"You dog, if you dare to say that we are dogs, believe it or not, I will beat you into a dead dog now?"

"Don't you have any shame at all? You have the nerve to call someone else a dog after losing so much!"

"I see you are not only a dog, but also a mad dog. Otherwise, why would you be biting people everywhere?"

Despite repeated scoldings, Lu Zifeng did not get angry at all, but said with a sneer: "Just scold me properly. No matter how you scold me, you can't deny what I said. I am not as good as Xiao Mingyu, but at least I was I dare to challenge him, and I dare to challenge him. The worst case scenario is that he will strip me naked and parade me through the streets again, but you... do you dare?"

Lu Zifeng glanced around with sharp eyes, and at least half of the people immediately chose to lower their heads.

Lu Zifeng said arrogantly: "You don't dare. If he appears here, you will probably kneel down and lick him immediately. What are you if you are not dogs?"

"You bitch, I'm going to kill you!"

"I bought a watch, where is the security guard? How did this mad dog get in?"

"Blow him out, otherwise I'm afraid I really can't help but kill him later!"

Everyone was irritated by Lu Zifeng, and they all clamored to throw him out and beat him to death with sticks.

Lu Zifeng smiled slightly, took out a cigarette, lit it, and said with squinted eyes: "I have humiliated you like this, and you have made you so angry, but you still don't dare to hit me, why? ?That’s because you are afraid of the founder of the Zongheng Club.”

Indeed, no one dared to take action in the Zongheng Club, because they could not bear such an end. Otherwise, Lu Zifeng would have been beaten to death long ago.

"Son of a bitch, even if you have the guts, why don't you dare to take action?" someone shouted.

They did not dare to take action, but if Lu Zifeng dared to take action, they would have reason to take action against him.

"Why should I take the initiative? I am scolding you now. I am very happy, but you are very unhappy. If I hit you again, wouldn't it be bullying you? I am a good person with a kind heart. I can't do it. Such a domineering thing happened." Lu Zifeng said with squinting eyes.

A group of people were immediately so angry that their lungs were about to explode. They did not dare to take action, but they had already made a decision. They had already asked their bodyguards to wait outside. As soon as this bastard left the Zongheng Building, he would immediately give him a hand. Tied up!

Bei Chenxue frowned and said, "Is this friend of yours going too far? Don't you know that you have offended the public and become the target of public criticism?"

Everyone who can come to the Zongheng Club is not simple, and they all have strong backgrounds. Now that Lu Zifeng has offended them all over again, it is really unwise in Beichenxue's eyes.

"Do you also think that he is just like a mad dog now?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

Bei Chenxue hesitated to speak. Although the words didn't sound good, she really thought so in her heart. She was biting people everywhere and making enemies like crazy. Wasn't she just a mad dog? It's just that she was embarrassed to say it.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Even if this happens today, do you think these people will look good on Zifeng?"

Bei Chenxue was stunned. Lu Zifeng was a laughing stock in the eyes of these people, and he was against the Xiao family. Even if Lu Zifeng did not offend them, they would probably look down on Lu Zifeng.

Feng, if necessary, they would take the initiative to go against Lu Zifeng for the sake of the Xiao family.

"Don't you realize that even if Zifeng doesn't offend them, in their eyes Zifeng is just a lost dog who makes fun of at will. He is ridiculed and disgusted by them. Now Zifeng is just making them despise him and turn into hating him." Ji Wufeng said.

"What's the point of doing this?" Bei Chenxue knew that Ji Wufeng was right.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "It makes sense. In their eyes, Zifeng is a laughing stock, but in their eyes at this time, at least Zifeng is a laughing stock with bones. He can lose completely and be humiliated like a dog." , but even if it is a dog, it is still a dog with bones, even if he is a dog, he will not accept it!"

Bei Chenxue was silent for a while, and when she looked at Lu Zifeng, she suddenly felt a little sympathetic. She had seen too many fights between men, and someone like Lu Zifeng, who had suffered great humiliation, still dared to stand in front of the public. But I have never seen it.

She knew that Lu Zifeng's purpose of returning to Huajing this time was to avenge his past humiliation, but before that, he had to face ridicule from all directions. Isn't such courage worthy of admiration?

"A bunch of idiots!"

After Lu Zifeng cursed, he pointed at Gu Tianhao and said: "Although I hate Xiao Mingyu, I am convinced that he lost. He trampled me under his feet with his own strength. As for you?"

He shook his head and said: "To be honest, the people of the Gu family are really blind. They actually asked you to take over Gu Tianyang's position. In my eyes, you are not even as good as Xiao Mingyu, let alone Gu Tianyang. If you hadn't had a good father, I'm afraid you wouldn't even be worthy of carrying Gu Tianyang's shoes!"

In the corner, Bei Chenxue held his tongue for a while and said: "There is no good person following you. This is deliberately giving Gu Tianhao eye drops."

is not that right? As he spoke, Lu Zifeng got involved with Gu Tianyang. Now who doesn't know that Gu Tianhao's current status is entirely because Gu Tianyang left and he got a big advantage. To put it bluntly, he just took advantage of it. Leftovers.

Gu Tianhao was originally unconvinced. Lu Zifeng's words that you are not even worthy of carrying Gu Tianyang's shoes are really heartbreaking.

Ji Wufeng looked at Erlang's legs and said, "This is simply because he acted out of his own will. Who can blame him?"

Bei Chenxue was speechless for a while. It was really Gu Tianhao who came out to make trouble on his own. Who asked him to take the initiative to trouble Lu Zifeng?

"Lu Zifeng, you are looking for death!"

Lu Zifeng's words were too serious. Before Gu Tianhao could react, a group of his minions screamed angrily. They were all murderous and wanted to cut Lu Zifeng into pieces!

They finally hugged Gu Tianhao's thick thigh, and now they see their owner being humiliated. As good dogs, what if they don't bite people?

Gu Tianhao finally got angry and could no longer maintain his so-called cultivation. He said in a deep voice: "We are all guests today, so I won't argue with you for the time being. I just want to give Beichen Xue some face, but I will also ask her for an explanation. …”

In this collision with Lu Zifeng, Gu Tianhao could be said to have been completely defeated. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to step on Lu Zifeng hard in order to improve himself.

But he ignored one thing, that is, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. Lu Zifeng made it clear that he would step on you. Don't you want to humiliate me? I don't care, I don't have any shame anyway. "You dog, if you dare to say that we are dogs, believe it or not, I will beat you into a dead dog now?"

"Don't you have any shame at all? You have the nerve to call someone else a dog after losing so much!"

"I see you are not only a dog, but also a mad dog. Otherwise, why would you be biting people everywhere?"

Despite repeated scoldings, Lu Zifeng did not get angry at all, but said with a sneer: "Just scold me properly. No matter how you scold me, you can't deny what I said. I am not as good as Xiao Mingyu, but at least I was I dare to challenge him, and I dare to challenge him. The worst case scenario is that he will strip me naked and parade me through the streets again, but you... do you dare?"

Lu Zifeng glanced around with sharp eyes, and at least half of the people immediately chose to lower their heads.

Lu Zifeng said arrogantly: "You don't dare. If he appears here, you will probably kneel down and lick him immediately. What are you if you are not dogs?"

"You bitch, I'm going to kill you!"

"I bought a watch, where is the security guard? How did this mad dog get in?"

"Blow him out, otherwise I'm afraid I really can't help but kill him later!"

Everyone was irritated by Lu Zifeng, and they all clamored to throw him out and beat him to death with sticks.

Lu Zifeng smiled slightly, took out a cigarette, lit it, and said with squinted eyes: "I have humiliated you like this, and you have made you so angry, but you still don't dare to hit me, why? ?That’s because you are afraid of the founder of the Zongheng Club.”

Indeed, no one dared to take action in the Zongheng Club, because they could not bear such an end. Otherwise, Lu Zifeng would have been beaten to death long ago.

"Son of a bitch, even if you have the guts, why don't you dare to take action?" someone shouted.

They did not dare to take action, but if Lu Zifeng dared to take action, they would have reason to take action against him.

"Why should I take the initiative? I am scolding you now. I am very happy, but you are very unhappy. If I hit you again, wouldn't it be bullying you? I am a good person with a kind heart. I can't do it. Such a domineering thing happened." Lu Zifeng said with squinting eyes.

A group of people were immediately so angry that their lungs were about to explode. They did not dare to take action, but they had already made a decision. They had already asked their bodyguards to wait outside. As soon as this bastard left the Zongheng Building, he would immediately give him a hand. Tied up!

Bei Chenxue frowned and said, "Is this friend of yours going too far? Don't you know that you have offended the public and become the target of public criticism?"

Everyone who can come to the Zongheng Club is not simple, and they all have strong backgrounds. Now that Lu Zifeng has offended them all over again, it is really unwise in Beichenxue's eyes.

"Do you also think that he is just like a mad dog now?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

Bei Chenxue hesitated to speak. Although the words didn't sound good, she really thought so in her heart. She was biting people everywhere and making enemies like crazy. Wasn't she just a mad dog? It's just that she was embarrassed to say it.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Even if this happens today, do you think these people will look good on Zifeng?"

Bei Chenxue was stunned. Lu Zifeng was a laughing stock in the eyes of these people, and he was against the Xiao family. Even if Lu Zifeng did not offend them, they would probably look down on Lu Zifeng.

Feng, if necessary, they would take the initiative to go against Lu Zifeng for the sake of the Xiao family.

"Don't you realize that even if Zifeng doesn't offend them, in their eyes Zifeng is just a lost dog who makes fun of at will. He is ridiculed and disgusted by them. Now Zifeng is just making them despise him and turn into hating him." Ji Wufeng said.

"What's the point of doing this?" Bei Chenxue knew that Ji Wufeng was right.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "It makes sense. In their eyes, Zifeng is a laughing stock, but in their eyes at this time, at least Zifeng is a laughing stock with bones. He can lose completely and be humiliated like a dog." , but even if it is a dog, it is still a dog with bones, even if he is a dog, he will not accept it!"

Bei Chenxue was silent for a while, and when she looked at Lu Zifeng, she suddenly felt a little sympathetic. She had seen too many fights between men, and someone like Lu Zifeng, who had suffered great humiliation, still dared to stand in front of the public. But I have never seen it.

She knew that Lu Zifeng's purpose of returning to Huajing this time was to avenge his past humiliation, but before that, he had to face ridicule from all directions. Isn't such courage worthy of admiration?

"A bunch of idiots!"

After Lu Zifeng cursed, he pointed at Gu Tianhao and said: "Although I hate Xiao Mingyu, I am convinced that he lost. He trampled me under his feet with his own strength. As for you?"

He shook his head and said: "To be honest, the people of the Gu family are really blind. They actually asked you to take over Gu Tianyang's position. In my eyes, you are not even as good as Xiao Mingyu, let alone Gu Tianyang. If you hadn't had a good father, I'm afraid you wouldn't even be worthy of carrying Gu Tianyang's shoes!"

In the corner, Bei Chenxue held his tongue for a while and said: "There is no good person following you. This is deliberately giving Gu Tianhao eye drops."

is not that right? As he spoke, Lu Zifeng got involved with Gu Tianyang. Now who doesn't know that Gu Tianhao's current status is entirely because Gu Tianyang left and he got a big advantage. To put it bluntly, he just took advantage of it. Leftovers.

Gu Tianhao was originally unconvinced. Lu Zifeng's words that you are not even worthy of carrying Gu Tianyang's shoes are really heartbreaking.

Ji Wufeng looked at Erlang's legs and said, "This is simply because he acted out of his own will. Who can blame him?"

Bei Chenxue was speechless for a while. It was really Gu Tianhao who came out to make trouble on his own. Who asked him to take the initiative to trouble Lu Zifeng?

"Lu Zifeng, you are looking for death!"

Lu Zifeng's words were too serious. Before Gu Tianhao could react, a group of his minions screamed angrily. They were all murderous and wanted to cut Lu Zifeng into pieces!

They finally hugged Gu Tianhao's thick thigh, and now they see their owner being humiliated. As good dogs, what if they don't bite people?

Gu Tianhao finally got angry and could no longer maintain his so-called cultivation. He said in a deep voice: "We are all guests today, so I won't argue with you for the time being. I just want to give Beichen Xue some face, but I will also ask her for an explanation. …”

In this collision with Lu Zifeng, Gu Tianhao could be said to have been completely defeated. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to step on Lu Zifeng hard in order to improve himself.

But he ignored one thing, that is, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. Lu Zifeng made it clear that he would step on you. Don't you want to humiliate me? I don't care, I don't have any shame anyway.

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