The brothers became love rivals, and even lost miserably. They were heartbroken and humiliated. In the end, Chu Tianshu left angrily and disappeared from everyone's sight!

"Have I done anything for him?" Chu Tianshu asked with a sneer.

"Of course you do!"

Shao Lingxue said firmly: "If it weren't for your prophecy, I'm afraid no one would place any hope on Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng might have become a dead man from the moment he stepped out of Guangzhou!"

The best way to protect a person is to make many people think that he is of great value, so that many people will not want to see him die.

In fact, this is also the reason why Ji Wufeng came to Chu Tianshu. After thousands of years of experience in the world of cultivation, Ji Wufeng's military force is unrivaled, but he is really useless at this trick, otherwise he would not have died by self-destruction.

From the beginning to the end, Ji Wufeng felt that his ability to reach this point was certainly related to his own strength, but it was undeniable that there was always a hand pushing behind him without leaving any trace.

Let Ji Wufeng be shocked!

He really wanted to know the origin of this person with astonishing abilities. As the saying goes, those who master first come first, so he did not hesitate to put down his pretense of being a fairy king and come to ask for advice!

To others, perhaps the so-called knowledge of heaven's secrets is just nonsense and extremely absurd.

But for Ji Wufeng's experience, it is so unbelievable that he can be reborn a thousand years later. Then there really is a heavenly book recording heavenly secrets in the world. What else is so strange?

When he came this time, he could not confirm that the so-called Heavenly Book actually existed, but he was certain that Chu Tianshu might really have the ability to gain insight into heavenly secrets.

Because before arriving, he already knew that from the moment he stepped out of the small Guangzhou and entered Yuzhou, his every move would be watched by all the major forces in Huajing.

Some people want to get rid of him to avoid future troubles, while others want to control him and use him as a tool. He is like a baby that has just crawled out of the cave, being targeted by various birds and beasts. , it will be torn into pieces at any time and turned into a meal in the belly!

But at this time, the phrase "a dragon lurks in the abyss, and once it flies into the sky" came out, instantly making everyone afraid to act rashly.

Because this sentence comes from the mouth of Chu Tianshu who knows the secrets of heaven!

The meaning of this sentence is that Ji Wufeng is a hidden dragon. Now that he has emerged from the abyss, he will surely soar into the sky and roar proudly all over the world!

Just like what I said just now, the best way to protect a person is to make many people think that he has great value.

It is because of the value of Ji Wufeng that although some people want to destroy him, there are also people who want to keep him. This is why Ji Wufeng has inexplicably received a lot of help along the way.

Regardless of whether Ji Wufeng needs it or not, it is undeniable that so much help appears out of thin air.

"Maybe in the eyes of others you have done nothing, but you gave them a piece of the sky!" Shao Lingxue said.

"It's your business what you want to think. Even if I give him a piece of the sky, so what? He only needs to be a real dragon." Chu Tianshu said.

"I believe he is a real dragon, and for a real dragon, nothing is needed, a piece of sky is enough!"

\u003e That’s right, if it’s not a real dragon, what if you give him a piece of the sky? A snake will never have the possibility of flying for a few days! Ji Wufeng has this piece of sky, and he is also a real dragon, but this piece of world is too vast, no matter what he needs, it will take a long time.

In comparison, Gu Tianyang had a lot, which just caused his world to be far less vast than Ji Wufeng's. Because no matter what he wanted, it was too close to him, so close that he could get it at his fingertips! If two people were compared to wolves, then Gu Tianyang would be the wolf in the zoo, so he could sit back and relax!

Ji Wufeng is a wild wolf. If he wants to fill his stomach, he must hunt and kill himself while avoiding the traps and muzzles of hunters.

Gu Tianyang lived a very comfortable life, was very strong and looked mighty, while Ji Wufeng lived a very difficult life, had difficulty eating a full meal, was skinny and seemed vulnerable.

But everyone knows very well that if these two wolves are put together for a duel, there will be no suspense about the outcome. However, Gu Tianyang was a bred wolf and could not beat Ji Wufeng, but he had the help of his breeder. Therefore, it is not surprising at all that the two are now neck and neck.

In a dark secret room, a group of people whose faces were unclear were sitting together. No one spoke, leaving the whole secret room filled with dead silence.

"Chu Tianshu is out?" After a long silence, someone finally couldn't help but speak.

"Nonsense, otherwise would we have a chance to sit together?" Someone said in a deep voice.

The room fell into silence again. Even if each other couldn't see who the other was, everyone knew the identity of the other party. They had not gathered together like this for more than ten years, and it was all because of Chu Tianshu.

Even with the current situation, they had never been worried, but now Chu Tianshu disrupted their position.

"Why are you all mute? No one knows his methods. Don't blame me for not warning everyone, trouble may have come." Someone said in a mocking tone.

Back then, he proposed to get rid of Chu Tianshu, but was opposed. Today, it was proved that his original proposal was correct.

"Huh, don't say anything sarcastic. If you could have gotten rid of him back then, would he still be alive today? Don't think that because we opposed it back then, we just think you didn't do anything behind our backs!" Someone snorted coldly.

The man was also angry and said: "Fart, it's because you were afraid of his Tianshu Pavilion and acted like a coward. If we had joined forces back then, how could we still have such a serious problem today?"

"I want to remind you that just because he is still alive, you can sit here leisurely now!"

"Have you had enough noise?"

The person sitting in the main seat finally spoke, and the two people who were arguing immediately stopped. One of them said: "It's too late to say anything now, but Tianshu Pavilion didn't take action back then, and it won't happen now, and it won't be like this. Like facing a formidable enemy."

Someone shook his head and said: "Back then, it was because Tianshu Pavilion had no reason to take action, but it is different now. The martial arts conference is about to be held, and people from Tiangong, the six sects, the eight aristocratic families, and the Demon Sect will also show up, so Tianshu Pavilion will not The power is bound.”

The scene fell into silence once again. Yes, if Tianshuge takes action, they will indeed be in big trouble. The brothers became love rivals, and even lost miserably. They were heartbroken and humiliated. In the end, Chu Tianshu left angrily and disappeared from everyone's sight!

"Have I done anything for him?" Chu Tianshu asked with a sneer.

"Of course you do!"

Shao Lingxue said firmly: "If it weren't for your prophecy, I'm afraid no one would place any hope on Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng might have become a dead man from the moment he stepped out of Guangzhou!"

The best way to protect a person is to make many people think that he is of great value, so that many people will not want to see him die.

In fact, this is also the reason why Ji Wufeng came to Chu Tianshu. Having been in the world of cultivation for thousands of years, Ji Wufeng's military force is unrivaled, but he is really useless at this trick, otherwise he would not have died by self-destruction.

From the beginning to the end, Ji Wufeng felt that his ability to reach this point was certainly related to his own strength, but it was undeniable that there was always a hand pushing behind him without leaving any trace.

Let Ji Wufeng be shocked!

He really wanted to know the origin of this person with astonishing abilities. As the saying goes, those who master first come first, so he did not hesitate to put down his pretense of being a fairy king and come to ask for advice!

To others, perhaps the so-called knowledge of heaven's secrets is just nonsense and extremely absurd.

But for Ji Wufeng's experience, it is so unbelievable that he can be reborn a thousand years later. Then there really is a heavenly book recording heavenly secrets in the world. What else is so strange?

When he came this time, he could not confirm that the so-called Heavenly Book actually existed, but he was certain that Chu Tianshu might really have the ability to gain insight into heavenly secrets.

Because before arriving, he already knew that from the moment he stepped out of the small Guangzhou and entered Yuzhou, his every move would be watched by all the major forces in Huajing.

Some people want to get rid of him to avoid future troubles, while others want to control him and use him as a tool. He is like a baby that has just crawled out of the cave, being targeted by various birds and beasts. , it will be torn into pieces at any time and turned into a meal in the belly!

But at this time, the phrase "a dragon lurks in the abyss, and once it flies into the sky" came out, instantly making everyone afraid to act rashly.

Because this sentence comes from the mouth of Chu Tianshu who knows the secrets of heaven!

The meaning of this sentence is that Ji Wufeng is a hidden dragon. Now that he has emerged from the abyss, he will surely soar into the sky and roar proudly all over the world!

Just like what I said just now, the best way to protect a person is to make many people think that he has great value.

It is because of the value of Ji Wufeng that although some people want to destroy him, there are also people who want to keep him. This is why Ji Wufeng has inexplicably received a lot of help along the way.

Regardless of whether Ji Wufeng needs it or not, it is undeniable that so much help appears out of thin air.

"Maybe in the eyes of others you have done nothing, but you gave them a piece of the sky!" Shao Lingxue said.

"It's your business what you want to think. Even if I give him a piece of the sky, so what? He only needs to be a real dragon." Chu Tianshu said.

"I believe he is a real dragon, and for a real dragon, nothing is needed, a piece of sky is enough!"

\u003e That’s right, if it’s not a real dragon, what if you give him a piece of the sky? A snake will never have the possibility of flying for a few days! Ji Wufeng has this piece of sky, and he is also a real dragon, but this piece of world is too vast, no matter what he needs, it will take a long time.

In comparison, Gu Tianyang had a lot, which just caused his world to be far less vast than Ji Wufeng's. Because no matter what he wanted, it was too close to him, so close that he could get it at his fingertips! If two people were compared to wolves, then Gu Tianyang would be the wolf in the zoo, so he could sit back and relax!

Ji Wufeng is a wild wolf. If he wants to fill his stomach, he must hunt and kill himself while avoiding the traps and muzzles of hunters.

Gu Tianyang lived a very comfortable life, was very strong and looked mighty, while Ji Wufeng lived a very difficult life, had difficulty eating a full meal, was skinny and seemed vulnerable.

But everyone knows very well that if these two wolves are put together for a duel, there will be no suspense about the outcome. However, Gu Tianyang was a bred wolf and could not beat Ji Wufeng, but he had the help of his breeder. Therefore, it is not surprising at all that the two are now neck and neck.

In a dark secret room, a group of people whose faces were unclear were sitting together. No one spoke, leaving the whole secret room filled with dead silence.

"Chu Tianshu is out?" After a long silence, someone finally couldn't help but speak.

"Nonsense, otherwise would we have a chance to sit together?" Someone said in a deep voice.

The room fell into silence again. Even if each other couldn't see who the other was, everyone knew the identity of the other party. They had not gathered together like this for more than ten years, and it was all because of Chu Tianshu.

Even with the current situation, they had never been worried, but now Chu Tianshu disrupted their position.

"Why are you all mute? No one knows his methods. Don't blame me for not warning everyone, trouble may have come." Someone said in a mocking tone.

Back then, he proposed to get rid of Chu Tianshu, but was opposed. Today, it was proved that his original proposal was correct.

"Huh, don't say anything sarcastic. If you could have gotten rid of him back then, would he still be alive today? Don't think that because we opposed it back then, we just think you didn't do anything behind our backs!" Someone snorted coldly.

The man was also angry and said: "Fart, it's because you were afraid of his Tianshu Pavilion and acted like a coward. If we had joined forces back then, how could we still have such a serious problem today?"

"I want to remind you that just because he is still alive, you can sit here leisurely now!"

"Have you had enough noise?"

The person sitting in the main seat finally spoke, and the two people who were arguing immediately stopped. One of them said: "It's too late to say anything now, but Tianshu Pavilion didn't take action back then, and it won't happen now, and it won't be like this. Like facing a formidable enemy."

Someone shook his head and said: "Back then, it was because Tianshu Pavilion had no reason to take action, but it is different now. The martial arts conference is about to be held, and people from Tiangong, the six sects, the eight aristocratic families, and the Demon Sect will also show up, so Tianshu Pavilion will not The power is bound.”

The scene fell into silence once again. Yes, if Tianshuge takes action, they will indeed be in big trouble.

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