Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1159 God of War Gu Tianyang

What cannot be ignored is that he also has terrifying strength. Such a dragon among men, even if he temporarily loses everything, will never be underestimated by anyone.

In just over half a year, Ji Wufeng went from nothing to where he is today. Gu Tianyang can do the same, and even do better!

Sure enough, half a month later, riots broke out in the gray countries in the east, and the scale was very large. The strength of the reactionary armed forces was enough to compete with the government forces. Some countries in the east asked for international help. Gu Tianyang took the initiative to lead the three major forces under the Dragon Group. The special operations brigade went to the eastern coalition government forces to contain the reactionary forces.

At this critical moment, Gu Tianyang actually went to the east. Wasn't this deliberately giving Ji Wufeng room for development? If Ji Wufeng attacks at this time, it is very likely that all the forces he has left in China will be wiped out before Gu Tianyang comes back.

This is a stupid move!

Could it be that Gu Tianyang has already taken the initiative to admit defeat and announced his withdrawal from the fight between the two?

But when the news came, Ji Wufeng had a gloomy look on his face. What a good card he played!

Now everyone knows that the two people are already in a fair position. If Ji Wufeng takes action at this time, it will definitely make people lose their excuse.

People went to the battlefield to win glory for the country, but you were lucky enough to take advantage of it. Do you still want to be embarrassed?

Moreover, in the eyes of the big guys above, the two of them are just children fighting. They can ignore the small fight, but if one of them doesn't fight back and the other is still attacking desperately, can the adults still stand by and watch?

Ji Wufeng can't do anything, otherwise he will be defeated without force, and may even attract the resentment of those big bosses.

The only thing Ji Wufeng can do now is to stand still, and knowing the strength of the very light dust dragon group, and knowing the strength of Gu Tianyang, he will definitely win a great victory this time, and Gu Tianyang will have a halo of honor on his head when he comes back.

The people are philanthropic, but also ignorant. When Gu Tianyang comes back with honor, he will be a hero. When the two fight again, they will definitely side with Gu Tianyang.

They don't care who is right or wrong, they will only support the hero who represents justice!

The war to quell the chaos soon started, and news continued to spread back to China. When a blurry video appeared on the big screen, the whole China was boiling.

Bullets rained, countless people wailed as death approached, blood flowed into rivers, and corpses lay everywhere, it was like hell.

A group of soldiers wearing military uniforms with dragon-shaped patterns embroidered on their shoulders appeared, with extremely determined expressions and unparalleled strength, like gods descending from the sky.

The reactionary troops who were burning, killing and looting were wiped out, and the suffering innocent people were rescued. A handsome, domineering young man waved his hand and said in pure Chinese: "Protect all the people to leave safely, and if anything happens, Any mistake will be dealt with by military law!"

A group of soldiers carefully escorted the people away safely. A little girl who had lost all her relatives was crying loudly. The young man stepped forward to hold her in his arms, wiped her tears, and whispered: "Don't be afraid, uncle is here!"

Suddenly, a hint of murderous intent appeared in the little girl's eyes, and a dagger appeared strangely in her hand, stabbing Gu Tianyang fiercely.


Blood sprayed out, Gu Tianyang groaned, and grabbed the head with his bare hands.


long! "

Several soldiers rushed over madly, grabbed the little girl and shouted sternly: "You are looking for death!"


Gu Tianyang covered his chest and said: "She is just a child, let her go!"

After watching this video, the people in front of the computer were all women with reddish eyes and weak hearts, but they couldn't stop crying. They were all moved by Gu Tianyang in the video, and they were all shocked.

Gu Tianyang showed the heroic invincibility of China's soldiers, and at the same time let the world see China's benevolent heart.

After this video spread in the international media, China's reputation skyrocketed, and the image of China's soldiers was even discussed as flawless by some interested people.

Gu Tianyang became the international spokesperson of the Chinese soldiers and a hero in the hearts of the Chinese people.

Gu Tianyang has become the dream lover of all the girls in China. Being able to marry such a great hero will be the glory of their lives.

Giving birth to a child should be like the ancient sun!

It is not difficult to imagine that once Gu Tianyang comes back and he and Ji Wufeng start a war again, the public's intention will definitely be leaning towards Gu Tianyang, just because Gu Tianyang is a hero, and the hero's opponent is naturally the villain.

When watching this video, Ji Wufeng was also shocked, and a feeling of admiration arose spontaneously.

Regardless of the two people's positions, Gu Tianyang is indeed an unparalleled hero, demonstrating the majesty of the vast China and worthy of everyone's admiration.

However, in his stance, Ji Wufeng was furious.

Who is Gu Tianyang? The God of War, who killed all the young masters in the West and was afraid of him, could not avoid the sneak attack of a little girl of several years old. Go ahead and bluff me!

This is an act, but Ji Wufeng knows that no matter whether it is true or not, as long as the people think it is true, it is enough. If Ji Wufeng said that Gu Tianyang was acting, he would probably be drowned in the spit of tens of millions of people immediately.

She almost lost her life for a girl, and you actually said she was acting. Why the hell are you going to act for me?

Gu Tianyang's prestige was rising sharply, and all the advantages Ji Wufeng had gained disappeared in an instant, falling into a disadvantage.

While Ji Wufeng was angry, he was also full of fighting spirit. This was good. Only by defeating a more powerful opponent would he not have the mentality of bullying others and defeating them with force.

Gu Tianyang, when you come back, let's have a fair fight!

For nearly a month, Shi Qianying was fully trained by Rong Ge and Hong Ling under the supervision of Peng Cheng, and the long-planned new movie was finally going to start filming.

However, before starting the filming, Peng Cheng found internationally renowned musicians to create a second new music album tailored for Shi Qianying and released it.

This was planned long ago, to turn Shi Qianying into a superstar in one fell swoop.

Shi Qianying's first album has already made her popular, but before the popularity has subsided, a second album with more sophisticated production was released.

After the release of the new album, it immediately aroused a violent response, sweeping the entire Chinese market in an instant, and quickly spread throughout Asia in a very short period of time, winning unanimous praise.

In an instant, Shi Qianying completely established her position in the music world and became a super popular king among the younger generation. What cannot be ignored is that he also has terrifying strength. Such a dragon among men, even if he temporarily loses everything, will never be underestimated by anyone.

In just over half a year, Ji Wufeng went from nothing to where he is today. Gu Tianyang can do the same, and even do better!

Sure enough, half a month later, riots broke out in the gray countries in the east, and the scale was very large. The strength of the reactionary armed forces was enough to compete with the government forces. Some countries in the east asked for international help. Gu Tianyang took the initiative to lead the three major forces under the Dragon Group. The special operations brigade went to the eastern coalition government forces to contain the reactionary forces.

At this critical moment, Gu Tianyang actually went to the east. Wasn't this deliberately giving Ji Wufeng room for development? If Ji Wufeng attacks at this time, it is very likely that all the forces he has left in China will be wiped out before Gu Tianyang comes back.

This is a stupid move!

Could it be that Gu Tianyang has already taken the initiative to admit defeat and announced his withdrawal from the fight between the two?

But when the news came, Ji Wufeng had a gloomy look on his face. What a good card he played!

Now everyone knows that the two people are already in a fair position. If Ji Wufeng takes action at this time, it will definitely make people lose their excuse.

People went to the battlefield to win glory for the country, but you were lucky enough to take advantage of it. Do you still want to be embarrassed?

Moreover, in the eyes of the big guys above, the two of them are just children fighting. They can ignore the small fight, but if one of them doesn't fight back and the other is still attacking desperately, can the adults still stand by and watch?

Ji Wufeng can't do anything, otherwise he will be defeated without force, and may even attract the resentment of those big bosses.

The only thing Ji Wufeng can do now is to stand still, and knowing the strength of the very light dust dragon group, and knowing the strength of Gu Tianyang, he will definitely win a great victory this time, and Gu Tianyang will have a halo of honor on his head when he comes back.

The people are philanthropic, but also ignorant. When Gu Tianyang comes back with honor, he will be a hero. When the two fight again, they will definitely side with Gu Tianyang.

They don't care who is right or wrong, they will only support the hero who represents justice!

The war to quell the chaos soon started, and news continued to spread back to China. When a blurry video appeared on the big screen, the whole China was boiling.

Bullets rained, countless people wailed as death approached, blood flowed into rivers, and corpses lay everywhere, it was like hell.

A group of soldiers wearing military uniforms with dragon-shaped patterns embroidered on their shoulders appeared, with extremely determined expressions and unparalleled strength, like gods descending from the sky.

The reactionary troops who were burning, killing and looting were wiped out, and the suffering innocent people were rescued. A handsome, domineering young man waved his hand and said in pure Chinese: "Protect all the people to leave safely, and if anything happens, Any mistake will be dealt with by military law!"

A group of soldiers carefully escorted the people away safely. A little girl who had lost all her relatives was crying loudly. The young man stepped forward to hold her in his arms, wiped her tears, and whispered: "Don't be afraid, uncle is here!"

Suddenly, a hint of murderous intent appeared in the little girl's eyes, and a dagger appeared strangely in her hand, stabbing Gu Tianyang fiercely.


Blood sprayed out, Gu Tianyang groaned, and grabbed the head with his bare hands.


long! "

Several soldiers rushed over madly, grabbed the little girl and shouted sternly: "You are looking for death!"


Gu Tianyang covered his chest and said: "She is just a child, let her go!"

After watching this video, the people in front of the computer were all women with reddish eyes and weak hearts, but they couldn't stop crying. They were all moved by Gu Tianyang in the video, and they were all shocked.

Gu Tianyang showed the heroic invincibility of China's soldiers, and at the same time let the world see China's benevolent heart.

After this video spread in the international media, China's reputation skyrocketed, and the image of China's soldiers was even discussed as flawless by some interested people.

Gu Tianyang became the international spokesperson of the Chinese soldiers and a hero in the hearts of the Chinese people.

Gu Tianyang has become the dream lover of all the girls in China. Being able to marry such a great hero will be the glory of their lives.

Giving birth to a child should be like the ancient sun!

It is not difficult to imagine that once Gu Tianyang comes back and he and Ji Wufeng start a war again, the public's intention will definitely be leaning towards Gu Tianyang, just because Gu Tianyang is a hero, and the hero's opponent is naturally the villain.

When watching this video, Ji Wufeng was also shocked, and a feeling of admiration arose spontaneously.

Regardless of the two people's positions, Gu Tianyang is indeed an unparalleled hero, demonstrating the majesty of the vast China and worthy of everyone's admiration.

However, in his stance, Ji Wufeng was furious.

Who is Gu Tianyang? The God of War, who killed all the young masters in the West and was afraid of him, could not avoid the sneak attack of a little girl of several years old. Go ahead and bluff me!

This is an act, but Ji Wufeng knows that no matter whether it is true or not, as long as the people think it is true, it is enough. If Ji Wufeng said that Gu Tianyang was acting, he would probably be drowned in the spit of tens of millions of people immediately.

She almost lost her life for a girl, and you actually said she was acting. Why the hell are you going to act for me?

Gu Tianyang's prestige was rising sharply, and all the advantages Ji Wufeng had gained disappeared in an instant, falling into a disadvantage.

While Ji Wufeng was angry, he was also full of fighting spirit. This was good. Only by defeating a more powerful opponent would he not have the mentality of bullying others and defeating them with force.

Gu Tianyang, when you come back, let's have a fair fight!

For nearly a month, Shi Qianying was fully trained by Rong Ge and Hong Ling under the supervision of Peng Cheng, and the long-planned new movie was finally going to start filming.

However, before starting the filming, Peng Cheng found internationally renowned musicians to create a second new music album tailored for Shi Qianying and released it.

This was planned long ago, to turn Shi Qianying into a superstar in one fell swoop.

Shi Qianying's first album has already made her popular, but before the popularity has subsided, a second album with more sophisticated production was released.

After the release of the new album, it immediately aroused a violent response, sweeping the entire Chinese market in an instant, and quickly spread throughout Asia in a very short period of time, winning unanimous praise.

In an instant, Shi Qianying completely established her position in the music world and became a super popular king among the younger generation.

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