Their bodies were dumped directly outside the gate of Qi's house the next day!

In anger, Qi Teng sent out three groups of troops one after another, but the result was the same. He killed and injured nearly half of the masters of the Qi family in one go.

In half a second, before Qi Teng could react, the Black Dragon Gang had the strength to compete with the Qi family.

This made Qi Teng instantly alert, knowing that the opponent coming this time was most likely not something he could handle, and was most likely targeting Ji Wufeng.

As expected, the Black Dragon Gang found the Tianxiang Group so quickly.

"Let's go!" Qi Teng rushed to Tianxiang Group with murderous intent.

He doesn't care even if the entire Qi family is wiped out, but Qin Yi's family must not let anything go wrong.

After Qin Yi got off work, the first thing she did was to pick up her children from school. Just when the car was about to arrive home, she was stopped by several cars.

A young man full of evil spirits got out of the car and said with a ferocious smile: "Mr. Qin, we agreed in advance to pay the 50 million yuan for the protection fee, right?" .??.

Qin Yi got out of the car and angrily said: "Impossible. You are charging protection fees, which is a gangster nature. Aren't you afraid of legal sanctions?"

The young man laughed coldly: "It seems that Mr. Qin is so strong-willed, he must have a lot of support, right? I'll bring him with you!"

A middle-aged man who was beaten half to death was dragged up. Qin Yi recognized him. He was one of Qi Teng's subordinates named Qi Lin. He was usually the one who dealt with problems in the Tianxiang Group and he was very familiar with Qin Yi.

The young man stepped on Qi Lin's arm, and there was a crisp click. Qi Lin's arm deformed and he screamed. This arm was considered useless.

"You see, Qi Teng is just a waste in my eyes. Now I have the final say in Guangzhou. Do you think 50 million is too much? There is no need to work for Tianxiang Group. Come on, please smash Tianxiang Group for me." , if you can’t smash it all, burn it for me!”

A group of vicious men were about to leave immediately. Qin Yi was furious and said: "How dare you, I will call the police now..."

She took out her phone and was about to call the police, but a man stepped forward and snatched her phone away.

"Give me your phone back." Qin Yi reached out to grab it.

"Get away!" The man waved his hand, and Qin Yi immediately fell to the ground.



When Tianlin, Ji Yanran and Luoluo saw this scene, they immediately rushed out of the car.

Tianlin's face was filled with anger, his body suddenly surged, and he punched the man hard.

"You bastard, you dare to hit my grandma, I will kill you!"


A punch hit the man on the back, and he was immediately knocked away. After landing, he rolled a few times and passed out.

A group of people from the Black Dragon Gang were startled. Is this kid a monster? Isn't this too much strength?

A trace of evil flashed in the young man's eyes, and he said: "Catch this little beast!"

A group of strong men immediately pounced on Tianlin. Tianlin stamped his foot and the man suddenly disappeared.

"If I want to catch your young master, go eat shit!"

Tianlin's voice suddenly sounded from behind, and he kicked a big man on the thigh. The big man immediately screamed and fell to the ground.

I saw that Tianlin was like a little monkey, jumping up and down, so slippery that a group of strong men couldn't touch him. Instead, he kept sneak attacks and made tricky moves.

Drilling, either kicking the thighs or inserting eyeballs, very sinister!

Finally, half of the large group of fat and strong brick men fell to the ground, either covering their eyes or covering their thighs.

Damn it, is this kid really a monster?

"Hmph, you're looking for death!"

Seeing that Tian Lin couldn't be hurt at all, the young man snorted coldly, ducked behind Tian Lin, and punched him, but the result was the same. In a flash before his eyes, the person disappeared.

Tianlin's movement skills have now reached the level of proficiency, and it is really not easy to catch him.

Before the young man could take back his fist, Tianlin suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air, inserting two fingers into his eyes.

"You bastard, I dug out your eyeballs, uh..."

Tianlin found that his fingers suddenly could not move forward, but his wrist was held by a cold palm. He saw a sinister and terrifying expression on the young man's face: "You are Ji Wufeng's son, right? I really want to know who he is. What will happen if you find out that you have become a dead son?"

After saying that, Sen Bai pinched Tianlin's neck with his palm. The little boy immediately showed pain, his little face turned red from suppressing it!


Qin Yi, Ji Yanran and Luo Luo were all shocked and cried loudly.

Seeing that Tian Lin was about to have his neck broken, the young man suddenly noticed a terrifying aura, but before he could react, his body flew out and hit a car hard, knocking him directly. The car was smashed to pieces.

Everyone looked horrified. Isn't this too violent?

I saw another person strangely appearing where the young man had been standing. His tall and tall body and wild aura were like the arrival of the God of War.

This is a heroic man, but the man is wearing a silver mask and his appearance cannot be clearly seen.

The boss was beaten away, and the Black Dragon Gang ran over in a hurry, shouting in horror: "The boss is dead!"

Isn't that right? I saw that the young man's chest collapsed and his orifices were bleeding. It was obvious that the blow just now not only collapsed his chest, but also shattered his internal organs!

The masked young man glanced at the Black Dragon Gang members and said indifferently: "I don't want to kill people in front of children, let's go!"

Although his tone was very calm, everyone could feel the fierce murderous intention, and there was no doubt that if they dared to have any disobedience, they would end up like their boss.

At this time, Qi Teng also rushed over with a large number of people. The scene in front of him made his face change drastically. He immediately surrounded Qin Yi and several children in the crowd for protection.

They are the most important people to Ji Wufeng. Even if he fights the entire Qi family, Qi Teng will never let them be harmed in the slightest.

"Are you Qi Teng?" The masked young man stared at Qi Teng and asked, with scrutiny in his eyes.

"Asshole, you dare to talk to Longtou like this, I will destroy him!"

Seeing someone calling Qi Teng by his name, his subordinates thought he was in the same group as those who came to cause trouble, and more than a dozen elites from the Qi family suddenly swarmed over.

The masked young man smiled slightly, and before anyone could get close, he waved his hand and a violent force burst out. A dozen tall men flew backwards, lying on the ground and wailing continuously.

Qi Teng was immediately shocked. This man was so terrifying. Once he made a move, there was no way he could be stopped.

"So handsome!" Their bodies were thrown directly outside the gate of Qi's house the next day!

In anger, Qi Teng sent out three groups of troops one after another, but the result was the same. He killed and injured nearly half of the masters of the Qi family in one go.

In half a second, before Qi Teng could react, the Black Dragon Gang had the strength to compete with the Qi family.

This made Qi Teng instantly alert, knowing that the opponent coming this time was most likely not something he could handle, and was most likely targeting Ji Wufeng.

As expected, the Black Dragon Gang found the Tianxiang Group so quickly.

"Let's go!" Qi Teng rushed towards Tianxiang Group with murderous intent. .??.

He doesn't care even if the entire Qi family is wiped out, but Qin Yi's family must not let anything go wrong.

After Qin Yi got off work, the first thing she did was to pick up her children from school. Just when the car was about to arrive home, she was stopped by several cars.

A young man full of evil spirits got out of the car and said with a ferocious smile: "Mr. Qin, we agreed in advance to pay the protection fee of 50 million, right?"

Qin Yi got out of the car and angrily said: "Impossible. You are charging protection fees, which is a gangster nature. Aren't you afraid of legal sanctions?"

The young man laughed coldly: "It seems that Mr. Qin is so strong-willed, he must have a lot of support, right? I'll bring him with you!"

A middle-aged man who was beaten half to death was dragged up. Qin Yi recognized him. He was one of Qi Teng's subordinates named Qi Lin. He was usually the one who dealt with problems in the Tianxiang Group and he was very familiar with Qin Yi.

The young man stepped on Qi Lin's arm, and there was a crisp click. Qi Lin's arm deformed and he screamed. This arm was considered useless.

"You see, Qi Teng is just a waste in my eyes. Now I have the final say in Guangzhou. Do you think 50 million is too much? There is no need to work for Tianxiang Group. Come on, please smash Tianxiang Group for me." , if you can’t smash it all, burn it for me!”

A group of vicious men were about to leave immediately. Qin Yi was furious and said: "How dare you, I will call the police now..."

She took out her phone and was about to call the police, but a man stepped forward and snatched her phone away.

"Give me your phone back." Qin Yi reached out to grab it.

"Get away!" The man waved his hand, and Qin Yi immediately fell to the ground.



When Tianlin, Ji Yanran and Luoluo saw this scene, they immediately rushed out of the car.

Tianlin's face was filled with anger, his body suddenly surged, and he punched the man hard.

"You bastard, you dare to hit my grandma, I will kill you!"


A punch hit the man on the back, and he was immediately knocked away. After landing, he rolled a few times and passed out.

A group of people from the Black Dragon Gang were startled. Is this kid a monster? Isn't this too much strength?

A trace of evil flashed in the young man's eyes, and he said: "Catch this little beast!"

A group of strong men immediately pounced on Tianlin. Tianlin stamped his foot and the man suddenly disappeared.

"If I want to catch your young master, go eat shit!"

Tianlin's voice suddenly sounded from behind, and he kicked a big man on the thigh. The big man immediately screamed and fell to the ground.

I saw that Tianlin was like a little monkey, jumping up and down, so slippery that a group of strong men couldn't touch him. Instead, he kept sneak attacks and made tricky moves.

Drilling, either kicking the thighs or inserting eyeballs, very sinister!

Finally, half of the large group of fat and strong brick men fell to the ground, either covering their eyes or covering their thighs.

Damn it, is this kid really a monster?

"Hmph, you're looking for death!"

Seeing that Tian Lin couldn't be hurt at all, the young man snorted coldly, ducked behind Tian Lin, and punched him, but the result was the same. In a flash before his eyes, the person disappeared.

Tianlin's movement skills have now reached the level of proficiency, and it is really not easy to catch him.

Before the young man could take back his fist, Tianlin suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air, inserting two fingers into his eyes.

"You bastard, I dug out your eyeballs, uh..."

Tianlin found that his fingers suddenly could not move forward, but his wrist was held by a cold palm. He saw a sinister and terrifying expression on the young man's face: "You are Ji Wufeng's son, right? I really want to know who he is. What will happen if you find out that you have become a dead son?"

After saying that, Sen Bai pinched Tianlin's neck with his palm. The little boy immediately showed pain, his little face turned red from suppressing it!


Qin Yi, Ji Yanran and Luo Luo were all shocked and cried loudly.

Seeing that Tian Lin was about to have his neck broken, the young man suddenly noticed a terrifying aura, but before he could react, his body flew out and hit a car hard, knocking him directly. The car was smashed to pieces.

Everyone looked horrified. Isn't this too violent?

I saw another person strangely appearing where the young man had been standing. His tall and tall body and wild aura were like the arrival of the God of War.

This is a heroic man, but the man is wearing a silver mask and his appearance cannot be clearly seen.

The boss was beaten away, and the Black Dragon Gang ran over in a hurry, shouting in horror: "The boss is dead!"

Isn't that right? I saw that the young man's chest collapsed and his orifices were bleeding. It was obvious that the blow just now not only collapsed his chest, but also shattered his internal organs!

The masked young man glanced at the Black Dragon Gang members and said indifferently: "I don't want to kill people in front of children, let's go!"

Although his tone was very calm, everyone could feel the fierce murderous intention, and there was no doubt that if they dared to have any disobedience, they would end up like their boss.

At this time, Qi Teng also rushed over with a large number of people. The scene in front of him made his face change drastically. He immediately surrounded Qin Yi and several children in the crowd for protection.

They are the most important people to Ji Wufeng. Even if he fights the entire Qi family, Qi Teng will never let them be harmed in the slightest.

"Are you Qi Teng?" The masked young man stared at Qi Teng and asked, with scrutiny in his eyes.

"Asshole, you dare to talk to Longtou like this, I will destroy him!"

Seeing someone calling Qi Teng by his name, his subordinates thought he was in the same group as those who came to cause trouble, and more than a dozen elites from the Qi family suddenly swarmed over.

The masked young man smiled slightly, and before anyone could get close, he waved his hand and a violent force burst out. A dozen tall men flew backwards, lying on the ground and wailing continuously.

Qi Teng was immediately shocked. This man was so terrifying. Once he made a move, there was no way he could be stopped.

"So handsome!"

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