There was a trace of panic in Zheng Fenghai's eyes, and he said: "After all, we have been brothers for many years. I...can't do anything."


Ji Wufeng burst out laughing. No wonder Li Yunxiao and Yao Tianluo wanted to protect Zheng Fenghai. This guy did have a reason to live. For a person who valued feelings, others would repay him just as much.

Regarding Ji Wufeng's laughter, Zheng Fenghai felt uncomfortable in his heart. He didn't know what the young master Ji's reaction would be next.

"Shanghai is yours!" Ji Wufeng patted Zheng Fenghai on the shoulder.

Zheng Fenghai's eyes widened. Shanghai is his?

What I have been unable to accomplish after so many years of hard work, I actually achieved it easily after I failed miserably. Is this a joke or a dream?

Zheng Fenghai pinched his thigh hard. It hurt. He was not dreaming!

After getting excited, Zheng Fenghai frowned slightly and said, "But, the Kong family..."

That's right, the Kong family is the king of Shanghai. How can it be that Ji Wufeng can give it to whomever he says?

"Don't worry, Huhai will soon change his surname."

Ji Wufeng said: "I have only one request for you, and that is that I want Shanghai to become a monolith!"

The Li family, the Zheng family, the Zhuo family and the Su family are all in their hands, and the forces in the world are almost unified. The remaining Yuan family cannot make a big splash.

Except for the Kong family, Shanghai has completely fallen into Ji Wufeng's hands.

But Ji Wufeng didn't care about the Kong family, he was just waiting for an opportunity to strike with thunder.

After the collapse of the Kong family, someone will be needed to take charge of Shanghai, and Li Yunxiao has no intention of doing so.

In recent years, the Zheng family has grown and grown, and Zheng Fenghai's popularity has also increased tremendously. Therefore, whether in terms of ability or prestige, Zheng Fenghai is the best person to run Shanghai.

Zheng Fenghai was silent for a long time, feeling both disappointed and excited at the same time. He was disappointed because he found that the gap between himself and Ji Wufeng was really too big, but he was excited because he finally achieved his goal.

Returning the favor, Zheng Fenghai made a decision in his heart and said: "Young Master Feng, the person behind me is not Gu Tianyang, but Mu Feng from the Mu family!"


Ji Wufeng was stunned. He originally thought it was Gu Tianyang who was causing trouble behind his back, but he didn't expect that it was Mu Feng from the eight great martial arts families.

Although he had some conflicts with Mu Feng before, after Zhuang Zhiling left, there was no intersection between the two.

He almost forgot about this person, but he didn't expect that he would come out and beat him again.

Ji Wufeng's eyes showed a cold light. He had suspected that Mu Feng was related to Snake Ku before. Now through Zheng Fenghai, he was sure that Mu Feng was not only related to Snake Ku, but also colluded with Wushen Group.

In this case, he couldn't keep Mu Feng.

But he also thought about the relationship between Zhuang Zhiling and Mu Feng. They were probably getting married soon, right?

Although there was no emotional basis between him and Zhuang Zhiling, they had nothing to do with each other. If he really broke into the Mu family, how would Zhuang Zhiling deal with himself?

What a headache!

Next, Zheng Fenghai did not disappoint Ji Wufeng. He once again gathered Tianlong Hall and integrated Qifeng Pavilion. On the surface, the Jianghu forces still dominated the world, but everyone already knew that the Jianghu forces in Shanghai, except for the Li family, were all under Feng Linwan's Palm

In control.

Then there are the major family forces. The Zheng family suddenly changed its previous attitude and fully supported the Li family. Later, the Su family, Zhuo family and Yao family also made the same move.

In just half a month, the Li family's power in Shanghai has been deeply consolidated in history, and its position has reached a point where no one can shake it, pointing directly at the Kong family!

Tianfeng Group settled in Shanghai and established branches as quickly as possible. Likewise, Ji Wufeng gave Su Danxiao absolute power, and he would not interfere in any related matters.

Sure enough, the development of Tianfeng branch was very smooth, and Su Danxiao was indeed a very capable woman, who made Tianfeng branch successful.

The situation in Shanghai has been settled for the time being, and it's time for Ji Wufeng to leave. The Kong family's background is too deep, and if you want to take it down, you have to wait for the opportunity.

And this opportunity will only appear when Ji Wufeng leaves.

Ji Wufeng tortured Kong Shaolin half to death, which made the Kong family lose face, but the Kong family did not make any move, and even watched Ji Wufeng's strong rise without being moved.

How can you allow others to sleep peacefully under the couch?

The Kong family was not willing to watch such a big change in the situation in Shanghai, but they were worried about it.

Only when Ji Wufeng leaves can the Kong family have the courage to stretch out their claws.

Ji Wufeng wants to leave, but Tong Xin wants to stay.

"Do you really want to stay?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Tong Xin nodded and said: "Well, it's really hard for Danxiao to be alone. Apart from Xiaoxiao, there is no one completely reliable around her. I hope I can stay and help her."

Ji Wufeng smiled. It seemed that Su Danxiao had really made a change. Otherwise, she would not have been able to gain Tong Xin's sincere friendship.

"Okay, you can stay if you want." Ji Wufeng said.

If Tong Xin followed him, there would be too much fighting and killing. He didn't want women to get involved too much, as women were there for pain.

Tong Xin felt disappointed, why did she agree so simply? Why didn't you say anything to save me? Do you really not want me to stay with you?

Ji Wufeng continued: "But remember my words, if one day you want to come back, I will come to pick you up immediately no matter where you are."

Tong Xin suddenly smiled again and came to pick me up immediately? It seems that I still have some place in his heart.

Women are very strange animals. It is just a word to make her cry, and it is also a word to make her laugh. If Ji Wufeng knew what Tong Xin was thinking now, he would definitely shout loudly: Woman, you are really a fickle animal!

After Tong Xin left, Su Danxiao came again and said, "Are you really willing to keep her?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "She wants to stay and help her good friend, what can I do?"

Su Danxiao also smiled, and suddenly said: "Do you know she likes you?"


To say that he doesn't know anything is completely nonsense. It's just that Ji Wufeng deliberately avoids it. There are so many girls around him that he can't make a promise to any one. He can't even make a promise, and he provokes so many of them. Aren't you deliberately delaying others?

He simply pretended not to know and let everything take its course. Whether it was fate or not would depend on fate.

Su Danxiao shook her head and said: "I really don't know what that silly girl was thinking, that she would take the initiative to leave your side." Zheng Fenghai said with a hint of panic in his eyes: "After all, we have been brothers for many years, I... can't do anything. "


Ji Wufeng suddenly burst out laughing. No wonder Li Yunxiao and Yao Tianluo wanted to protect Zheng Fenghai. This guy did have a reason to live. A person who valued feelings would reward him just as much as others.

Regarding Ji Wufeng's laughter, Zheng Fenghai felt uncomfortable in his heart. He didn't know what the young master Ji's reaction would be next.

"Shanghai is yours!" Ji Wufeng patted Zheng Fenghai on the shoulder.

Zheng Fenghai's eyes widened. Shanghai is his?

What I have been unable to accomplish after so many years of hard work, I actually achieved it easily after I failed miserably. Is this a joke or a dream?

Zheng Fenghai pinched his thigh hard. It hurt. He was not dreaming! .??.

After getting excited, Zheng Fenghai frowned slightly and said, "But, the Kong family..."

That's right, the Kong family is the king of Shanghai. How can it be that Ji Wufeng can give it to whomever he says?

"Don't worry, Huhai will soon change his surname."

Ji Wufeng said: "I have only one request for you, and that is that I want Shanghai to become a monolith!"

The Li family, the Zheng family, the Zhuo family and the Su family are all in their hands, and the forces in the world are almost unified. The remaining Yuan family cannot make a big splash.

Except for the Kong family, Shanghai has completely fallen into Ji Wufeng's hands.

But Ji Wufeng didn't care about the Kong family, he was just waiting for an opportunity to strike with thunder.

After the collapse of the Kong family, someone will be needed to take charge of Shanghai, and Li Yunxiao has no intention of doing so.

In recent years, the Zheng family has grown and grown, and Zheng Fenghai's popularity has also increased tremendously. Therefore, whether in terms of ability or prestige, Zheng Fenghai is the best person to run Shanghai.

Zheng Fenghai was silent for a long time, feeling both disappointed and excited at the same time. He was disappointed because he found that the gap between himself and Ji Wufeng was really too big, but he was excited because he finally achieved his goal.

Returning the favor, Zheng Fenghai made a decision in his heart and said: "Young Master Feng, the person behind me is not Gu Tianyang, but Mu Feng from the Mu family!"


Ji Wufeng was stunned. He originally thought it was Gu Tianyang who was causing trouble behind his back, but he didn't expect that it was Mu Feng from the eight great martial arts families.

Although he had some conflicts with Mu Feng before, after Zhuang Zhiling left, there was no intersection between the two.

He almost forgot about this person, but he didn't expect that he would come out and beat him again.

Ji Wufeng's eyes showed a cold light. He had suspected that Mu Feng was related to Snake Ku before. Now through Zheng Fenghai, he was sure that Mu Feng was not only related to Snake Ku, but also colluded with Wushen Group.

In this case, he couldn't keep Mu Feng.

But he also thought about the relationship between Zhuang Zhiling and Mu Feng. They were probably getting married soon, right?

Although there was no emotional basis between him and Zhuang Zhiling, they had nothing to do with each other. If he really broke into the Mu family, how would Zhuang Zhiling deal with himself?

What a headache!

Next, Zheng Fenghai did not disappoint Ji Wufeng. He once again gathered Tianlong Hall and integrated Qifeng Pavilion. On the surface, the Jianghu forces still dominated the world, but everyone already knew that the Jianghu forces in Shanghai, except for the Li family, were all under Feng Linwan's Palm

In control.

Then there are the major family forces. The Zheng family suddenly changed its previous attitude and fully supported the Li family. Later, the Su family, Zhuo family and Yao family also made the same move.

In just half a month, the Li family's power in Shanghai has been deeply consolidated in history, and its position has reached a point where no one can shake it, pointing directly at the Kong family!

Tianfeng Group settled in Shanghai and established branches as quickly as possible. Likewise, Ji Wufeng gave Su Danxiao absolute power, and he would not interfere in any related matters.

Sure enough, the development of Tianfeng branch was very smooth, and Su Danxiao was indeed a very capable woman, who made Tianfeng branch successful.

The situation in Shanghai has been settled for the time being, and it's time for Ji Wufeng to leave. The Kong family's background is too deep, and if you want to take it down, you have to wait for the opportunity.

And this opportunity will only appear when Ji Wufeng leaves.

Ji Wufeng tortured Kong Shaolin half to death, which made the Kong family lose face, but the Kong family did not make any move, and even watched Ji Wufeng's strong rise without being moved.

How can you allow others to sleep peacefully under the couch?

The Kong family was not willing to watch such a big change in the situation in Shanghai, but they were worried about it.

Only when Ji Wufeng leaves can the Kong family have the courage to stretch out their claws.

Ji Wufeng wants to leave, but Tong Xin wants to stay.

"Do you really want to stay?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Tong Xin nodded and said: "Well, it's really hard for Danxiao to be alone. Apart from Xiaoxiao, there is no one completely reliable around her. I hope I can stay and help her."

Ji Wufeng smiled. It seemed that Su Danxiao had really made a change. Otherwise, she would not have been able to gain Tong Xin's sincere friendship.

"Okay, you can stay if you want." Ji Wufeng said.

If Tong Xin followed him, there would be too much fighting and killing. He didn't want women to get involved too much, as women were there for pain.

Tong Xin felt disappointed, why did she agree so simply? Why didn't you say anything to save me? Do you really not want me to stay with you?

Ji Wufeng continued: "But remember my words, if one day you want to come back, I will come to pick you up immediately no matter where you are."

Tong Xin suddenly smiled again and came to pick me up immediately? It seems that I still have some place in his heart.

Women are very strange animals. It is just a word to make her cry, and it is also a word to make her laugh. If Ji Wufeng knew what Tong Xin was thinking now, he would definitely shout loudly: Woman, you are really a fickle animal!

After Tong Xin left, Su Danxiao came again and said, "Are you really willing to keep her?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "She wants to stay and help her good friend, what can I do?"

Su Danxiao also smiled, and suddenly said: "Do you know she likes you?"


To say that he doesn't know anything is completely nonsense. It's just that Ji Wufeng deliberately avoids it. There are so many girls around him that he can't make a promise to any one. He can't even make a promise, and he provokes so many of them. Aren't you deliberately delaying others?

He simply pretended not to know and let everything take its course. Whether it was fate or not would depend on fate.

Su Danxiao shook her head and said, "I really don't know what that silly girl was thinking, that she would take the initiative to leave your side."

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