Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1190 Are you worthy of being my opponent?

Ye Linglong picked it up and tasted it, then frowned slightly and said, "It doesn't taste very good. I still think AD calcium milk tastes better."

"Drinking tea is for self-cultivation. It's better to drink less drinks. There are too many additives." Xiao Mingyu said.

Ye Linglong's eyes immediately widened and she said, "You want me to cultivate my moral character? Do you think I am uneducated?"

Xiao Mingyu waved his hands hurriedly and said: "That's not what I meant. I just think that drinks are not good for the body."

"Hmph, does my health have anything to do with you?"

Ye Linglong seemed to be very repulsive to Xiao Mingyu, and said coldly: "You're not asking me to drink tea when you call me, are you? If you have something to say, just say it and let it go as soon as possible. Auntie, I don't have time to chat with you here."

If it had been another person, Ye Linglong would have slapped her with a big mouth, kicked her vagina and legs a few times, and dared to play your aunt's crooked ideas. Are you tired of living?

But she couldn't do this to Xiao Mingyu, just because Xiao Mingyu was one of her very limited friends. He had been accommodating him since childhood and loved her like an elder brother. She really couldn't lose her temper with him.

Of course, there is another most important reason. Now that the Xiao family is so powerful, she can have prejudices against Ye Chongwei, but she has to think about the Ye family. Even if she is reluctant in her heart, she can't go too far on the surface.

This made her feel that Ji Wufeng was better. As long as he made her unhappy, she could deal with him without fear of his revenge.

Xiao Mingyu picked up the teacup, took a sip and said, "I met Ji Wufeng yesterday."

Ye Linglong's ears immediately stood up and she said, "Then did you two get into a fight?"

"No, not only did we not fight, but we also got along fairly well, although I know that he was actually not friendly to me at all." Xiao Mingyu said with a smile.

"Brother Mingyu."

Ye Linglong suddenly ran to Xiao Mingyu, grabbed his hand, and said with a pitiful look: "How about we just forget about it? It's not like you don't know that I'm not good-looking and I'm not well-educated. , she is just a wild girl. If you marry me home, won’t you disgrace your Xiao family? What’s more, my temper is very bad. If your old man pisses me off, I will kill you. What should I do if the Xiao family is bombed?"

"Are you so reluctant to marry me? Do you think I'm really not worthy of you?" Xiao Mingyu interrupted Ye Linglong.

"No, it's because I'm not good enough for Brother Mingyu. You see that you are so talented and handsome, so you should marry a lady who is gentle and generous. A wild girl like me can't live with you. I can't get along." Ye Linglong explained.

Xiao Mingyu sighed, shook his head with a wry smile and said, "You are sending me good guy cards."

"Brother Mingyu, you don't need a good person card, because you are a good person yourself, the number one good person in the world." Ye Linglong said with a smile.

If Ji Wufeng and others saw Ye Linglong's current appearance, their eyes would have dropped to the ground in shock. Is this coquettish little girl really the cruel female devil?

"Linglong, you and I both know very well that it is not the two of us who can make the decision on this matter." Xiao Mingyu said helplessly.

The smile on Ye Linglong's face suddenly disappeared and she said: "But you are more

To be clear, no one can ever force me to do anything. "

"I know this better than anyone else, so I won't force you. I just want to know, is he really qualified to ask you to pay so much for him?" Xiao Mingyu suddenly asked.

"Whether he is qualified or not seems to have nothing to do with you." Ye Linglong sneered.

"Of course it is relevant, because it is related to whether he is worthy of being my opponent, Xiao Mingyu." The smile on Xiao Mingyu's face finally disappeared, and there was a hint of domineering in his tone, making Ye Linglong's next bold words hard to suppress. Went back.

"But you can rest assured."

Xiao Mingyu stood up, patted Ye Linglong's shoulder and smiled: "He did me a favor yesterday. I owe him a favor, so I promise to grant his request."

Ye Linglong suddenly became happy and said, "That's great. As long as he asks you not to marry me, wouldn't it be fine?"

Xiao Mingyu shook his head and said: "If he makes such a request, then he is not qualified to be my opponent and is not worthy of you. I will never allow you to marry someone who is not worthy of you."

Ye Linglong scratched her head angrily. If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't beat Xiao Mingyu, she would have dealt with him eight times.

Gu Tianyang's departure completely changed Gu Mingyue's situation in the Gu family. Before, Gu Tianyang trampled everyone under his feet and accumulated a lot of hatred. Even Gu Mingyue was hated by them. Now Gu Tianyang is gone. , Gu Mingyue lost his only protective umbrella, and at the same time became a punching bag for those people.

"Hmph, I don't even know if this wild girl is a member of the Gu family."

"I can't say for sure, but I think even a descendant of the Gu family must be a bitch. Otherwise, why would grandpa hate her so much?"

These words are like a knife piercing Gu Mingyue's heart, you bitch? Are you really a bastard, a bitch? Otherwise, why do her parents, grandparents, and grandparents hate her so much?

Gu Mingyue left the Gu family because the Gu family could no longer accommodate her.

Walking alone on the street, the evening breeze was cold. Gu Mingyue, who was wearing thin clothes, crossed her arms tightly, trying to warm herself up, but the coldness in her heart made her unable to feel any warmth at all.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, she is the young lady of the dignified Gu family, just like a golden branch and jade leaf, but in fact, except for Gu Tianyang's love for her, she is nothing in the Gu family. Now Gu Tianyang is gone, She also became nothing.

She didn't know how far she had gone, and she had forgotten how many times she had looked back, but she still didn't see anyone from the Gu family chasing her. Did no one from the Gu family really care about her? Parents, I am your daughter!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Brother...where are you?"

Gu Mingyue couldn't walk anymore and squatted under the dim street light and sobbed. She knew that she really had nothing and felt that her life in this world was completely unnecessary.

" is here..."

Someone suddenly spoke behind her. Gu Mingyue turned around in a hurry and saw a group of guys with lustful faces staring at her. She immediately shrank her body in fear and said, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

A guy with a fat head and big ears laughed and said: "Little beauty, aren't you looking for a brother? There are many good brothers now." Ye Linglong picked it up and tasted it, then frowned slightly and said: "It doesn't taste good. Anyway, I still think AD calcium milk tastes better."

"Drinking tea is for self-cultivation. It's better to drink less drinks. There are too many additives." Xiao Mingyu said.

Ye Linglong's eyes immediately widened and she said, "You want me to cultivate my moral character? Do you think I am uneducated?"

Xiao Mingyu waved his hands hurriedly and said: "That's not what I meant. I just think that drinks are not good for the body."

"Hmph, does my health have anything to do with you?"

Ye Linglong seemed to be very repulsive to Xiao Mingyu, and said coldly: "You're not asking me to drink tea when you call me, are you? If you have something to say, just say it and let it go as soon as possible. Auntie, I don't have time to chat with you here."

If it had been another person, Ye Linglong would have slapped her with a big mouth, kicked her vagina and legs a few times, and dared to play your aunt's crooked ideas. Are you tired of living?

But she couldn't do this to Xiao Mingyu, just because Xiao Mingyu was one of her very limited friends. He had been accommodating him since childhood and loved her like an elder brother. She really couldn't lose her temper with him.

Of course, there is another most important reason. Now that the Xiao family is so powerful, she can have prejudices against Ye Chongwei, but she has to think about the Ye family. Even if she is reluctant in her heart, she can't go too far on the surface.

This made her feel that Ji Wufeng was better. As long as he made her unhappy, she could deal with him without fear of his revenge.

Xiao Mingyu picked up the teacup, took a sip and said, "I met Ji Wufeng yesterday."

Ye Linglong's ears immediately stood up and she said, "Then did you two get into a fight?"

"No, not only did we not fight, but we also got along fairly well, although I know that he was actually not friendly to me at all." Xiao Mingyu said with a smile.

"Brother Mingyu."

Ye Linglong suddenly ran to Xiao Mingyu, grabbed his hand, and said with a pitiful look: "How about we just forget about it? It's not like you don't know that I'm not good-looking and I'm not well-educated. , she is just a wild girl. If you marry me home, won’t you disgrace your Xiao family? What’s more, my temper is very bad. If your old man pisses me off, I will kill you. What should I do if the Xiao family is bombed?"

"Are you so reluctant to marry me? Do you think I'm really not worthy of you?" Xiao Mingyu interrupted Ye Linglong.

"No, it's because I'm not good enough for Brother Mingyu. You see that you are so talented and handsome, so you should marry a lady who is gentle and generous. A wild girl like me can't live with you. I can't get along." Ye Linglong explained.

Xiao Mingyu sighed, shook his head with a wry smile and said, "You are sending me good guy cards."

"Brother Mingyu, you don't need a good person card, because you are a good person yourself, the number one good person in the world." Ye Linglong said with a smile.

If Ji Wufeng and others saw Ye Linglong's current appearance, their eyes would have dropped to the ground in shock. Is this coquettish little girl really the cruel female devil?

"Linglong, you and I both know very well that it is not the two of us who can make the decision on this matter." Xiao Mingyu said helplessly.

The smile on Ye Linglong's face suddenly disappeared and she said: "But you are more

To be clear, no one can ever force me to do anything. "

"I know this better than anyone else, so I won't force you. I just want to know, is he really qualified to ask you to pay so much for him?" Xiao Mingyu suddenly asked.

"Whether he is qualified or not seems to have nothing to do with you." Ye Linglong sneered.

"Of course it is relevant, because it is related to whether he is worthy of being my opponent, Xiao Mingyu." The smile on Xiao Mingyu's face finally disappeared, and there was a hint of domineering in his tone, making Ye Linglong's next bold words hard to suppress. Went back.

"But you can rest assured."

Xiao Mingyu stood up, patted Ye Linglong's shoulder and smiled: "He did me a favor yesterday. I owe him a favor, so I promise to grant his request."

Ye Linglong suddenly became happy and said, "That's great. As long as he asks you not to marry me, wouldn't it be fine?"

Xiao Mingyu shook his head and said: "If he makes such a request, then he is not qualified to be my opponent and is not worthy of you. I will never allow you to marry someone who is not worthy of you."

Ye Linglong scratched her head angrily. If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't beat Xiao Mingyu, she would have dealt with him eight times.

Gu Tianyang's departure completely changed Gu Mingyue's situation in the Gu family. Before, Gu Tianyang trampled everyone under his feet and accumulated a lot of hatred. Even Gu Mingyue was hated by them. Now Gu Tianyang is gone. , Gu Mingyue lost his only protective umbrella, and at the same time became a punching bag for those people.

"Hmph, I don't even know if this wild girl is a member of the Gu family."

"I can't say for sure, but I think even a descendant of the Gu family must be a bitch. Otherwise, why would grandpa hate her so much?"

These words are like a knife piercing Gu Mingyue's heart, you bitch? Are you really a bastard, a bitch? Otherwise, why do her parents, grandparents, and grandparents hate her so much?

Gu Mingyue left the Gu family because the Gu family could no longer accommodate her.

Walking alone on the street, the evening breeze was cold. Gu Mingyue, who was wearing thin clothes, crossed her arms tightly, trying to warm herself up, but the coldness in her heart made her unable to feel any warmth at all.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, she is the young lady of the dignified Gu family, just like a golden branch and jade leaf, but in fact, except for Gu Tianyang's love for her, she is nothing in the Gu family. Now Gu Tianyang is gone, She also became nothing.

She didn't know how far she had gone, and she had forgotten how many times she had looked back, but she still didn't see anyone from the Gu family chasing her. Did no one from the Gu family really care about her? Parents, I am your daughter!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Brother...where are you?"

Gu Mingyue couldn't walk anymore and squatted under the dim street light and sobbed. She knew that she really had nothing and felt that her life in this world was completely unnecessary.

" is here..."

Someone suddenly spoke behind her. Gu Mingyue turned around in a hurry and saw a group of guys with lustful faces staring at her. She immediately shrank her body in fear and said, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

A fat guy with big ears laughed and said: "Little beauty, aren't you looking for a brother? There are many good brothers now."

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