Unfortunately, he knew that his wish might never come true.

"Sorry, I can't leave now. The young master is in a critical period now. If I leave now, I'll be sorry for him." Ren Feixing shook his head.

"But if you continue, you will really die." Ye Qianxiang said.

"I am a damned person. If I can get his important use, you can leave. As you just said, it is too dangerous to follow someone like me!" Ren Feixing said helplessly.

"No, if you don't leave, I won't leave either. Even if we die, we will die together!" Ye Qianxiang hugged Ren Feixing tightly and said firmly.

If there is a third person present at this time, they will definitely think that they are a pair of intimate lovers who love each other until life and death.

In a dark box in Yuzhou, there was a middle-aged man wearing a mask. He was full of evil aura, and he looked like a fierce ghost.

"Hahaha... Brother Black Dragon, congratulations, your Black Dragon Devouring Heaven Technique is finally completed." A young man with an evil face laughed loudly.

Ji Wufeng would be very surprised when he saw this young man. It turned out to be Lu Zixuan.

Ji Wufeng let him go and told him never to return to Yuzhou, but he still came back.

But now Lu Zixuan has obviously changed a lot. He is pale, full of evil spirits, and the eyes are full of monsters.


The masked man snorted coldly and said in a cold and harsh voice: "Lu Zixuan, I'm not here to listen to your flattery. I just want to know how long you want me to wait?"

Lu Zixuan said with a smile: "Brother Heilong, don't be anxious yet, I will introduce you to a friend."

The door of the box was pushed open, and a woman walked in. A very beautiful woman, with a cheek like a bright moon, an almost perfect figure, and a cold and arrogant temperament. She was a goddess in the eyes of men.

"Brother Heilong, let me introduce you. This is Miss Ye Qianxiang of the Qianye family. Miss Qianye, this is Heilong!" Lu Zixuan introduced.

The masked man's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice: "Are you Chiba-ryu's sister? Humph, you are a loser. Do you still need to rely on women to show your face now?"

In response to Heilong's sarcasm, Ye Qianxiang didn't mean to get angry at all. Instead, he sat down gracefully and said with a smile: "Mr. Heilong's idea is wrong. Women may not be weaker than men sometimes."

"Lu Zixuan, you know very well the purpose of my coming today. If you want me to cooperate with this woman, then I'm sorry, I have no such interest!" Heilong finished speaking and was about to get up and leave.

"If Mr. Heilong wants to leave, I will never dare to stop him, but can you listen to me?" Ye Qianxiang said lightly.

Lu Zixuan smiled and said: "Yes, Brother Heilong, Miss Qianye is not an ordinary woman, why don't you listen first?"

"Hmph, I don't know how capable a woman is." Black Dragon sneered.

"Although my ability is not very great, I can help you win over the Tianfeng Group!" Ye Qianxiang said with a faint smile.

"What did you say?"

Black Dragon's eyes suddenly condensed, and even Lu Zixuan's face was full of astonishment. Who doesn't know what the current Tianfeng Group means?

"Young women, don't be ashamed of your words!" Heilong didn't believe what she said at all.

Ye Qianxiang smiled lightly and said: "Although the entire Tianfeng Group has many talents,

But there are only two people who really hold real power. What if I already control one of them? "

Everyone knows that Tianfeng Group belongs to Ji Wufeng, but the real power of Tianfeng is in the hands of two people, one of whom is Lao Gui and the other is Ren Feixing!

If Ye Qianxiang controls Ren Feixing, it means he controls half of the Tianfeng Group!

"Hmph, did you think it would be so easy? Don't forget, although Ji Wufeng is not here, Yuzhou still has his powerful forces. Even if you control Ren Feixing, there is absolutely no possibility of taking away the Tianfeng Group!"

Ji Wufeng is gone, but his foundation is still there. The four leading families in Yuzhou and the eight aristocratic families have all been taken under his command. In addition, Ji Wufeng has many masters under his command. This time he went north to Huajing, and all these masters stayed behind. Yuzhou.

They want to seize Tianfeng Group, which is easier said than done!

"What if the old ghost dies suddenly?" Ye Qianxiang asked.

The usually bustling Liu Family Villa has been surprisingly quiet recently. Vivian has left Yuzhou and returned to Linhai. She has not forgotten the promise she made to Ji Wufeng. Tianfeng Group can quickly gain a foothold in the international market. Lin Haiguo The Chamber of Commerce played a big role.

Jiang Ruoshui has integrated and developed her Ruoshui Group and Tianxiang Group. Ji Wufeng had previously predicted that cosmetic and health care products developed from Chinese herbal medicines are extremely popular in the international market. After the integration of the two parties, they will soon enter the international market. .

As for the Ye family, Ye Chongtian made a major decision, that is, he went through the suspension of study procedures for Ye Xixi and joined the Ye Group to become the chairman's special assistant, with the authority to handle all matters related to the Ye Group.

"Xixi, are you really not going to school?" Lin Xiaomeng asked.

"Mengmeng, I'm not like you. You can continue to go to school without any worries, but I'm afraid it will be difficult for me." Ye Xixi said.

In fact, this decision was not made by Ye Chongtian, but by Ye Xixi.

What she didn't tell Lin Xiaomeng was that Ye Zhongtian had one wish to fulfill from the beginning to the end, which was to return to Huajing and the Ye family in an upright manner.

It's a pity that even though Ye Chongtian struggled for more than ten years, he failed to achieve this goal. At the same time, Ye Chongtian also had high hopes for her, his only daughter.

She couldn't understand it before, and even thought that Ye Chongtian didn't love her at all, but with the appearance of Ji Wufeng and the appearance of Ye Linglong, she understood a lot and understood that Ye Chongtian had endured too much.

She loved going to school, but she knew she had more important things to do.

Ye's Group Conference Hall.

right to process

"This meeting will be fully chaired by Ye Xixi!" After Ye Chongtian said this, he stood up and left.

Assistant Qin Yun said with some worry: "Director Ye, can the eldest lady do it?"

If you rashly hand over the power to a girl who is only fifteen years old, it would be strange if those old people who rely on their old age don't jump up.

Ye Chongtian said confidently: "She can definitely do it, because there is no one in the Ye family who can't do it, and even if she can't, she can do it!"

The Ye family has always produced geniuses. There is a monster named Ye Linglong, and Ye Xixi will definitely not be any worse.

Ye Xixi sat down and said calmly: "From now on, I will be in charge of all matters of the company. No approval will be allowed without my approval. You may think that I am going too far, but there is no way. Who can say The Ye family has no talents, but it raises a group of mediocre people?" Unfortunately, he knew that his wish might never come true.

"Sorry, I can't leave now. The young master is in a critical period now. If I leave now, I'll be sorry for him." Ren Feixing shook his head.

"But if you continue, you will really die." Ye Qianxiang said.

"I am a damned person. If I can get his important use, you can leave. As you just said, it is too dangerous to follow someone like me!" Ren Feixing said helplessly.

"No, if you don't leave, I won't leave either. Even if we die, we will die together!" Ye Qianxiang hugged Ren Feixing tightly and said firmly.

If there is a third person present at this time, they will definitely think that they are a pair of intimate lovers who love each other until life and death.

In a dark box in Yuzhou, there was a middle-aged man wearing a mask. He was full of evil aura, and he looked like a fierce ghost.

"Hahaha... Brother Black Dragon, congratulations, your Black Dragon Devouring Heaven Technique is finally completed." A young man with an evil face laughed loudly.

Ji Wufeng would be very surprised when he saw this young man. It turned out to be Lu Zixuan.

Ji Wufeng let him go and told him never to return to Yuzhou, but he still came back.

But now Lu Zixuan has obviously changed a lot. He is pale, full of evil spirits, and the eyes are full of monsters.


The masked man snorted coldly and said in a cold and harsh voice: "Lu Zixuan, I'm not here to listen to your flattery. I just want to know how long you want me to wait?"

Lu Zixuan said with a smile: "Brother Heilong, don't be anxious yet, I will introduce you to a friend."

The door of the box was pushed open, and a woman walked in. A very beautiful woman, with a cheek like a bright moon, an almost perfect figure, and a cold and arrogant temperament. She was a goddess in the eyes of men.

"Brother Heilong, let me introduce you. This is Miss Ye Qianxiang of the Qianye family. Miss Qianye, this is Heilong!" Lu Zixuan introduced.

The masked man's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice: "Are you Chiba-ryu's sister? Humph, you are a loser. Do you still need to rely on women to show your face now?"

In response to Heilong's sarcasm, Ye Qianxiang didn't mean to get angry at all. Instead, he sat down gracefully and said with a smile: "Mr. Heilong's idea is wrong. Women may not be weaker than men sometimes."

"Lu Zixuan, you know very well the purpose of my coming today. If you want me to cooperate with this woman, then I'm sorry, I have no such interest!" Heilong finished speaking and was about to get up and leave.

"If Mr. Heilong wants to leave, I will never dare to stop him, but can you listen to me?" Ye Qianxiang said lightly.

Lu Zixuan smiled and said: "Yes, Brother Heilong, Miss Qianye is not an ordinary woman, why don't you listen first?"

"Hmph, I don't know how capable a woman is." Black Dragon sneered.

"Although my ability is not very great, I can help you win over the Tianfeng Group!" Ye Qianxiang said with a faint smile.

"What did you say?"

Black Dragon's eyes suddenly condensed, and even Lu Zixuan's face was full of astonishment. Who doesn't know what the current Tianfeng Group means?

"Young women, don't be ashamed of your words!" Heilong didn't believe what she said at all.

Ye Qianxiang smiled lightly and said: "Although the entire Tianfeng Group has many talents,

But there are only two people who really hold real power. What if I already control one of them? "

Everyone knows that Tianfeng Group belongs to Ji Wufeng, but the real power of Tianfeng is in the hands of two people, one of whom is Lao Gui and the other is Ren Feixing!

If Ye Qianxiang controls Ren Feixing, it means he controls half of the Tianfeng Group!

"Hmph, did you think it would be so easy? Don't forget, although Ji Wufeng is not here, Yuzhou still has his powerful forces. Even if you control Ren Feixing, there is absolutely no possibility of taking away the Tianfeng Group!"

Ji Wufeng is gone, but his foundation is still there. The four leading families in Yuzhou and the eight aristocratic families have all been taken under his command. In addition, Ji Wufeng has many masters under his command. This time he went north to Huajing, and all these masters stayed behind. Yuzhou.

They want to seize Tianfeng Group, which is easier said than done!

"What if the old ghost dies suddenly?" Ye Qianxiang asked.

The usually bustling Liu Family Villa has been surprisingly quiet recently. Vivian has left Yuzhou and returned to Linhai. She has not forgotten the promise she made to Ji Wufeng. Tianfeng Group can quickly gain a foothold in the international market. Lin Haiguo The Chamber of Commerce played a big role.

Jiang Ruoshui has integrated and developed her Ruoshui Group and Tianxiang Group. Ji Wufeng had previously predicted that cosmetic and health care products developed from Chinese herbal medicines are extremely popular in the international market. After the integration of the two parties, they will soon enter the international market. .

As for the Ye family, Ye Chongtian made a major decision, that is, he went through the suspension of study procedures for Ye Xixi and joined the Ye Group to become the chairman's special assistant, with the authority to handle all matters related to the Ye Group.

"Xixi, are you really not going to school?" Lin Xiaomeng asked.

"Mengmeng, I'm not like you. You can continue to go to school without any worries, but I'm afraid it will be difficult for me." Ye Xixi said.

In fact, this decision was not made by Ye Chongtian, but by Ye Xixi.

What she didn't tell Lin Xiaomeng was that Ye Zhongtian had one wish to fulfill from the beginning to the end, which was to return to Huajing and the Ye family in an upright manner.

It's a pity that even though Ye Chongtian struggled for more than ten years, he failed to achieve this goal. At the same time, Ye Chongtian also had high hopes for her, his only daughter.

She couldn't understand it before, and even thought that Ye Chongtian didn't love her at all, but with the appearance of Ji Wufeng and the appearance of Ye Linglong, she understood a lot and understood that Ye Chongtian had endured too much.

She loved going to school, but she knew she had more important things to do.

Ye's Group Conference Hall.

right to process

"This meeting will be fully chaired by Ye Xixi!" After Ye Chongtian said this, he stood up and left.

Assistant Qin Yun said with some worry: "Director Ye, can the eldest lady do it?"

If you rashly hand over the power to a girl who is only fifteen years old, it would be strange if those old people who rely on their old age don't jump up.

Ye Chongtian said confidently: "She can definitely do it, because there is no one in the Ye family who can't do it, and even if she can't, she can do it!"

The Ye family has always produced geniuses. There is a monster named Ye Linglong, and Ye Xixi will definitely not be any worse.

Ye Xixi sat down and said calmly: "From now on, I will be in charge of all matters of the company. No approval will be allowed without my approval. You may think that I am going too far, but there is no way. Who can say The Ye family has no talents, but it raises a group of mediocre people?"

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