Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1214 The Eight Wilderness Clouds Move

In the small courtyard of Zhongzhou Four Jue, three veterans were sitting together. Ao Jian said with a worried look on his face: "It's been three days since that kid went in. He should have broken into the sixth floor, right?"

After all, he was his own junior brother. Although Aojian was talking about it, he was really worried about Ji Wufeng.

"Don't worry, my junior brother is indeed a once-in-a-century genius. With his strength, there should be nothing that can stop him before he meets that old ghost Gu Mingxiu. Even if he meets Gu Mingxiu, the next three moves won't be too much." Difficult thing!" Boxing Fighter said with a relaxed expression.

Kuang Dao was just as worried as Ao Jian and said: "It is Gu Mingxiu who is worried. If it were anyone else, it would not be too difficult for the junior brother to pass. But Gu Mingxiu is a member of the Gu family after all, and now that kid has threatened When he arrives at the Gu family, Gu Mingxiu will never let him go easily!"

"Although there are only three moves, what if Gu Mingxiu comes up with a killing move?"

Thinking of this, the boxing champion couldn't relax any more, because if Ji Wu Feng wanted to break through the ninth level, he would not only need to take Gu Mingxiu's three moves, but also the three most powerful moves, and Ji Wu Feng must be spared Ji Wu Feng's life.

Ao Jian shook his head and said: "Everything is determined by fate. Whether he can come out depends on his own destiny!"

The news that Ji Wufeng entered the Shura battlefield quickly spread throughout Huajing City. Almost everyone had one thought in their mind, is this guy crazy?

The Shura battlefield is a legend, and it is also a hell on earth. I don’t know how many heroes want to break through the Shura battlefield and become famous all over the world. However, it is a pity that there are too few people who can successfully break through. Except for a very few Several people, all of them never came back.

Gradually, the Shura battlefield has become a taboo. If the Shura battlefield in the past was a super training ground for warriors, then now the Shura battlefield has become worthy of its name in the eyes of people, a Shura that can only bring death. battlefield.

Even if someone dares to go, it is just to die. In the past twenty years, only one person has successfully passed the Shura battlefield, and that is Gu Tianyang, thus achieving his reputation as the God of War.

Many people think that Gu Tianyang is not unprecedented, but he must be unprecedented. Ji Wufeng is certainly strong, and most people think that he is actually no weaker than Gu Tianyang.

However, after the news spread that the person on the ninth floor of the Shura battlefield was Gu Mingxiu of the Gu family, almost everyone believed that it was impossible for him to come out alive.

If someone has invaded your hometown, and now there is an opportunity to kill him, will you miss this opportunity?

Of course not, absolutely not, and of course the Gu family will not miss it!

Although everyone thought Ji Wufeng was dead, Huajing was still in turmoil. Although Ji Wufeng had been attacked by Ji Wufeng before, he was a member of the Gu family after all. With the strong backing of the Gu family, it was not difficult to control the wind and rain!

And Xiao Mingyu's appearance attracted everyone's attention. Someone from the super aristocratic family who had been silent for nearly a hundred years finally stepped forward and will inevitably receive attention from many aspects.

When Xiao Mingyu's genius deeds were discovered, he attracted even more attention. What made Xiao Mingyu's momentum even more unstoppable was the marriage between the Xiao family and the Ye family.

Such a family is already a behemoth. If the two families join forces again, who can stop them?

However, what is unexpected is the strong rise of another force, that is, Yuwen of the Yuwen family


The Yuwen family may not be as powerful as the Xiao family, but Yuwen Tiancheng is protected by Ye Lingfeng of the Ye family and Lu Tiangang of the Lu family.

Since then, the Yuwen family has not fallen behind at all, showing off its edge and competing with Ji Wufeng and Xiao Mingyu.

Faced with this gunpowder-filled situation, many people felt the crisis and began to restrain themselves consciously. There was no other way. If they got involved in a fight of this level, they would end up being shattered to pieces if they were not careful.

Of course, not everyone has become honest. Some people are unwilling to be lonely, such as Xue Qingming, Qi Mingle, Beichen Ao, Lei Ming and Chu Jiangnan. Although these five people are not as popular as the previous ones, they are still shining. Dazzling!

Naturally, many people were dissatisfied with the commotion of this group of young people. How could it be appropriate to cause such a commotion in Huajing?

However, there is a sentence passed down from above: young people should have the vigor that young people should have, and they should be young and frivolous. If they don't even dare to make trouble, how can they be expected to do big things in the future?

After these words spread, Huajing immediately became excited. Damn it, the superiors actually acquiesced to this situation. Is the history of eighteen years ago going to repeat itself again?

Looking back on eighteen years ago, everyone who knew about this incident had lingering fears, and everyone involved was frightened when they thought about it.

The situation back then was really very similar to now. Several young heroes came out of the blue to compete with each other. After the end, some people became famous and some people left sadly!

Who will become famous this time, and who will end miserably?

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Just watching the show is enough for them!

The Eight Wastelands in Huajing are turbulent, and Yuzhou is also in turmoil, and the reason is Tianfeng Group!

The two men and women in the room were entangled together. After the passion, Ren Feixing lit up a cigarette. Ye Qianxiang slid his slender fingers on his chest and said, "You are much worse than before. Are you tired?"

Ren Feixing nodded and said, "I'm very tired. Tianfeng is developing very well now. I have too many things to do."

"If you continue like this, your body will eventually collapse from exhaustion. I feel so sorry for you." Ye Qianxiang said with a look of pity.

Ren Feixing stroked her charming cheek with his hand and said, "If I don't work harder, how can I be worthy of you?"

Ye Qianxiang hugged him and said, "No, I just want you to be well."

"No matter what you want to get, you must pay a price. If I want to get you, I will naturally have to pay an equal price." Ren Feixing smiled.

But Ye Qianxiang couldn't see the coldness behind Ren Feixing's smile.

The door was suddenly kicked open, and a masked man in black rushed in. His body rose up, and a dagger emitting cold light stabbed Ren Feixing's throat fiercely.


Ye Qianxiang was shocked. He turned over and jumped forward. He groaned and bright red blood dripped down. A wound was made on Ye Qianxiang's left arm.

However, this could not stop the killer, and the dagger still stabbed Ren Feixing's vital point. Ye Qianxiang rushed towards Ren Feixing with all his strength, and pulled him hard to avoid the vital point.


The dagger was stabbed hard into Ren Feixing's abdomen, and blood spurted out! In the small courtyard of Zhongzhou Four Jue, three veterans were sitting together. Ao Jian said with a worried look on his face: "It's been three days since that kid went in. He should have broken into the sixth floor, right?"

After all, he was his own junior brother. Although Aojian was talking about it, he was really worried about Ji Wufeng.

"Don't worry, my junior brother is indeed a once-in-a-century genius. With his strength, there should be nothing that can stop him before he meets that old ghost Gu Mingxiu. Even if he meets Gu Mingxiu, the next three moves won't be too much." Difficult thing!" Boxing Fighter said with a relaxed expression.

Kuang Dao was just as worried as Ao Jian and said: "It is Gu Mingxiu who is worried. If it were anyone else, it would not be too difficult for the junior brother to pass. But Gu Mingxiu is a member of the Gu family after all, and now that kid has threatened When he arrives at the Gu family, Gu Mingxiu will never let him go easily!"

"Although there are only three moves, what if Gu Mingxiu comes up with a killing move?"

Thinking of this, the boxing champion couldn't relax any more, because if Ji Wu Feng wanted to break through the ninth level, he would not only need to take Gu Mingxiu's three moves, but also the three most powerful moves, and Ji Wu Feng must be spared Ji Wu Feng's life. .??.

Ao Jian shook his head and said: "Everything is determined by fate. Whether he can come out depends on his own destiny!"

The news that Ji Wufeng entered the Shura battlefield quickly spread throughout Huajing City. Almost everyone had one thought in their mind, is this guy crazy?

The Shura battlefield is a legend, and it is also a hell on earth. I don’t know how many heroes want to break through the Shura battlefield and become famous all over the world. However, it is a pity that there are too few people who can successfully break through. Except for a very few Several people, all of them never came back.

Gradually, the Shura battlefield has become a taboo. If the Shura battlefield in the past was a super training ground for warriors, then now the Shura battlefield has become worthy of its name in the eyes of people, a Shura that can only bring death. battlefield.

Even if someone dares to go, it is just to die. In the past twenty years, only one person has successfully passed the Shura battlefield, and that is Gu Tianyang, thus achieving his reputation as the God of War.

Many people think that Gu Tianyang is not unprecedented, but he must be unprecedented. Ji Wufeng is certainly strong, and most people think that he is actually no weaker than Gu Tianyang.

However, after the news spread that the person on the ninth floor of the Shura battlefield was Gu Mingxiu of the Gu family, almost everyone believed that it was impossible for him to come out alive.

If someone has invaded your hometown, and now there is an opportunity to kill him, will you miss this opportunity?

Of course not, absolutely not, and of course the Gu family will not miss it!

Although everyone thought Ji Wufeng was dead, Huajing was still in turmoil. Although Ji Wufeng had been attacked by Ji Wufeng before, he was a member of the Gu family after all. With the strong backing of the Gu family, it was not difficult to control the wind and rain!

And Xiao Mingyu's appearance attracted everyone's attention. Someone from the super aristocratic family who had been silent for nearly a hundred years finally stepped forward and will inevitably receive attention from many aspects.

When Xiao Mingyu's genius deeds were discovered, he attracted even more attention. What made Xiao Mingyu's momentum even more unstoppable was the marriage between the Xiao family and the Ye family.

Such a family is already a behemoth. If the two families join forces again, who can stop them?

However, what is unexpected is the strong rise of another force, that is, Yuwen of the Yuwen family


The Yuwen family may not be as powerful as the Xiao family, but Yuwen Tiancheng is protected by Ye Lingfeng of the Ye family and Lu Tiangang of the Lu family.

Since then, the Yuwen family has not fallen behind at all, showing off its edge and competing with Ji Wufeng and Xiao Mingyu.

Faced with this gunpowder-filled situation, many people felt the crisis and began to restrain themselves consciously. There was no other way. If they got involved in a fight of this level, they would end up being shattered to pieces if they were not careful.

Of course, not everyone has become honest. Some people are unwilling to be lonely, such as Xue Qingming, Qi Mingle, Beichen Ao, Lei Ming and Chu Jiangnan. Although these five people are not as popular as the previous ones, they are still shining. Dazzling!

Naturally, many people were dissatisfied with the commotion of this group of young people. How could it be appropriate to cause such a commotion in Huajing?

However, there is a sentence passed down from above: young people should have the vigor that young people should have, and they should be young and frivolous. If they don't even dare to make trouble, how can they be expected to do big things in the future?

After these words spread, Huajing immediately became excited. Damn it, the superiors actually acquiesced to this situation. Is the history of eighteen years ago going to repeat itself again?

Looking back on eighteen years ago, everyone who knew about this incident had lingering fears, and everyone involved was frightened when they thought about it.

The situation back then was really very similar to now. Several young heroes came out of the blue to compete with each other. After the end, some people became famous and some people left sadly!

Who will become famous this time, and who will end miserably?

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Just watching the show is enough for them!

The Eight Wastelands in Huajing are turbulent, and Yuzhou is also in turmoil, and the reason is Tianfeng Group!

The two men and women in the room were entangled together. After the passion, Ren Feixing lit up a cigarette. Ye Qianxiang slid his slender fingers on his chest and said, "You are much worse than before. Are you tired?"

Ren Feixing nodded and said, "I'm very tired. Tianfeng is developing very well now. I have too many things to do."

"If you continue like this, your body will eventually collapse from exhaustion. I feel so sorry for you." Ye Qianxiang said with a look of pity.

Ren Feixing stroked her charming cheek with his hand and said, "If I don't work harder, how can I be worthy of you?"

Ye Qianxiang hugged him and said, "No, I just want you to be well."

"No matter what you want to get, you must pay a price. If I want to get you, I will naturally have to pay an equal price." Ren Feixing smiled.

But Ye Qianxiang couldn't see the coldness behind Ren Feixing's smile.

The door was suddenly kicked open, and a masked man in black rushed in. His body rose up, and a dagger emitting cold light stabbed Ren Feixing's throat fiercely.


Ye Qianxiang was shocked. He turned over and jumped forward. He groaned and bright red blood dripped down. A wound was made on Ye Qianxiang's left arm.

However, this could not stop the killer, and the dagger still stabbed Ren Feixing's vital point. Ye Qianxiang rushed towards Ren Feixing with all his strength, and pulled him hard to avoid the vital point.


The dagger was stabbed hard into Ren Feixing's abdomen, and blood spurted out!

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