Qingfeng took a step back and said coldly: "If you are not afraid that I will kill her, just do it. As long as you dare, I will shoot right away. I will give her my life back without any loss."

Ji Wufeng is so terrifying, it feels like he is not a human at all, but a devil!

Everyone in Qifeng Pavilion retreated a certain distance, fearing that Qingfeng, who was in a crazy state at this time, would shoot rashly.

Ji Wufeng's eyes flashed coldly, and Su Danxiao immediately said: "Save her life!"

Qingfeng sneered: "Leave me alone? You should take care of yourself first...!"

But before she could finish her words, her eyes flashed, and her neck was pinched by a big hand, as if it was clamped by iron pliers. It felt like if the other party exerted force, his neck would be crushed.

"In my opinion, you are just an ant. No, you are not even comparable to an ant. An ungrateful person like you who repays kindness with evil will only be called a bedbug. Killing you will only dirty my hands!"

Ji Wufeng stared at Qingfeng with his cold eyes. With a wave of his hand, Qingfeng's body flew out, knocking over tables and chairs.

Now that Su Danxiao has spoken, Ji Wufeng will leave her alive. Just like what he said just now, she is just a bedbug and cannot even pose a threat to him.

"How could this happen?" Qingfeng, who was sitting on the ground, murmured to himself.

She found that she was really like an ant in front of Ji Wufeng, no, really even worse than an ant. Her behavior was simply a joke in Ji Wufeng's eyes.

He raised his head and looked at Su Danxiao, showing a sad smile and said: "Kill me."

Su Danxiao shook her head and said, "I said I won't kill you, so just leave."

Qingfeng was stunned, and everyone in Qifeng Pavilion was also stunned. Qingfeng betrayed and almost killed Su Danxiao. Su Danxiao actually wanted to let her go. This was not her way of doing things. Su Danxiao was in the past. It is absolutely impossible for Danxiao to do this, and he will definitely eradicate the root cause.

The reason why these people were afraid of Su Danxiao was only because of her identity and background. Her methods also frightened them.

"Sister, why did you let her go? She just wanted to kill you!" Su Qianxiao said angrily.

"I have already said that I will let her go. Anyone who dares to touch her will have trouble with me!" Su Danxiao had a chill in her eyes, revealing her heroine side.

Not only the people in Qifeng Pavilion were surprised, but also Ji Wufeng. Why did Su Danxiao suddenly become so generous? He could actually let go of the person who wanted to kill him just now.

Qingfeng's eyes were dull. She was probably the most confused person right now. She was the one who knew Su Danxiao's methods best. She never thought that she still had a way to survive.

"Miss, I'm sorry for you!"

Qingfeng suddenly said something incomprehensible, and then jumped into the Taotao River.

Everyone was momentarily distracted, wondering why Qingfeng would jump into the river to commit suicide when Su Danxiao had already let her go?

"Why are you bothering?"

Su Danxiao suddenly looked lonely, turned to Ji Wufeng and asked, "Am I really a very vicious person? No one believes that I want to let someone go."

Ji Wufeng looked at her strangely and found that this woman seemed a little different. She had always been mercenary. Why was she so sentimental today?

"She just said sorry to you

, it’s not that she doesn’t believe you, but that she feels sorry for you and has no face to live in the world anymore. "Ji Wufeng said.

"Really?" Su Danxiao murmured to herself.

"Otherwise, there is no way to explain her apology just now." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

At this moment, an elder from Qifeng Pavilion pointed out the window and said, "Someone is coming."

They saw more than a dozen speedboats coming like flying, and they were close to Qifeng Pavilion's ship in an instant. When they saw it clearly, they were all frightened. They saw that all the speedboats were full of people in black, with pale faces and bloody eyes. Empty and lifeless, they are all the undead warriors killed by Ji Wufeng just now!

There are more than a dozen speedboats, and there are more than a dozen men in black on each speedboat. This is a total of hundreds of monsters. No matter how powerful Ji Wufeng is, he may not be able to kill them all.

It’s over, I’m going to die today!


Ruan Xiang, who had been standing there waiting to die, suddenly laughed wildly: "Ji Wufeng, you didn't expect it, but today this is your burial place!"

Ji Wufeng saw a familiar voice on a speedboat and frowned: "It's really noisy."

He patted it with his big hand, and Ruan Xiang's head was immediately sucked into his hand. With a strong pat, Ruan Xiang's head was like a smashed watermelon, with white and red sprays all over the floor!

Fortunately, everyone's optic nerves have been immune to the impact just now, otherwise, they would all have to vomit it out on the spot!

The speedboat quickly surrounded the yacht, and as far as the eye could see, it was filled with men in black. A young man who looked like a ghost flew onto the boat, and the eerie and terrifying aura emanating from his whole body made those in Qifeng Pavilion unbearable. She started to tremble, and Su Danxiao almost lost her balance. If Su Danxiao hadn't been holding her up, she would have collapsed on the ground.

The aura exuded by this young man was really terrifying. Standing in front of everyone, it seemed as if he was the seducer from hell and could take their lives at any time.

"Hey, Ji Wufeng, you didn't expect us to meet again, right?" Qianye Ming said with a sinister smile.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect you to have the guts to come and die!" Ji Wufeng said with disdain.

Qianye Ming's eyes were ruthless as he said, "I said, everything you give me, I will give it back to you ten times or a hundred times!"

"Really? There are many braggarts out there, but there are very few clowns like you who can brag." Ji Wufeng sneered.

"Do you think you have everything under control? I don't think so. Today is your death anniversary!"

Qianye Ming waved his hand, and four men in black, their whole bodies shrouded in a layer of black mist, flew onto the ship. An elder of Qifeng Pavilion was so frightened by the monster that he trembled. The man in black stretched out his claws. , and suddenly a black energy rushed out, and this black energy seemed to be alive and rushed towards the elder of Qifeng Pavilion.

"Ah...save me..."

The veteran of Qifeng Pavilion was entangled by a layer of black energy, and he let out a miserable howl. Something terrible happened. The layer of black energy was like a ball of black flame, and a living person was instantly burned into a ball. Blackened ashes.


Those people in Qifeng Pavilion had never seen such a terrifying thing. Some of them were frightened to the point of peeing, and a foul smell rose from the bottom of their thighs.

"Hey, Ji Wufeng, these four are tailor-made for you." Qianye Ming said ferociously. Qingfeng took a step back and said coldly: "If you are not afraid that I will kill her, just do it. As long as you dare, I will shoot right away. I will give her my life back without any loss."

Ji Wufeng is so terrifying, it feels like he is not a human at all, but a devil!

Everyone in Qifeng Pavilion retreated a certain distance, fearing that Qingfeng, who was in a crazy state at this time, would shoot rashly.

Ji Wufeng's eyes flashed coldly, and Su Danxiao immediately said: "Save her life!"

Qingfeng sneered: "Leave me alone? You should take care of yourself first...!"

But before she could finish her words, her eyes flashed, and her neck was pinched by a big hand, as if it was clamped by iron pliers. It felt like if the other party exerted force, his neck would be crushed.

"In my opinion, you are just an ant. No, you are not even comparable to an ant. An ungrateful person like you who repays kindness with evil will only be called a bedbug. Killing you will only dirty my hands!"

Ji Wufeng stared at Qingfeng with his cold eyes. With a wave of his hand, Qingfeng's body flew out, knocking over tables and chairs.

Now that Su Danxiao has spoken, Ji Wufeng will leave her alive. Just like what he said just now, she is just a bedbug and cannot even pose a threat to him.

"How could this happen?" Qingfeng, who was sitting on the ground, murmured to himself.

She found that she was really like an ant in front of Ji Wufeng, no, really even worse than an ant. Her behavior was simply a joke in Ji Wufeng's eyes.

He raised his head and looked at Su Danxiao, showing a sad smile and said: "Kill me."

Su Danxiao shook her head and said, "I said I won't kill you, so just leave."

Qingfeng was stunned, and everyone in Qifeng Pavilion was also stunned. Qingfeng betrayed and almost killed Su Danxiao. Su Danxiao actually wanted to let her go. This was not her way of doing things. Su Danxiao was in the past. It is absolutely impossible for Danxiao to do this, and he will definitely eradicate the root cause.

The reason why these people were afraid of Su Danxiao was only because of her identity and background. Her methods also frightened them.

"Sister, why did you let her go? She just wanted to kill you!" Su Qianxiao said angrily.

"I have already said that I will let her go. Anyone who dares to touch her will have trouble with me!" Su Danxiao had a chill in her eyes, revealing her heroine side.

Not only the people in Qifeng Pavilion were surprised, but also Ji Wufeng. Why did Su Danxiao suddenly become so generous? He could actually let go of the person who wanted to kill him just now.

Qingfeng's eyes were dull. She was probably the most confused person right now. She was the one who knew Su Danxiao's methods best. She never thought that she still had a way to survive.

"Miss, I'm sorry for you!"

Qingfeng suddenly said something incomprehensible, and then jumped into the Taotao River.

Everyone was momentarily distracted, wondering why Qingfeng would jump into the river to commit suicide when Su Danxiao had already let her go?

"Why are you bothering?"

Su Danxiao suddenly looked lonely, turned to Ji Wufeng and asked, "Am I really a very vicious person? No one believes that I want to let someone go."

Ji Wufeng looked at her strangely and found that this woman seemed a little different. She had always been mercenary. Why was she so sentimental today?

"She just said sorry to you

, it’s not that she doesn’t believe you, but that she feels sorry for you and has no face to live in the world anymore. "Ji Wufeng said.

"Really?" Su Danxiao murmured to herself.

"Otherwise, there is no way to explain her apology just now." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

At this moment, an elder from Qifeng Pavilion pointed out the window and said, "Someone is coming."

They saw more than a dozen speedboats coming like flying, and they were close to Qifeng Pavilion's ship in an instant. When they saw it clearly, they were all frightened. They saw that all the speedboats were full of people in black, with pale faces and bloody eyes. Empty and lifeless, they are all the undead warriors killed by Ji Wufeng just now!

There are more than a dozen speedboats, and there are more than a dozen men in black on each speedboat. This is a total of hundreds of monsters. No matter how powerful Ji Wufeng is, he may not be able to kill them all.

It’s over, I’m going to die today!


Ruan Xiang, who had been standing there waiting to die, suddenly laughed wildly: "Ji Wufeng, you didn't expect it, but today this is your burial place!"

Ji Wufeng saw a familiar voice on a speedboat and frowned: "It's really noisy."

He patted it with his big hand, and Ruan Xiang's head was immediately sucked into his hand. With a strong pat, Ruan Xiang's head was like a smashed watermelon, with white and red sprays all over the floor!

Fortunately, everyone's optic nerves have been immune to the impact just now, otherwise, they would all have to vomit it out on the spot!

The speedboat quickly surrounded the yacht, and as far as the eye could see, it was filled with men in black. A young man who looked like a ghost flew onto the boat, and the eerie and terrifying aura emanating from his whole body made those in Qifeng Pavilion unbearable. She started to tremble, and Su Danxiao almost lost her balance. If Su Danxiao hadn't been holding her up, she would have collapsed on the ground.

The aura exuded by this young man was really terrifying. Standing in front of everyone, it seemed as if he was the seducer from hell and could take their lives at any time.

"Hey, Ji Wufeng, you didn't expect us to meet again, right?" Qianye Ming said with a sinister smile.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect you to have the guts to come and die!" Ji Wufeng said with disdain.

Qianye Ming's eyes were ruthless as he said, "I said, everything you give me, I will give it back to you ten times or a hundred times!"

"Really? There are many braggarts out there, but there are very few clowns like you who can brag." Ji Wufeng sneered.

"Do you think you have everything under control? I don't think so. Today is your death anniversary!"

Qianye Ming waved his hand, and four men in black, their whole bodies shrouded in a layer of black mist, flew onto the ship. An elder of Qifeng Pavilion was so frightened by the monster that he trembled. The man in black stretched out his claws. , and suddenly a black energy rushed out, and this black energy seemed to be alive and rushed towards the elder of Qifeng Pavilion.

"Ah...save me..."

The veteran of Qifeng Pavilion was entangled by a layer of black energy, and he let out a miserable howl. Something terrible happened. The layer of black energy was like a ball of black flame, and a living person was instantly burned into a ball. Blackened ashes.


Those people in Qifeng Pavilion had never seen such a terrifying thing. Some of them were frightened to the point of peeing, and a foul smell rose from the bottom of their thighs.

"Hey, Ji Wufeng, these four are tailor-made for you." Qianye Ming said ferociously.

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