Peng Cheng was very proud. This was his packaging method. He wanted to take advantage of Shi Qianying's popularity in the music world to achieve good results in the film industry. He wanted to build Shi Qianying into a star in the music industry and film industry. Amphibious international superstar.

To strike while the iron is hot, Peng Cheng arranged for his teacher Qian Ying to hold a fan signing event at the Shanghai International Sports Plaza. This was an opportunity to interact with fans and a very effective way for the singer to gain popularity.

That night, the sports square was packed with people. It was originally a gathering place for people, and with the proper promotion under Peng Cheng's instructions, Shi Qianying's new album has topped the major music charts, and its popularity has been unprecedented. , she held this autograph session, and people came to support her from all directions.

The stage set up in the sports square did not have a high-end atmosphere. Compared with many celebrities, it was even a little shabby, but there were huge posters of Shi Qianying hanging around it.

The stage was covered with a red carpet, and pens for signing, tables and chairs, and a microphone were prepared. That was Shi Qianying's seat.

Fans gathered in groups and were extremely excited. They were all eagerly awaiting the arrival of their idols. They held various fluorescent signs in their hands, some with Shi Qianying's cartoon head, and others with the words " Shi Qianying, I love you!

There was money at the scene to pull out several large red banners, which read Shi Qianying Fans Association, Shi Qianying Fans Association, Shi Qianying Fans Association...

A young man stood in the crowd, waiting for Shi Qianying's arrival like a loyal little fan. All he heard in his ears were praise and love for Shi Qianying. This feeling made him very happy, and he even had a feeling in his heart. Some feelings of pride.

She is no longer that pitiful girl, she has truly become a superstar.

When Shi Qianying came over under the escort of the staff, the whole place immediately burst into excitement. Not only the fans who supported Shi Qianying, but also the passers-by who came to the stadium to play were generous in their applause.

Because this girl is so beautiful.

Shi Qianying was among the crowd after entering the venue. When she didn't see a familiar figure, a trace of disappointment flashed across her face.

After the host made some simple opening remarks, Shi Qianying took the microphone and said: "Thank you all for coming to the scene to support me. I am grateful for your support for me all the time without asking for anything in return. This makes me very happy and endless." In return, I hope my singing can express my gratitude to you at this time!"

Shi Qianying sang the title song of her new album acapella, and the sound that seemed to penetrate people's souls sounded at the scene. Everyone couldn't help but be intoxicated by this beautiful singing, and devoted themselves to the exciting and beautiful melody. middle.

At the end of the song, the audience went crazy and applauded like a storm, unable to stop for a long time. Finally, Shi Qianying herself agreed to sing another song, and then the emotions of the fans and fans were stabilized.

After the two songs were sung, the autograph session began. Fans and fans lined up to ask Shi Qianying to sign his album, taking the albums and autograph books they had prepared.

However, the chaotic crowd on the square disappeared, and there was only an endless line of people, lining up like elementary school students and observing the rules.

The power of idols is powerful. If this is the case, if they come not to meet their idols, but to raid the discounted goods in the mall, this scene may definitely appear.

It's possible to fight over it!

Two young men were also lining up in the crowd. In fact, they didn't need to line up at all, but they felt that doing so was a kind of support for Shi Qianying.

Seeing that he was about to arrive in line, one of the young men sniffed and said, "Why is there a smell? Is it possible that someone who waited in line for too long refused to go to the toilet and pooped his crotch?"

The two people followed the smell and saw a man wearing a peaked cap in front of them. The smell was emanating from him, but the smell was not very strong and it was difficult for ordinary people to smell it, unless they were like these two guys. , the nose is sharper than a dog's.

But they didn't pay too much attention to it. Even if they really pulled it down to their crotch, they didn't care about their own business.

Soon, the man in the peaked hat approached Shi Qianying. Shi Qianying asked with a smile: "Do you want an autograph?"

"You bitch, eat shit!"

Unexpectedly, the face of the man in the peaked cap suddenly turned ferocious, and he took out a black plastic bag and threw it at Shi Qianying.

The distance was too close and it happened too fast. Shi Qianying couldn't react at all. Just as it was about to hit her, a beautiful girl rushed over and kicked the man in the peaked hat backwards, then flew away again. He flew up and kicked the plastic bag away, hitting the man in the peaked hat.

The man in the peaked cap fell to the ground, and the plastic bag broke when it hit him. Yellow stuff leaked out, and a stench instantly rose up.

"Damn it, why does it stink so much!"

"Damn, where did the shit come from!"

"You bought a watch last year and you want to throw shit at Qian Ying. Go to hell!"

The crowd immediately started yelling and cursing, and most of the feces hit the man, but some of it still hit the people next to him.

No one expected that something like this would happen, but it was not the first time that something like this happened in the entertainment industry. Security personnel immediately rushed over and surrounded Shi Qianying for tight protection.

"Miss Ling, please escort Miss Shi away safely immediately, and leave the rest to me." The person in charge of security stared at the man in the peaked hat with anger on his face and said to Ling Moran.

He was specially sent by Peng Cheng to be by Shi Qianying's side. Not only was he to ensure Shi Qianying's safety, but during this period of contact, he also became Shi Qianying's fan. No, his whole family became Shi Qianying's. fans.

Now someone dares to throw feces on his family's idol. He can tolerate it, but his wife and children cannot tolerate it!

When this happened suddenly, Shi Qianying panicked. She originally wanted to follow Ling Moran and leave immediately, but when she suddenly saw two young people standing in the crowd, her face suddenly lit up and she calmed down.

She did not leave immediately, but walked up to the man in the peaked hat and said, "Sir, I don't understand why you did this to me. If you can, can you tell me where I offended you?"

Shi Qianying felt that she was very innocent. She had always been kind and never had any grudges with anyone. How could someone hate her so much?

"Hmph, you didn't offend me, but I just can't stand your pretentious face. You're just a bitch. Why are you pretending to be an innocent and beautiful girl?" the man in the peaked hat said viciously. Peng Cheng was very proud. This was his packaging method. He wanted to take advantage of Shi Qianying's popularity in the music world to achieve good results in the film industry. He wanted to build Shi Qianying into a star in the music industry and film industry. Amphibious international superstar.

To strike while the iron is hot, Peng Cheng arranged for his teacher Qian Ying to hold a fan signing event at the Shanghai International Sports Plaza. This was an opportunity to interact with fans and a very effective way for the singer to gain popularity.

That night, the sports square was crowded with people. It was originally a gathering place for people, and with the proper promotion under Peng Cheng's instructions, Shi Qianying's new album has topped the major music charts, and its popularity has been unprecedented. , she held this autograph session, and people came to support her from all directions.

The stage set up in the sports square did not have a high-end atmosphere. Compared with many celebrities, it was even a little shabby, but there were huge posters of Shi Qianying hanging around it.

The stage was covered with a red carpet, and pens for signing, tables and chairs, and a microphone were prepared. That was Shi Qianying's seat.

Fans gathered in groups and were extremely excited. They were all eagerly awaiting the arrival of their idols. They held various fluorescent signs in their hands, some with Shi Qianying's cartoon head, and others with the words " Shi Qianying, I love you!

There was money at the scene to pull out several large red banners, which read Shi Qianying Fans Association, Shi Qianying Fans Association, Shi Qianying Fans Association... ??

A young man stood in the crowd, waiting for Shi Qianying's arrival like a loyal little fan. All he heard in his ears were praise and love for Shi Qianying. This feeling made him very happy, and he even had a feeling in his heart. Some feelings of pride.

She is no longer that pitiful girl, she has truly become a superstar.

When Shi Qianying rushed over under the escort of the staff, the whole place immediately burst into excitement. Not only the fans who supported Shi Qianying, but also the passers-by who came to the stadium to play were generous in their applause.

Because this girl is so beautiful.

Shi Qianying was among the crowd after entering the venue. When she didn't see a familiar figure, a trace of disappointment flashed across her face.

After the host made some simple opening remarks, Shi Qianying took the microphone and said: "Thank you all for coming to the scene to support me. I am grateful for your support for me all the time without asking for anything in return. This makes me very happy and endless." In return, I hope my singing can express my gratitude to you at this time!”

Shi Qianying sang the title song of her new album acapella, and the sound that seemed to penetrate people's souls sounded at the scene. Everyone couldn't help but be intoxicated by this beautiful singing, and devoted themselves to the exciting and beautiful melody. middle.

At the end of the song, the audience went crazy and applauded like a storm, unable to stop for a long time. Finally, Shi Qianying herself agreed to sing another song, and then the emotions of the fans and fans were stabilized.

After the two songs were sung, the autograph session began. Fans and fans lined up to ask Shi Qianying to sign his album, taking the albums and autograph books they had prepared.

However, the chaotic crowd on the square disappeared, and there was only an endless line of people, lining up like elementary school students and observing the rules.

The power of idols is powerful. If this is the case, if they come not to meet their idols, but to raid the discounted goods in the mall, this scene may definitely appear.

It's possible to fight over it!

Two young men were also lining up in the crowd. In fact, they didn't need to line up at all, but they felt that doing so was a kind of support for Shi Qianying.

Seeing that he was about to arrive in line, one of the young men sniffed and said, "Why is there a smell? Is it possible that someone who waited in line for too long refused to go to the toilet and pooped his crotch?"

The two people followed the smell and saw a man wearing a peaked cap in front of them. The smell was emanating from him, but the smell was not very strong and it was difficult for ordinary people to smell it, unless they were like these two guys. , the nose is sharper than a dog's.

But they didn't pay too much attention to it. Even if they really pulled it down to their crotch, they didn't care about their own business.

Soon, the man in the peaked hat approached Shi Qianying. Shi Qianying asked with a smile: "Do you want an autograph?"

"You bitch, eat shit!"

Unexpectedly, the face of the man in the peaked cap suddenly turned ferocious, and he took out a black plastic bag and threw it at Shi Qianying.

The distance was too close and it happened too fast. Shi Qianying couldn't react at all. Just as it was about to hit her, a beautiful girl rushed over and kicked the man in the peaked hat backwards, then flew away again. He flew up and kicked the plastic bag away, hitting the man in the peaked hat.

The man in the peaked cap fell to the ground, and the plastic bag broke when it hit him. Yellow stuff leaked out, and a stench instantly rose up.

"Damn it, why does it stink so much!"

"Damn, where did the shit come from!"

"You bought a watch last year and you want to throw shit at Qian Ying. Go to hell!"

The crowd immediately started shouting curses. Most of the feces hit the man, but some of it hit the people next to him.

No one expected that something like this would happen, but it was not the first time that something like this happened in the entertainment industry. Security personnel immediately rushed over and surrounded Shi Qianying for tight protection.

"Miss Ling, please escort Miss Shi away safely immediately, and leave the rest to me." The person in charge of security stared at the man in the peaked hat with anger on his face and said to Ling Moran.

He was specially sent by Peng Cheng to be by Shi Qianying's side. Not only was he to ensure Shi Qianying's safety, but during this period of contact, he also became Shi Qianying's fan. No, his whole family became Shi Qianying's. fans.

Now someone dares to throw feces on his family's idol. He can tolerate it, but his wife and children cannot tolerate it!

When this happened suddenly, Shi Qianying panicked. She originally wanted to follow Ling Moran and leave immediately, but when she suddenly saw two young people standing in the crowd, her face suddenly lit up and she calmed down.

She did not leave immediately, but walked up to the man in the peaked hat and said, "Sir, I don't understand why you did this to me. If you can, can you tell me where I offended you?"

Shi Qianying felt that she was very innocent. She had always been kind and never had any grudges with anyone. How could someone hate her so much?

"Hmph, you didn't offend me, but I just can't stand your pretentious face. You're just a bitch. Why are you pretending to be an innocent and beautiful girl?" the man in the peaked hat said viciously.

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