Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1145 The real young master of the Chiba family

Ji Wufeng understood. No wonder Qianye Ming was so courageous. It turned out that he was fearless and created these four people to deal with him specifically.

"Do you think you can kill me with just four losers?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

If yesterday, Ji Wufeng might still be a little afraid of these four monsters, but now because of Luo Luo, his combat power has greatly increased, how could he put Qianye Ming in his eyes.

"Hmph, you are dead today, kill me, no one will be spared!" Qianye Ming shouted with murderous intent!

Suddenly, all the men in black exuded a cold evil aura and came overwhelmingly. Unable to withstand this terrible impact, the Su sisters almost fainted.

As for others, they feel that the end of the world is coming. Once these monsters attack, they may never have a chance to survive.

"I surrender, don't kill me, I surrender..." .??.

A Qifeng Pavilion elder cried loudly, if he could not see the situation clearly at this time, he would end up either turning into a mummy or being burned to black ashes.

One person's surrender reminded others, and they all leaned towards Qianye Ming and shouted: "We surrender, we all surrender, spare our lives..."

Seeing the surrender of these people, Qianye Ming said with a proud face: "Those who know the current affairs are heroes. The weak should succumb to the strong. They have proven to you that you will die today."

"Really? A bunch of wallflowers, hob meat, useless trash, how come they give you so much confidence?" Ji Wufeng's eyes were filled with contempt.

"Yes, they are indeed a bunch of useless trash."

After Qianye Ming finished speaking, his big hand suddenly opened, and several lines of black energy that seemed to be alive suddenly sprang out, surrounding the surrendered Qifeng Pavilion elders, and turned into black ashes amidst the shrill howls. .

The few remaining elders of Qifeng Pavilion who had not had time to surrender were almost frightened and cried. Oh my God, you will die even if you surrender?

"They are worse than ants in my eyes. If I want them to die, they will die. And you are just like an ant today!" Qianye Ming was murderous, as if everything was under control.

Su Danxiao walked to Ji Wufeng's side, looked at Tong Xin who was in a semi-conscious state, and then said apologetically to Ji Wufeng: "I'm sorry for causing you to be involved."

If Ji Wufeng hadn't been in a hurry to help her deal with the Qifeng Pavilion matter, he would never have fallen into Qianye Ming's trap.

"You don't seem to be a person who likes to say sorry." Ji Wufeng said.

Su Danxiao was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said with a bitter smile: "It seems that I talked a lot today."

Ji Wufeng smiled. Although Su Danxiao was good-looking, Ji Wufeng didn't like her very much, but today he discovered that she was actually pretty slim.

"It's not that I was implicated by you. To be more precise, it's that you were implicated by me. Their real target is me."

Ji Wufeng was right, Qian Yeming's target was him, and Su Danxiao was just a bait. On the surface, it seemed that Qian Yeming's plan had been successful, but was that really the case?

"Are you afraid of death?" Ji Wufeng asked Su Danxiao.

"Of course I'm scared, and I'm scared to death!"

Su Danxiao suddenly laughed and said, "But even if I die today, I have no regrets."

For some reason, Su Danxiao knew that it was very likely that she was doomed this time, but she could

But I didn't feel too panicked. On the contrary, I still felt a sense of security.

Ji Wufeng suddenly shook his head and said, "What a pity. Even if you want to die today, it may not be that easy for you."

At this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded outside: "Haha... I can finally go on a killing spree today. It's almost killing me..."

Su Danxiao looked out the window and saw three speedboats rushing over at high speed. The speedboats were full of people. The one who laughed wildly just now was a tall, dark-skinned, silly man, none other than Zhao Jiaolong.

Beside Zhao Jiaolong are Yuan Dongdong, Lin Tianzhao, Nie Hu, Yue Kunpeng and others.

On the second speedboat were Murong Wuji, Wen Jingtao, Jin Yu, Fang Tianhua and others.

The third speedboat was led by Weilong, Maplewood Bay and other elites.

The three speedboats approached Qifeng Pavilion's yacht in a surrounding situation. Zhao Jiaolong, the most active one, waved the Dragon Tooth Blade in his hand and shouted violently: "Kill, kill me!"

Before he finished speaking, he stomped on the ground, and his body was like a cannonball rushing towards the speedboat of the man in black!

But before he landed, a ghost-like figure floated onto the speedboat. The dragon's tooth blade in his hand rose and fell, and a head flew up.

Zhao Jiaolong immediately yelled: "Damn, you damn fat man!"

Yuan Dongdong patted his butt and said: "You are so nagging. If you don't like me, don't be nagging."

"I'm not as good as you?"

Zhao Jiaolong was furious. After he landed on the speedboat, he slashed across the air with the Dragon Tooth Blade in his hand, immediately splitting a man in black in half from his head to his heels!

Yuan Dongdong killed two people in a row, and the remaining men in black immediately attacked him. At this moment, a sword flashed, and the heads of the two men in black fell to the ground. Nie Hufei, who was holding a long sword, Got the speed boat.

The people on the other two speedboats couldn't wait any longer and rushed towards the speedboat filled with men in black to attack them.

Su Qianxiao, who was already desperate, immediately said in surprise: "Sister, we are here to rescue the troops."

After Su Danxiao was pleasantly surprised, the look in her eyes was a little complicated, and a trace of sadness arose in her heart. It turned out that he had already planned it. Was she the bait he set out?

Qianye Ming was immediately furious and said: "Ji Wufeng, are you plotting against me?"

Originally he thought he had plotted against Ji Wufeng, but he didn't expect that he would be plotted against by Ji Wufeng in the end.

Ji Wufeng looked disdainful and said, "How dare you deserve to be counted among me? The Qianye Liu I'm waiting for is not a waste like you."

As soon as these words came out, Qianye Ming was shocked and said: "Do you know Qianye Liu?"

He had never revealed the name Qianye Liu. How did Ji Wufeng know about it?

Perhaps to the outside world, he is the young master of the Chiba family, but in fact he knows very well that in comparison, to the Chiba family, he is a waste.

Only Chiba-ryu is the dragon among men, the future of the Chiba family, and the future master of the Chiba family!

Yes, Qianye Ming has indeed never leaked Qianye Liu, but through An Jiling, he has learned that Qianye Ming is just a puppet on the cards.

All the actions taken by the Chiba family against him were under the instruction of Chiba Liu.

Now Qianye Ming is no longer within the range of Ji Wufeng's opponents. His opponent is Qianye Liu, the real young master of the Qianye family. Ji Wufeng understood. No wonder Qianye Ming was so courageous. It turned out that he was fearless and created these four people to deal with him specifically.

"Do you think you can kill me with just four losers?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

If yesterday, Ji Wufeng might still be a little afraid of these four monsters, but now because of Luo Luo, his combat power has greatly increased, how could he put Qianye Ming in his eyes.

"Hmph, you are dead today, kill me, no one will be spared!" Qianye Ming shouted with murderous intent!

Suddenly, all the men in black exuded a cold evil aura and came overwhelmingly. Unable to withstand this terrible impact, the Su sisters almost fainted.

As for others, they feel that the end of the world is coming. Once these monsters attack, they may never have a chance to survive.

"I surrender, don't kill me, I surrender..."

A Qifeng Pavilion elder cried loudly, if he could not see the situation clearly at this time, he would end up either turning into a mummy or being burned to black ashes.

One person's surrender reminded others, and they all leaned towards Qianye Ming and shouted: "We surrender, we all surrender, spare our lives..."

Seeing the surrender of these people, Qianye Ming said with a proud face: "Those who know the current affairs are heroes. The weak should succumb to the strong. They have proven to you that you will die today."

"Really? A bunch of wallflowers, hob meat, useless trash, how come they give you so much confidence?" Ji Wufeng's eyes were filled with contempt.

"Yes, they are indeed a bunch of useless trash."

After Qianye Ming finished speaking, his big hand suddenly opened, and several lines of black energy that seemed to be alive suddenly sprang out, surrounding the surrendered Qifeng Pavilion elders, and turned into black ashes amidst the shrill howls. .

The few remaining elders of Qifeng Pavilion who had not had time to surrender were almost frightened and cried. Oh my God, you will die even if you surrender?

"They are worse than ants in my eyes. If I want them to die, they will die. And you are just like an ant today!" Qianye Ming was murderous, as if everything was under control.

Su Danxiao walked to Ji Wufeng's side, looked at Tong Xin who was in a semi-conscious state, and then said apologetically to Ji Wufeng: "I'm sorry for causing you to be involved."

If Ji Wufeng hadn't been in a hurry to help her deal with the Qifeng Pavilion matter, he would never have fallen into Qianye Ming's trap.

"You don't seem to be a person who likes to say sorry." Ji Wufeng said.

Su Danxiao was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said with a bitter smile: "It seems that I talked a lot today."

Ji Wufeng smiled. Although Su Danxiao was good-looking, Ji Wufeng didn't like her very much, but today he discovered that she was actually pretty slim.

"It's not that I was implicated by you. To be more precise, it's that you were implicated by me. Their real target is me."

Ji Wufeng was right, Qian Yeming's target was him, and Su Danxiao was just a bait. On the surface, it seemed that Qian Yeming's plan had been successful, but was that really the case?

"Are you afraid of death?" Ji Wufeng asked Su Danxiao.

"Of course I'm scared, and I'm scared to death!"

Su Danxiao suddenly laughed and said, "But even if I die today, I have no regrets."

For some reason, Su Danxiao knew that it was very likely that she was doomed this time, but she could

But I didn't feel too panicked. On the contrary, I still felt a sense of security.

Ji Wufeng suddenly shook his head and said, "What a pity. Even if you want to die today, it may not be that easy for you."

At this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded outside: "Haha... I can finally go on a killing spree today. It's almost killing me..."

Su Danxiao looked out the window and saw three speedboats rushing over at high speed. The speedboats were full of people. The one who laughed wildly just now was a tall, dark-skinned, silly man, none other than Zhao Jiaolong.

Beside Zhao Jiaolong are Yuan Dongdong, Lin Tianzhao, Nie Hu, Yue Kunpeng and others.

On the second speedboat were Murong Wuji, Wen Jingtao, Jin Yu, Fang Tianhua and others.

The third speedboat was led by Weilong, Maplewood Bay and other elites.

The three speedboats approached Qifeng Pavilion's yacht in a surrounding situation. Zhao Jiaolong, the most active one, waved the Dragon Tooth Blade in his hand and shouted violently: "Kill, kill me!"

Before he finished speaking, he stomped on the ground, and his body was like a cannonball rushing towards the speedboat of the man in black!

But before he landed, a ghost-like figure floated onto the speedboat. The dragon's tooth blade in his hand rose and fell, and a head flew up.

Zhao Jiaolong immediately yelled: "Damn, you damn fat man!"

Yuan Dongdong patted his butt and said: "You are so nagging. If you don't like me, don't be nagging."

"I'm not as good as you?"

Zhao Jiaolong was furious. After he landed on the speedboat, he slashed across the air with the Dragon Tooth Blade in his hand, immediately splitting a man in black in half from his head to his heels!

Yuan Dongdong killed two people in a row, and the remaining men in black immediately attacked him. At this moment, a sword flashed, and the heads of the two men in black fell to the ground. Nie Hufei, who was holding a long sword, Got the speed boat.

The people on the other two speedboats couldn't wait any longer and rushed towards the speedboat filled with men in black to attack them.

Su Qianxiao, who was already desperate, immediately said in surprise: "Sister, we are here to rescue the troops."

After Su Danxiao was pleasantly surprised, the look in her eyes was a little complicated, and a trace of sadness arose in her heart. It turned out that he had already planned it. Was she the bait he set out?

Qianye Ming was immediately furious and said: "Ji Wufeng, are you plotting against me?"

Originally he thought he had plotted against Ji Wufeng, but he didn't expect that he would be plotted against by Ji Wufeng in the end.

Ji Wufeng looked disdainful and said, "How dare you deserve to be counted among me? The Qianye Liu I'm waiting for is not a waste like you."

As soon as these words came out, Qianye Ming was shocked and said: "Do you know Qianye Liu?"

He had never revealed the name Qianye Liu. How did Ji Wufeng know about it?

Perhaps to the outside world, he is the young master of the Chiba family, but in fact he knows very well that in comparison, to the Chiba family, he is a waste.

Only Chiba-ryu is the dragon among men, the future of the Chiba family, and the future master of the Chiba family!

Yes, Qianye Ming has indeed never leaked Qianye Liu, but through An Jiling, he has learned that Qianye Ming is just a puppet on the cards.

All the actions taken by the Chiba family against him were under the instruction of Chiba Liu.

Now Qianye Ming is no longer within the range of Ji Wufeng's opponents. His opponent is Qianye Liu, the real young master of the Qianye family.

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