Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1148 I’m here to return the favor

After Nie Hu and the others left, Tong Xin immediately jumped out of bed and wanted to run away as if there was a ghost chasing behind her.

Ji Wufeng quickly grabbed her and said, "What are you doing? I haven't treated your injury yet."

Tong Xin lowered her head and said with a blush, "I won't be cured, otherwise there will be another misunderstanding later."

After saying that, he wanted to run away, but Ji Wufeng held him back and couldn't get away. He almost burst into tears.

Ji Wufeng said: "Do you think they won't misunderstand you now that you ran out? There is no way to explain this kind of thing. Since I explained Qingchen, I won't explain it anymore. Let's heal the injury first."

The yellow mud on the crotch is either feces or feces, what else is there to explain?


"No need, I am giving you an order as the captain of the Dragon Teeth Team to stay and treat your injuries!" Ji Wufeng said seriously.

Seeing that Ji Wufeng's orders had come out, Tong Xin had no choice but to walk back to the bed and let Ji Wufeng do his bidding!

Today's battle can be said to be a complete victory, and everyone naturally wanted to celebrate. A large number of people all ran to Hongye City, and almost carried away the entire Hongye City in the middle of the night.

After dealing with Tong Xin's injury, Ji Wufeng left the room. After closing the door, he couldn't help but slap himself. A gentleman who pretends to be a hammer? It looks so good, why don’t you watch it for a while?

An elegant and lonely figure was sitting outside, holding a delicate lady's cigarette in his hand. Seeing Ji Wufeng coming out, Su Danxiao stood up and asked with concern: "How is Tong Xin doing now?"

"It's nothing serious, just some skin injuries. She is a martial arts practitioner, so her physical condition is much better than that of ordinary people. She will be fine after two or three days of recovery." Ji Wufeng said.

Su Danxiao let out a long breath and said, "That's good."

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Are you very concerned about her injury?"

Su Danxiao smiled bitterly and said: "She was injured because she was trying to save me. If I didn't care, wouldn't it be too heartless?"

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "I have already said that this matter has nothing to do with you. I am their target."

Su Danxiao suddenly looked at Ji Wufeng with wide eyes and said, "I can see that you are very nervous about Tong Xin. If I was the one who was injured, would you be so nervous too?"

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He really couldn't answer this question. He and Tong Xin had known each other for a long time and were already very close friends, while Su Danxiao could only be regarded as half a friend.

And he had a very bad impression of Su Danxiao. There were more interests involved, and intimacy... was out of the question at all.

But now he found that Su Danxiao seemed to have undergone some changes, and she seemed not as miserable as he thought before.

Seeing Ji Wufeng's delay in answering, Su Danxiao smiled bitterly and said: "There is no need to be embarrassed. I know very well what kind of person I am in the eyes of many people. I am not worthy of being cared about at all."

Qingfeng's betrayal and Ji Wufeng's use made her feel very sad, but Qingfeng was right. She couldn't blame anyone for her fate, it was just her own fault.

She might have never cared before, but at this moment she felt very lonely.

Ji Wufeng let out a long sigh and said: "There is never anything in the world that comes for free. No matter what you want to get, you have to give something. The reason why you care about Tong Xin so much is because she treats you sincerely, and you are so If you care about her, she will also be grateful. I think you will become good friends in the future.


"Will she and I really become good friends?"

"She will definitely, as long as you are willing, she will become your best friend." Ji Wufeng affirmed.

"What about you?" Su Danxiao looked at him inexplicably.


Ji Wufeng was stunned for a moment, then he touched his chin and looked Su Danxiao up and down, and said: "You're not bad. Last time I saw you on the roof of the car, you also have a great figure. You're easy to give birth to. I'm sure you'll give birth to a big fat boy with your first child." ...Why are you kicking me!"

"The thief!"

After Su Danxiao kicked Ji Wufeng, she walked into Tong Xin's room with a cold face.

Ji Wufeng covered his legs and yelled angrily behind him: "How am I a thief? It was you who wanted to be friends with me in the first place, and it was you who seduced me on the roof of the car last time, okay?"


A teacup flew out of the room. Ji Wufeng immediately ran away holding his head. As he ran, he shouted: "Just wait, if I get on the roof of the car again next time, I won't let you leave anyone behind!"

In the Zheng family, Su Jianxing yelled angrily: "What did you do? Didn't you say that bitch Su Danxiao and Ji Wufeng are dead this time?"

Zheng Fenghai's face was ashen. He never expected that Ji Wufeng could be so terrifying. Those men in black were no longer human beings, but in front of Ji Wufeng, they were as vulnerable as chickens and were allowed to be slaughtered.

He finally realized how stupid he was for choosing to go against Ji Wufeng. In comparison, the strength of the two of them was not on the same level at all.

Yuan Feng and Zhuo Zhiyu were also there. They were waiting for the good news at Zheng's house, but they didn't expect that what awaited them would be such an unacceptable result.

Zhuo Zhiyu's face was expressionless, but Yuan Feng's face was filled with resentment. His arm had not fully healed yet. He originally thought he could get revenge this time, but it turned out to be in vain again.

"What are we going to do now?" Zhuo Zhiyu asked with a frown.

"What else can I do? I will rearrange my manpower immediately and kill him no matter the cost!"

Yuan Feng's eyes were red. He also knew how terrifying Ji Wufeng was. What he was waiting for next was Ji Wufeng's revenge.

"As long as I can kill Su Danxiao and Ji Wufeng, I am willing to pay 500 million, my entire worth!" Su Jianxing said.

Zheng Fenghai shook his head slightly. Ji Wufeng's power was already irresistible. Now he still thinks about dealing with others. Isn't that asking for death?

"Wow, so my head is so valuable? If one day I run out of money, I might give my head to you." Someone strode in and said with a smile.

"Ji Wufeng!"

Several people in the room suddenly jumped up from their chairs, their expressions changed greatly, and they asked, "Why are you here?"

Ji Wufeng's eyes turned cold and he sneered: "You gave me such a big gift. If I don't return the gift, wouldn't it make people think I'm too stingy?"

"What do you want?" Zheng Fenghai asked coldly.

"I don't want to do anything. If you pay, you will be rewarded. What do you think I will do to you?" Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes.

"court death!"

Yuan Feng's face suddenly changed, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at Ji Wufeng's head, saying ferociously: "I know you are powerful, but I just don't believe you can be more powerful than bullets!" After Nie Hu and the others left, Tong Xin immediately jumped out of bed, as if she was being chased by a ghost and wanted to run away.

Ji Wufeng quickly grabbed her and said, "What are you doing? I haven't treated your injury yet."

Tong Xin lowered her head and said with a blush, "I won't be cured, otherwise there will be another misunderstanding later."

After saying that, he wanted to run away, but Ji Wufeng held him back and couldn't get away. He almost burst into tears.

Ji Wufeng said: "Do you think they won't misunderstand you now that you ran out? There is no way to explain this kind of thing. Since I explained Qingchen, I won't explain it anymore. Let's heal the injury first."

The yellow mud on the crotch is either feces or feces, what else is there to explain?


"No need, I am giving you an order as the captain of the Dragon Teeth Team to stay and treat your injuries!" Ji Wufeng said seriously.

Seeing that Ji Wufeng's orders had come out, Tong Xin had no choice but to walk back to the bed and let Ji Wufeng do his bidding!

Today's battle can be said to be a complete victory, and everyone naturally wanted to celebrate. A large number of people all ran to Hongye City, and almost carried away the entire Hongye City in the middle of the night.

After dealing with Tong Xin's injury, Ji Wufeng left the room. After closing the door, he couldn't help but slap himself. A gentleman who pretends to be a hammer? It looks so good, why don’t you watch it for a while?

An elegant and lonely figure was sitting outside, holding a delicate lady's cigarette in his hand. Seeing Ji Wufeng coming out, Su Danxiao stood up and asked with concern: "How is Tong Xin doing now?"

"It's nothing serious, just some skin injuries. She is a martial arts practitioner, so her physical condition is much better than that of ordinary people. She will be fine after two or three days of recovery." Ji Wufeng said.

Su Danxiao let out a long breath and said, "That's good."

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Are you very concerned about her injury?"

Su Danxiao smiled bitterly and said: "She was injured because she was trying to save me. If I didn't care, wouldn't it be too heartless?"

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "I have already said that this matter has nothing to do with you. I am their target."

Su Danxiao suddenly looked at Ji Wufeng with wide eyes and said, "I can see that you are very nervous about Tong Xin. If I was the one who was injured, would you be so nervous too?"

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He really couldn't answer this question. He and Tong Xin had known each other for a long time and were already very close friends, while Su Danxiao could only be regarded as half a friend.

And he had a very bad impression of Su Danxiao. There were more interests involved, and intimacy... was out of the question at all.

But now he found that Su Danxiao seemed to have undergone some changes, and she seemed not as miserable as he thought before.

Seeing Ji Wufeng's delay in answering, Su Danxiao smiled bitterly and said: "There is no need to be embarrassed. I know very well what kind of person I am in the eyes of many people. I am not worthy of being cared about at all."

Qingfeng's betrayal and Ji Wufeng's use made her feel very sad, but Qingfeng was right. She couldn't blame anyone for her fate, it was just her own fault.

She might have never cared before, but at this moment she felt very lonely.

Ji Wufeng let out a long sigh and said: "There is never anything in the world that comes for free. No matter what you want to get, you have to give something. The reason why you care about Tong Xin so much is because she treats you sincerely, and you are so If you care about her, she will also be grateful. I think you will become good friends in the future.


"Will she and I really become good friends?"

"She will definitely, as long as you are willing, she will become your best friend." Ji Wufeng affirmed.

"What about you?" Su Danxiao looked at him inexplicably.


Ji Wufeng was stunned for a moment, then he touched his chin and looked Su Danxiao up and down, and said: "You're not bad. Last time I saw you on the roof of the car, you also have a great figure. You're easy to give birth to. I'm sure you'll give birth to a big fat boy with your first child." ...Why are you kicking me!"

"The thief!"

After Su Danxiao kicked Ji Wufeng, she walked into Tong Xin's room with a cold face.

Ji Wufeng covered his legs and yelled angrily behind him: "How am I a thief? It was you who wanted to be friends with me in the first place, and it was you who seduced me on the roof of the car last time, okay?"


A teacup flew out of the room. Ji Wufeng immediately ran away holding his head. As he ran, he shouted: "Just wait, if I get on the roof of the car again next time, I won't let you leave anyone behind!"

In the Zheng family, Su Jianxing yelled angrily: "What did you do? Didn't you say that bitch Su Danxiao and Ji Wufeng are dead this time?"

Zheng Fenghai's face was ashen. He never expected that Ji Wufeng could be so terrifying. Those men in black were no longer human beings, but in front of Ji Wufeng, they were as vulnerable as chickens and were allowed to be slaughtered.

He finally realized how stupid he was for choosing to go against Ji Wufeng. In comparison, the strength of the two of them was not on the same level at all.

Yuan Feng and Zhuo Zhiyu were also there. They were waiting for the good news at Zheng's house, but they didn't expect that what awaited them would be such an unacceptable result.

Zhuo Zhiyu's face was expressionless, but Yuan Feng's face was filled with resentment. His arm had not fully healed yet. He originally thought he could get revenge this time, but it turned out to be in vain again.

"What are we going to do now?" Zhuo Zhiyu asked with a frown.

"What else can I do? I will rearrange my manpower immediately and kill him no matter the cost!"

Yuan Feng's eyes were red. He also knew how terrifying Ji Wufeng was. What he was waiting for next was Ji Wufeng's revenge.

"As long as I can kill Su Danxiao and Ji Wufeng, I am willing to pay 500 million, my entire worth!" Su Jianxing said.

Zheng Fenghai shook his head slightly. Ji Wufeng's power was already irresistible. Now he still thinks about dealing with others. Isn't that asking for death?

"Wow, so my head is so valuable? If one day I run out of money, I might give my head to you." Someone strode in and said with a smile.

"Ji Wufeng!"

Several people in the room suddenly jumped up from their chairs, their expressions changed greatly, and they asked, "Why are you here?"

Ji Wufeng's eyes turned cold and he sneered: "You gave me such a big gift. If I don't return the gift, wouldn't it make people think I'm too stingy?"

"What do you want?" Zheng Fenghai asked coldly.

"I don't want to do anything. If you pay, you will be rewarded. What do you think I will do to you?" Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes.

"court death!"

Yuan Feng's face suddenly changed, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at Ji Wufeng's head, saying ferociously: "I know you are powerful, but I just don't believe you can be more powerful than bullets!"

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