However, the family's decision-making is the purpose of all the Xiao family. Anyone who violates it will face very severe punishment from the family. Therefore, many people must keep a low profile even if they don't want to, because no one wants to show off just to show off. Got nothing.

Xiao Mingyu is a weirdo. As the eldest son of the Xiao family, his reputation is spread throughout Huajing, but few people have seen him. It is estimated that no one knows him when he appears on the street. If there is any party in Huajing, I hope he will Don't expect to attend, although he gets an invitation every time.

However, Xiao Mingyu seems to be low-key, but no one thinks that he is really low-key.

He rarely shows up, but it doesn't mean he never shows up. Whenever he shows up, something terrible will happen.

Just like a few years ago, Lu Zifeng came to Huajing, offended Xiao Mingyu, and was stripped naked by Xiao Mingyu and dragged along several streets with a car. This was already sensational news.

But in comparison, this is too childish.

Because he once blocked the legs of a young master from the Nalan family in front of Nalan Tianyu, and knocked a cousin of Gu Tianyang into a vegetative state in front of everyone.

Going against Nalan Tianyu and Gu Tianyang directly, isn't it just a child's play for a mere Lu Zifeng?

Maybe Xiao Mingyu is not as beautiful as Nalan Tianyu and Gu Tianyang, but the level of danger is definitely lower than them.

It's not easy to provoke him, but once you do, the consequences will be extremely miserable and frightening.

The Zongheng Club has not held any activities since the last time Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang had a collision here. However, just now, the Zongheng Club once again sent out an invitation, inviting all the young talents from Huajing to gather together. .

The parking lot of Zongheng Building is full of luxury cars. The men are surrounded by jade trees and the women are beautiful and fragrant.

The moment they walked into the club lobby, they couldn't help but recall what happened the last time they came here. It was here that Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang met everyone for the first time.

A collision occurred under the spotlight.

Huaxia has never lacked young talents, and Huajing is even more densely populated, but maybe because they were born in the wrong era, they were all overshadowed by the light of Gu Tianyang.

However, now that Gu Tianyang has gone to the east, these people finally have the opportunity to shine. Without Gu Tianyang's radiant existence, their radiance can still be eye-catching.

Lei Ming from the Lei family, Xue Qingming from the Xue family, Beichen Ao from the Beichen family, Qi Minngle from the Qi family... are currently being talked about in Beijing, and are hot young talents.

However, it wasn't them who talked about it the most, but the Gu family's

But it wasn't them who talked about it the most, but Gu Tianhao from the Gu family!

Gu Tianhao, Gu Tianyang’s cousin!

The news that Gu Tianyang had withdrawn from the Gu family was no longer news. Now that he has left the east, the news has become even more solid.

The family needs a spokesperson, and this spokesperson will be the future successor and the person in power of the family. The previous successor of the Gu family was Gu Tianyang, but now there is no Gu Tianyang, so Gu Tianhao was pushed out.

Gu Tianyang is the prince, the strongest among the young generation. What can Gu Tianhao achieve? Everyone is looking forward to it!

The invited guests arrived one after another, but the two wretched guys were hiding in the corner and staring at the beautiful woman in front of them. Whenever they saw a beautiful woman with a sexy figure and scantily clad clothes, they couldn't help but their eyes glowed green and they made comments. A few words.

"Damn it, your body is so hot..."

"How do you think she grew?"

"Nonsense, of course I live a good life and drink a lot of milk..."

The two people's unscrupulous and obscene discussions there had already made the people next to them a little dissatisfied, and they wanted to teach them a lesson, but the people who were qualified to appear here were all people with status and background, so why offend them?

What's more, these two stinky gangsters do have good eyesight. If you follow their gaze, you will see that they are all the best in the world.

As there were more and more beauties, the two of them couldn't see clearly. One of them said in a mean tone: "I heard that the founders of Zongheng are also women. I guess they are even more top-notch, right?"

"It's easy to say, let them come and toast you later."


"Hmph, it's really a toad that wants to eat swan meat. It's so shameless!"

A voice full of ridicule came over. The two thieves, even though they were trying to trick the women in front of them, actually set their sights on the founder of the Zongheng Club. This was indeed a toad that wanted to eat swan meat.

A beautiful woman like a fairy will come to toast you two lewd thieves. Damn it, your brain has been squeezed by the door, right? .??.

"Who is scolding me?" Lu Zifeng jumped up on the spot.

His howl immediately attracted the attention of others. This was a high-end club, and the guests here were all successful people from the upper class. They were all well-educated and well-educated. It was very disrespectful for him to yell and curse loudly and rudely like this. of.

Those people's eyes were all fixed on Lu Zifeng, their faces full of contempt. With such low quality, he must be a nouveau riche who jumped out of nowhere, right?

"I scolded you, what can you do?"

Bai Weihao said with a look of disdain. He was now even more sure that the two lewd thieves in front of him were nobodies, because it was impossible for a big shot with status and background to be so unqualified.

"What can I do?"

I saw Lu Zifeng pointing at him angrily and shouting: "You

Shameless guy, you said you want the founder of Zongheng to toast you, I said a few words to you, but you still dare to curse! "

Bai Weihao was stunned for a moment. Sir, can you say it the other way around?

"Humph, you can scold me. I have the qualities to not argue with you, but I hope you will stop saying such rude things as asking people to come and toast you. Otherwise, I will kill you. She is my goddess. I No one will be allowed to defile this goddess!"

Lu Zifeng's face was righteous and awe-inspiring, and the flesh on his cheeks was shaking. Ji Wufeng almost laughed out loud. It turned out that he was not the only one to have actor-level acting skills.

Originally, everyone was full of contempt for Lu Zifeng, but after hearing these words, their expressions suddenly changed. It turns out that this guy is not an unqualified and rude guy, but changed after hearing someone blaspheming the founder of the Zongheng Club. If you were so rude like this, if it were you, you would probably jump up and scratch someone, right?

But this guy just rebuked angrily and didn't take action. He was really talented and graceful.

Everyone's attention shifted to Bai Weihao again, with undisguised anger in their eyes.

"You want to eat swan meat, and you want people to toast you? How much shame do you have?"

"Hmph, Bai Weihao, are you worthy of a filthy thing like you?"

"Bah, what a coward!"

There was a burst of angry abuse, and Bai Weihao instantly became the target of public criticism. The crowd was so indignant that they wanted to strip him naked and parade him through the streets.

Although Bai Weihao is also rich and young, he can hit a rich man by throwing a beer bottle downstairs in Huajing. In the eyes of many people, he is really a little loser who cannot stand up to the public...

"Just wait, this matter is not over yet!" Bai Weihao knew that he had offended the public, gritted his teeth and left with a look of resentment.

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