But when the group of soldiers saw those big black dogs, they were immediately excited. Tie Xin felt that after such cruel training, these people could still like small animals so much and maintain their innocent hearts. It was really rare.

But she soon felt that something was wrong. Green light appeared in the eyes of the soldiers, and the saliva on their mouths almost dripped to the ground.

Why is it that everyone is reincarnated as a starving ghost and suddenly sees a table of delicious food?

Big dogs are usually vicious. As soon as the cabin was opened, they all roared crazily. But when they came into contact with the extremely "friendly" eyes of the guys in front of them, they all became strangely honest and whimpering with their tails between their legs. back.

"Haha... My dear big dog, I miss you so much..." A group of soldiers immediately swarmed over, holding the big black dog in their arms and kissing him violently.

As everyone knows, when they were selected into the Dragon Fang, there was a special training program, which was to chase the big black dog until the big black dog fell down from exhaustion to be considered qualified.

As for what to do with the big black dog that lies down from exhaustion? Of course, it was Ji Wufeng who gave the order and set up the barbecue grill. Anyone who has tasted Ji Wufeng's craftsmanship all thinks that dog meat is the best delicacy in the world.

When they first arrived at Longya Island for training, they all came empty-handed. They couldn't even find anything cooked, let alone a full meal. When they were hungry, they grabbed fish and shrimps from the sea to eat, and when they were thirsty, they caught rainwater. drink.

Now that they suddenly saw such a big black dog, their five internal organs temples were about to explode.

Tie Xin's face was speechless. No matter how much he liked dogs, he wouldn't like them like this. Isn't it dirty to hug a furry dog ​​and kiss it fiercely?

At this time Ji Wufeng limped over, gritting his teeth, the group of soldiers immediately realized that they had just made a very serious mistake.

A smarter soldier immediately ran to Ji Wufeng, hugged his thigh and cried: "Captain, I was wrong. In fact, I was forced by them. They just said that if I don't beat him, If you say so, they will beat me...I have no choice but to...please forgive me..."

The others were gritting their teeth in hatred, damn, this bastard was actually allowed to take the lead.

"Captain, I was forced by them too. If I don't beat you, you will spit on me..."

"Captain, I was forced by them. If I don't beat you, they will beat me..."

Suddenly, a large group of people gathered around, crying and saying that they were forced by others. In fact, they didn't want to beat Ji Wufeng in their hearts. Everyone was in tears, as if they had committed some serious crime.

Tie Xin's brain couldn't turn around for a moment. What are these guys doing? Could it be that the previous training was too cruel and irritated their nerves?

A group of people hugged their thighs, full of snot and tears. Ji Wufeng kicked a few of them away and shouted: "Get out of here, my pants are torn, whose nose is it? Your sister's, you wiped it on me On the thigh..."

Ji Wufeng's pants had long been turned into rags, and his nose and tears were smeared on his legs. He felt evil no matter what!

"Captain, please forgive me. As long as you forgive me, I won't wipe my nose on your thigh." A soldier said with a sticky nose.

Ji Wufeng's face turned green. He couldn't resist such a threat and shouted, "Get the hell out of here!"

"Oye, captain, I love you so much!"

A group of soldiers, as if they were about to receive amnesty, hugged the big black dog and howled at the top of their lungs: "Brothers, tie all these dogs up for me, half of them will wash them, and the other half will chop wood to make a fire!"

A group of people divided the work and cooperated. Those who chopped firewood and those who tidied up the dogs were more agile than the other. It seems that the training during this period of time has greatly strengthened their wild survival skills.

These big black dogs were originally used to reward the soldiers on the island, so Ji Wufeng had people bring the condiments and drinks down.

In an instant, the training ground that was so murderous just now turned into a lively and noisy outdoor barbecue party in the blink of an eye.

Tie Xin was dumbfounded. She couldn't even imagine that Ji Wufeng had destroyed such a big Jinyun and brought so many big black dogs. They were not training military dogs at all, but were used for barbecues.

Not long after, the training ground was filled with a strong fragrance, which kept getting into their noses. Everyone was roasting dog meat while sweating. Some people who couldn't wait shouted and cursed: "Your uncle, roast it." Is it cooked? I can’t wait any longer. If it’s not cooked yet, I’ll eat it raw.”

After Ji Wufeng changed his clothes and came out, he found that everyone was surrounding Gorou eagerly, except Tiexin who stayed far away.

"Why are you standing so far away?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"You got so many dogs just to eat?" Tie Xin said angrily.

As a soldier, she thought what Ji Wufeng did was too childish and undermined the rigor of a soldier.

"If you don't want to eat it, how can you play with it?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Don't you know it's boring to do this?"

"I'm not bored. Didn't you see that they are all happy? Things that make everyone happy are not boring even if they are boring." Ji Wufeng said confidently.

"As soldiers, their mission is to go into battle and kill the enemy!" Tie Xin said coldly.

Ji Wufeng was also angry and said: "Do all soldiers have to be like you and avoid strangers, so that you can't find a husband in the future?"

I thought Tie Xin would be furious, but she said in a deep voice: "As a soldier, everything should belong to the battlefield, and things like marriage have nothing to do with me!"

Ji Wufeng fainted, why was this little girl still as stubborn as ever?

No, she must be educated. Such a beautiful girl, wouldn’t it be such a waste if she didn’t get married in the future?

"That's wrong, and it's very wrong!" Ji Wufeng said...

"Am I wrong? What's wrong with me?"

"Tell me, what is a soldier?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Tie Xin puffed up his chest and said, "Soldiers are people who regard protecting their home and country as their bounden duty, and put the interests of the country and the people first."

"Yes, your answer is very correct, so you are wrong."

Ji Wufeng put his hands behind his back and said with a godly look on his face: "You said it yourself just now, no matter what a soldier is, he is still a person in the end, right?"

"So what? Since you are a soldier, you are destined not to be like ordinary people." Tie Xin said coldly.

"You are wrong again. Since you are a person, you must first figure out how to be a good person before you can take the exam and choose what kind of person you want to be. You don't know how to be a person before we talk about it. Do you think the others have any significance? Soldiers are still human beings!" But when the group of soldiers saw those big black dogs, they were immediately excited. Tie Xin felt that these people could still be like this after such cruel training. It is so rare to like small animals and maintain a pure heart.

But she soon felt that something was wrong. Green light appeared in the eyes of the soldiers, and the saliva on their mouths almost dripped to the ground.

Why is it that everyone is reincarnated as a starving ghost and suddenly sees a table of delicious food?

Big dogs are usually vicious. As soon as the cabin was opened, they all roared crazily. But when they came into contact with the extremely "friendly" eyes of the guys in front of them, they all became strangely honest and whimpering with their tails between their legs. back.

"Haha... My dear big dog, I miss you so much..." A group of soldiers immediately swarmed over, holding the big black dog in their arms and kissing him violently.

As everyone knows, when they were selected into the Dragon Fang, there was a special training program, which was to chase the big black dog until the big black dog fell down from exhaustion to be considered qualified.

As for what to do with the big black dog that lies down from exhaustion? Of course, it was Ji Wufeng who gave the order and set up the barbecue grill. Anyone who has tasted Ji Wufeng's craftsmanship all thinks that dog meat is the best delicacy in the world.

When they first arrived at Longya Island for training, they all came empty-handed. They couldn't even find anything cooked, let alone a full meal. When they were hungry, they grabbed fish and shrimps from the sea to eat, and when they were thirsty, they caught rainwater. drink.

Now that they suddenly saw such a big black dog, their five internal organs temples were about to explode.

Tie Xin's face was speechless. No matter how much he liked dogs, he wouldn't like them like this. Isn't it dirty to hug a furry dog ​​and kiss it fiercely?

At this time Ji Wufeng limped over, gritting his teeth, the group of soldiers immediately realized that they had just made a very serious mistake.

A smarter soldier immediately ran to Ji Wufeng, hugged his thigh and cried: "Captain, I was wrong. In fact, I was forced by them. They just said that if I don't beat him, If you say so, they will beat me...I have no choice but to...please forgive me..."

The others were gritting their teeth in hatred, damn, this bastard was actually allowed to take the lead.

"Captain, I was forced by them too. If I don't beat you, you will spit on me..."

"Captain, I was forced by them. If I don't beat you, they will beat me..."

Suddenly, a large group of people gathered around, crying and saying that they were forced by others. In fact, they didn't want to beat Ji Wufeng in their hearts. Everyone was in tears, as if they had committed some serious crime.

Tie Xin's brain couldn't turn around for a moment. What are these guys doing? Could it be that the previous training was too cruel and irritated their nerves?

A group of people hugged their thighs, full of snot and tears. Ji Wufeng kicked a few of them away and shouted: "Get out of here, my pants are torn, whose nose is it? Your sister's, you wiped it on me On the thigh..."

Ji Wufeng's pants had long been turned into rags, and his nose and tears were smeared on his legs. He felt evil no matter what!

"Captain, please forgive me. As long as you forgive me, I won't wipe my nose on your thigh." A soldier said with a sticky nose.

Ji Wufeng's face turned green. He couldn't resist such a threat and shouted, "Get the hell out of here!"

"Oye, captain, I love you so much!"

A group of soldiers, as if they were about to receive amnesty, hugged the big black dog and howled at the top of their lungs: "Brothers, tie all these dogs up for me, half of them will wash them, and the other half will chop wood to make a fire!"

A group of people divided the work and cooperated. Those who chopped firewood and those who tidied up the dogs were more agile than the other. It seems that the training during this period of time has greatly strengthened their wild survival skills.

These big black dogs were originally used to reward the soldiers on the island, so Ji Wufeng had people bring the condiments and drinks down.

In an instant, the training ground that was so murderous just now turned into a lively and noisy outdoor barbecue party in the blink of an eye.

Tie Xin was dumbfounded. She couldn't even imagine that Ji Wufeng had destroyed such a big Jinyun and brought so many big black dogs. They were not training military dogs at all, but were used for barbecues.

Not long after, the training ground was filled with a strong fragrance, which kept getting into their noses. Everyone was roasting dog meat while sweating. Some people who couldn't wait shouted and cursed: "Your uncle, roast it." Is it cooked? I can’t wait any longer. If it’s not cooked yet, I’ll eat it raw.”

After Ji Wufeng changed his clothes and came out, he found that everyone was surrounding Gorou eagerly, except Tiexin who stayed far away.

"Why are you standing so far away?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"You got so many dogs just to eat?" Tie Xin said angrily.

As a soldier, she thought what Ji Wufeng did was too childish and undermined the rigor of a soldier.

"If you don't want to eat it, how can you play with it?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Don't you know it's boring to do this?"

"I'm not bored. Didn't you see that they are all happy? Things that make everyone happy are not boring even if they are boring." Ji Wufeng said confidently.

"As soldiers, their mission is to go into battle and kill the enemy!" Tie Xin said coldly.

Ji Wufeng was also angry and said: "Do all soldiers have to be like you and avoid strangers, so that you can't find a husband in the future?"

I thought Tie Xin would be furious, but she said in a deep voice: "As a soldier, everything should belong to the battlefield, and things like marriage have nothing to do with me!"

Ji Wufeng fainted, why was this little girl still as stubborn as ever?

No, she must be educated. Such a beautiful girl, wouldn’t it be such a waste if she didn’t get married in the future?

"That's wrong, and it's very wrong!" Ji Wufeng said...

"Am I wrong? What's wrong with me?"

"Tell me, what is a soldier?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Tie Xin puffed up his chest and said, "Soldiers are people who regard protecting their home and country as their bounden duty, and put the interests of the country and the people first."

"Yes, your answer is very correct, so you are wrong."

Ji Wufeng put his hands behind his back and said with a godly look on his face: "You said it yourself just now, no matter what a soldier is, he is still a person in the end, right?"

"So what? Since you are a soldier, you are destined not to be like ordinary people." Tie Xin said coldly.

"You are wrong again. Since you are a person, you must first figure out how to be a good person before you can take the exam and choose what kind of person you want to be. You don't know how to be a person before we talk about it. Do you think the other ones have any significance? Soldiers are still human beings!"

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