can do about it."

Ruan Xiang's eyes flashed with blood, and he stretched out his pale claws to grab Su Danxiao. Suddenly, a cold light flashed through, and it was Tong Xin who took action, and the dragon tooth blade in his hand struck Ruan Xiang's claws like lightning.

If it were an ordinary person, the palm of his hand would be chopped off directly with this chop. However, Ruan Xiang groaned and quickly retracted his palm. He saw that most of the wrist had been chopped off, but strangely, there was no sign of it. A drop of blood flowed out.

"Hehe, it turns out she is a woman with thorns. I like her better." Ruan Xiang licked the wound on his wrist with his tongue, and a numbing scene appeared. He saw that the almost chopped off palm was actually Healing is visible to the naked eye.

The Su sisters were immediately horrified. Could it be that Ruan Xiang had died a long time ago and was no longer a human being?

"You guys leave quickly!"

Tong Xin suddenly shouted coldly, and then her body suddenly jumped towards Ruan Xiang.

"Catch her!" Ruan Xiang said angrily.

Immediately two men in black rushed forward to block Tong Xin, stretched out their white palms to grab it, Tong Xin turned around in the air, and the dragon tooth blade in his hand shot out like lightning, inserting it into the chest of a man in black. Throat.

Then a cold light flashed around his waist, it was a piece of software, like a silver snake spitting a message and wrapping around another person's neck. With a flick of his wrist, the head of the man in black fell to the ground, like a rubber ball. Rolling on the ground.

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