Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1146 Your last words can never be fulfilled

This time he had a hunting plan, but unfortunately, the prey that came was not his biggest problem - Chiba Ryu!

Qianye Liu is definitely a dangerous person. The more he hides his face, the more dangerous Ji Wufeng feels. Who knows if he is hiding in the corner again and holding back his bad feelings.

"Kill him!" Qianye Ming yelled crazily.

The four men in black specially used to deal with Ji Wufeng suddenly had traces of black mist on their bodies, like the gods of death wandering in the night. Ji Wufeng discovered that the places where the black mist touched the men in black began to corrode, No wonder it can turn a living person into coke.

They are no longer human beings, they are weapons, human weapons that can take human lives!

Four men in black rushed towards Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng snorted coldly and slapped the head of a man in black. There was only a click and the skull of the man in black shattered.

But the man in black was not killed. Instead, he roared at Ji Wufeng with his broken head.

"Hahaha... Did you see that they are truly immortal now? Even if you chop off their heads, you can't kill them. Ji Wufeng, I said this is your burial place!" Qianye Ming laughed wildly. road.

"Hmph, it's a thing that's neither human nor ghost!"

Ji Wufeng slapped him with another big mouth, and when he hit, he pulled out half of the man in black's head, revealing the shriveled brain inside the skull. But unfortunately, the man in black still didn't fall, but instead Even more powerful.

Ji Wufeng's face suddenly darkened slightly. He didn't expect that these guys couldn't be beaten to death. Fortunately, there were only four of them. If there were a lot of them, it would be really difficult to deal with them.

Chiba Ryu is so abominable, he must die, he can do such dehumanizing things, he cannot be left alive!

"Hahaha... suffer death, kill, kill him!" Qianye Ming laughed crazily.

He was very confident in these four mutated undead warriors and were fully capable of killing Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly became sharp, and a violent force came out of his body. His body suddenly rose up, and his big hand pressed down in the air. Suddenly everyone felt as if a mountain was about to collapse and press down!


Ji Wufeng slapped a man in black on the head with his palm, and poof... the man in black's body was torn into pieces, and rubble was scattered everywhere. It bounced on the ground for a while, and then there was no movement.

Qianye Ming's eyes immediately widened, his face full of disbelief, and he exclaimed in disbelief: "This is impossible!"

These mutated undead warriors are upgraded versions, both in terms of self-healing ability and combat power. They are specially created for Ji Wufeng, just to deal with Ji Wufeng, but he did not expect that what he relies on is simply vulnerable to Ji Wufeng.

Since he was able to kill, Ji Wufeng felt a little more at ease, and sneered at Qianye Ming: "Didn't Qianye Liu tell you that your so-called mutated undead warriors are ineffective against me?"

Ji Wufeng had already guessed that the person who had been plotting against Luo Luo was Qianye Liu, and now that Luo Luo has become an ordinary person, his strength has greatly increased. It is impossible for Qianye Liu not to know, but he still let Qianye Ming come. .

On the one hand, he wanted Qianye Ming to test his strength, but on the other hand, he also wanted Qianye Ming to test his strength.

He has given up on Qianye Ming.

"No, he wouldn't do this to me." Qian Yeming's face was full of disbelief.

Ji Wufeng smashed another man in black into pieces with his palm, shook his head and said: "You are so pitiful, you are trying every possible means to seek strength to defeat me, and you are not willing to change yourself into a person who is not like a human or a ghost. In the end, you are still like a ghost." Become someone else’s tool, and a tool that needs to be abandoned.”

There is no accident. Now Qianye Liu has given up on Qianye Ming. Since he let Qianye Ming come, he has no intention of letting him go back alive.

"No, definitely not, there is no way you would do this to me!" Qianye Ming shook his head, unwilling to accept this reality.

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt that Qianye Ming was really pitiful. He was originally a dragon among men, but for his own selfish desires, he lost his mind in crazy revenge, and finally became a tool in the hands of others, and it was also a tool that could be discarded at will.

When Ji Wufeng casually smashed the third man in black into powder, Qianye Ming's face instantly turned pale. While he was frightened by Ji Wufeng's strength, he also agreed with what Ji Wufeng said. He had indeed been given up.


After Ji Wufeng beat the last man in black to death, he looked at Qianye Ming and said, "You were once my opponent after all, so I'll give you a chance to leave your last words."

Ji Wufeng killed the four men in black in an understatement. Qianye Ming finally despaired. Knowing that he had lost his last chance, he said with endless resentment in his eyes: "My last words are to leave you dead and buried." land!"

"I'm sorry, but your last words will never come true."

After Ji Wufeng said something calmly, he suddenly arrived in front of Qianye Ming. Surprisingly, Qianye Ming did not make any resistance and allowed Ji Wufeng to grab his neck.


Ji Wufeng easily took off Qianye Ming's head, but Qianye Ming did not die immediately. He said with full of resentment: "Ji Wufeng, I just took a step early. I will wait for you on the road to hell!"

Throwing away Qianye Ming's head, Ji Wufeng said lightly: "It's a pity, I have already been to Huangquan Road, but the Lord of Hell didn't dare to accept me."

Qianye Ming's voluntary giving up prevented the next bloody battle. However, with Qianye Ming's death, the men in black outside suddenly seemed to have gone crazy. They no longer cared about their opponents and roared crazily. Rush towards Ji Wufeng.

The destructive power of this group of men in black was undoubtedly very terrifying. They rushed together and heard a loud noise. The entire yacht was destroyed, and the remaining people in Qifeng Pavilion fell into the river crying.

Ji Wufeng held Tong Xin's body and jumped into the air. He heard two more panicked sounds and saw that the Su sisters were about to fall into the water. How could he forget them?

But Ji Wufeng only had two hands. One hand was already used to hold Tong Xin, and the remaining hand could only hold one more person. He hugged Su Danxiao without hesitation and shouted loudly: "Come here and save me alone." people!"

Everyone else was in high spirits, enjoying the killing, when they saw a burly body suddenly rise up, speeding over, hugging Su Qianxiao before she fell into the water, it was Yue Kunpeng!

Seeing that Su Qianxiao was fine, Ji Wufeng jumped to the shore with the two beauties in his arms. Suddenly, he felt that the palms holding Su Danxiao were soft. Did he touch something? This time he had a hunting plan, but unfortunately, the prey that came was not his biggest problem - Chiba Ryu!

Qianye Liu is definitely a dangerous person. The more he hides his face, the more dangerous Ji Wufeng feels. Who knows if he is hiding in the corner again and holding back his bad feelings.

"Kill him!" Qianye Ming yelled crazily.

The four men in black specially used to deal with Ji Wufeng suddenly had traces of black mist on their bodies, like the gods of death wandering in the night. Ji Wufeng discovered that the places where the black mist touched the men in black began to corrode, No wonder it can turn a living person into coke.

They are no longer human beings, they are weapons, human weapons that can take human lives!

Four men in black rushed towards Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng snorted coldly and slapped the head of a man in black. There was only a click and the skull of the man in black shattered.

But the man in black was not killed. Instead, he roared at Ji Wufeng with his broken head.

"Hahaha... Did you see that they are truly immortal now? Even if you chop off their heads, you can't kill them. Ji Wufeng, I said this is your burial place!" Qianye Ming laughed wildly. road.

"Hmph, it's a thing that's neither human nor ghost!"

Ji Wufeng slapped him with another big mouth, and when he hit, he pulled out half of the man in black's head, revealing the shriveled brain inside the skull. But unfortunately, the man in black still didn't fall, but instead Even more powerful.

Ji Wufeng's face suddenly darkened slightly. He didn't expect that these guys couldn't be beaten to death. Fortunately, there were only four of them. If there were a lot of them, it would be really difficult to deal with them.

Chiba Ryu is so abominable, he must die, he can do such dehumanizing things, he cannot be left alive!

"Hahaha... suffer death, kill, kill him!" Qianye Ming laughed crazily.

He was very confident in these four mutated undead warriors and were fully capable of killing Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly became sharp, and a violent force came out of his body. His body suddenly rose up, and his big hand pressed down in the air. Suddenly everyone felt as if a mountain was about to collapse and press down!


Ji Wufeng slapped a man in black on the head with his palm, and poof... the man in black's body was torn into pieces, and rubble was scattered everywhere. It bounced on the ground for a while, and then there was no movement.

Qianye Ming's eyes immediately widened, his face full of disbelief, and he exclaimed in disbelief: "This is impossible!"

These mutated undead warriors are upgraded versions, both in terms of self-healing ability and combat power. They are specially created for Ji Wufeng, just to deal with Ji Wufeng, but he did not expect that what he relies on is simply vulnerable to Ji Wufeng.

Since he was able to kill, Ji Wufeng felt a little more at ease, and sneered at Qianye Ming: "Didn't Qianye Liu tell you that your so-called mutated undead warriors are ineffective against me?"

Ji Wufeng had already guessed that the person who had been plotting against Luo Luo was Qianye Liu, and now that Luo Luo has become an ordinary person, his strength has greatly increased. It is impossible for Qianye Liu not to know, but he still let Qianye Ming come. .

On the one hand, he wanted Qianye Ming to test his strength, but on the other hand, he also wanted Qianye Ming to test his strength.

He has given up on Qianye Ming.

"No, he wouldn't do this to me." Qian Yeming's face was full of disbelief.

Ji Wufeng smashed another man in black into pieces with his palm, shook his head and said: "You are so pitiful, you are trying every possible means to seek strength to defeat me, and you are not willing to change yourself into a person who is not like a human or a ghost. In the end, you are still like a ghost." Become someone else’s tool, and a tool that needs to be abandoned.”

There is no accident. Now Qianye Liu has given up on Qianye Ming. Since he let Qianye Ming come, he has no intention of letting him go back alive.

"No, definitely not, there is no way you would do this to me!" Qianye Ming shook his head, unwilling to accept this reality.

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt that Qianye Ming was really pitiful. He was originally a dragon among men, but for his own selfish desires, he lost his mind in crazy revenge, and finally became a tool in the hands of others, and it was also a tool that could be discarded at will.

When Ji Wufeng casually smashed the third man in black into powder, Qianye Ming's face instantly turned pale. While he was frightened by Ji Wufeng's strength, he also agreed with what Ji Wufeng said. He had indeed been given up.


After Ji Wufeng beat the last man in black to death, he looked at Qianye Ming and said, "You were once my opponent after all, so I'll give you a chance to leave your last words."

Ji Wufeng killed the four men in black in an understatement. Qianye Ming finally despaired. Knowing that he had lost his last chance, he said with endless resentment in his eyes: "My last words are to leave you dead and buried." land!"

"I'm sorry, but your last words will never come true."

After Ji Wufeng said something calmly, he suddenly arrived in front of Qianye Ming. Surprisingly, Qianye Ming did not make any resistance and allowed Ji Wufeng to grab his neck.


Ji Wufeng easily took off Qianye Ming's head, but Qianye Ming did not die immediately. He said with full of resentment: "Ji Wufeng, I just took a step early. I will wait for you on the road to hell!"

Throwing away Qianye Ming's head, Ji Wufeng said lightly: "It's a pity, I have already been to Huangquan Road, but the Lord of Hell didn't dare to accept me."

Qianye Ming's voluntary giving up prevented the next bloody battle. However, with Qianye Ming's death, the men in black outside suddenly seemed to have gone crazy. They no longer cared about their opponents and roared crazily. Rush towards Ji Wufeng.

The destructive power of this group of men in black was undoubtedly very terrifying. They rushed together and heard a loud noise. The entire yacht was destroyed, and the remaining people in Qifeng Pavilion fell into the river crying.

Ji Wufeng held Tong Xin's body and jumped into the air. He heard two more panicked sounds and saw that the Su sisters were about to fall into the water. How could he forget them?

But Ji Wufeng only had two hands. One hand was already used to hold Tong Xin, and the remaining hand could only hold one more person. He hugged Su Danxiao without hesitation and shouted loudly: "Come here and save me alone." people!"

Everyone else was in high spirits, enjoying the killing, when they saw a burly body suddenly rise up, speeding over, hugging Su Qianxiao before she fell into the water, it was Yue Kunpeng!

Seeing that Su Qianxiao was fine, Ji Wufeng jumped to the shore with the two beauties in his arms. Suddenly, he felt that the palms holding Su Danxiao were soft. Did he touch something?

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