Hearing this, the whole place suddenly burst into excitement. Shi Qianying has always maintained the image of a pure and beautiful girl since she entered the public eye. Isn't this bastard's mouth too vicious?

"Will you try again?" Ling Moran stood up, his face full of murderous intent.

She has been protecting Shi Qianying for so long that she knows that Shi Qianying is the kindest girl in the world. The two are already close friends. She will not allow anyone to slander or insult Shi Qianying.

The man in the peaked hat sneered at everyone: "We are all her fans, right? Do we all think she is perfect? ​​Let me tell you, she is actually just a plaything that others can play with. If you don't believe me, go to Yuzhou and ask, who is not Do you know she is Yuzhou Ji Wufeng’s woman?” ??

Because Gu Tianyang's popularity is now soaring, the grievances between him and Ji Wufeng have also been publicized, so Ji Wufeng's name is basically known to everyone.

Now many people know that there is a prince in Yuzhou, his name is Ji Wufeng!

"I have nothing to do with him!" Shi Qianying said.

"Nothing? It's true that you and him are not related to each other, it's true that it's nothing, but he helped pave the way for you all the way and made you a big star. Do you dare to say that there is no dirty deal between you and him?"

The man in the peaked hat said with contempt again: "Who is Ji Wufeng? From the fact that there are so many women around him, you know that he is definitely a pervert. Do you think a pervert would be willing to help someone who is not a relative or a friend? And don’t ask for anything?”

Fans who originally wanted to scold you were speechless. Yes, the two of them are not related, but they helped you become a big star. What do they want from you?

Gu Tianyang is now everyone's hero, but Ji Wufeng is his enemy. The hero's enemy is naturally the villain!

Therefore, Gu Tianyang's admirers began to human-human search Ji Wufeng, collecting all his past deeds and exposing them through the Internet.

Not to mention, what Ji Wufeng did did not look very honorable. For example, what Ji Wufeng did in school, after some exaggeration, turned into how Ji Wufeng bullied teachers and classmates in school.

After failing to pursue Yang Qingwu, he let a car hit her, causing her to lose her memory. He also forced counselor Hua Yutong to be his woman.

There is also Lu Shuangshuang, the head of Ji Wufeng's family business Tianxiang Group. Because he didn't obey his lewd behavior, he was beaten into a vegetative state and is still lying in the hospital.

All in all, Ji Wufeng's bad deeds are countless, even too numerous to mention. All kinds of bad names are attached to his head. He is full of evil and unforgivable? Sorry, that can't describe him anymore. Even if you kill him a hundred times, you can't make up for his sins a thousand times!

Fans all love Shi Qianying, and they are willing to believe her, but Ji Wufeng is too evil, and they do not want to believe Ji Wufeng.

What the man in the peaked hat said makes sense. Such a sinful guy, who worked so hard to help Shi Qianying become a big star, would he be willing to let Shi Qianying ask for nothing?

Maybe they have nothing to do with each other during the day, but at night they become a couple.

The people are kind, but they can be easily deceived. They are very angry at this moment. They feel that they have been deceived by Shi Qianying's pure and perfect image.

"Damn it, I thought she was so pure, but it turns out she is

What a bitch! "

"No wonder you became famous so quickly. It turns out you got there by accompanying men!"

"It's so sad, so sad that I was deceived by a bitch for so long!"

Immediately, there was an unbearable shouting and cursing in the crowd. Ji Wufeng looked at it coldly, and a trace of murderous intent arose.

Shi Qianying's tears fell. She just wanted to fulfill her music dream and be a good singer, but why did these people hurt themselves?

Seeing Shi Qianying crying, Ji Wufeng's anger exploded. If his woman was subjected to such humiliation and injustice, and she still did nothing, would she still be considered a man?

"You want to die!"

But before he could take action, someone had already taken the lead. It was Ling Moran, who kicked the man in the peaked hat away.

There was a commotion among the crowd. At this time, someone suddenly pointed at Ji Wufeng and shouted: "He is Ji Wufeng. I have seen him. Everyone, run away, he can kill people!"

Suddenly the crowd became chaotic. Ji Wufeng stepped forward and grabbed Ling Moran, saying, "What do you want to do?"

Ling Moran said with red eyes: "I'll kill this bastard."

"If you kill someone in public, it will only make Qian Ying's life even more difficult. Let's leave immediately." Ji Wufeng pulled Ling Moran away.

Now they are just rats on the street. If Ling Moran kills another person at this time, the consequences will be even more difficult to end.

Ji Wufeng could see that this matter was not directed at Shi Qianying, but at himself. The purpose was to bring disrepute to himself.

Now Ji Wufeng's reputation is very bad, but no matter how many "crimes" he has on his head, they are just rumors and cannot be completely confirmed. But once he beats someone to death, doesn't that just prove that he is cruel?

What a good way to play. He who wins the hearts of the people will win the world. Which king in ancient times did not do this to secure his throne?

Now it can be said that Gu Tianyang only wins the hearts of the people, but Ji Wufeng has become the big devil in the hearts of the people. Before the decisive battle between the two, Gu Tianyang is already in an invincible position.

At this moment, a burst of angry shouting came, and the chaotic crowd was forcibly separated. A team of fully armed security personnel rushed over, and the leader said coldly: "I am the security manager of the stadium, who is here?" Gathering a crowd to cause trouble?"

The man in the peaked hat who was kicked away by Ling Moran crawled over, pointed at Ji Wufeng and said: "They are the ones making trouble. Not only are they making trouble, they also want to kill people!"

Several voices in the crowd immediately responded, saying: "Yes, it's them. Not only did they beat people, they also wanted to kill people!"

The security manager walked up to Ji Wufeng and said in a deep voice: "Come back with us and explain the matter clearly!"

Ji Wufeng had a cold look on his face. It seemed that today's situation had been laid out a long time ago. A security guard walked towards Shi Qianying and said with a sinister smile: "Big star, come with me first. If it goes to the police station, the matter will spread." , it’s even more difficult to handle.”

That's right, Shi Qianying's popularity is soaring now. If something like this happened, she would resolve it directly at the gymnasium. If the matter went to the police station and the matter escalated, the news media would not let her go.


Ji Wufeng said: "It was us who beat her up, it has nothing to do with her." Hearing this, the whole audience suddenly burst into excitement. Ever since Shi Qianying entered the public eye, she has always maintained the image of a pure and beautiful girl. This bastard's mouth is unavoidable. Isn't it too vicious?

"Will you try again?" Ling Moran stood up, his face full of murderous intent.

She has been protecting Shi Qianying for so long that she knows that Shi Qianying is the kindest girl in the world. The two are already close friends. She will not allow anyone to slander or insult Shi Qianying.

The man in the peaked hat sneered at everyone: "We are all her fans, right? Do we all think she is perfect? ​​Let me tell you, she is actually just a plaything that others can play with. If you don't believe me, go to Yuzhou and ask, who is not Do you know that she is the woman from Yuzhou Ji Wufeng?"

Because Gu Tianyang's popularity is now soaring, the grievances between him and Ji Wufeng have also been publicized, so Ji Wufeng's name is basically known to everyone.

Now many people know that there is a prince in Yuzhou, his name is Ji Wufeng!

"I have nothing to do with him!" Shi Qianying said.

"Nothing? It's true that you and him are not related to each other, it's true that it's nothing, but he helped pave the way for you all the way and made you a big star. Do you dare to say that there is no dirty deal between you and him?"

The man in the peaked hat said with contempt again: "Who is Ji Wufeng? From the fact that there are so many women around him, you know that he is definitely a pervert. Do you think a pervert would be willing to help someone who is not a relative or a friend? And don’t ask for anything?”

Fans who originally wanted to scold you were speechless. Yes, the two of them are not related, but they helped you become a big star. What do they want from you?

Gu Tianyang is now everyone's hero, but Ji Wufeng is his enemy. The hero's enemy is naturally the villain!

Therefore, Gu Tianyang's admirers began to human-human search Ji Wufeng, collecting all his past deeds and exposing them through the Internet.

Not to mention, what Ji Wufeng did did not look very honorable. For example, what Ji Wufeng did in school, after some exaggeration, turned into how Ji Wufeng bullied teachers and classmates in school.

After failing to pursue Yang Qingwu, he let a car hit her, causing her to lose her memory. He also forced counselor Hua Yutong to be his woman.

There is also Lu Shuangshuang, the head of Ji Wufeng's family business Tianxiang Group. Because he didn't obey his lewd behavior, he was beaten into a vegetative state and is still lying in the hospital.

All in all, Ji Wufeng's bad deeds are countless, even too numerous to mention. All kinds of bad names are attached to his head. He is full of evil and unforgivable? Sorry, that can't describe him anymore. Even if you kill him a hundred times, you can't make up for his sins a thousand times!

Fans all love Shi Qianying, and they are willing to believe her, but Ji Wufeng is too evil, and they do not want to believe Ji Wufeng.

What the man in the peaked hat said makes sense. Such a sinful guy, who worked so hard to help Shi Qianying become a big star, would he be willing to let Shi Qianying ask for nothing?

Maybe they have nothing to do with each other during the day, but at night they become a couple.

The people are kind, but they can be easily deceived. They are very angry at this moment. They feel that they have been deceived by Shi Qianying's pure and perfect image.

"Damn it, I thought she was so pure, but it turns out she is

What a bitch! "

"No wonder you became famous so quickly. It turns out you got there by accompanying men!"

"It's so sad, so sad that I was deceived by a bitch for so long!"

Immediately, there was an unbearable shouting and cursing in the crowd. Ji Wufeng looked at it coldly, and a trace of murderous intent arose.

Shi Qianying's tears fell. She just wanted to fulfill her music dream and be a good singer, but why did these people hurt themselves?

Seeing Shi Qianying crying, Ji Wufeng's anger exploded. If his woman was subjected to such humiliation and injustice, and she still did nothing, would she still be considered a man?

"You want to die!"

But before he could take action, someone had already taken the lead. It was Ling Moran, who kicked the man in the peaked hat away.

There was a commotion among the crowd. At this time, someone suddenly pointed at Ji Wufeng and shouted: "He is Ji Wufeng. I have seen him. Everyone, run away, he can kill people!"

Suddenly the crowd became chaotic. Ji Wufeng stepped forward and grabbed Ling Moran, saying, "What do you want to do?"

Ling Moran said with red eyes: "I'll kill this bastard."

"If you kill someone in public, it will only make Qian Ying's life even more difficult. Let's leave immediately." Ji Wufeng pulled Ling Moran away.

Now they are just rats on the street. If Ling Moran kills another person at this time, the consequences will be even more difficult to end.

Ji Wufeng could see that this matter was not directed at Shi Qianying, but at himself. The purpose was to bring disrepute to himself.

Now Ji Wufeng's reputation is very bad, but no matter how many "crimes" he has on his head, they are just rumors and cannot be completely confirmed. But once he beats someone to death, doesn't that just prove that he is cruel?

What a good way to play. He who wins the hearts of the people will win the world. Which king in ancient times did not do this to secure his throne?

Now it can be said that Gu Tianyang only wins the hearts of the people, but Ji Wufeng has become the big devil in the hearts of the people. Before the decisive battle between the two, Gu Tianyang is already in an invincible position.

At this moment, a burst of angry shouting came, and the chaotic crowd was forcibly separated. A team of fully armed security personnel rushed over, and the leader said coldly: "I am the security manager of the stadium, who is here?" Gathering a crowd to cause trouble?"

The man in the peaked hat who was kicked away by Ling Moran crawled over, pointed at Ji Wufeng and said: "They are the ones making trouble. Not only are they making trouble, they also want to kill people!"

Several voices in the crowd immediately responded, saying: "Yes, it's them. Not only did they beat people, they also wanted to kill people!"

The security manager walked up to Ji Wufeng and said in a deep voice: "Come back with us and explain the matter clearly!"

Ji Wufeng had a cold look on his face. It seemed that today's situation had been laid out a long time ago. A security guard walked towards Shi Qianying and said with a sinister smile: "Big star, come with me first. If it goes to the police station, the matter will spread." , it’s even more difficult to handle.”

That's right, Shi Qianying's popularity is soaring now. If something like this happened, she would resolve it directly at the gymnasium. If the matter went to the police station and the matter escalated, the news media would not let her go.


Ji Wufeng said: "We beat someone, it has nothing to do with her."

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