Ji Wufeng opened his big hand, and Ruan Xiang's body immediately seemed to be out of control. He was sucked back by a strong force and fell heavily to the ground. He wanted to get up but found that he couldn't. It was as if a huge mountain was pressing down on him. , unable to move at all.

"First question, where is Qian Ye Ming now?" Ji Wufeng asked coldly.

Ruan Xiang looked horrified, but after hearing Ji Wufeng's question, he seemed to have thought of something even more terrifying. He gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know who Qianye Ming is you talking about?"

"Sorry, your answer makes me very dissatisfied." Ji Wufeng shook his head slightly.


Ji Wufeng dropped the knife in his hand, just like a machete. One of Ruan Xiang's arms fell to the ground, and the arm that fell to the ground was still shaking.

Although one arm was cut off, Ruan Xiang did not show any fear. There was no pain on his face. Instead, he laughed ferociously and said: "It's useless, unless you kill me directly. What you are doing is unethical and you will take care of me." It doesn’t hurt at all…how could this happen?”

Ruan Xiang suddenly looked horrified, looked at his wound and screamed.

"Have you discovered that you can't recover automatically now?" Ji Wufeng said with disdain. ??

Ye Linglong had already found a way to cause fatal damage to the undead warrior, but it was a pity that Tong Xin was not present before and was seriously injured.

"Now my second question, what are your other plans in Shanghai?"

There is absolutely no way that the other party is just targeting the Su sisters, there must be other plans.

"I don't know, I really don't know!" Ruan Xiang shouted.

"I'm sorry, your answer this time also makes me very dissatisfied!"

Ji Wufeng shook his head again, and Ruan Xiang's other arm also fell down.

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to know anything, but I can keep asking you this question. Now it's your double arms, then your legs, and finally the other organs in your body. I plan to ask you at least a hundred questions. After a few questions, until there is nothing more that can be cut off from your body, it will kill you!"

Ji Wufeng's tone was understated, but the hairs on the hairs of the people listening next to him stood on end. They asked at least a hundred questions, wouldn't Ruan Xiang have been cut into bones?

This is really terrifying. If a person only has bones left, but feels no pain at all, and is not dead yet, just thinking about it can make your legs tremble.

Ruan Xiang couldn't help but tremble. Death is actually not terrible, but when death is getting closer and closer, the feeling is real torture.

He was already frightened by Ji Wufeng, but thinking of the miserable fate of those betrayers, his heart trembled even more violently, and he cast his eyes towards Su Danxiao.

I saw Qingfeng, who was still standing behind Su Danxiao, without any warning, strangled Su Danxiao's neck with one hand from behind, and took out a gun with the other hand and pressed it against Su Danxiao's chest. Temple!

"Don't move! If anyone dares to move, I will shoot her!"

The sudden change broke the original silence. Now everyone finally knew why Qingfeng arranged the meeting on the yacht. It turned out that all this was a conspiracy between her and Ruan Xiang.

"Qingfeng, you traitor."

"Damn it, let me go sister!"

\u003e "The eldest lady has been so kind to us, how dare you betray her!"

This sudden incident made Su Qianxiao and the rest of Qifeng Pavilion filled with indignation, but they did not dare to move because Su Danxiao was being held hostage at the moment. Qingfeng only needed to pull the trigger slightly, and Su Danxiao It will completely dissipate the fragrance!

Su Danxiao was momentarily absent-minded after being threatened with death. Although she had been vaguely aware of it before, when it actually happened, it was still a little hard to accept.

Instead of panicking as expected, Su Danxiao asked indifferently: "Why do you do this? I think I have never treated you badly."

Qingfeng sneered and said: "Yes, you are indeed pretty good to me. Originally, I was just a man's plaything and a tool for men to vent their anger. It was you who saved me and made me the main street of Qifeng Pavilion. I Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"Then why do you want to be a traitor?" Su Danxiao asked angrily.


Qingfeng smiled ferociously and said, "Don't think that I don't know your thoughts. Why do you want to help me? You just want me to be grateful to you and willingly be your lackey for the rest of my life."

Su Danxiao shook her head helplessly and said, "I didn't expect you to think so."

"Am I wrong? I owe everything to what Qifeng Pavilion is today, and you two sisters don't have to do anything, but you want me to listen to you in everything. Why? Except that your family background is worse than mine Besides being good, how am I inferior to you? Why should I be your dog?"

Qingfeng's expression was almost crazy. No one can be satisfied. Maybe Qingfeng was sincerely working for Sister Su Danxiao at first, but when she controlled Qifeng Pavilion for a long time, she began to be obsessed with the power in her hands. She couldn't help but I am willing to succumb to the two sisters Su Danxiao for the rest of my life.

"You beast, everything you have now is given to you by these two young ladies. Without them, you would still be a despicable woman, worse than a dog!" an elder yelled angrily.

The other elders of Qifeng Pavilion also had angry faces on their faces. They dared not say whether they were sincere or not, but they all saw how terrifying Ji Wufeng was. Surrendering to Su Danxiao was undoubtedly the wisest choice. Whether Su Danxiao died or not was not important. , the important thing is that if they want to save their own lives, they must continue to be loyal to the Su sisters.

Su Danxiao smiled bitterly. After listening to Qingfeng's words, the resentment in her heart just now disappeared at all.

Yes, she gave Qingfeng everything she has now, but as Qingfeng said, the reason why she helped Qingfeng was because Qingfeng was easy to control, and the purpose was to allow her to easily control Qifeng Pavilion.

Tong Xin's life-saving rescue just now, and Qingfeng's betrayal now, made Su Danxiao suddenly feel regretful. It turned out that she was a person who would do anything to achieve her goals, and her current ending was completely retribution.


Su Danxiao apologized sincerely and said: "Qingfeng, it's too late for you to stop now. You're right. I did have selfish motives before. As long as you stop now, I guarantee that you will be safe and sound."

"Haha, let me stop? Do you think it's possible? You kept me safe, do you think I will still believe you?"

Qingfeng laughed wildly and said to the elders of Qifeng Pavilion: "Hurry up and let the yacht dock, or I will kill her!"

Ji Wufeng had been standing there leisurely, and suddenly shook his head and said: "Let the yacht dock? Don't you think you can leave today?" Ji Wufeng opened his big hands, and Ruan Xiang's body immediately seemed to be unprotected. As if he was under control, he was sucked back by a strong force and fell heavily to the ground. He wanted to get up but found that he couldn't. It was as if a huge mountain was pressing on his body and he couldn't move at all.

"First question, where is Qian Ye Ming now?" Ji Wufeng asked coldly.

Ruan Xiang looked horrified, but after hearing Ji Wufeng's question, he seemed to have thought of something even more terrifying. He gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know who Qianye Ming is you talking about?"

"Sorry, your answer makes me very dissatisfied." Ji Wufeng shook his head slightly.


Ji Wufeng dropped the knife in his hand, just like a machete. One of Ruan Xiang's arms fell to the ground, and the arm that fell to the ground was still shaking.

Although one arm was cut off, Ruan Xiang did not show any fear. There was no pain on his face. Instead, he laughed ferociously and said: "It's useless, unless you kill me directly. What you are doing is unethical and you will take care of me." It doesn’t hurt at all…how could this happen?”

Ruan Xiang suddenly looked horrified, looked at his wound and screamed. .??.

"Have you discovered that you can't recover automatically now?" Ji Wufeng said with disdain.

Ye Linglong had already found a way to cause fatal damage to the undead warrior, but it was a pity that Tong Xin was not present before and was seriously injured.

"Now my second question, what are your other plans in Shanghai?"

There is absolutely no way that the other party is just targeting the Su sisters, there must be other plans.

"I don't know, I really don't know!" Ruan Xiang shouted.

"I'm sorry, your answer this time also makes me very dissatisfied!"

Ji Wufeng shook his head again, and Ruan Xiang's other arm also fell down.

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to know anything, but I can keep asking you this question. Now it's your double arms, then your legs, and finally the other organs in your body. I plan to ask you at least a hundred questions. After a few questions, until there is nothing more that can be cut off from your body, it will kill you!"

Ji Wufeng's tone was understated, but the hairs on the hairs of the people listening next to him stood on end. They asked at least a hundred questions, wouldn't Ruan Xiang have been cut into bones?

This is really terrifying. If a person only has bones left, but feels no pain at all, and is not dead yet, just thinking about it can make your legs tremble.

Ruan Xiang couldn't help but tremble. Death is actually not terrible, but when death is getting closer and closer, the feeling is real torture.

He was already frightened by Ji Wufeng, but thinking of the miserable fate of those betrayers, his heart trembled even more violently, and he cast his eyes towards Su Danxiao.

I saw Qingfeng, who was still standing behind Su Danxiao, without any warning, strangled Su Danxiao's neck with one hand from behind, and took out a gun with the other hand and pressed it against Su Danxiao's chest. Temple!

"Don't move! If anyone dares to move, I will shoot her!"

The sudden change broke the original silence. Now everyone finally knew why Qingfeng arranged the meeting on the yacht. It turned out that all this was a conspiracy between her and Ruan Xiang.

"Qingfeng, you traitor."

"Damn it, let me go sister!"

\u003e "The eldest lady has been so kind to us, how dare you betray her!"

This sudden incident made Su Qianxiao and the rest of Qifeng Pavilion filled with indignation, but they did not dare to move because Su Danxiao was being held hostage at the moment. Qingfeng only needed to pull the trigger slightly, and Su Danxiao It will be completely destroyed!

Su Danxiao was momentarily absent-minded after being threatened with death. Although she had been vaguely aware of it before, when it actually happened, it was still a little hard to accept.

Instead of panicking as expected, Su Danxiao asked indifferently: "Why do you do this? I think I have never treated you badly."

Qingfeng sneered and said: "Yes, you are indeed pretty good to me. Originally, I was just a man's plaything and a tool for men to vent their anger. It was you who saved me and made me the main street of Qifeng Pavilion. I Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"Then why do you want to be a traitor?" Su Danxiao asked angrily.


Qingfeng smiled ferociously and said, "Don't think that I don't know your thoughts. Why do you want to help me? You just want me to be grateful to you and willingly be your lackey for the rest of my life."

Su Danxiao shook her head helplessly and said, "I didn't expect you to think so."

"Am I wrong? I owe everything to what Qifeng Pavilion is today, and you two sisters don't have to do anything, but you want me to listen to you in everything. Why? Except that your family background is worse than mine Besides being good, how am I inferior to you? Why should I be your dog?"

Qingfeng's expression was almost crazy. No one can be satisfied. Maybe Qingfeng was sincerely working for Sister Su Danxiao at first, but when she controlled Qifeng Pavilion for a long time, she began to be obsessed with the power in her hands. She couldn't help but I am willing to succumb to the two sisters Su Danxiao for the rest of my life.

"You beast, everything you have now is given to you by these two young ladies. Without them, you would still be a despicable woman, worse than a dog!" an elder yelled angrily.

The other elders of Qifeng Pavilion also had angry faces on their faces. They dared not say whether they were sincere or not, but they all saw how terrifying Ji Wufeng was. Surrendering to Su Danxiao was undoubtedly the wisest choice. Whether Su Danxiao died or not was not important. , the important thing is that if they want to save their own lives, they must continue to be loyal to the Su sisters.

Su Danxiao smiled bitterly. After listening to Qingfeng's words, the resentment in her heart just now disappeared at all.

Yes, she gave Qingfeng everything she has now, but as Qingfeng said, the reason why she helped Qingfeng was because Qingfeng was easy to control, and the purpose was to allow her to easily control Qifeng Pavilion.

Tong Xin's life-saving rescue just now, and Qingfeng's betrayal now, made Su Danxiao suddenly feel regretful. It turned out that she was a person who would do anything to achieve her goals, and her current ending was completely retribution.


Su Danxiao apologized sincerely and said: "Qingfeng, it's too late for you to stop now. You're right. I did have selfish motives before. As long as you stop now, I guarantee that you will be safe and sound."

"Haha, let me stop? Do you think it's possible? You kept me safe, do you think I will still believe you?"

Qingfeng laughed wildly and said to the elders of Qifeng Pavilion: "Hurry up and let the yacht dock, or I will kill her!"

Ji Wufeng had been standing there leisurely, and suddenly shook his head and said: "Let the yacht dock? Don't you think you can leave today?"

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