
Suddenly, a hundred people shouted in unison. Yuan Dongdong felt that his ears were almost deafened. Suddenly, a fierce murderous aura rose from the ground.


Yuan Dongdong and others immediately took a breath of cold air, enveloped by this violent murderous aura. They even felt that the air around them had solidified, and death was so close to them.

Oh my god, what kind of monsters are these? How could there be such terrifying murderous intent?

They are all experienced people. To be able to exude such murderous aura, they must have killed people, and they have definitely killed more than one or two people. Only people who are truly murderous can have such a strong murderous aura.

What they didn't know was that when Tie Xin left with this group of people, he not only brought with him Ji Wufeng's special training methods tailored for this group of people, but also an order.

That is to kill all the pirates within hundreds of kilometers of Longya Island and kill them all!

According to rough statistics, this group of people killed thousands of pirates in the past two months, which means that each person killed at least ten pirates on average.

In peaceful times, this is a huge country. This is definitely a very scary statistic.

Not only that, what they faced were all vicious pirates, not only well-armed, but also masters. In other words, they had been struggling on the edge of death for the past two months, and no one had ever suffered. Nearly fatal injuries.

These one hundred people are no longer ordinary soldiers. They have killed countless enemies and have turned into iron-blooded soldiers crawling back from the bloody battlefield.

In terms of personal strength, perhaps none of them may be the opponent of Zhao Jiaolong and others, but if several people join forces, it will only take an instant to kill Zhao Jiaolong, because Zhao Jiaolong and the others are still at the stage of martial arts, but they have jumped over it. Martial arts has entered the true way of killing!

Yue Kunpeng, who was born as a soldier, had a look of horror on his face. This was the first time he saw such terrifying warriors. No, they were no longer ordinary warriors. They were weapons. No, it would be more appropriate to say they were murderous weapons!

The murderous aura in them was really terrifying. If he hadn't gone through hellish training, he wouldn't have been able to reach this point. If the special forces he was proud of in Shanghai faced these people, there would be only one result, and that would be the complete annihilation of the entire army.

Even if his special forces group has thousands of people, there are only a few hundred people in front of him.

Looking at the 100-man team members who had been transformed before him, Ji Wufeng could not suppress his inner excitement. Protecting the family and the country must go through a bloody battle, and these people are destined to become the sharp knives at the forefront of the battlefield.

"Brothers, I'm back."

"Hello, Captain!"

A hundred people roared in unison, but there was only one voice, which was deafening.

Their murderous gazes finally changed, and they looked at Ji Wufeng with enthusiasm and admiration.

"I am very satisfied with your training results, so I will give you a reward today. What do you want?" Ji Wufeng said loudly.

These people have worked hard and achieved today's results, and they should receive the rewards they deserve.

But none of the soldiers spoke. They had dedicated everything to the country and the people. They did not expect anything in return and had no regrets.

But Tie Xin stood up and said, "If you have any requests, just make them. Don't let down the captain's kindness."

One soldier hesitated and asked. "Captain, can we decide what reward we want?"

"That's right, as long as I can do it!" Ji Wufeng said with certainty.

"Is anything really possible?" the soldier asked again doubtfully.

"Of course!" Ji Wufeng said affirmatively again.

"Then you can't be angry!"

"I will never be angry!"

Ji Wufeng was a little strange. What did these guys want? He was actually afraid that I would be angry.

Unexpectedly, the soldier suddenly shouted excitedly: "Brothers, did you hear clearly? The captain has agreed, come on!"

Before he finished speaking, a hundred soldiers immediately swarmed towards Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng was startled, raised his hands and shouted: "Hey, hey, hey, I'm a man, I know you're all drunk on the island, but you can't distinguish between male and female. Damn it, who kicked my ass? You Damn it, you stole my peach... Ouch..."

I saw a group of soldiers instantly swamping Ji Wufeng. They rushed forward, punched and kicked him, and cursed: "Damn it, you brought us to this inhospitable place, beat him up!" "

"Beat me to death, even if you come here to ruin the place, there are not even any girls, only two tigresses. I am a hot-blooded man, don't you want to torture me?"

"I have long disliked you and have tolerated you for a long time. Today I finally took the opportunity to express my anger!"

Ji Wufeng screamed repeatedly, shouting loudly: "Brothers, I know I was wrong, don't slap me in the face... Spare me... Damn... you all wait for me, I will give you special training later..."

"This is a special training for you, uncle. You are so stubborn right now. Brothers, keep fighting!"

"I don't dare to do it anymore, don't do it... Niyi, Fatty, you guys are so quick to save me! Ahhu, good disciple, come and help me. If I am beaten to death by them, you will become An orphan without a father or a mother..."

The people whose names were called turned their heads to look at the seaside, pointed at the water and said: "Damn it, great white shark!"

"You idiot, is that a great white shark? It's obviously a mermaid!"

"You're just a dick. Mermaids don't wear clothes, okay?"

So, while everyone was discussing whether the mermaid should wear clothes or not, Ji Wufeng finally escaped from the sea of ​​misery. A group of soldiers clapped their hands with satisfaction and shouted happily: "It's so cool. Even killing a horse is not so cool. Finally I'm so angry."

Then, a large group of people ran away in a swarm, leaving only an unidentified object that was not humanoid lying on the ground, with hair as messy as a chicken's nest, a face as swollen as a pig's head, and the clothes on its body were torn into rags. Only if his legs twitched could he prove that he was still alive.

When Ji Wufeng came to Longya Island this time, he did not come empty-handed. He brought several boats of supplies, good wine and food, and everything he wanted. When Ji Wufeng ordered the third boat to be opened, Tiexin suddenly had a look on his face. Confuse.

The boat was actually filled with big black dogs. All of them had shiny coats and were fat and strong. You could tell at a glance that they were all of the best breeds, and not a single stray hair was found.

Could it be that Ji Wufeng wants to train a military dog ​​on the island? With a large number of military dogs, the security work on the island will be saved a lot of things. At least half of the manpower can be reduced during patrol, and each person can hold a dog. The dog does it. "kill!"

Suddenly, a hundred people shouted in unison. Yuan Dongdong felt that his ears were almost deafened. Suddenly, a fierce murderous aura rose from the ground.


Yuan Dongdong and others immediately took a breath of cold air, enveloped by this violent murderous aura. They even felt that the air around them had solidified, and death was so close to them.

Oh my god, what kind of monsters are these? How could there be such terrifying murderous intent?

They are all experienced people. To be able to exude such murderous aura, they must have killed people, and they have definitely killed more than one or two people. Only people who are truly murderous can have such a strong murderous aura.

What they didn't know was that when Tie Xin left with this group of people, he not only brought with him Ji Wufeng's special training methods tailored for this group of people, but also an order.

That is to kill all the pirates within hundreds of kilometers of Longya Island and kill them all!

According to rough statistics, this group of people killed thousands of pirates in the past two months, which means that each person killed at least ten pirates on average.

In peaceful times, this is a huge country. This is definitely a very scary statistic.

Not only that, what they faced were all vicious pirates, not only well-armed, but also masters. In other words, they had been struggling on the edge of death for the past two months, and no one had ever suffered. Nearly fatal injuries.

These one hundred people are no longer ordinary soldiers. They have killed countless enemies and have turned into iron-blooded soldiers crawling back from the bloody battlefield.

In terms of personal strength, perhaps none of them may be the opponent of Zhao Jiaolong and others, but if several people join forces, it will only take an instant to kill Zhao Jiaolong, because Zhao Jiaolong and the others are still at the stage of martial arts, but they have jumped over it. Martial arts has entered the true way of killing!

Yue Kunpeng, who was born as a soldier, had a look of horror on his face. This was the first time he saw such terrifying warriors. No, they were no longer ordinary warriors. They were weapons. No, it would be more appropriate to say they were murderous weapons!

The murderous aura in them was really terrifying. If he hadn't gone through hellish training, he wouldn't have been able to reach this point. If the special forces he was proud of in Shanghai faced these people, there would be only one result, and that would be the complete annihilation of the entire army.

Even if his special forces group has thousands of people, there are only a few hundred people in front of him.

Looking at the 100-man team members who had been transformed before him, Ji Wufeng could not suppress his inner excitement. Protecting the family and the country must go through a bloody battle, and these people are destined to become the sharp knives at the forefront of the battlefield.

"Brothers, I'm back."

"Hello, Captain!"

A hundred people roared in unison, but there was only one voice, which was deafening.

Their murderous gazes finally changed, and they looked at Ji Wufeng with enthusiasm and admiration.

"I am very satisfied with your training results, so I will give you a reward today. What do you want?" Ji Wufeng said loudly.

These people have worked hard and achieved today's results, and they should receive the rewards they deserve.

But none of the soldiers spoke. They had dedicated everything to the country and the people. They did not expect anything in return and had no regrets.

But Tie Xin stood up and said, "If you have any requests, just make them. Don't let down the captain's kindness."

One soldier hesitated and asked. "Captain, can we decide what reward we want?"

"That's right, as long as I can do it!" Ji Wufeng said with certainty.

"Is anything really possible?" the soldier asked again doubtfully.

"Of course!" Ji Wufeng said affirmatively again.

"Then you can't be angry!"

"I will never be angry!"

Ji Wufeng was a little strange. What did these guys want? He was actually afraid that I would be angry.

Unexpectedly, the soldier suddenly shouted excitedly: "Brothers, did you hear clearly? The captain has agreed, come on!"

Before he finished speaking, a hundred soldiers immediately swarmed towards Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng was startled, raised his hands and shouted: "Hey, hey, hey, I'm a man, I know you're all drunk on the island, but you can't distinguish between male and female. Damn it, who kicked my ass? You Damn it, you stole my peach... Ouch..."

I saw a group of soldiers instantly swamping Ji Wufeng. They rushed forward, punched and kicked him, and cursed: "Damn it, you brought us to this inhospitable place, beat him up!" "

"Beat me to death, even if you come here to ruin the place, there are not even any girls, only two tigresses. I am a hot-blooded man, don't you want to torture me?"

"I have long disliked you and have tolerated you for a long time. Today I finally took the opportunity to express my anger!"

Ji Wufeng screamed repeatedly, shouting loudly: "Brothers, I know I was wrong, don't slap me in the face... Spare me... Damn... you all wait for me, I will give you special training later..."

"This is a special training for you, uncle. You are so stubborn right now. Brothers, keep fighting!"

"I don't dare to do it anymore, don't do it... Niyi, Fatty, you guys are so quick to save me! Ahhu, good disciple, come and help me. If I am beaten to death by them, you will become An orphan without a father or a mother..."

The people whose names were called turned their heads to look at the seaside, pointed at the water and said: "Damn it, great white shark!"

"You idiot, is that a great white shark? It's obviously a mermaid!"

"You're just a dick. Mermaids don't wear clothes, okay?"

So, while everyone was discussing whether the mermaid should wear clothes or not, Ji Wufeng finally escaped from the sea of ​​misery. A group of soldiers clapped their hands with satisfaction and shouted happily: "It's so cool. Even killing a horse is not so cool. Finally I'm so angry."

Then, a large group of people ran away in a swarm, leaving only an unidentified object that was not humanoid lying on the ground, with hair as messy as a chicken's nest, a face as swollen as a pig's head, and the clothes on its body were torn into rags. Only if his legs twitched could he prove that he was still alive.

When Ji Wufeng came to Longya Island this time, he did not come empty-handed. He brought several boats of supplies, good wine and food, and everything he wanted. When Ji Wufeng ordered the third boat to be opened, Tiexin suddenly had a look on his face. Confuse.

The boat was actually filled with big black dogs. All of them had shiny coats and were fat and strong. You could tell at a glance that they were all of the best breeds, and not a single stray hair was found.

Could it be that Ji Wufeng wants to train a military dog ​​on the island? With a large number of military dogs, the security work on the island will be saved a lot of things. At least half of the manpower can be reduced during patrol, and each person can hold a dog. The dog does it.

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