That day, Gu Tianyang left the Gu family alone. When he stepped out of the gate of the Gu family, he looked back and found that there were people standing behind him. Their eyes were full of excitement and confusion, but most of them were gloating. There were naked sneers, but no one showed any sign of reluctance.

Gu Tianyang shook his head and smiled bitterly. It turned out that he was not unjustly defeated. Everyone around Ji Wufeng could die for him, but what about Gu Tianyang?

These people are obviously his family, connected by blood, but when he left in embarrassment, these people were full of expectations. They were not family members, but more like enemies!

Gu Tianyang has long felt that wealthy families have no family ties, but he still inevitably feels a little disappointed, which makes him feel like a loser!

But this way I have nothing to miss. One day I will come back, and then you will all realize how stupid you are!

Stepping out of the Gu family gate without looking back, Han Chong was already waiting outside. Just as Gu Tianyang was about to get in the car, he heard someone shouting from behind: "Brother..."

Gu Tianyang turned around and saw Gu Mingyue looking at him with tearful eyes.

Gu Tianyang's heart trembled, how could this happen? Why is she the only one in the entire Gu family who treats her like a family member? Why her?

"Mingyue, what's wrong with you?" Gu Tianyang asked with a forced smile. .??.??

"Brother, why did you leave the Gu family? I won't let you leave!" Gu Mingyue rushed over, grabbed Gu Tianyang's arm and pulled him towards the door.

"Mingyue, stop making trouble. I'm just moving out, it's not like I'll never go home again."

Gu Tianyang smiled, but no matter how hard Gu Mingyue tried, he couldn't make him move at all.

"You lied to me. I already heard them say you were leaving the Gu family. Why?"

Gu Mingyue shook her head and cried: "I know you are the most powerful person, but why do you give up this time?"

"Okay Mingyue, this is not giving up. Didn't you also say that I am the most powerful person? No matter where I go, I will never be bullied." Gu Tianyang touched Gu Mingyue's head. road.

"I don't want you to leave. If you leave, no one in the family will really love Mingyue anymore. Brother, don't leave, don't leave Mingyue, okay... wuwu..."

Gu Mingyue hugged Gu Tianyang and cried loudly.

Gu Tianyang felt a little hurt in his heart because of the guilt in his heart. Why did this almost stupid girl have such deep feelings for him, but he didn't know that the person she felt she could rely on the most might end up hurting her the most.

"I know it must be because of Ji Wufeng, right?" Gu Mingyue asked.

Ji Wufeng's name has spread more and more in Huajing. At the beginning, many people thought it was stupid for Ji Wufeng to choose to go against Gu Tianyang. But as Ji Wufeng continued to gain the upper hand, everyone had already Slowly leaning towards Ji Wufeng's side.

Gu Tianyang is the prince, and Ji Wufeng is also the prince in Yuzhou. But before, everyone thought that the prince Ji Wufeng was so ridiculous. When they called out their titles, one was the prince and the other Ji Wufeng.

But now he has become Prince Gu, Prince Ji, and people have placed Ji Wufeng on the same level as Gu Tianyang.

These rumors have spread completely, and Gu Mingyue has naturally heard of them, and at the same time, she also realized that Gu Tianyang's withdrawal from the Gu family must be related to Ji Wufeng.

Gu Tianyang was about to speak, Gu Mingyue

But he said: "Brother, can you two stop fighting? I will go find him and persuade him. I will definitely make you two best friends."

"Do you care about him very much?" Gu Tianyang said in surprise.

Gu Mingyue suddenly panicked, lowered her head and said: "I hope you will be hurt by him, and I don't want you to hurt him!"

Suddenly, a coldness came out of Gu Tianyang's body, making his heart that had a hint of warmth instantly turn cold, as if something had been taken away.

The coldness in his eyes flashed away, and he wiped away the tears from the corners of Gu Mingyue's eyes. This might be the last time he wiped away Gu Mingyue's tears.

"Stop imagining things. I'm fine. My departure has nothing to do with anyone."

After Gu Tianyang finished speaking, he turned around and left. The problem that had been bothering him had now been solved. From now on, no one might be able to stop him.

From now on, if God stands in the way of God, he will kill God, and if Buddha stands in the way of Buddha, he will punish Buddha. As long as he can achieve his goal, he is willing to sacrifice anyone!

Letting Gu Mingyue cry behind him, Gu Tianyang lit a cigarette and said indifferently: "Let's drive."

Han Chong couldn't bear it and said, "Ming Yue..."

"I'll let you drive!" Gu Tianyang said sternly.

Han Chong immediately trembled. He had seen Gu Tianyang get angry countless times, but this was the first time he saw Gu Tianyang be so fierce and angry!

The news that Gu Tianyang left the Gu family quickly spread throughout Huajing. In an instant, it was like a magnitude 12 earthquake, causing the entire Huajing to be in chaos.

No one can understand why Gu Tianyang would make such a decision. By doing so, Gu Tianyang was equivalent to giving up the Gu family and giving up the opportunity to dominate this largest family in the future.

Some people believe that the reason why Gu Tianyang is so famous is simply because of the power of the Gu family. Without the Gu family, he is nothing at all.

But those who have really been in contact with Gu Tianyang know how terrifying Gu Tianyang is. Even without the Gu family, he is still stunning and unrivaled!

There are even a few people who think that if Gu Tianyang leaves the Gu family, he will become even more terrifying!

Several old guys were sitting together and talking: "I didn't expect that boy to be so courageous and willing to leave the Gu family. The old boss must be so angry that smoke is coming out of his nose this time!"

"That's not necessarily the case. Now that Gu Tianyang has left the Gu family, we have no reason to get involved anymore, and the little bastard's only advantage is gone."

"If it's gone, it's gone. Anyway, that brat doesn't appreciate it very much. He just gave us a chance to watch a show."

"That's all, let them figure it out on their own. Let them resolve the affairs of young people by themselves. Survival of the fittest requires a fair fight!"

When the news reached Longya Island, Ji Wufeng sneered. Do you want a fair fight?

There is a saying that is true at all. The person who knows you best in the world will always be your opponent. Gu Tianyang's stupid behavior of "abolishing martial arts" is probably only known by Ji Wufeng. What a subtle move it is...

He has foreseen that the counterattack from Gu Tianyang will become even more crazy and unscrupulous!

Although Gu Tianyang has lost the label of the Gu family, he should not forget that he is still the prince, and his followers are still there. At the same time, he still has the Dragon Clan, and he has hidden forces that he has worked hard for so many years but has never been revealed to the world. That day, Gu Tianyang left the Gu family alone. When he stepped out of the gate of the Gu family, he looked back and found that there were people standing behind him. Their eyes were full of excitement and confusion, but most of them were gloating. There were naked sneers, but no one showed any sign of reluctance.

Gu Tianyang shook his head and smiled bitterly. It turned out that he was not unjustly defeated. Everyone around Ji Wufeng could die for him, but what about Gu Tianyang?

These people are obviously his family, connected by blood, but when he left in embarrassment, these people were full of expectations. They were not family members, but more like enemies!

Gu Tianyang has long felt that wealthy families have no family ties, but he still inevitably feels a little disappointed, which makes him feel like a loser!

But this way I have nothing to miss. One day I will come back, and then you will all realize how stupid you are!

Stepping out of the Gu family gate without looking back, Han Chong was already waiting outside. Just as Gu Tianyang was about to get in the car, he heard someone shouting from behind: "Brother..."

Gu Tianyang turned around and saw Gu Mingyue looking at him with tearful eyes.

Gu Tianyang's heart trembled, how could this happen? Why is she the only one in the entire Gu family who treats her like a family member? Why her?

"Mingyue, what's wrong with you?" Gu Tianyang asked with a forced smile.

"Brother, why did you leave the Gu family? I won't let you leave!" Gu Mingyue rushed over, grabbed Gu Tianyang's arm and pulled him towards the door.

"Mingyue, stop making trouble. I'm just moving out, it's not like I'll never go home again."

Gu Tianyang smiled, but no matter how hard Gu Mingyue tried, he couldn't make him move at all.

"You lied to me. I already heard them say you were leaving the Gu family. Why?"

Gu Mingyue shook her head and cried: "I know you are the most powerful person, but why do you give up this time?"

"Okay Mingyue, this is not giving up. Didn't you also say that I am the most powerful person? No matter where I go, I will never be bullied." Gu Tianyang touched Gu Mingyue's head. road.

"I don't want you to leave. If you leave, no one in the family will really love Mingyue anymore. Brother, don't leave, don't leave Mingyue, okay... wuwu..."

Gu Mingyue hugged Gu Tianyang and cried loudly.

Gu Tianyang felt a little hurt in his heart because of the guilt in his heart. Why did this almost stupid girl have such deep feelings for him, but he didn't know that the person she felt she could rely on the most might end up hurting her the most.

"I know it must be because of Ji Wufeng, right?" Gu Mingyue asked.

Ji Wufeng's name has spread more and more in Huajing. At the beginning, many people thought it was stupid for Ji Wufeng to choose to go against Gu Tianyang. But as Ji Wufeng continued to gain the upper hand, everyone had already Slowly leaning towards Ji Wufeng's side.

Gu Tianyang is the prince, and Ji Wufeng is also the prince in Yuzhou. But before, everyone thought that the prince Ji Wufeng was so ridiculous. When they called out their titles, one was the prince and the other Ji Wufeng.

But now he has become Prince Gu, Prince Ji, and people have placed Ji Wufeng on the same level as Gu Tianyang.

These rumors have spread completely, and Gu Mingyue has naturally heard of them, and at the same time, she also realized that Gu Tianyang's withdrawal from the Gu family must be related to Ji Wufeng.

Gu Tianyang was about to speak, Gu Mingyue

But he said: "Brother, can you two stop fighting? I will go find him and persuade him. I will definitely make you two best friends."

"Do you care about him very much?" Gu Tianyang said in surprise.

Gu Mingyue suddenly panicked, lowered her head and said: "I hope you will be hurt by him, and I don't want you to hurt him!"

Suddenly, a coldness came out of Gu Tianyang's body, making his heart that had a hint of warmth instantly turn cold, as if something had been taken away.

The coldness in his eyes flashed away, and he wiped away the tears from the corners of Gu Mingyue's eyes. This might be the last time he wiped away Gu Mingyue's tears.

"Stop imagining things. I'm fine. My departure has nothing to do with anyone."

After Gu Tianyang finished speaking, he turned around and left. The problem that had been bothering him had now been solved. From now on, no one might be able to stop him.

From now on, if God stands in the way of God, he will kill God, and if Buddha stands in the way of Buddha, he will punish Buddha. As long as he can achieve his goal, he is willing to sacrifice anyone!

Letting Gu Mingyue cry behind him, Gu Tianyang lit a cigarette and said indifferently: "Let's drive."

Han Chong couldn't bear it and said, "Ming Yue..."

"I'll let you drive!" Gu Tianyang said sternly.

Han Chong immediately trembled. He had seen Gu Tianyang get angry countless times, but this was the first time he saw Gu Tianyang be so fierce and angry!

The news that Gu Tianyang left the Gu family quickly spread throughout Huajing. In an instant, it was like a magnitude 12 earthquake, causing the entire Huajing to be in chaos.

No one can understand why Gu Tianyang would make such a decision. By doing so, Gu Tianyang was equivalent to giving up the Gu family and giving up the opportunity to dominate this largest family in the future.

Some people believe that the reason why Gu Tianyang is so famous is simply because of the power of the Gu family. Without the Gu family, he is nothing at all.

But those who have really been in contact with Gu Tianyang know how terrifying Gu Tianyang is. Even without the Gu family, he is still unparalleled and stunning!

There are even a few people who think that if Gu Tianyang leaves the Gu family, he will become even more terrifying!

Several old guys were sitting together and talking: "I didn't expect that boy to be so courageous and willing to leave the Gu family. The old boss must be so angry that smoke is coming out of his nose this time!"

"That's not necessarily the case. Now that Gu Tianyang has left the Gu family, we have no reason to get involved anymore, and the little bastard's only advantage is gone."

"If it's gone, it's gone. Anyway, that brat doesn't appreciate it very much. He just gave us a chance to watch a show."

"That's all, let them figure it out on their own. Let them resolve the affairs of young people by themselves. Survival of the fittest requires a fair fight!"

When the news reached Longya Island, Ji Wufeng sneered. Do you want a fair fight?

There is a saying that is true at all. The person who knows you best in the world will always be your opponent. Gu Tianyang's stupid behavior of "abolishing martial arts" is probably only known by Ji Wufeng. What a subtle move it is...

He has foreseen that the counterattack from Gu Tianyang will become even more crazy and unscrupulous!

Although Gu Tianyang has lost the label of the Gu family, he should not forget that he is still the prince, and his followers are still there. At the same time, he still has the Dragon Clan, and he has hidden forces that he has worked hard for so many years but has never been revealed to the world.

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