"Oh, you actually asked me to wait. Come on, I'm waiting for you. If you dare to taint my goddess, let's see if I dare to cut you?"

Seeing that Bai Weihao was scared away by his unyielding force, Lu Zifeng became even more upright, spitting stars flying around, stamping his feet and shouting curses.

And those who spurned Bai Weihao also cast admiring glances at Lu Zifeng. In order to maintain the image of the goddess, he even gave up his own image. He was really a straightforward and sweet-tempered person.

"Haha, did you see that? I used a little trick to make that kid escape, just like a drowned dog. Admire me, don't you? Hey, don't leave yet..."

Lu Zifeng was about to show off to Ji Wufeng, but found that this guy turned around and left.

It was so shameless and shameless to the extreme. Ji Wufeng was worried that if he stayed with this guy for a long time, he would lead him astray.

After getting rid of the shameless man Lu Zifeng, Ji Wufeng was in a corner again, drinking the wine placed in front of him. I have to say that Beichen Xue and those girls are really rich. The cheapest drinks in front of him are probably More than 10,000 yuan.

There are at least hundreds of tables in the entire hall, and at least five bottles of wine are placed on each table. The drinks alone cost several million. They are really generous and wealthy!

After finishing half the bottle of wine in one go, Ji Wufeng smacked it in his mouth and said angrily: "This rubbish foreign wine is not as satisfying as the ten-yuan Red Star Erguotou."

A cold and charming woman in black came over, snatched the wine bottle from his hand, and said angrily: "You are still chattering after drinking for nothing, do you know what this is called? This is typical When you beg for food, you still think there is leftover food!”

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "Didn't I just tell the truth? I can't help it. I am a straightforward, honest person who can't hide things, so I treat people sincerely. Otherwise, how could there be so many beautiful women treating me? Have you ever forgotten it?"

Beichen Xue rolled his eyes at him, knowing that this guy was a talkative person, and even if he didn't make sense, he could still tell nonsense.

"You made such a big noise, are you sure he will come?" Bei Chenxue poured herself a glass of wine and asked.

"He will definitely come."

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said: "A ferocious beast will never let itself be locked in a cage forever."

Bei Chenxue discovered that although Ji Wufeng was smiling, there was a heart-stopping edge in his eyes. He was an extremely aggressive and dangerous man, and he was also a man that women could easily fall in love with.

Being able to take charge of the Zongheng Club, Bei Chenxue thought that she could see many people clearly. When they first met, she felt that she had seen Ji Wufeng clearly, but now she felt that what she saw was just a mask on this person's real face.

A steady stream of guests arrived, and from time to time, people with strong status and backgrounds arrived, and people also exclaimed in amazement from time to time.

"Look, it's Tang Fei, the guy in the white suit. He is said to be in the top ten richest people, and his personal assets are already in the billions."

"It's Zhou Chenglong. I heard that his third company has been listed."

"Gong Minghai took over the family's leading business before he was thirty years old, and his market value doubled in less than a year!"

Seeing young talents with brilliant achievements come to the scene, and then

Being talked about with envy and jealousy, Lu Zifeng stood there stupidly alone, and no one came to say hello. He was so bored that he cursed with a black face: "Damn it, no one pays attention to me, pick up beautiful girls." go."

I finally caught sight of a beautiful woman with a hot figure, and I was about to go up and strike up a conversation when there was a sudden commotion at the door.

I saw a dozen people walking into the hall, and in the middle of them was a tall and handsome young man, like a star holding the moon.

Wearing a crisp black suit, a spotless white shirt, and a neat hairstyle, the whole person looks majestic.

Seeing this young man coming in, everyone immediately stopped talking and focused their attention. Suddenly, this young man attracted everyone's attention.

"Young Master Gu, you have finally arrived. We were chatting just now. Wouldn't this scene be a little boring without Young Master Gu?"

The first person to react immediately went over to say hello, and others rushed over soon after, hoping to get a word in with a flattering look on their faces.

Even the top beauty Lu Zifeng had his eye on also stepped forward to please her, with a look as if she wanted to eat her alive.

This young man became the focus of the audience. Regardless of gender, the man looked like a bitch and the woman looked like a prostitute!

There is no way, who made me the most popular person in the Gu family now? Who makes the Gu family now the most powerful family in Huajing? Who makes Gu Tianhao likely to be the most powerful person in Huajing in the future?

Such a person will be fawned over by countless people in the future. If we can establish a good relationship now and embrace a thick thigh, aren't we afraid of becoming famous in the future?

Bai Weihao was put in a position by Lu Zifeng, and he felt extremely aggrieved. He was no longer interested in the beauties around him. When he saw Gu Tianhao and his entourage coming in, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He immediately ran over, grabbed a guy next to Gu Tianhao and said excitedly: "Cousin, you are finally here."

Although Bai Weihao can't compare with those real young men, he still has some capital because his cousin is Gu Tianhao's follower.

Gu Tianhao may be the future prince, and the person with the Chinese character next to the prince will naturally be the future founding hero. Anyone with such a backing would probably not be able to keep a low profile.

Song Jianghe glared at Bai Weihao and said, "Those who yell have no rules at all."

After speaking, he respectfully said to Gu Tianhao: "Young Master, this is my cousin Bai Weihao, he is a little irritable."

Gu Tianhao waved his hands and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, we will all be our brothers from now on. If we are too cautious, we will get alienated."

After all, Gu Tianhao has just come to power, and he needs to quickly consolidate his power. These losers must be appeased. If you want a dog to help you bite people, you must first be willing to give up the bones in your hands.

Gu Tianhao's words about his brothers made Bai Weihao almost faint with excitement. Although his Bai family is considered to have status in Huajing, compared with such a behemoth as the Gu family, it is probably nothing. He even wants to be his slave. No way can be found.

But now that the eldest son of the Gu family actually said that he was his brother, he felt that happiness came too suddenly.

After getting excited, Bai Weihao finally calmed down and suddenly remembered what happened just now. I am now a member of the Gu family. You bastard, just wait for death! "Oh, you actually asked me to wait. Come on, I'm waiting for you. If you dare to taint my goddess, let's see if I dare to cut you?"

Seeing that Bai Weihao was scared away by his unyielding force, Lu Zifeng became even more upright, spitting stars flying around, stamping his feet and shouting curses.

And those who spurned Bai Weihao also cast admiring glances at Lu Zifeng. In order to maintain the image of the goddess, he even gave up his own image. He was really a straightforward and sweet-tempered person.

"Haha, did you see that? I used a little trick to make that kid escape, just like a drowned dog. Admire me, don't you? Hey, don't leave yet..."

Lu Zifeng was about to show off to Ji Wufeng, but found that this guy turned around and left.

It was so shameless and shameless to the extreme. Ji Wufeng was worried that if he stayed with this guy for a long time, he would lead him astray.

After getting rid of the shameless man Lu Zifeng, Ji Wufeng was in a corner again, drinking the wine placed in front of him. I have to say that Beichen Xue and those girls are really rich. The cheapest drinks in front of him are probably More than 10,000 yuan.

There are at least hundreds of tables in the entire hall, and at least five bottles of wine are placed on each table. The drinks alone cost several million. They are really generous and wealthy!

After finishing half the bottle of wine in one go, Ji Wufeng smacked it in his mouth and said angrily: "This rubbish foreign wine is not as satisfying as the ten-yuan Red Star Erguotou."

A cold and charming woman in black came over, snatched the wine bottle from his hand, and said angrily: "You are still chattering after drinking for nothing, do you know what this is called? This is typical When you beg for food, you still think there is leftover food!”

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "Didn't I just tell the truth? I can't help it. I am a straightforward, honest person who can't hide things, so I treat people sincerely. Otherwise, how could there be so many beautiful women treating me? Have you ever forgotten it?"

Beichen Xue rolled his eyes at him, knowing that this guy was a talkative person, and even if he didn't make sense, he could still tell nonsense.

"You made such a big noise, are you sure he will come?" Bei Chenxue poured herself a glass of wine and asked.

"He will definitely come."

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said: "A ferocious beast will never let itself be locked in a cage forever."

Bei Chenxue discovered that although Ji Wufeng was smiling, there was a heart-stopping edge in his eyes. He was an extremely aggressive and dangerous man, and he was also a man that women could easily fall in love with.

Being able to take charge of the Zongheng Club, Bei Chenxue thought that she could see many people clearly. When they first met, she felt that she had seen Ji Wufeng clearly, but now she felt that what she saw was just a mask on this person's real face.

A steady stream of guests arrived, and from time to time, people with strong status and backgrounds arrived, and people also exclaimed in amazement from time to time.

"Look, it's Tang Fei, the guy in the white suit. He is said to be in the top ten richest people, and his personal assets are already in the billions."

"It's Zhou Chenglong. I heard that his third company has been listed."

"Gong Minghai took over the family's leading business before he was thirty years old, and his market value doubled in less than a year!"

Seeing young talents with brilliant achievements come to the scene, and then

Being talked about with envy and jealousy, Lu Zifeng stood there stupidly alone, and no one came to say hello. He was so bored that he cursed with a black face: "Damn it, no one pays attention to me, pick up beautiful girls." go."

I finally caught sight of a beautiful woman with a hot figure, and I was about to go up and strike up a conversation when there was a sudden commotion at the door.

I saw a dozen people walking into the hall, and in the middle of them was a tall and handsome young man, like a star holding the moon.

Wearing a crisp black suit, a spotless white shirt, and a neat hairstyle, the whole person looks majestic.

Seeing this young man coming in, everyone immediately stopped talking and focused their attention. Suddenly, this young man attracted everyone's attention.

"Young Master Gu, you have finally arrived. We were chatting just now. Wouldn't this scene be a little boring without Young Master Gu?"

The first person to react immediately went over to say hello, and others rushed over soon after, hoping to get a word in with a flattering look on their faces.

Even the top beauty Lu Zifeng had his eye on also stepped forward to please her, with a look as if she wanted to eat her alive.

This young man became the focus of the audience. Regardless of gender, the man looked like a bitch and the woman looked like a prostitute!

There is no way, who made me the most popular person in the Gu family now? Who makes the Gu family now the most powerful family in Huajing? Who makes Gu Tianhao likely to be the most powerful person in Huajing in the future?

Such a person will be fawned over by countless people in the future. If we can establish a good relationship now and embrace a thick thigh, aren't we afraid of becoming famous in the future?

Bai Weihao was put in a position by Lu Zifeng, and he felt extremely aggrieved. He was no longer interested in the beauties around him. When he saw Gu Tianhao and his entourage coming in, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He immediately ran over, grabbed a guy next to Gu Tianhao and said excitedly: "Cousin, you are finally here."

Although Bai Weihao can't compare with those real young men, he still has some capital because his cousin is Gu Tianhao's follower.

Gu Tianhao may be the future prince, and the person with the Chinese character next to the prince will naturally be the future founding hero. Anyone with such a backing would probably not be able to keep a low profile.

Song Jianghe glared at Bai Weihao and said, "Those who yell have no rules at all."

After speaking, he respectfully said to Gu Tianhao: "Young Master, this is my cousin Bai Weihao, he is a little irritable."

Gu Tianhao waved his hands and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, we will all be our brothers from now on. If we are too cautious, we will get alienated."

After all, Gu Tianhao has just come to power, and he needs to quickly consolidate his power. These losers must be appeased. If you want a dog to help you bite people, you must first be willing to give up the bones in your hands.

Gu Tianhao's words about his brothers made Bai Weihao almost faint with excitement. Although his Bai family is considered to have status in Huajing, compared with such a behemoth as the Gu family, it is probably nothing. He even wants to be his slave. No way can be found.

But now that the eldest son of the Gu family actually said that he was his brother, he felt that happiness came too suddenly.

After getting excited, Bai Weihao finally calmed down and suddenly remembered what happened just now. I am now a member of the Gu family. You bastard, just wait for death!

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