Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1170 Son-in-law comes to visit

Master Tianshu knows the secrets of heaven. This is the deification of Chu Tianshu by mortals. These people know very well that it is just lies.

But this did not affect Chu Tianshu's weight in their hearts at all, because Chu Tianshu's words came true. Although it was not his predictions that came true, but he did it himself, but isn't this even more terrifying?

What made them even more frightened was that Chu Tianshu had been dormant for more than ten years, living like a mouse in such a dirty and filthy place, but he could also give guidance to the country.

In the darkness, murderous intent appeared in the eyes of everyone present. Chu Tianshu must die, and he must die before the martial arts conference, because this man is too dangerous.

In late spring and early summer, the evening breeze was refreshing, the Ye family courtyard was brightly lit, and a taxi drove to the door. As soon as Ji Wufeng got out of the car, the taxi stepped on the accelerator and drove away. An angry Ji Wufeng stamped his feet behind and cursed: " Why haven’t you asked me for money yet? Isn’t it nineteen yuan? I gave you twenty, and you still have to ask me for one yuan!”


There was the sound of the pistol being cocked and the bullet being loaded. Ji Wufeng, who was still jumping up and down, suddenly stopped moving because there were two muzzles behind him pressing against the back of his head.

"Hands up!" shouted a murderous voice.

Ji Wufeng hurriedly raised his hands, turned around and saw a strong man in black, and said with a smile: "Brother, let's talk carefully if we have anything to say. Don't just pull out a gun. How hurtful is it?"

"Turn around!"

Two strong men in black roughly turned Ji Wufeng over and groped him for a while. This was a body search to prevent Ji Wufeng from carrying weapons, because this was the Ye family compound. What if an assassin wanted to sneak in? ?

As the guards of the Ye family, if something happens to any one of the Ye family, even their whole family together cannot afford to pay for it.

After searching the upper body, the strong man in black finally touched Ji Wufeng's thigh with his hand, and then moved up...

Ji Wufeng immediately became angry. Damn it, you just searched me. Why did you touch me there? Can you really afford to pay for it if it gets damaged?

Annoyed, Ji Wufeng shouted loudly: "Hong Yanling, I'm here!"

In the middle of the night, Ji Wufeng's howling could be heard half a mile away, immediately shaking the entire Ye family compound.

Who is so bold? How dare you call Tigress directly at the door of the Ye family? No, it’s the name of the eldest young lady of the Ye family. You don’t want to live anymore, do you?

Suddenly, dozens of heavily armed guards rushed out of the compound, and with a click, dozens of guns were pointed at Ji Wufeng's head.

With so many guns pointed at his head, Ji Wufeng was immediately frightened and cried out at the top of his lungs: "Hong Yanling, come out quickly. If you don't come out, your son-in-law will be beaten into a hornet's nest."

Click, click, click, high heels on the ground, and a woman walked out quickly.

She is about forty years old, but her face can make everyone crazy and forget her age. Even if she is wearing loose pajamas, no one will doubt that her figure under the pajamas is flawless.

Ji Wufeng has black lines on his face, pajamas and high heels. Is there such a beautiful woman?

"Aunt Hong, I didn't expect you to be so young and beautiful." Ji Wufeng said with a charming smile.

"I molested my mother-in-law when we first met."

The woman lit a cigarette, glared suddenly and said, "Come here, drag me out and beat me to death!" This tigress's... no... eldest mistress issued an imperial edict, and a group of guards immediately held Ji Wufeng up. I just want to drag it outside.

Ji Wufeng immediately became furious, struggling desperately and howling: "Hong Yanling, I thought you were a loyal person, so I came all the way to be related to you and become your son-in-law. I didn't expect that you actually wanted to kill me. You A tigress, a yellow-faced woman, a hag..."

"Stop!" Hong Yanling suddenly shouted.

The guards stopped. Ji Wufeng shook his shoulders, raised his head and said arrogantly: "If I had known you were so scolded, I should have scolded you severely from the beginning. What kind of hobby do you think you have? You like to be scolded so much. Swearing, this is the first time I’ve heard of someone having such a hobby. With a rare quality like mine, I wouldn’t bother scolding others, but since you’re good at it, I’ll satisfy you.”

But I heard Hong Yanling suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "After beating him to death with a stick, chop him into meat paste and feed it to the dogs!"

Suddenly a group of guards rushed forward again, either with sticks or knives, sharpening their knives to attack the pigs and sheep!

Ji Wufeng was frightened to the point of peeing. He rushed to Hong Yanling, hugged her thigh and howled: "I know I was wrong, please spare me, Miss Hong. A super beauty like you who is unparalleled and unparalleled in the world, How can you be as knowledgeable as a little person like me? This completely undermines your glorious image of being wise, mighty, noble and generous!"

Hong Yanling smoked a cigarette and remained silent.

Ji Wufeng did not dare to get up, and added: "Also, you are not only the eldest mistress of the Ye family, but also the eldest lady of the Hong family. You are graceful, noble, and highly respected. Can't you maintain a magnanimous, tolerant, kind and kind side? ?”

"Although I scolded you just now, it wasn't because my son-in-law came to your house for the first time and wanted to show his closeness to you. If I were polite to you, wouldn't it be a quarrel?"

"Okay, okay, don't be angry. Look, I wasn't even angry when you yelled at me just now. Didn't you just get scolded by me a few times? There's no need to be so stingy, that would be very annoying. It is easy to destroy the pure friendship between us."

As he spoke, Ji Wufeng got up from the ground, waved his hand very generously and said, "Okay, I'm not angry now, and you don't have to blame yourself. I won't hold you accountable anymore, and I forgive you."

A group of Ye family guards all have black lines on their faces. Your uncle, where did this guy come from?

You just made our dominatrix... no... the eldest young lady so angry that she wanted to kill her. How come you forgive her in the blink of an eye? What the hell, do you still want some dignity?

The guards held the knife harder, and as soon as Hong Yanling gave the order, they immediately chopped the girl into pieces.

They say shamelessness is contagious. If you are infected by this bastard and become so shameless, you may not be able to find a wife in the future.

Who knew that Hong Yanling did not order them to chop Ji Wufeng into pieces, but instead sneered and turned around and walked in.

Ji Wufeng immediately breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and looked at the guards who were standing there, and said arrogantly: "You want to see a hammer? You guys should stand guard and patrol for me, just in case some gangsters break in. Come in and disturb the eldest young lady and me, my future uncle, can you bear the responsibility?" Mr. Tianshu knows the secrets of heaven. This is the deification of Chu Tianshu by mortals. These people know very well that it is just lies.

But this did not affect Chu Tianshu's weight in their hearts at all, because Chu Tianshu's words came true. Although it was not his predictions that came true, but he did it himself, but isn't this even more terrifying?

What made them even more frightened was that Chu Tianshu had been dormant for more than ten years, living like a mouse in such a dirty and filthy place, but he could also give guidance to the country.

In the darkness, murderous intent appeared in the eyes of everyone present. Chu Tianshu must die, and he must die before the martial arts conference, because this man is too dangerous.

In late spring and early summer, the evening breeze was refreshing, the Ye family courtyard was brightly lit, and a taxi drove to the door. As soon as Ji Wufeng got out of the car, the taxi stepped on the accelerator and drove away. An angry Ji Wufeng stamped his feet behind and cursed: " Why haven’t you asked me for money yet? Isn’t it nineteen yuan? I gave you twenty, and you still have to ask me for one yuan!”


There was the sound of the pistol being cocked and the bullet being loaded. Ji Wufeng, who was still jumping up and down, suddenly stopped moving because there were two muzzles behind him pressing against the back of his head.

"Hands up!" shouted a murderous voice.

Ji Wufeng hurriedly raised his hands, turned around and saw a strong man in black, and said with a smile: "Brother, let's talk carefully if we have anything to say. Don't just pull out a gun. How hurtful is it?"

"Turn around!"

Two strong men in black roughly turned Ji Wufeng over and groped him for a while. This was a body search to prevent Ji Wufeng from carrying weapons, because this was the Ye family compound. What if an assassin wanted to sneak in? ?

As the guards of the Ye family, if something happens to any one of the Ye family, even their whole family together cannot afford to pay for it.

After searching the upper body, the strong man in black finally touched Ji Wufeng's thigh with his hand, and then moved up...

Ji Wufeng immediately became angry. Damn it, you just searched me. Why did you touch me there? Can you really afford to pay for it if it gets damaged?

Annoyed, Ji Wufeng shouted loudly: "Hong Yanling, I'm here!"

In the middle of the night, Ji Wufeng's howling could be heard half a mile away, immediately shaking the entire Ye family compound.

Who is so bold? How dare you call Tigress directly at the door of the Ye family? No, it’s the name of the eldest young lady of the Ye family. You don’t want to live anymore, do you?

Suddenly, dozens of heavily armed guards rushed out of the compound, and with a click, dozens of guns were pointed at Ji Wufeng's head.

With so many guns pointed at his head, Ji Wufeng was immediately frightened and cried out at the top of his voice: "Hong Yanling, come out quickly. If you don't come out, your son-in-law will be beaten into a hornet's nest."

Click, click, click, high heels on the ground, and a woman walked out quickly.

She is about forty years old, but her face can make everyone crazy and forget her age. Even if she is wearing loose pajamas, no one will doubt that her figure under the pajamas is flawless.

Ji Wufeng has black lines on his face, pajamas and high heels. Is there such a beautiful woman?

"Aunt Hong, I didn't expect you to be so young and beautiful." Ji Wufeng said with a charming smile.

"I molested my mother-in-law when we first met."

The woman lit a cigarette, glared suddenly and said, "Come here, drag me out and beat me to death!" This tigress's... no... eldest mistress issued an imperial edict, and a group of guards immediately held Ji Wufeng up. I just want to drag it outside.

Ji Wufeng immediately became furious, struggling desperately and howling: "Hong Yanling, I thought you were a loyal person, so I came all the way to be related to you and become your son-in-law. I didn't expect that you actually wanted to kill me. You A tigress, a yellow-faced woman, a hag..."

"Stop!" Hong Yanling suddenly shouted.

The guards stopped. Ji Wufeng shook his shoulders, raised his head and said arrogantly: "If I had known you were so scolded, I should have scolded you severely from the beginning. What kind of hobby do you think you have? You like to be scolded so much. Swearing, this is the first time I’ve heard of someone having such a hobby. With a rare quality like mine, I wouldn’t bother scolding others, but since you’re good at it, I’ll satisfy you.”

But I heard Hong Yanling suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "After beating him to death with a stick, chop him into meat paste and feed it to the dogs!"

Suddenly a group of guards rushed forward again, either with sticks or knives, sharpening their knives to attack the pigs and sheep!

Ji Wufeng was frightened to the point of peeing. He rushed to Hong Yanling, hugged her thigh and howled: "I know I was wrong, please spare me, Miss Hong. A super beauty like you who is unparalleled and unparalleled in the world, How can you be as knowledgeable as a little person like me? This completely undermines your glorious image of being wise, mighty, noble and generous!"

Hong Yanling smoked a cigarette and remained silent.

Ji Wufeng did not dare to get up, and added: "Also, you are not only the eldest mistress of the Ye family, but also the eldest lady of the Hong family. You are graceful, noble, and highly respected. Can't you maintain a magnanimous, tolerant, kind and kind side? ?”

"Although I scolded you just now, it wasn't because my son-in-law came to your house for the first time and wanted to show his closeness to you. If I were polite to you, wouldn't it be a quarrel?"

"Okay, okay, don't be angry. Look, I wasn't even angry when you yelled at me just now. Didn't you just get scolded by me a few times? There's no need to be so stingy, that would be very annoying. It is easy to destroy the pure friendship between us."

As he spoke, Ji Wufeng got up from the ground, waved his hand very generously and said, "Okay, I'm not angry now, and you don't have to blame yourself. I won't hold you accountable anymore, and I forgive you."

A group of Ye family guards all have black lines on their faces. Your uncle, where did this guy come from?

You just made our dominatrix... no... the eldest young lady so angry that she wanted to kill her. How come you forgive her in the blink of an eye? What the hell, do you still want some dignity?

The guards held the knife harder, and as soon as Hong Yanling gave the order, they immediately chopped the girl into pieces.

They say shamelessness is contagious. If you are infected by this bastard and become so shameless, you may not be able to find a wife in the future.

Who knew that Hong Yanling did not order them to chop Ji Wufeng into pieces, but instead sneered and turned around and walked in.

Ji Wufeng immediately breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and looked at the guards who were standing there, and said arrogantly: "You want to see a hammer? You guys should stand guard and patrol for me, just in case some gangsters break in. Come in, can you bear the responsibility of disturbing the eldest young lady and me, my future uncle?"

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