But thinking about it carefully, Ji Wufeng admired Su Qian a little and smiled. If she asked Yue Kunpeng to be her boyfriend, maybe she was just joking, but if Yue Kunpeng married her, it would not be a joke.

Ji Wufeng has always admired people who dare to love and hate.

Ji Wufeng touched the constipated Yue Kunpeng with his shoulder and said, "Hey, this girl is not bad. Why don't you marry her home?"

"Impossible!" Yue Kunpeng decisively refused.

What kind of international joke are you kidding? Let me marry her? You might as well kill me!

Su Qianxiao has made Yue Kunpeng very angry these days. She has long been regarded as a tigress with brown sugar. If she marries such a woman, she will probably live less than twenty years at least, and she will be punished even if she doesn't die. Mad.

Ji Wufeng persuaded him with all his heart: "Why don't you want to marry her? She has such a good-looking family, such a good figure, and her front and back are curved. You can tell at a glance that she is good at raising children. If you marry her, your old man will be happy. stand up."

Yue Kunpeng glanced at Su Qianxiao and said, "How do you know you have a good figure? What if something is added inside?"

Ji Wufeng quickly said with certainty: "There is absolutely nothing added. I have seen it."


Everyone looked at Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng hurriedly waved his hands and said, "I'm not talking about her, I'm looking at her sister. Aren't they twins? They look the same, so they must have the same figure."


Everyone looked at Ji Wufeng again.

"Have you seen my sister..." Su Danxiao's eyes widened. Su Danxiao never told her what happened on the roof of the car last time.

Ji Wufeng almost slapped him in the face with a big mouth. Master, this is such a bad mouth. Why are you so mean at this time?

"Haha, I'm just joking, I haven't seen anything."

Ji Wufeng explained with a smile, but everyone's expressions clearly showed that no one believed it. Ji Wufeng immediately felt that this place was too dangerous to stay for a long time, so it was better to run away quickly.

But before he could take a step forward, Su Qianxiao jumped up to him, hugged his arm, and shouted: "You told me earlier, after a long time you have become my brother-in-law." Well, then I am your sister-in-law now, a family, and your driver should also listen to me, right?"

Ji Wufeng said blankly: "It sounds like that's what happened, but I'm not your brother-in-law."

Su Qianxiao glared and said, "Why not? You've looked at my sister, do you want to default on your debt?"


Ji Wufeng quickly silenced her, and then whispered: "Don't be so loud. I was just talking nonsense. There was nothing like that."

"Okay, if you don't admit it, I'll ask my sister now." After Su Qianxiao said that, she ran away to find Su Danxiao.

Seeing the dark-faced Ji Wufeng, Yue Kunpeng grinned several times. Damn it, you want to trick me, but now you've shot yourself in the foot, right?


Ji Wufeng kicked Yue Kunpeng's butt angrily, knocking him to the ground and making him lose his shit. He cursed, "Fuck you, are you making a fool of yourself? If you don't run away, believe me or not." Marry that little girl to you?"

After saying that, he ran away, but suddenly Su Qianxiao's voice sounded outside: "Brother-in-law!"

Yue Kunpeng immediately shivered, got up immediately, and refused to leave the door.

, jumped directly from the window, and disappeared in a flash.

When Su Qianxiao ran in, the two of them had already disappeared. He immediately raised his eyes and asked, "Where are they two going?"

Yuan Dongdong pointed to the window. Su Qianxiao ran to the window and saw the two of them running wildly. He immediately shouted: "You two bastards, stop here!"

Ji Wufeng said: "Lao Yue, your wife came to call you home for dinner, why don't you go home quickly?"

Yue Kunpeng said: "Fuck you, uncle, that's your sister-in-law, I don't want it!"

"You beast, you don't even want a wife anymore."

"You are a beast. You are worse than a beast. You have eaten someone else's tofu and you still don't admit it!"

Ji Wufeng and his group finally left Shanghai, but instead of returning to Yuzhou, they rushed to Big Snake Island.

After defeating Yamata Jun last time, this place became a deserted island. However, the geographical location here is very advantageous, so I asked Long Si to apply for it and turn it into Ryuga's base.

Now it is no longer called Big Snake Island, it has been renamed Longya Island!

When a group of people landed on Longya Island, they saw only two women and one man. Three young men and women wearing straight camouflage were already waiting there like signs. The leader was Tiexin, and the other two were Ling Xueliang and Zhong Tianmin. .

Ji Wufeng merged Long Feng and Long Ya to reorganize a special operations brigade. Now the entire Long Feng has been officially renamed Long Ya.

At that time, Tie Xin was ordered to bring the two of them, as well as one hundred elite soldiers from the Longfeng Special Forces Team, to come here for special training. After two months, it was time for Ji Wufeng to accept it.

Seeing Ji Wufeng, Tie Xin, Ling Xueliang and Zhong Tianmin's eyes clearly showed a hint of splendor.

"What a beauty!" Yuan Dongdong's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hi, hello, beauty. My name is Zhao Jiaolong. They all call me Loach. No, they all call me Dalong. Look at the muscles on our body. Do we feel safe? Uh... maybe you don't know that at all. You need a sense of security, because you are already very secure, haha..."

Zhao Jiaolong stepped forward to strike up a conversation even more shamelessly, but he almost cried before he finished speaking.

Tie Xin withdrew the dragon tooth blade that was staring at Zhao Jiaolong's thigh, and said coldly: "If there is a next time, I'm afraid my sword will not turn back until there is blood."

Zhao Jiaolong immediately ran away with his hands on his thighs. Damn it, does this little girl have a psychological problem? She looks so graceful, but why is she so violent? Aren't you afraid that no one will dare to marry you in the future?

Several other guys who originally planned to strike up a conversation immediately gave up the idea. There were beautiful women all over the street, but they only had one life.

Under the leadership of three people, a group entered the center of Longya Island. The overall outline was not much different from before. It only strengthened some defensive measures and made a few adjustments to turn it into a regular base.

A red flag flutters in the wind, proving that this is China's land and is sacred and inviolable. But on the other side of the red flag is an oriental dragon with fangs and claws embroidered on it. This is the new flag of the Dragon Tooth Brigade requested by Ji Wufeng!

Ninety-seven upright warriors stood there, including Tiexin and the other three, exactly one hundred people.

Tie Xin and the others walked to the front of the queue and shouted: "Salute!"


A hundred palms were raised at the same time, a solemn military salute, and Tie Xin said seriously: "There should be one hundred people from the Longya Brigade, but there are actually one hundred people, report to Captain Ji Wufeng!" But thinking about it carefully, Ji Wufeng actually Su Qian smiled a little in appreciation. If she asked Yue Kunpeng to be her boyfriend, maybe she was just joking, but if Yue Kunpeng married her, it would not be a joke.

Ji Wufeng has always admired people who dare to love and hate.

Ji Wufeng touched the constipated Yue Kunpeng with his shoulder and said, "Hey, this girl is not bad. Why don't you marry her home?"

"Impossible!" Yue Kunpeng decisively refused.

What kind of international joke are you kidding? Let me marry her? You might as well kill me!

Su Qianxiao has made Yue Kunpeng very angry these days. She has long been regarded as a tigress with brown sugar. If she marries such a woman, she will probably live less than twenty years at least, and she will be punished even if she doesn't die. Mad.

Ji Wufeng persuaded him with all his heart: "Why don't you want to marry her? She has such a good-looking family, such a good figure, and her front and back are curved. You can tell at a glance that she is good at raising children. If you marry her, your old man will be happy. stand up."

Yue Kunpeng glanced at Su Qianxiao and said, "How do you know you have a good figure? What if something is added inside?"

Ji Wufeng quickly said with certainty: "There is absolutely nothing added. I have seen it."


Everyone looked at Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng hurriedly waved his hands and said, "I'm not talking about her, I'm looking at her sister. Aren't they twins? They look the same, so they must have the same figure."


Everyone looked at Ji Wufeng again.

"Have you seen my sister..." Su Danxiao's eyes widened. Su Danxiao never told her what happened on the roof of the car last time.

Ji Wufeng almost slapped him in the face with a big mouth. Master, this is such a bad mouth. Why are you so mean at this time?

"Haha, I'm just joking, I haven't seen anything."

Ji Wufeng explained with a smile, but everyone's expressions clearly showed that no one believed it. Ji Wufeng immediately felt that this place was too dangerous to stay for a long time, so it was better to run away quickly.

But before he could take a step forward, Su Qianxiao jumped up to him, hugged his arm, and shouted: "You told me earlier, after a long time you have become my brother-in-law." Well, then I am your sister-in-law now, a family, and your driver should also listen to me, right?"

Ji Wufeng said blankly: "It sounds like that's what happened, but I'm not your brother-in-law."

Su Qianxiao glared and said, "Why not? You've looked at my sister, do you want to default on your debt?"


Ji Wufeng quickly silenced her, and then whispered: "Don't be so loud. I was just talking nonsense. There was nothing like that."

"Okay, if you don't admit it, I'll ask my sister now." After Su Qianxiao said that, she ran away to find Su Danxiao.

Seeing the dark-faced Ji Wufeng, Yue Kunpeng grinned several times. Damn it, you want to trick me, but now you've shot yourself in the foot, right?


Ji Wufeng kicked Yue Kunpeng's butt angrily, knocking him to the ground and making him lose his shit. He cursed, "Fuck you, are you making a fool of yourself? If you don't run away, believe me or not." Marry that little girl to you?"

After saying that, he ran away, but suddenly Su Qianxiao's voice sounded outside: "Brother-in-law!"

Yue Kunpeng immediately shivered, got up immediately, and refused to leave the door.

, jumped directly from the window, and disappeared in a flash.

When Su Qianxiao ran in, the two of them had already disappeared. He immediately raised his eyes and asked, "Where are they two going?"

Yuan Dongdong pointed to the window. Su Qianxiao ran to the window and saw the two of them running wildly. He immediately shouted: "You two bastards, stop here!"

Ji Wufeng said: "Lao Yue, your wife came to call you home for dinner, why don't you go home quickly?"

Yue Kunpeng said: "Fuck you, uncle, that's your sister-in-law, I don't want it!"

"You beast, you don't even want a wife anymore."

"You are a beast. You are worse than a beast. You have eaten someone else's tofu and you still don't admit it!"

Ji Wufeng and his group finally left Shanghai, but instead of returning to Yuzhou, they rushed to Big Snake Island.

After defeating Yamata Jun last time, this place became a deserted island. However, the geographical location here is very advantageous, so I asked Long Si to apply for it and turn it into Ryuga's base.

Now it is no longer called Big Snake Island, it has been renamed Longya Island!

When a group of people landed on Longya Island, they saw only two women and one man. Three young men and women wearing straight camouflage were already waiting there like signs. The leader was Tiexin, and the other two were Ling Xueliang and Zhong Tianmin. .

Ji Wufeng merged Long Feng and Long Ya to reorganize a special operations brigade. Now the entire Long Feng has been officially renamed Long Ya.

At that time, Tie Xin was ordered to bring the two of them, as well as one hundred elite soldiers from the Longfeng Special Forces Team, to come here for special training. After two months, it was time for Ji Wufeng to accept it.

Seeing Ji Wufeng, Tie Xin, Ling Xueliang and Zhong Tianmin's eyes clearly showed a hint of splendor.

"What a beauty!" Yuan Dongdong's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hi, beauty, my name is Zhao Jiaolong. They all call me Nilihao. No, they all call me Dalong. Look at the muscles on our bodies. Do we feel safe? Uh... maybe you don't know that at all. You need a sense of security, because you are already very secure, haha..."

Zhao Jiaolong stepped forward to strike up a conversation even more shamelessly, but he almost cried before he finished speaking.

Tie Xin withdrew the dragon tooth blade that was staring at Zhao Jiaolong's thigh, and said coldly: "If there is a next time, I'm afraid my sword will not turn back until there is blood."

Zhao Jiaolong immediately ran away with his hands on his thighs. Damn it, does this little girl have a psychological problem? She looks so graceful, but why is she so violent? Aren't you afraid that no one will dare to marry you in the future?

Several other guys who originally planned to strike up a conversation immediately gave up the idea. There were beautiful women all over the street, but they only had one life.

Under the leadership of three people, a group entered the center of Longya Island. The overall outline was not much different from before. It only strengthened some defensive measures and made a few adjustments to turn it into a regular base.

A red flag flutters in the wind, proving that this is China's land and is sacred and inviolable. But on the other side of the red flag is an oriental dragon with fangs and claws embroidered on it. This is the new flag of the Dragon Tooth Brigade requested by Ji Wufeng!

Ninety-seven upright warriors stood there, including Tiexin and the other three, exactly one hundred people.

Tie Xin and the others walked to the front of the queue and shouted: "Salute!"


One hundred palms were raised at the same time in a solemn military salute. Tie Xin said seriously: "There should be one hundred people from the Longya Brigade, but there are actually one hundred people. Report to Captain Ji Wufeng!"

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