No wonder they were so aggrieved. They were all resentful towards Ji Changkong and wanted to tear him into pieces, hoping to regain their reputation.

Now it's better, not only has the status not been restored, but the seniority is also one generation lower than others, no, two generations lower.

Ji Changkong is Ji Wufeng's grandfather. According to seniority, if they were younger, they would have to call him grandfather.

After venting his anger, Aojian said to Ji Wufeng, "Boy, tell me where the master is now?" .??.

Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes and said, "What's your name? I'm your junior brother now, the same generation as you!"

"Fuck!" Aojian jumped up and prepared to fight.

Crazy Blade quickly grabbed him and said: "Okay, what he said is right. He is indeed our junior brother. Now it is most important to ask the senior Sword Master's condition clearly."

Quan Ba ​​said: "Junior brother, where is the Sword Master now? Is he in good health?"

"I don't know." Ji Wufeng said.

"Your sister..." Ao Jian was angry again.

Ji Wufeng said: "It's not like you don't know him. He can go wherever he likes. Can I control him?"

It is true to say that the Five Saints of China are all extremely powerful and the strongest at that time, but each one of them is a dragon who has never seen the beginning and end of the dragon, and it is indeed difficult to keep track of their whereabouts.

"But he's still in good health, so it won't be a problem for him to live another eighty years." Ji Wufeng said.

Although warriors are not as good as cultivators, they are still cultivating and constantly breaking the limits of the physical body. The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the physical body, and the life span is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

"Hey, you have to help me next." Ji Wufeng said.

Now that he has such a relationship, it would be perfect to let the three of them be his bodyguards.

"Help me, Hammer, you love me to death!" Aojian said angrily.

"Okay, whether you want to help or not, if the master knows that you, a senior brother, will not save you, he will probably expel you from the master directly." Ji Wufeng said.

Ao Jian jumped to his feet and cursed: "I bought a watch last year, we are bringing back a lost star!"

In the gentleman's small courtyard, although the elegant middle-aged man was sitting across from him, his brows were full of respect and he said: "Sir, you have really worked hard this time.

The gentleman waved his hands and said, "You don't need to say such things to me, I just interrupted a few words."

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly and said: "But without you, I wouldn't dare to do this. If Mr. Ji is blamed, I can't bear it."

"You think too much."

The gentleman smiled and said: "If Ji Laogui disapproved, do you think Ji Wufeng would show up here?"

"But I really feel that this is too cruel and unfair to Ji Wufeng." The middle-aged man couldn't bear it.

The husband sighed and said, "If necessary, you need to sacrifice yourself or even your family, what would you choose?"

The middle-aged man said with firm eyes: "Keep moving forward!"

"You would choose like this, and he would choose like this. Do you think that kid really doesn't know anything? If he really knew nothing, I'm afraid he wouldn't be here."

The middle-aged man was stunned. Yes, if Ji Wufeng wanted to achieve his goal, there were many ways to choose from, but why did he choose this kind of behavior that was close to death?

"From the moment he was born, his destiny was determined

It's been doomed! "Mr. said.

Is this really fate?

The middle-aged man remembered that the person from the Ji family made a choice fifty years ago, that person's son made the same choice eighteen years ago, and now it is the turn of the third generation Ji Wufeng.

"He seems to attach great importance to that girl from the Gu family. Have you found out anything?" the gentleman asked.

The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "I just found out that a mysterious person sent her to the Gu family eighteen years ago. There are no other clues. I am afraid that only Gu Mingtang knows about her life experience."

The gentleman frowned for a while and said: "It can be seen that he attaches extraordinary importance to the girls of the Gu family. There can't be any problems, otherwise he will feel cold. Do you understand?"

"Sir, please rest assured that there will be no problems with Gu Mingyue." The middle-aged man said with sharp eyes.

The husband nodded with satisfaction and said, "You can go down. That kid from Jiangnan is not easy either. Let him come to my place to sit more often when he has time."

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "I don't need to tell him specifically about this. Ever since Ji Wufeng arrived here, that kid has been following him. Now he is standing outside the door, not daring to come in."

After the middle-aged man left, Chu Jiangnan immediately ran in and said respectfully, "Hello, sir."

The gentleman looked at me with a smile on his face: "Very good, you have made great progress recently."

"They are all bosses, otherwise Jiangnan would still be a puddle of mud at this time." Chu Jiangnan said.

The gentleman nodded and said: "A person's greatest ability is to influence the people around him. At the same time, he is lucky to have young people like you following him."

Chu Jiangnan suddenly said with a solemn tone: "Is the boss really in danger this time?"

"It's a narrow escape from death!" the gentleman sighed.

Chu Jiangnan suddenly knelt on the ground and said, "Sir, is there nothing we can do?"

"He has made up his mind and we can't interfere."

The husband also said helplessly: "You should get up first. Things are not serious yet. That kid is a ghost. If something is really wrong, he will definitely run away faster than anyone else!"

"That's true."

Chu Jiangnan nodded in agreement. With his understanding of Ji Wufeng, he couldn't do such a thing that would lead to death. Wouldn't that be a coward?

The husband suddenly said seriously: "Does your grandfather know that you came to my place?"

Chu Jiangnan shook his head slightly, and the husband sighed and said, "It's really hard for you. How is that girl now? Is she still refusing to eat?"

News came that Gu Mingyue had not eaten for several days. If he was really hungry, would Ji Wufeng come here to fight for his life?

Chu Jiangnan smiled and said: "That's not true. She has started to eat and her mood has stabilized."

"Oh, she agreed to your marriage?" The gentleman raised his eyebrows.

"No, it's just that she met someone when she ran away from home last time. This person returned to the Gu family with her. She seemed to trust that person very much. During this time, the two of them lived together." Chu Jiangnan said.

"Have you found out the origin?" the gentleman asked.

Chu Jiangnan shook his head and said: "We haven't found anything yet. I only know that she is a woman. She is not very old. She always wears a veil. Her appearance is despising, but she is pregnant."


The gentleman was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "It can't be that girl, right?" No wonder they were so aggrieved. They were all resentful of Ji Changkong and wanted to cut him into pieces, hoping to regain their reputation. .

Now it's better, not only has the status not been restored, but the seniority is also one generation lower than others, no, two generations lower.

Ji Changkong is Ji Wufeng's grandfather. According to seniority, if they were younger, they would have to call him grandfather.

After venting his anger, Aojian said to Ji Wufeng: "Boy, tell me where the master is now?"

Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes and said, "What's your name? I'm your junior brother now, the same generation as you!"

"Fuck!" Aojian jumped up and prepared to fight.

Crazy Blade quickly grabbed him and said: "Okay, what he said is right. He is indeed our junior brother. Now it is most important to ask the senior Sword Master's condition clearly."

Quan Ba ​​said: "Junior brother, where is the Sword Master now? Is he in good health?"

"I don't know." Ji Wufeng said.

"Your sister..." Ao Jian was angry again.

Ji Wufeng said: "It's not like you don't know him. He can go wherever he likes. Can I control him?"

It is true to say that the Five Saints of China are all extremely powerful and the strongest at that time, but each one of them is a dragon who has never seen the beginning and end of the dragon, and it is indeed difficult to keep track of their whereabouts.

"But he's still in good health, so it won't be a problem for him to live another eighty years." Ji Wufeng said.

Although warriors are not as good as cultivators, they are still cultivating and constantly breaking the limits of the physical body. The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the physical body, and the life span is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

"Hey, you have to help me next." Ji Wufeng said.

Now that he has such a relationship, it would be perfect to let the three of them be his bodyguards.

"Help me, Hammer, you love me to death!" Aojian said angrily.

"Okay, whether you want to help or not, if the master knows that you, a senior brother, will not save you, he will probably expel you from the master directly." Ji Wufeng said.

Ao Jian jumped to his feet and cursed: "I bought a watch last year, we are bringing back a lost star!"

In the gentleman's small courtyard, although the elegant middle-aged man was sitting across from him, his brows were full of respect and he said: "Sir, you have really worked hard this time.

The gentleman waved his hands and said, "You don't need to say such things to me, I just interrupted a few words."

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly and said: "But without you, I wouldn't dare to do this. If Mr. Ji is blamed, I can't bear it."

"You think too much."

The gentleman smiled and said: "If Ji Laogui disapproved, do you think Ji Wufeng would show up here?"

"But I really feel that this is too cruel and unfair to Ji Wufeng." The middle-aged man couldn't bear it.

The husband sighed and said, "If necessary, you need to sacrifice yourself or even your family, what would you choose?"

The middle-aged man said with firm eyes: "Keep moving forward!"

"You would choose like this, and he would choose like this. Do you think that kid really doesn't know anything? If he really knew nothing, I'm afraid he wouldn't be here."

The middle-aged man was stunned. Yes, if Ji Wufeng wanted to achieve his goal, there were many ways to choose from, but why did he choose this kind of behavior that was close to death?

"From the moment he was born, his destiny was determined

It’s been doomed! "Mr. said.

Is this really fate?

The middle-aged man remembered that the person from the Ji family made a choice fifty years ago, that person's son made the same choice eighteen years ago, and now it is the turn of the third generation Ji Wufeng.

"He seems to attach great importance to that girl from the Gu family. Have you found out anything?" the gentleman asked.

The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "I just found out that a mysterious person sent her to the Gu family eighteen years ago. There are no other clues. I am afraid that only Gu Mingtang knows about her life experience."

The gentleman frowned for a while and said: "It can be seen that he attaches extraordinary importance to the girls of the Gu family. There can't be any problems, otherwise he will feel cold. Do you understand?"

"Sir, please rest assured that there will be no problems with Gu Mingyue." The middle-aged man said with sharp eyes.

The husband nodded with satisfaction and said, "You can go down. That kid from Jiangnan is not easy either. Let him come to my place to sit more often when he has time."

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "I don't need to tell him specifically about this. Ever since Ji Wufeng arrived here, that kid has been following him. Now he is standing outside the door, not daring to come in."

After the middle-aged man left, Chu Jiangnan immediately ran in and said respectfully, "Hello, sir."

The gentleman looked at me with a smile on his face: "Very good, you have made great progress recently."

"They are all bosses, otherwise Jiangnan would still be a puddle of mud at this time." Chu Jiangnan said.

The gentleman nodded and said: "A person's greatest ability is to influence the people around him. At the same time, he is lucky to have young people like you following him."

Chu Jiangnan suddenly said with a solemn tone: "Is the boss really in danger this time?"

"It's a narrow escape from death!" the gentleman sighed.

Chu Jiangnan suddenly knelt on the ground and said, "Sir, is there nothing we can do?"

"He has made up his mind and we can't interfere."

The husband also said helplessly: "You should get up first. Things are not serious yet. That kid is a ghost. If something is really wrong, he will definitely run away faster than anyone else!"

"That's true."

Chu Jiangnan nodded in agreement. With his understanding of Ji Wufeng, he couldn't do such a thing that would lead to death. Wouldn't that be a coward?

The husband suddenly said seriously: "Does your grandfather know that you came to my place?"

Chu Jiangnan shook his head slightly, and the husband sighed and said, "It's really hard for you. How is that girl now? Is she still refusing to eat?"

News came that Gu Mingyue had not eaten for several days. If he was really hungry, would Ji Wufeng come here to fight for his life?

Chu Jiangnan smiled and said: "That's not true. She has started to eat and her mood has stabilized."

"Oh, she agreed to your marriage?" The gentleman raised his eyebrows.

"No, it's just that she met someone when she ran away from home last time. This person returned to the Gu family with her. She seemed to trust that person very much. During this time, the two of them lived together." Chu Jiangnan said.

"Have you found out the origin?" the gentleman asked.

Chu Jiangnan shook his head and said: "We haven't found anything yet. I only know that she is a woman. She is not very old. She always wears a veil. Her appearance is despising, but she is pregnant."


The husband was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "Could it be that girl?"

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