Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1179 Who do you think is a dog?

Look, this person is just here to apologize to a friend and wants to make friends with you, but he is so unkind to her. How can you be so narrow-minded?

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "This Gu Tianhao is pretty good."

"Of course, there are many talents in the Gu family, and Gu Tianyang is very outstanding, but that doesn't mean that the rest of the Gu family are idiots. Since they pushed Gu Tianhao out, this Gu Tianhao must not be a simple character. "Beichen Xue said.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "I just said that his acting skills are very good, not how awesome he is."

He felt that Gu Tianhao's acting skills were indeed good. Apart from the sluts like him and Li Yunxiao, he was definitely at the level of a movie king.

He asked the three of them to go into the entertainment industry together. He and Li Yunxiao would make idol dramas, and Gu Tianhao would make love action movies, which would be absolutely popular.

"Are you a fool?" Lu Zifeng suddenly asked Gu Tianhao.

Everyone was stunned. Damn it, is this guy mentally ill? How dare you talk to Gu Tianhao like this.

If you pull someone up on the street and say, "Are you stupid?"

100% of the time in our country, you will be chased for several streets with a knife. Even if you are not hacked to death in the end, you will be blocked in the toilet and beaten until you are paralyzed.

Now everyone thinks that Lu Zifeng is the idiot. He was made like that by Xiao Mingyu, and now he comes to provoke Gu Tianhao. Was he addicted to abuse back then?

"Damn it, do you dare to speak like this? Are you embarrassed?"

"Did you get stimulated back then and turn into a mad dog, biting people indiscriminately?"

"How did this mad dog get in? Why didn't he drag you out?"

"If you say others are idiots, I think he is the idiot, a super idiot."

In any case, Gu Tianhao is the boss now. Since he is the boss, they have to flatter others. Before Gu Tianhao's gang of younger brothers could get angry, those onlookers jumped up in anger and cursed.

And each scolding was more unpleasant than the last, as if Lu Zifeng had committed some treasonous crime and should be dragged out, chopped into pieces, minced into meat paste and fed to the dogs!

"Did I said wrong thing?"

Lu Zifeng was not interested in such boring insults at all, but instead sneered and said to everyone: "If it were you who suffered humiliation like a dog back then, and now you can just come out and say sorry, Can you put aside the grudges in your hearts and shake hands to make peace?" Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Killing was just a nod. The humiliation Lu Zifeng suffered back then was indeed very serious. No matter how big or small he was, he was still a person. After being whipped and beaten in public, he was stripped naked and thrown on the street.

This kind of humiliation is comparable to the hatred of killing one's father, the hatred of taking away one's wife, drinking poison without shame and anger, and dying is considered strong.

If it hadn't been for Old Man Lu's humble begging, the grass on Lu Zifeng's grave would have been growing for three years now.

This is simply a big feud that cannot be resolved. Let alone Lu Zifeng. No matter who it is, it is impossible to let it go easily. A few sarcastic words like Lu Zifeng's are pretty good. If it were them, He must have already stabbed someone with a knife.

"Since you also think that the hatred between Xiao Mingyu and me is irresolvable, and he still wants to apologize for Xiao Mingyu and get my forgiveness, do you think he is not a fool?"

Knowing that the hatred between the two parties is not going to last, and still thinking about helping others to resolve it, is indeed a bit stupid.

Gu Tianhao sighed and said: "Brother Lu, I misunderstood. It's because I think the grudge between you two is too deep. As friends, I want to work hard to resolve it. He knows that he can't do it, but he is a true husband."

One sentence brought everyone back from their thoughts. They were just humiliating themselves for the sake of their friends.

"Huh, who do you think you are? I only want to save you some face by being friends with you. Don't you know how to flatter me." Song Jianghe sneered.

Someone immediately echoed: "Yes, I'm just pitying you. Do you think I really want to be friends with you? Are you worthy?"


Lu Zifeng laughed ferociously and said, "Yes, I am indeed not worthy, but do you think he really wants to be friends with me?"

"Of course, do you think the young master wants to curry favor with you?"

Hearing this, the whole audience burst into laughter. As Gu Tianhao, does he need to curry favor with others? Not to mention a person who was treated like a dog.

"Of course he's not trying to fawn over me, and he doesn't need to fawn over me, but why did he just come up and say hello to me?" Lu Zifeng asked.

"Young Master said just now that he is kind-hearted, but he just wants to resolve the grudge between you and Young Master Xiao." Someone said.

"Is this really so? But you all know very well that the hatred between Xiao Mingyu and I is impossible to resolve. I know this, and you also know it. Doesn't he know it well?"

Lu Zifeng shook his head and said, "Since everyone knows it, he still wants to do it. Why? Because he has a purpose."

There was a chill in Lu Zifeng's eyes, and he pointed his fingers at everyone around him, saying, "The purpose is to humiliate me again!"

Everyone was silent. This was indeed the case. If Gu Tianhao wanted to be friends with Lu Zifeng and Xiao Mingyu, Lu Zifeng would definitely not want to. The final result would be like this. Lu Zifeng was humiliated by everyone again.

Everyone was speechless, because none of them were fools, because what Lu Zifeng said was the truth, and everyone looked at Gu Tianhao with a strange look.

The murderous intent in Gu Tianhao's eyes flashed away, and he knew that he had left an extremely bad impression in everyone's hearts.

Indeed, he knew that the grudge between Lu Zifeng and Xiao Mingyu was irresolvable, and it was impossible for him to really be friends with Lu Zifeng. Does a person who was turned into a dog deserve to be friends with him?

What Lu Zifeng said was absolutely correct. His purpose was to embarrass Lu Zifeng.

"Actually, I have nothing to say about losing to Xiao Mingyu, because he is better than me. The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit, and the strong is respected. I have no complaints."

Lu Zifeng suddenly changed the topic and sneered at everyone: "Do you all think that I am very thick-skinned? I have been so humiliated and my dignity has been ruined, but I still have the courage to stand here?"

"Hmph, you are indeed thick-skinned." Someone mocked.

"Yes, my face is thick. Not only am I thick-skinned, but my bones are also hard. I was beaten like a dog by Xiao Mingyu, but you? You don't even need to be beaten by Gu Tianhao, you are already It’s a dog.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was instantly angered, and they yelled angrily: "What the hell, who are you calling a dog?" Look, they are just here to apologize for their friends, and they want to make friends with you, but they How can you be so narrow-minded when you are so unkind to others?

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "This Gu Tianhao is pretty good."

"Of course, there are many talents in the Gu family, and Gu Tianyang is very outstanding, but that doesn't mean that the rest of the Gu family are idiots. Since they pushed Gu Tianhao out, this Gu Tianhao must not be a simple character. "Beichen Xue said.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "I just said that his acting skills are very good, not how awesome he is."

He felt that Gu Tianhao's acting skills were indeed good. Apart from the sluts like him and Li Yunxiao, he was definitely at the level of a movie king.

He asked the three of them to go into the entertainment industry together. He and Li Yunxiao would make idol dramas, and Gu Tianhao would make love action movies, which would be absolutely popular.

"Are you a fool?" Lu Zifeng suddenly asked Gu Tianhao.

Everyone was stunned. Damn it, is this guy mentally ill? How dare you talk to Gu Tianhao like this.

If you pull someone up on the street and say, "Are you stupid?"

100% of the time in our country, you will be chased for several streets with a knife. Even if you are not hacked to death in the end, you will be blocked in the toilet and beaten until you are paralyzed.

Now everyone thinks that Lu Zifeng is the idiot. He was made like that by Xiao Mingyu, and now he comes to provoke Gu Tianhao. Was he addicted to abuse back then?

"Damn it, do you dare to speak like this? Are you embarrassed?"

"Did you get stimulated back then and turn into a mad dog, biting people indiscriminately?"

"How did this mad dog get in? Why didn't he drag you out?"

"If you say others are idiots, I think he is the idiot, a super idiot."

In any case, Gu Tianhao is the boss now. Since he is the boss, they have to flatter others. Before Gu Tianhao's gang of younger brothers could get angry, those onlookers jumped up in anger and cursed.

And each scolding was more unpleasant than the last, as if Lu Zifeng had committed some treasonous crime and should be dragged out, chopped into pieces, minced into meat paste and fed to the dogs!

"Did I said wrong thing?"

Lu Zifeng was not interested in such boring insults at all, but instead sneered and said to everyone: "If it were you who suffered humiliation like a dog back then, and now you can just come out and say sorry, Can you put aside the grudges in your hearts and shake hands to make peace?" Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Killing was just a nod to the ground. The humiliation Lu Zifeng suffered back then was indeed very serious. No matter how big or small he was, he was still a person. After being whipped and beaten in public, he was stripped naked and thrown on the street.

This kind of humiliation is comparable to the hatred of killing one's father, the hatred of taking away one's wife, drinking poison without shame and anger, and dying is considered strong.

If it hadn't been for Old Man Lu's humble begging, the grass on Lu Zifeng's grave would have been growing for three years now.

This is simply a big feud that cannot be resolved. Let alone Lu Zifeng. No matter who it is, it is impossible to let it go easily. A few sarcastic words like Lu Zifeng's are pretty good. If it were them, He must have already stabbed someone with a knife.

"Since you also think that the hatred between Xiao Mingyu and me is irresolvable, and he still wants to apologize for Xiao Mingyu and get my forgiveness, do you think he is not a fool?"

Knowing that the hatred between the two parties is not going to last, and still thinking about helping others to resolve it, is indeed a bit stupid.

Gu Tianhao sighed and said, "Brother Lu, I misunderstood. It's because I think the grudge between you two is too deep. As friends, I want to work hard to resolve it. He knows that he can't do it, but he is a true husband."

One sentence brought everyone back from their thoughts. They were just humiliating themselves for the sake of their friends.

"Humph, who do you think you are? I only want to save you some face by being friends with you. Don't you know how to flatter me." Song Jianghe sneered.

Someone immediately echoed: "Yes, I'm just pitying you. Do you think I really want to be friends with you? Are you worthy?"


Lu Zifeng laughed ferociously and said, "Yes, I am indeed not worthy, but do you think he really wants to be friends with me?"

"Of course, do you think the young master wants to curry favor with you?"

Hearing this, the whole audience burst into laughter. As Gu Tianhao, does he need to curry favor with others? Not to mention a person who was treated like a dog.

"Of course he's not trying to fawn over me, and he doesn't need to fawn over me, but why did he just come up and say hello to me?" Lu Zifeng asked.

"Young Master said just now that he is kind-hearted, but he just wants to resolve the grudge between you and Young Master Xiao." Someone said.

"Is this really so? But you all know very well that the hatred between Xiao Mingyu and I is impossible to resolve. I know this, and you also know it. Doesn't he know it well?"

Lu Zifeng shook his head and said, "Since everyone knows it, he still wants to do it. Why? Because he has a purpose."

There was a chill in Lu Zifeng's eyes, and he pointed his fingers at everyone around him, saying, "The purpose is to humiliate me again!"

Everyone was silent. This was indeed the case. If Gu Tianhao wanted to be friends with Lu Zifeng and Xiao Mingyu, Lu Zifeng would definitely not want to. The final result would be like this. Lu Zifeng was humiliated by everyone again.

Everyone was speechless, because none of them were fools, because what Lu Zifeng said was the truth, and everyone looked at Gu Tianhao with a strange look.

The murderous intent in Gu Tianhao's eyes flashed away, and he knew that he had left an extremely bad impression in everyone's hearts.

Indeed, he knew that the grudge between Lu Zifeng and Xiao Mingyu was irresolvable, and it was impossible for him to really be friends with Lu Zifeng. Does a person who was turned into a dog deserve to be friends with him?

What Lu Zifeng said was absolutely correct. His purpose was to embarrass Lu Zifeng.

"Actually, I have nothing to say about losing to Xiao Mingyu, because he is better than me. The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit, and the strong is respected. I have no complaints."

Lu Zifeng suddenly changed the topic and sneered at everyone: "Do you all think that I am very thick-skinned? I have been so humiliated and my dignity has been ruined, but I still have the courage to stand here?"

"Hmph, you are indeed thick-skinned." Someone mocked.

"Yes, my face is thick. Not only am I thick-skinned, but my bones are also hard. I was beaten like a dog by Xiao Mingyu, but you? You don't even need to be beaten by Gu Tianhao, you are already It’s a dog.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was instantly angered, and they all shouted angrily: "What the hell, who are you calling a dog?"

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