
Another black shadow flashed by, and there was another pop, and blood sprayed on the white wall. The still-covered head fell on the bed, and rolled down in front of Ye Qianxiang, whose face was filled with horror.

Wu Chang walked towards Ren Feixing and saw that his abdomen was soaked with blood and said, "You can't die."

Gouhun, dressed in white, walked in, glanced at Ye Qianxiang greedily, and then said with a smile to Ren Feixing: "Brother, who are you provoking? It's really a shame to come and kill you when you are having fun. ”

"If you keep nagging, he will die. If he dies, I don't think the young master will let you go!" Wu Chang said coldly.

Gouhun immediately shrank his neck and muttered: "Your sister, you dare to threaten me when you ask me to work."

But complaints are complaints, and there is no ambiguity in the movements of Guohun's hand. Now Ren Feixing can be said to be the backbone of Tianfeng Group. If he really dies, the loss will be huge.

He quickly helped Ren Feixing treat his wounds and said, "Okay, I can't die anymore!"

Ye Qianxiang, who had put on clothes at this time, asked nervously: "Is his injury serious?"

"It's not serious, but I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of bed within half a month." Gouhun said.

"Is it that serious?"

Ye Qianxiang had a panicked look on his face, and he almost shed tears when he saw Ren Feixing.

Wu Chang and Gou Hun walked out of the room. Lin Tianzhao was already waiting outside and said, "How was it?"

Gouhun curled his lips and said: "That kid is really brave enough to get out, and he really got stabbed."

Lin Tianzhao shook his head helplessly and said: "I think it's not the knife that hurts him now. It really hurts when the woman he loves betrays him, but it should hurt more to kill the woman he loves with his own hands, right?"

Before, they didn't believe that Ren Feixing would really attack Ye Qianxiang, but the knife that Ren Feixing suffered just now proved to everyone that Ren Feixing might love Ye Qianxiang very much, but although that knife didn't kill him, it had pierced his heart. .

Wu Chang's murderous intent boiled and said: "No matter who it is, if the young master wants her to die, she can't live!"

Normally, both of them felt that Wu Chang was too murderous and would kill people whenever they disagreed, but now they completely agreed with Wu Chang's words. All Ji Wu Feng's enemies would be killed, no matter who she was!

Wu Chang turned around and left. Gouhun stopped him and said, "Where are you going?"

"Go to Huajing!"

When he said these three words, the murderous intent on Wu Chang's body became even colder.

"You can't go." Lin Tianzhao stopped him.

"You will die if you dare to stop me!"


The long sword of Impermanence was unsheathed and pointed at the tip of Lin Tianzhao's nose. The sword was full of energy!

"I know you are worried about the young master, and so am I, but the more this happens, the less we can leave." Lin Tianzhao said.

Impermanence sneered: "If you are really loyal, you should do everything you can to fight alongside him and kill all his enemies instead of cowering here and getting out of the way, otherwise you will really die!"

The murderous intention in Wu Chang's body only increased instead of decreasing. Lin Tianzhao knew that he was not joking. It is estimated that only Ji Wufeng in the world can make him have no murderous intention at all!

"I agree with Tianzhao this time. The more we are in this situation, the less we can leave!" Gouhun said.

Impermanence raised his eyebrows, even though he was seductive

It was very inconspicuous, but he paid no less attention to Ji Wufeng than himself.

Lin Tianzhao said sternly: "The young master's life or death is uncertain now. The opponent he faces is simply not something we can compete with. It's useless even if I try."

"So what? It's better to always be here than to do nothing!" Wu Chang said coldly.

"We are not doing nothing, but we have to do better. Yuzhou and Tianfeng Group are the foundation of the young master. If the young master can return sadly, Yuzhou and Tianfeng Group will be the capital for him to fight back. If the young master cannot come back, we will be the foundation for him. Master’s capital for revenge!”

"So, no matter whether the young master comes back or not, we must keep this family fortune for him!"

"That's right!"

Gouhun said solemnly: "I completely agree with Tianzhao. No matter whether the young master comes back or not, they will never let go of the Tianfeng Group. Don't forget the value of the Tianfeng Group. When they deal with the young master, they will definitely use a two-pronged approach. Tianfeng starts!"

"If the young master can return safely this time, without Tian Feng, he will also lose his biggest capital. However, if the young master cannot come back this time, Tian Feng cannot lose it, because that is our capital to avenge the young master!"

Although Wu Chang has excessive killing intent, he is by no means an idiot. He knows that what the two of them said makes sense. He really can't leave hastily at this time. He must help Ji Wu Feng defend Yuzhou and Tian Feng's family fortune!

"What should we do next?" Wu Chang calmed down and returned the sword to its sheath.

Juhun said: "It is obvious that the Qianye family has planned to take action this time. This is a great opportunity for us to eradicate the Qianye family!"

Since the last time Qianye Ming was killed by Ji Wufeng, the Qianye family has not made any moves, but the appearance of Ye Qianxiang shows that the Qianye family has not given up, but has begun to covet the Tianfeng Group.

The assassination of Ren Feixing this time showed that the Chiba family could no longer hold back and were ready to take action.

"It's not just the Chiba family. Don't forget that there are also Nine-Headed Insects. Do you think they will give up easily? And they are basically a nest of snakes and rats. If you guessed it right, this time the Chiba family will take action. The head bug will definitely not be content with it." Lin Tianzhao said.

Both Black Dragon and Snake Nest were crippled by Ji Wufeng, but the leaders of the two organizations were still alive. With such deep hatred, the Nine-Headed Insect could not give up and was always watching them.

The reason why they were dormant during this period was just because they were afraid of Ji Wufeng's sharpness. Now that Ji Wufeng could not protect himself, they would never miss the opportunity for revenge.

"In that case, I will chop off Ye Qianxiang's head!" Wuchang said murderously.

There was a cold light in Gouhun's eyes, and he said coldly: "Leave the smashing of the black dragon to me."

After Gouhun helped treat the wound, the nurse came and hung up the hanging bottle. Ye Qianxiang said with a distressed look on his face: "Xiaoxing, let's go. It's too dangerous here. You may lose your life at any time."

Ren Feixing smiled and said: "This little injury is nothing, but if I leave, what qualifications do I have for the Qianye family to marry you to me?"

"I don't care about the Chiba family anymore. Let's go to a place where no one is around, avoid the Chiba family, and everyone. I'll give you a few more children, and our family can live a stable life, okay?"

Ye Qianxiang's face was full of sincerity, and Ren Feixing felt that he was lost, because Ye Qianxiang's words were simply irresistible to him. Being able to live a peaceful, stable and happy life with his beloved woman was exactly what he wanted in his dreams. Whoosh!

Another black shadow flashed by, and there was another pop, and blood sprayed on the white wall. The still-covered head fell on the bed, and rolled down in front of Ye Qianxiang, whose face was filled with horror.

Wu Chang walked towards Ren Feixing and saw that his abdomen was soaked with blood and said, "You can't die."

Gouhun, dressed in white, walked in, glanced at Ye Qianxiang greedily, and then said with a smile to Ren Feixing: "Brother, who are you provoking? It's really a shame to come and kill you when you are having fun. ”

"If you keep nagging, he will die. If he dies, I don't think the young master will let you go!" Wu Chang said coldly.

Gouhun immediately shrank his neck and muttered: "Your sister, you dare to threaten me when you ask me to work."

But complaints are complaints, and there is no ambiguity in the movements of Guohun's hand. Now Ren Feixing can be said to be the backbone of Tianfeng Group. If he really dies, the loss will be huge. .??.

He quickly helped Ren Feixing treat his wounds and said, "Okay, I can't die anymore!"

Ye Qianxiang, who had put on clothes at this time, asked nervously: "Is his injury serious?"

"It's not serious, but I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of bed within half a month." Gouhun said.

"Is it that serious?"

Ye Qianxiang had a panicked look on his face, and he almost shed tears when he saw Ren Feixing.

Wu Chang and Gou Hun walked out of the room. Lin Tianzhao was already waiting outside and said, "How was it?"

Gouhun curled his lips and said: "That kid is really brave enough to get out, and he really got stabbed."

Lin Tianzhao shook his head helplessly and said: "I think it's not the knife that hurts him now. It really hurts when the woman he loves betrays him, but it should hurt more to kill the woman he loves with his own hands, right?"

Before, they didn't believe that Ren Feixing would really attack Ye Qianxiang, but the knife that Ren Feixing suffered just now proved to everyone that Ren Feixing might love Ye Qianxiang very much, but although that knife didn't kill him, it had pierced his heart. .

Wu Chang's murderous intent boiled and said: "No matter who it is, if the young master wants her to die, she can't live!"

Normally, both of them felt that Wu Chang was too murderous and would kill people whenever they disagreed, but now they completely agreed with Wu Chang's words. All Ji Wu Feng's enemies would be killed, no matter who she was!

Wu Chang turned around and left. Gouhun stopped him and said, "Where are you going?"

"Go to Huajing!"

When he said these three words, the murderous intent on Wu Chang's body became even colder.

"You can't go." Lin Tianzhao stopped him.

"You will die if you dare to stop me!"


The long sword of Impermanence was unsheathed and pointed at the tip of Lin Tianzhao's nose. The sword was full of energy!

"I know you are worried about the young master, and so am I, but the more this happens, the less we can leave." Lin Tianzhao said.

Impermanence sneered: "If you are really loyal, you should do everything you can to fight alongside him and kill all his enemies instead of cowering here and getting out of the way, otherwise you will really die!"

The murderous intention in Wu Chang's body only increased instead of decreasing. Lin Tianzhao knew that he was not joking. It is estimated that only Ji Wufeng in the world can make him have no murderous intention at all!

"I agree with Tianzhao this time. The more we are in this situation, the less we can leave!" Gouhun said.

Impermanence raised his eyebrows, even though he was seductive

It was very inconspicuous, but he paid no less attention to Ji Wufeng than himself.

Lin Tianzhao said sternly: "The young master's life or death is uncertain now. The opponent he faces is simply not something we can compete with. It's useless even if I try."

"So what? It's better to always be here than to do nothing!" Wu Chang said coldly.

"We are not doing nothing, but we have to do better. Yuzhou and Tianfeng Group are the foundation of the young master. If the young master can return sadly, Yuzhou and Tianfeng Group will be the capital for him to fight back. If the young master cannot come back, we will be the foundation for him. Master’s capital for revenge!”

"So, no matter whether the young master comes back or not, we must keep this family fortune for him!"

"That's right!"

Gouhun said solemnly: "I completely agree with Tianzhao. No matter whether the young master comes back or not, they will never let go of the Tianfeng Group. Don't forget the value of the Tianfeng Group. When they deal with the young master, they will definitely use a two-pronged approach. Tianfeng starts!"

"If the young master can return safely this time, without Tian Feng, he will also lose his biggest capital. However, if the young master cannot come back this time, Tian Feng cannot lose it, because that is our capital to avenge the young master!"

Although Wu Chang has excessive killing intent, he is by no means an idiot. He knows that what the two of them said makes sense. He really can't leave hastily at this time. He must help Ji Wu Feng defend Yuzhou and Tian Feng's family fortune!

"What should we do next?" Wu Chang calmed down and returned the sword to its sheath.

Juhun said: "It is obvious that the Qianye family has planned to take action this time. This is a great opportunity for us to eradicate the Qianye family!"

Since the last time Qianye Ming was killed by Ji Wufeng, the Qianye family has not made any moves, but the appearance of Ye Qianxiang shows that the Qianye family has not given up, but has begun to covet the Tianfeng Group.

The assassination of Ren Feixing this time showed that the Chiba family could no longer hold back and were ready to take action.

"It's not just the Qianye family. Don't forget that there are also Nine-Headed Insects. Do you think they will give up easily? And they are basically a nest of snakes and rats. If you guessed it right, this time the Chiba Family will take action. The head bug will definitely not be content with it." Lin Tianzhao said.

Both Black Dragon and Snake Nest were crippled by Ji Wufeng, but the leaders of the two organizations were still alive. With such deep hatred, the Nine-Headed Insect could not give up and was always watching them.

The reason why they were dormant during this period was just because they were afraid of Ji Wufeng's sharpness. Now that Ji Wufeng could not protect himself, they would never miss the opportunity for revenge.

"In that case, I will chop off Ye Qianxiang's head!" Wuchang said murderously.

There was a cold light in Gouhun's eyes, and he said coldly: "Leave the smashing of the black dragon to me."

After Gouhun helped treat the wound, the nurse came and hung up the hanging bottle. Ye Qianxiang said with a distressed look on his face: "Xiaoxing, let's go. It's too dangerous here. You may lose your life at any time."

Ren Feixing smiled and said: "This little injury is nothing, but if I leave, what qualifications do I have for the Qianye family to marry you to me?"

"I don't care about the Chiba family anymore. Let's go to a place where no one is around, avoid the Chiba family, and everyone. I'll give you a few more children. Let's live a stable life as a family, okay?"

Ye Qianxiang's face was full of sincerity, and Ren Feixing felt that he was lost, because Ye Qianxiang's words were simply irresistible to him. Being able to live a peaceful, stable and happy life with his beloved woman was exactly what he wanted in his dreams.

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