Ji Wufeng glanced at him contemptuously and said, "Many people used to point at my head, but they have all been buried underground now."

After saying that, he stopped talking to Yuan Feng and looked at Zheng Fenghai, saying, "Are you still not convinced?"

Zheng Fenghai smiled bitterly and said, "It's okay even if you don't want to accept it!"

Now that he is facing Ji Wufeng, he knows that he has no ability to fight back at all. If he continues to fight against Ji Wufeng, it will only lead to more revenge from Ji Wufeng. Then he will not be the only one who is unlucky, and maybe the entire Zheng family will. Disaster.

Moreover, Ji Wufeng dared to come alone, which meant that he would never give himself any chance to resist again.

Yuan Feng pointed at Ji Wufeng's head. Anyone else would have been frightened to death, but this guy simply didn't look at him seriously. He was disdainful. This was Hong Guoguo's disdain!

"Damn it, go to hell!" Yuan Feng's uncontrollable anger made him pull the trigger.


The gunfire rang out, followed by a scream, but it was not from Ji Wufeng, but Yuan Feng covered his bloody wrist and screamed repeatedly.

Zhuo Zhiyu blew the smoking muzzle and said helplessly: "I'm sorry, my shooting skills are really bad. I originally wanted to shoot you, but unexpectedly I hit your hand. I will pay attention next time to ensure that I hit you." your head."

"Asshole, are you crazy?" Yuan Feng was crazy and didn't expect Zhuo Zhiyu to beat him.

"He is not crazy, on the contrary, he is very sober." A young man walked out, it was Zhuo Zhihong.

The facts are already very clear. Zhuo Zhiyu has already sided with Ji Wufeng. With Zhuo Zhihong as an insider, and coupled with what Old Man Zhuo said before, Zhuo Zhiyu can only make such a choice no matter how reluctant he is.

There is no way, if he doesn't make such a choice, I'm afraid the Zhuo family will belong to Zhuo Zhiyu in the future.

A smile appeared on Zheng Fenghai's face, but the smile was full of bitterness. He found that the so-called leader of the four young masters in Shanghai was a joke. He was either a fool or an undercover agent. He was clearly being treated like a monkey.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Ji Wufeng's eyes revealed murderous intent.

"I have nothing to say. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. It is a matter of course!" Zheng Fenghai said with a faint smile.


Ji Wufeng reached Zheng Fenghai in a flash, reached out and pinched his neck. Zheng Fenghai felt that his neck was about to break and he couldn't breathe at all.


At this moment, two young men strode in, Li Yunxiao and Yao Tianluo.

"Spare him once, he will not die!" Li Yunxiao advised, and Yao Tianluo also looked pleading.

"Huh, what he did to me is a capital crime!"

He could ignore other things, but the last time Zheng Fenghai ambush a killer at the airport to deal with Shi Qianying, that was something he couldn't forgive.

"Young Master Feng, I know you are talking about Miss Shi, but that's because he doesn't know how much you value Miss Shi. But this time, he did not choose to attack Miss Shi, but Qifeng. Pavilion." Yao Tianluo said hurriedly.

Ji Wufeng looked at Yao Tianluo strangely and said, "Why do you want to plead for him?"

Yao Tianluo said in a panic: "No matter what, I have been with his brother for so many years and know that he is a good person. Mr. Feng, please let him go this time."

When Ji Wufeng saw Li Yunxiao winking at him, he immediately cursed secretly and let go of Zheng Fenghai's neck.

Paralyzed on the ground, Zheng Fenghai didn't get up for a long time. Just now he felt Ji Wufeng's murderous intention. Ji Wufeng really wanted to kill him. If it weren't for Li Yunxiao and Yao Tianluo, he would be a corpse now.

"How are you, Ahai?"

Yao Tianluo stepped forward and helped Zheng Fenghai up. After Zheng Fenghai thanked Yao Tianluo, he looked at Li Yunxiao with a complex expression and said, "Young Master Yun."

When Li Yunxiao was running rampant across Shanghai, Zheng Fenghai was just one of his followers, but with the rise of the Zheng family, he never called him Master Yun again.

Looking back now, he couldn't help but sigh. It was so ridiculous that he wanted to overpower Li Yunxiao. He was as ridiculous as a clown.

Li Yunxiao said calmly: "I can save you this time, but I may not be able to save you next time. What you do next depends on your choice."

The meaning of this is very clear. I just asked Ji Wufeng not to kill you now, and your next choice is the key to whether you live or die.

If you are really smart, then everyone will be yours from now on. If you don’t understand, I’m sorry, but I’m afraid you still won’t survive!

Zheng Fenghai suddenly smiled lightly and said to Ji Wufeng: "I once thought I would be a king, but now I realize that I may not have that ability, but I am not willing to accept it. Even if I can't become a king, I still want to know how I can go." How far away, so I need a chance, a chance given to me by a true king, will you give it to me?"

Ji Wufeng smiled. There is never a shortage of talents in this world, but there are very few talents who can achieve great things. Maybe they have enough ability, but they lack the matching ambition and courage.

And Zheng Fenghai is a talent, and he does not lack ambition or courage.

Such a person is arrogant in his bones and will never give in easily. However, when he meets someone who makes him feel ashamed from the bottom of his heart, he will definitely be convinced and his heart will be filled with tears.

There is no other reason than that the position can prove one's true ability and value.

Han Chong is such a person, but he met Gu Tianyang, Zheng Fenghai is also such a person, but he met Ji Wufeng!

Under Zheng Fenghai's plea, Ji Wufeng let Su Jianxing go with Yuan Feng.

Zheng Fenghai asked strangely: "Why did you agree to let them leave?"

Ji Wufeng had just given him such a favor, which made him feel too flattered.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "I'm waiting for you to give me a suitable reason."

Zheng Fenghai raised his eyebrows, and he once again found a place that was far inferior to Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng didn't have any reason for the decision he made, and he only had to give a reason himself.

He thought that few people could match his courage, but compared with Ji Wufeng, he was still far behind. No wonder he failed like this. His good brothers for many years would turn into Infernal Affairs to deal with him.

"The other party wanted to use my hand to get rid of you this time, but it failed. However, they have not come forward until now. Now it is impossible for Zhiyu and I. Therefore, only Yuan Feng and Su Jianxing can lead them Come out, I'll let them go, I'm just leaving a clue." Zheng Fenghai stated his reasons.

"Is this the only reason?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile. Ji Wufeng glanced at him contemptuously and said, "Many people used to point at my head, but they have all been buried underground now."

After saying that, he stopped talking to Yuan Feng and looked at Zheng Fenghai, saying, "Are you still not convinced?"

Zheng Fenghai smiled bitterly and said, "It's okay even if you don't want to accept it!"

Now that he is facing Ji Wufeng, he knows that he has no ability to fight back at all. If he continues to fight against Ji Wufeng, it will only lead to more revenge from Ji Wufeng. Then he will not be the only one who is unlucky, and maybe the entire Zheng family will. Disaster.

Moreover, Ji Wufeng dared to come alone, which meant that he would never give himself any chance to resist again.

Yuan Feng pointed at Ji Wufeng's head. Anyone else would have been frightened to death, but this guy simply didn't look at him seriously. He was disdainful. This was Hong Guoguo's disdain!

"Damn it, go to hell!" Yuan Feng's uncontrollable anger made him pull the trigger.


The gunfire rang out, followed by a scream, but it was not from Ji Wufeng, but Yuan Feng covered his bloody wrist and screamed repeatedly.

Zhuo Zhiyu blew the smoking muzzle and said helplessly: "I'm sorry, my shooting skills are really bad. I originally wanted to shoot you, but unexpectedly I hit your hand. I will pay attention next time to ensure that I hit you." your head."

"Asshole, are you crazy?" Yuan Feng was crazy and didn't expect Zhuo Zhiyu to beat him.

"He is not crazy, on the contrary, he is very sober." A young man walked out, it was Zhuo Zhihong.

The facts are already very clear. Zhuo Zhiyu has already sided with Ji Wufeng. With Zhuo Zhihong as an insider, and coupled with what Old Man Zhuo said before, Zhuo Zhiyu can only make such a choice no matter how reluctant he is.

There is no way, if he doesn't make such a choice, I'm afraid the Zhuo family will belong to Zhuo Zhiyu in the future.

A smile appeared on Zheng Fenghai's face, but the smile was full of bitterness. He found that the so-called leader of the four young masters in Shanghai was a joke. He was either a fool or an undercover agent. He was clearly being treated like a monkey.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Ji Wufeng's eyes revealed murderous intent.

"I have nothing to say. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. It is a matter of course!" Zheng Fenghai said with a faint smile.


Ji Wufeng reached Zheng Fenghai in a flash, reached out and pinched his neck. Zheng Fenghai felt that his neck was about to break and he couldn't breathe at all.


At this moment, two young men strode in, Li Yunxiao and Yao Tianluo.

"Spare him once, he will not die!" Li Yunxiao advised, and Yao Tianluo also looked pleading.

"Huh, what he did to me is a capital crime!"

He could ignore other things, but the last time Zheng Fenghai ambush a killer at the airport to deal with Shi Qianying, that was something he couldn't forgive.

"Young Master Feng, I know you are talking about Miss Shi, but that's because he doesn't know how much you value Miss Shi. But this time, he did not choose to attack Miss Shi, but Qifeng. Pavilion." Yao Tianluo said hurriedly.

Ji Wufeng looked at Yao Tianluo strangely and said, "Why do you want to plead for him?"

Yao Tianluo said in a panic: "No matter what, I have been with his brother for so many years and know that he is a good person. Mr. Feng, please let him go this time."

When Ji Wufeng saw Li Yunxiao winking at him, he immediately cursed secretly and let go of Zheng Fenghai's neck.

Paralyzed on the ground, Zheng Fenghai didn't get up for a long time. Just now he felt Ji Wufeng's murderous intention. Ji Wufeng really wanted to kill him. If it weren't for Li Yunxiao and Yao Tianluo, he would be a corpse now.

"How are you, Ahai?"

Yao Tianluo stepped forward and helped Zheng Fenghai up. After Zheng Fenghai thanked Yao Tianluo, he looked at Li Yunxiao with a complex expression and said, "Young Master Yun."

When Li Yunxiao was running rampant across Shanghai, Zheng Fenghai was just one of his followers, but with the rise of the Zheng family, he never called him Master Yun again.

Looking back now, he couldn't help but sigh. It was so ridiculous that he wanted to overpower Li Yunxiao. He was as ridiculous as a clown.

Li Yunxiao said calmly: "I can save you this time, but I may not be able to save you next time. What you do next depends on your choice."

The meaning of this is very clear. I just asked Ji Wufeng not to kill you now, and your next choice is the key to whether you live or die.

If you are really smart, then everyone will be yours from now on. If you don’t understand, I’m sorry, but I’m afraid you still won’t survive!

Zheng Fenghai suddenly smiled lightly and said to Ji Wufeng: "I once thought I would be a king, but now I realize that I may not have that ability, but I am not willing to accept it. Even if I can't become a king, I still want to know how I can go." How far away, so I need a chance, a chance given to me by a true king, will you give it to me?"

Ji Wufeng smiled. There is never a shortage of talents in this world, but there are very few talents who can achieve great things. Maybe they have enough ability, but they lack the matching ambition and courage.

And Zheng Fenghai is a talent, and he does not lack ambition or courage.

Such a person is arrogant in his bones and will never give in easily. However, when he meets someone who makes him feel ashamed from the bottom of his heart, he will definitely be convinced and his heart will be filled with tears.

There is no other reason than that the position can prove one's true ability and value.

Han Chong is such a person, but he met Gu Tianyang, Zheng Fenghai is also such a person, but he met Ji Wufeng!

Under Zheng Fenghai's plea, Ji Wufeng let Su Jianxing go with Yuan Feng.

Zheng Fenghai asked strangely: "Why did you agree to let them leave?"

Ji Wufeng had just given him such a favor, which made him feel too flattered.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "I'm waiting for you to give me a suitable reason."

Zheng Fenghai raised his eyebrows, and he once again found a place that was far inferior to Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng didn't have any reason for the decision he made, and he only had to give a reason himself.

He thought that few people could match his courage, but compared with Ji Wufeng, he was still far behind. No wonder he failed like this. His good brothers for many years would turn into Infernal Affairs to deal with him.

"The other party wanted to use my hand to get rid of you this time, but it failed. However, they have not come forward until now. Now it is impossible for Zhiyu and I. Therefore, only Yuan Feng and Su Jianxing can lead them Come out, I'll let them go, I'm just leaving a clue." Zheng Fenghai stated his reasons.

"Is this the only reason?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

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