Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1191 It just makes me become barbaric

"Haha... little girl, we big brothers all have unique skills. Can we find a place for you to show them off?"

These people's eyes were shining with green light and they were staring straight at Gu Mingyue, as if they wanted to eat people. Gu Mingyue said: "You guys go away, otherwise I will call the police."

A guy with a sinister face said impatiently: "Boss, what are you talking about? Such a beautiful girl is too rare. Get rid of her quickly. I can't wait to have a good time."

Gu Mingyue's expression changed, she stood up and wanted to run, but was immediately surrounded.

"Don't leave yet, let's go have some fun with our good brothers...ah..." .??.

Someone reached out to grab Gu Mingyue, but Gu Mingyue flew up and kicked him on the thigh. He immediately screamed and collapsed on the ground, and said sternly: "Damn it, you actually dare to hit me, take her Catch her, I’m going to kill her today!”

A group of people suddenly swarmed up. Although Gu Mingyue was good at skills, there were too many people on the other side. After she knocked down a few, he was caught and his hands were tightly held down.

"You little bitch, if you dare to hit me, you are looking for death!" The guy who was kicked by Gu Mingyue just reached out and slapped Gu Mingyue.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, and before anyone could turn around, there was a slap. The slap did not hit Gu Mingyue's face, but the guy who did it was hit hard and collapsed directly on the ground.

When I looked up, I saw a woman wearing a black veil standing in front of me. I couldn't tell what she looked like.

"How dare you hit me, you bitch!" the guy lying on the ground said angrily.

The woman said in an indifferent tone: "Let's go."

"What the hell, you beat me and you let me go. I think you're looking for death. Brothers, come together. I'm even playing with her tonight!"

Immediately, several guys rushed forward, but before they could touch the woman, they suddenly saw the woman's fingers flying and felt a stab of pain all over her body, and then her body couldn't move.

It was the energy inspired by the warriors that hit their acupuncture points.

Gu Mingyue stood there dumbly, was she being saved?

"Are you okay?" the woman asked softly.

Gu Mingyue came back to her senses and hurriedly thanked her: "I...I'm fine, thank you sister."

The woman shook her head slightly and said, "You're welcome, meeting each other is also a kind of fate."

After learning that Gu Mingyue had nowhere to go, the woman took her back to her residence. She must have just arrived in Huajing, otherwise she would not stay in the hotel.

When she arrived at the hotel room, the woman took off the veil from her face. After Gu Mingyue saw her face clearly, she immediately exclaimed: "Sister, you are so beautiful."

Gu Mingyue is a beauty herself, but this woman is really beautiful, especially the ethereal aura about her body, which makes people fascinated.

"You are also very beautiful." The woman smiled.

"I'm just beautiful, but my sister is beautiful, something different." Gu Mingyue said.

"You are young, but you are very good at flattering. What is your name?" the woman asked.

"My name is Gu Mingyue." Gu Mingyue said her name.

Gu Mingyue?

The woman frowned slightly and asked, "Do you know Gu Tianyang?"

There are not many people with the surname Gu, and since this is Huajing, 80% of them are related to the Gu family.

"That's my brother. Sister, do you know my brother?"

Gu Mingyue was pleasantly surprised, took the woman's arm and asked: "You are so beautiful, and my brother is so handsome, I think you must be my sister-in-law, right?"

The woman's face changed slightly, and the kindness on her face became much colder. She shook her head slightly and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know Gu Tianyang, I just heard about him."

"That's a pity, but can we introduce you two to each other in the future? You are so beautiful, I think only my brother is worthy of you." Gu Mingyue said excitedly.

"I'm not interested in your brother." The woman refused unhappily.


Gu Mingyue knew that she had said the wrong thing and couldn't help but lower her head, but the woman suddenly rushed into the bathroom with her mouth covered, making a sound of retching.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Gu Mingyue asked in a panic.

"I'm fine, I'm not sick." The woman shook her head, took off her coat, and said, "It's getting late, I need to rest." Gu Mingyue saw that after the woman took off her coat, her lower abdomen was slightly bulging, and the woman's figure Excellent, simply the golden section. How could there be fat on the lower abdomen? Gu Mingyue immediately said: "Sister, I understand, you must be pregnant with a baby, right?" Her belly was bulging and she was retching. Anyone with a little common sense would know that the woman was pregnant. "Hmm..." The woman nodded. At this time, Gu Mingyue saw the woman's belly bulging a few times, and she immediately pointed and said, "Your belly is moving." The woman showed a smile and said, "This is the baby kicking me." "Sister, I can touch it. Do you want to touch it?" Gu Mingyue said expectantly. After hesitating for a moment, the woman nodded. Gu Mingyue immediately reached out and carefully touched the woman's belly, and then said in surprise: "It's true, I touched it. The baby is kicking around inside." She originally looked indifferent. A smile appeared on the woman's face again, looking at her belly, her smile was full of happiness. "Sister, what's your name?" "My name is Zhuang Zhiling!"

Ye Bu Gui is a nightclub. The customers are basically women, and they are not ordinary women. They are almost all senior corporate white-collar workers, business women, or women who have made great achievements in a certain field, and there are also some gorgeous women among them. A socialite active in Beijing's social circle.

Of course, it wouldn't be interesting if there were only women. There are male customers, but there are too few men who are qualified to come in. They all have certain identities and backgrounds.

As night fell, a young man strode into the Ye Bugui Bar, but soon a two-fat man in black came over. After looking up and down, he asked politely: "Sir, please show me your membership. Card."

"Can I get a membership card for the bathing center?" the young man asked.

The man in black's face immediately turned gloomy and said, "Sorry, we won't accept you if you are not a member. Sir, please come back."

The Night Out Bar will never reject women, but it is extremely harsh on men. Non-members are not allowed in under any circumstances.

When the young man heard this, he immediately became angry and stared, "What if I have to go in?"

"Then I can only offend you." The man in black's tone turned cold.


The two men in black collapsed on the ground. The young man blew his fists, shook his head and said: "I was originally a very educated and qualified person, but you just made me become barbaric. I am so uneducated. I have no quality anymore." "Haha... little girl, we big brothers all have special skills. Can we find a place for you to show them off?"

These people's eyes were shining with green light and they were staring straight at Gu Mingyue, as if they wanted to eat people. Gu Mingyue said: "You guys go away, otherwise I will call the police."

A guy with a sinister face said impatiently: "Boss, what are you talking about? Such a pretty girl is too rare. Get rid of her quickly. I can't wait to have a good time."

Gu Mingyue's expression changed, she stood up and wanted to run, but was immediately surrounded.

"Don't leave yet, let's go have some fun with our good brothers...ah..."

Someone reached out to grab Gu Mingyue, but Gu Mingyue flew up and kicked him on the thigh. He immediately screamed and collapsed on the ground, and said sternly: "Damn it, you dare to hit me, take her Catch her, I’m going to kill her today!”

A group of people suddenly swarmed up. Although Gu Mingyue was good at skills, there were too many people on the other side. After she knocked down a few, he was caught and his hands were tightly held down.

"You little bitch, if you dare to hit me, you are looking for death!" The guy who was kicked by Gu Mingyue just reached out and slapped Gu Mingyue.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, and before anyone could turn around, there was a slap. The slap did not hit Gu Mingyue's face, but the guy who did it was hit hard and collapsed directly to the ground.

When I looked up, I saw a woman wearing a black veil standing in front of me. I couldn't tell what she looked like.

"How dare you hit me, you bitch!" the guy lying on the ground said angrily.

The woman said in an indifferent tone: "Let's go."

"What the hell, you beat me and you let me go. I think you're looking for death. Brothers, come together. I'm even playing with her tonight!"

Immediately, several guys rushed forward, but before they could touch the woman, they suddenly saw the woman's fingers flying and felt a stab of pain all over her body, and then her body couldn't move.

It was the energy inspired by the warriors that hit their acupuncture points.

Gu Mingyue stood there dumbly, was she being saved?

"Are you okay?" the woman asked softly.

Gu Mingyue came back to her senses and hurriedly thanked her: "I...I'm fine, thank you sister."

The woman shook her head slightly and said, "You're welcome, meeting each other is also a kind of fate."

After learning that Gu Mingyue had nowhere to go, the woman took her back to her residence. She must have just arrived in Huajing, otherwise she would not stay in the hotel.

When she arrived at the hotel room, the woman took off the veil from her face. After Gu Mingyue saw her face clearly, she immediately exclaimed: "Sister, you are so beautiful."

Gu Mingyue is a beauty herself, but this woman is really beautiful, especially the ethereal aura about her body, which makes people fascinated.

"You are also very beautiful." The woman smiled.

"I'm just beautiful, but my sister is beautiful, something different." Gu Mingyue said.

"You are young, but you are very good at flattering. What is your name?" the woman asked.

"My name is Gu Mingyue." Gu Mingyue said her name.

Gu Mingyue?

The woman frowned slightly and asked, "Do you know Gu Tianyang?"

There are not many people with the surname Gu, and since this is Huajing, 80% of them are related to the Gu family.

"That's my brother. Sister, do you know my brother?"

Gu Mingyue was pleasantly surprised, took the woman's arm and asked: "You are so beautiful, and my brother is so handsome, I think you must be my sister-in-law, right?"

The woman's face changed slightly, and the kindness on her face became much colder. She shook her head slightly and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know Gu Tianyang, I just heard about him."

"That's a pity, but how about I introduce you two to each other in the future? You are so beautiful, I think only my brother is worthy of you." Gu Mingyue said excitedly.

"I'm not interested in your brother." The woman refused unhappily.


Gu Mingyue knew that she had said the wrong thing and couldn't help but lower her head, but the woman suddenly rushed into the bathroom with her mouth covered, making a sound of retching.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Gu Mingyue asked in a panic.

"I'm fine, I'm not sick." The woman shook her head, took off her coat, and said, "It's getting late, I need to rest." Gu Mingyue saw that after the woman took off her coat, her lower abdomen was slightly bulging, and the woman's figure Excellent, simply the golden section. How could there be fat on the lower abdomen? Gu Mingyue immediately said: "Sister, I understand, you must be pregnant with a baby, right?" Her belly was bulging and she was retching. Anyone with a little common sense would know that the woman was pregnant. "Hmm..." The woman nodded. At this time, Gu Mingyue saw the woman's belly bulging a few times, and she immediately pointed and said, "Your belly is moving." The woman showed a smile and said, "This is the baby kicking me." "Sister, I can touch it. Do you want to touch it?" Gu Mingyue said expectantly. After hesitating for a moment, the woman nodded. Gu Mingyue immediately reached out and carefully touched the woman's belly, and then said in surprise: "It's true, I touched it. The baby is kicking around inside." She originally looked indifferent. A smile appeared on the woman's face again, looking at her belly, her smile was full of happiness. "Sister, what's your name?" "My name is Zhuang Zhiling!"

Ye Bu Gui is a nightclub. The customers are basically women, and they are not ordinary women. They are almost all senior corporate white-collar workers, business women, or women who have made great achievements in a certain field, and there are also some gorgeous women among them. A socialite active in Beijing's social circle.

Of course, it wouldn't be interesting if there were only women. There are male customers, but there are too few men who are qualified to come in. They all have certain identities and backgrounds.

As night fell, a young man strode into the Ye Bugui Bar, but soon a two-fat man in black came over. After looking up and down, he asked politely: "Sir, please show me your membership. Card."

"Can I get a membership card for the bathing center?" the young man asked.

The man in black's face immediately turned gloomy and said, "Sorry, we won't accept you if you are not a member. Sir, please come back."

The Night Out Bar will never reject women, but it is extremely harsh on men. Non-members are not allowed in under any circumstances.

When the young man heard this, he immediately became angry and stared, "What if I have to go in?"

"Then I can only offend you." The man in black's tone turned cold.


The two men in black collapsed on the ground. The young man blew his fists, shook his head and said: "I was originally a very educated and qualified person, but you just made me become barbaric. I am so uneducated. There is no quality anymore.”

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