In anger, Ji Wufeng increased the speed at which the Heaven-Swallowing Wuji Kung Fu absorbs the true energy.

The three old men were about to cry, and howled: "Apprentice... no... big brother... can't we call you big brother? We really don't have any ill intentions, it's just that your sky-swallowing Wuji skill happened just now, we just wanted to I just want to help you suppress it."

"Yes, yes, think about it carefully. If we wanted to harm you, would you be able to survive until now?"

Ji Wufeng then thought about it, and it seemed that there was something going on. If these three old guys wanted to kill him, there was no need for all three of them to come together. One of them would be enough for him to drink a pot.

What's more, this is a place? All the big guys live in the courtyard. Who dares to kill people here? Doesn’t that mean I don’t want to live anymore?

Since you really don’t want to harm yourself, then let them go.

Ji Wufeng withdrew the Heaven-Swallowing Wuji Kung Fu, and the three veterans suddenly felt as if they had escaped from death. They sat down on the ground in a cold sweat. They had really scared the baby to death just now.

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first." Ji Wufeng turned around and wanted to leave.

You almost sucked these three old guys to death just now, why don't you take care of yourself when they calm down? .??.

But before he could take a step, three figures had already rushed over and surrounded him. The three old guys were all gnashing their teeth with hatred and said: "You little bastard, I almost died of fright, my teacher. What a shame." How will the master deal with you today?"

Ji Wufeng immediately made an attack stance and said, "How dare you! Don't forget, I have the Heaven-Swallowing Wuji Kung Fu, be careful as I suck you to death!"

An old man chuckled and said: "Although your Heaven-Swallowing Wuji Kung Fu is powerful, your strength is not yet up to par. It's okay to deal with one, but if three of them join forces, you won't be able to do anything."

Seeing the three old guys gearing up, Ji Wufeng quickly shouted: "You can't do this to me. Three old guys teamed up to bully a junior. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if word spread?"

"You are our disciple and we are teaching you a lesson. Who dares to say that we are embarrassed?"

"When did I become your apprentice? Have you asked me for my opinion?"

"We say it's you, we don't need to ask your opinion at all!"

"Japan, this is the overlord's aggressive attack. You are despising human rights... Ouch... you are really willing to take action. You old man, I'll fight you to death. You uncle, don't slap me in the face. I'm still relying on my face." It’s just a casual meal…”

Before Ji Wufeng could finish his words, he was surrounded by three old guys and beat him up with punches and kicks!

In a short time, Ji Wufeng was beaten from a handsome young man to a pig's head. The three old guys stopped contentedly, then found three chairs and sat down in front of Ji Wufeng with a golden sword.

"Okay, come and kowtow to become your master!" said an old guy in the middle.

Ji Wufeng covered his swollen cheek and asked calmly: "What will be the consequences if I don't agree?"

After receiving a violent beating, Ji Wufeng scolded the three old guys in his heart, but he did not dare to show it for fear of being beaten.

"The consequences won't be serious. The worst I can do is beat you up again until you agree." An old guy said viciously.

Ji Wufeng scolded his mother angrily in his heart, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask: "Can I ask the names of the three seniors?"

"It's easy to say, the old lady is proud of the sword!"

"I'm going to slash you wildly!"

"I'm a boxing champion!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly narrowed and he said, "Are you the Four Elites of Zhongzhou?"

He didn't know the four masters of Zhongzhou, but as an elder of law enforcement, he had naturally heard of the names of such top masters.

There are four people in Zhongzhou's Four Masters, each of whom has reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship and fist palm, so they are respected as the Four Masters!

Their real names have been forgotten, there are only Proud Sword, Crazy Sword, Quanba and Tianzhang!

But it's a pity that about fifty years ago, the four masters of Zhongzhou participated in the martial arts competition, and Tianzhang unfortunately died in the battle. After that, the remaining three disappeared, but unexpectedly they came here to become dragon guards.

"I've met three seniors!" Ji Wufeng clasped his fists and saluted.

His salute was a tribute to the sacrifices and contributions made by the three of them to China's martial arts.

Seeing that Ji Wufeng was finally honest, the three veterans were very satisfied, but Aojian suddenly turned pale and said, "Senior, you called me master, do you still want to be beaten?"

"Three seniors, I already have a master." Ji Wufeng said.

"What's wrong with having a master? You expelled yourself from the master's sect and switched to... the Four Supreme Sects of Zhongzhou!" Ao Jian said lightly.

Ji Wufeng looked solemn and said: "Three seniors, tell the truth, don't say that I already have a master, even if I don't, there is no one who can be my master, Ji Wufeng.

This is true. Although his strength is average now, it is because the time for his return is too short, less than a year. If he is given another period of time, these three old guys may not be able to control him together. .

Ao Jian immediately became angry and said: "Boy, are you quite crazy? Do you dare to say that we are not worthy of being your master?"

"Hehe, it's not impossible to be my master. Isn't Senior Aojian the master of swordsmanship? You might as well see if you can teach me such a swordsmanship first."

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly, and a sword intent suddenly appeared from Ji Wufeng.

A domineering and sharp aura spreads. At this moment, it seems that an unrivaled monarch has arrived, and all his people must prostrate themselves on the ground. This king is not a human king, but a king in the sword. , all swords must surrender.

" this the Heavenly Dragon Sword Art?" Ao Jian said tremblingly.

Yes, it was the Tianlong Sword Technique. Ji Wufeng had used this technique to scare Tu Antian, and then inexplicably installed a sword master as his master.

Now he had no choice but to pull out the sword master he had never seen before.

"That's right, it's the Tianlong Sword Art!" Ji Wufeng nodded.

"Is your master an old swordsman?" Kuang Dao said in a daze.

"Fuck..." Aojian screamed, his face turned green, and his whole body was trembling, as if he was suffering from rabies.

Ji Wufeng was startled and said, "What happened to him? Was he bitten by a dog?"

The corners of Boxing Ba's mouth twitched and he said, "He is also a disciple of Senior Sword Master!"

Ji Wufeng was also confused. Damn it, it couldn't really be such a coincidence, right?

"Damn it, you're an uncle, you're a bitch, you're a bastard..."

Ao Jian angrily stamped his feet, beat his chest and cursed: "Ji Changkong, you old bastard, are you here specifically to defeat me? I can't rob you of a girl, I can't beat you in a fight, so I accept your grandson as my apprentice. I didn’t expect that I would become my junior brother. I am the same generation as me, and your ancestors are just like me..."

That's right, Aojian is the eldest disciple of the Sword Master. Not only him, but all the four great masters of Zhongzhou were taught by the Sword Master back then, and they achieved what they have achieved today.

After all, Ji Wufeng is really their junior brother! In anger, Ji Wufeng increased the speed at which the Heaven-Swallowing Wuji Kung Fu absorbs the true energy.

The three old men were about to cry, and howled: "Apprentice... no... elder brother... can't we call you elder brother? We really don't have any ill intentions, it's just that your sky-swallowing Wuji skill happened just now, we just wanted to I just want to help you suppress it."

"Yes, yes, think about it carefully. If we wanted to harm you, would you be able to survive until now?"

Ji Wufeng then thought about it, and it seemed that there was something going on. If these three old guys wanted to kill him, there was no need for all three of them to come together. One of them would be enough for him to drink a pot.

What's more, this is a place? All the big guys live in the courtyard. Who dares to kill people here? Doesn’t that mean I don’t want to live anymore?

Since you really don’t want to harm yourself, then let them go.

Ji Wufeng withdrew the Heaven-Swallowing Wuji Kung Fu, and the three veterans suddenly felt as if they had escaped from death. They sat down on the ground in a cold sweat. They had really scared the baby to death just now.

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first." Ji Wufeng turned around and wanted to leave. .??.??

You almost sucked these three old guys to death just now, why don't you take care of yourself when they calm down?

But before he could take a step, three figures had already rushed over and surrounded him. The three old guys were all gnashing their teeth with hatred and said: "You little bastard, I almost died of fright, my teacher. What a shame." How will the master deal with you today?"

Ji Wufeng immediately made an attack stance and said, "How dare you! Don't forget, I have the Heaven-Swallowing Wuji Kung Fu, be careful as I suck you to death!"

An old man chuckled and said: "Although your Heaven-Swallowing Wuji Kung Fu is powerful, your strength is not yet up to par. It's okay to deal with one, but if three of them join forces, you won't be able to do anything."

Seeing the three old guys gearing up, Ji Wufeng quickly shouted: "You can't do this to me. Three old guys teamed up to bully a junior. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if word spread?"

"You are our disciple and we are teaching you a lesson. Who dares to say that we are embarrassed?"

"When did I become your apprentice? Have you asked me for my opinion?"

"We say it's you, we don't need to ask your opinion at all!"

"Japan, this is the overlord's cruelty. You are despising human rights... Ouch... you are really willing to take action. You old man, I'll fight you to death. You uncle, don't slap me in the face. I'm still relying on my face." It’s just a casual meal…”

Before Ji Wufeng could finish his words, he was surrounded by three old guys and beat him up with punches and kicks!

In a short time, Ji Wufeng was beaten from a handsome young man to a pig's head. The three old guys stopped contentedly, then found three chairs and sat down in front of Ji Wufeng with a golden sword.

"Okay, come and kowtow to become your master!" said an old guy in the middle.

Ji Wufeng covered his swollen cheek and asked calmly: "What will be the consequences if I don't agree?"

After receiving a violent beating, Ji Wufeng scolded the three old guys in his heart, but he did not dare to show it for fear of being beaten.

"The consequences won't be serious. The worst I can do is beat you up again until you agree." An old guy said viciously.

Ji Wufeng scolded his mother angrily in his heart, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask: "Can I ask the names of the three seniors?"

"It's easy to say, the old lady is proud of the sword!"

"I'm going to slash you wildly!"

"I'm a boxing champion!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly narrowed and he said, "Are you the Four Elites of Zhongzhou?"

He didn't know the four masters of Zhongzhou, but as an elder of law enforcement, he had naturally heard of the names of such top masters.

There are four people in Zhongzhou's Four Masters, each of whom has reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship and fist palm, so they are respected as the Four Masters!

Their real names have been forgotten, there are only Proud Sword, Crazy Sword, Quanba and Tianzhang!

But it's a pity that about fifty years ago, the four masters of Zhongzhou participated in the martial arts competition, and Tianzhang unfortunately died in the battle. After that, the remaining three disappeared, but unexpectedly they came here to become dragon guards.

"I've met three seniors!" Ji Wufeng clasped his fists and saluted.

His salute was a tribute to the sacrifices and contributions made by the three of them to China's martial arts.

Seeing that Ji Wufeng was finally honest, the three veterans were very satisfied, but Aojian suddenly turned pale and said, "Senior, you called me master, do you still want to be beaten?"

"Three seniors, I already have a master." Ji Wufeng said.

"What's wrong with having a master? You expelled yourself from the master's sect and switched to... the Four Supreme Sects of Zhongzhou!" Ao Jian said lightly.

Ji Wufeng looked solemn and said: "Three seniors, tell the truth, don't say that I already have a master, even if I don't, there is no one who can be my master, Ji Wufeng.

This is true. Although his strength is average now, it is because the time for his return is too short, less than a year. If he is given another period of time, these three old guys may not be able to control him together. .

Ao Jian immediately became angry and said: "Boy, are you quite crazy? Do you dare to say that we are not worthy of being your master?"

"Hehe, it's not impossible to be my master. Isn't Senior Aojian the master of swordsmanship? You might as well see if you can teach me such a swordsmanship first."

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly, and a sword intent suddenly appeared from Ji Wufeng.

A domineering and sharp aura spreads. At this moment, it seems that an unrivaled monarch has arrived, and all his people must prostrate themselves on the ground. This king is not a human king, but a king in the sword. , all swords must surrender.

" this the Heavenly Dragon Sword Art?" Ao Jian said tremblingly.

Yes, it was the Tianlong Sword Technique. Ji Wufeng had used this technique to scare Tu Antian, and then inexplicably installed a sword master as his master.

Now he had no choice but to pull out the sword master he had never seen before.

"That's right, it's the Tianlong Sword Art!" Ji Wufeng nodded.

"Is your master an old swordsman?" Kuang Dao said in a daze.

"Fuck..." Aojian screamed, his face turned green, and his whole body was trembling, as if he was suffering from rabies.

Ji Wufeng was startled and said, "What happened to him? Was he bitten by a dog?"

The corners of Boxing Ba's mouth twitched and he said, "He is also a disciple of Senior Sword Master!"

Ji Wufeng was also confused. Damn it, it couldn't really be such a coincidence, right?

"Damn it, you're an uncle, you're a bitch, you're a bastard..."

Ao Jian angrily stamped his feet, beat his chest and cursed: "Ji Changkong, you old bastard, are you here specifically to defeat me? I can't rob you of a girl, I can't beat you in a fight, so I accept your grandson as my apprentice. I didn’t expect that I would become my junior brother. I am the same generation as me, and your ancestors are just like me..."

That's right, Aojian is the eldest disciple of the Sword Master. Not only him, but all the four great masters of Zhongzhou were taught by the Sword Master back then, and they achieved what they have achieved today.

After all, Ji Wufeng is really their junior brother!

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