Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1225 He is not qualified to touch the Ji family members

Everyone else was scared to death, but Tianlin suddenly jumped up and screamed.

But it's true. If people don't move there, they just wave their hands and they all fly out. It's so handsome!

When the masked young man heard Tianlin's cry, there was a hint of gentleness in his eyes, and his tall body actually bent, saying: "If you want to learn, I can teach you."

"Are you serious?" Tianlin was overjoyed.

"Really!" The masked young man nodded.


Qin Yi shouted coldly, this person is too scary and dangerous.

Tianlin was startled by Qin Yi's drink and muttered in a low voice: "He's really handsome!"

The masked young man immediately bowed and said: "Master... Mr. Qin, don't worry, I have no ill intentions."

Qin Yi said: "Since you have no ill intentions, let's leave first. I will definitely thank you deeply for your help today. Let's go."

She was grateful for the help of the masked young man, but the situation at this time was too critical, and people were killed. No matter whether they were friends or foes, she did not dare to approach them rashly.

Just when Qin Yi and others were about to leave, a breath that was so terrifying that people could not help but tremble in their hearts pressed upon everyone's hearts.

There were four weirdos all covered in black robes surrounding him, and that terrifying aura was emanating from them.

Qi Teng immediately looked horrified and said: "Quickly go!"

Immortal warrior!

Although Qi Teng has never seen an undead warrior, Ji Wufeng told him that if he encounters one, leave immediately. This kind of monster is not something he can deal with.

The violent aura of the undead warrior made Qi Teng's men's legs weak, but the masked young man said indifferently: "Don't force me to kill!"

"Hehe... you will no longer kill, you will only be killed. If you kill the Black Dragon Gang, no one will be able to leave alive!" A man in black let out a weird laugh.

The masked young man shook his head helplessly and said: "The Black Dragon has really not made any progress in these years. It still likes to raise trash like you who don't look like humans or ghosts like ghosts!"

"Bold, you are looking for death, kill him for me..."

The man in black waved his hand, and the three undead warriors immediately roared into the sky, their bodies covered with black energy. It was so eerie and strange that if you saw this scene in the middle of the night, you would think you were seeing a ghost.


An undead warrior's fist hit the masked young man, but the punch missed and hit the ground directly, making a big hole in the ground.

A group of Qi Teng's subordinates were all startled. This was too violent. If it hit someone, wouldn't they be smashed into pulp?

Qi Teng's face turned pale. These undead warriors were really terrifying. If they really wanted to attack him, the current masters of the Qi family would not be able to resist them.

The undead warrior punched the air, and before he could get up, the masked young man suddenly appeared again strangely, opened his big hands and pinched his neck, shook his head and said: "Waste will always be waste, no matter how it is transformed and upgraded." Still trash!"


With a strong squeeze of his big hand, the undead warrior's neck was crushed into pulp by him, and his head rolled to the ground.

After such a bloody scene, Qin Yi's face changed drastically and she hurriedly covered the eyes of the three children, fearing that they would be frightened and have nightmares at night.

It is impossible to live without a head, but what happens next

This scene made everyone gasp.

Although the undead warrior had no head, his body was still alive. He waved his arms and rushed towards the masked young man. The masked young man dodged and the undead warrior punched the ground again.


A big hole was made on the ground again!

"Jie Jie... you didn't expect it, did you? The current black dragon warrior equipment is truly immortal. Just wait until you die, haha..." The man in black laughed wildly.


The masked young man snorted coldly: "I want to see if this immortal body is really immortal!"

Before he finished speaking, he had already disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, he was already standing behind the headless undead warrior, and slashed the undead warrior's shoulder with a hand knife.

The arm fell to the ground.

With three lightning strikes, all the limbs of the undead warrior were separated from the body. However, the strange thing was that the undead warrior was still not dead, and the remaining limbs were still squirming on the ground.

A group of Qi Teng's men were almost scared to death. Oh my god, are these people or ghosts? They have all been dismembered, but they are not dead yet!

The masked young man was finally a little surprised, frowned slightly, stepped forward and stepped on the body of the undead warrior. Poof, the still squirming body finally stopped and turned into a puddle of flesh and became motionless!

The man in black's wild laughter suddenly stopped. These Dragon King warriors were indeed powerful, but they still turned into scum in the face of absolute power!

"Go on, kill him!" the man in black shouted sternly.

The remaining two undead warriors swarmed forward, and the masked young man punched out with a backhand. One undead warrior was beaten to pieces, and blood and flesh spurted everywhere!

The man in black was immediately startled. Oh my god, what kind of monster is this guy?


Before he had time to react, his so-called Dragon King's undead warriors had all turned into rubble. Sensing that something was wrong, he turned around and left!

But before he could take a step forward, his neck was already pinched by a hand, eyes full of murderous intent staring at him.

"Don't kill me..." The man in black was a little more advanced than those undead warriors. He still maintained the sanity of a normal person, knew fear, and knew how to beg for mercy.


The masked young man waved his hand, and the body of the man in black flew out and hit the telephone pole on the roadside. The telephone pole, which was as thick as his thigh, fell to the ground with a crash.

"Go back and tell Hei Long that he is not qualified to touch the Ji family, so get out!"

The masked young man said lightly, then bowed respectfully to Qin Yi, turned around and strode away.

Qin Yi didn't know why, but at this moment she could finally feel that the masked young man came with good intentions.

"Don't leave yet."

Suddenly thinking of something, Qin Yi became very excited and rushed over, trying to hold the masked young man's hand.

"Mr. Qin, be careful!"

Qi Teng shouted in horror and chased after him. If Qin Yi had any shortcomings, he wouldn't have to live.


A violent force of energy descended from the sky and hit the masked young man.

The masked young man turned slightly, opened his palm, and patted it gently. With a loud bang, the violent energy disappeared without a trace. The masked young man was safe and sound, while his attacker flew away. Everyone else was scared to death, but Tianlin suddenly jumped up and screamed.

But it's true. If people don't move there, they just wave their hands and they all fly out. It's so handsome!

When the masked young man heard Tianlin's cry, there was a hint of gentleness in his eyes, and his tall body actually bent, saying: "If you want to learn, I can teach you."

"Are you serious?" Tianlin was overjoyed.

"Really!" The masked young man nodded.


Qin Yi shouted coldly, this person is too scary and dangerous.

Tianlin was startled by Qin Yi's drink and muttered in a low voice: "He's really handsome!"

The masked young man immediately bowed and said: "Master... Mr. Qin, don't worry, I have no ill intentions."

Qin Yi said: "Since you have no ill intentions, let's leave first. I will definitely thank you deeply for your help today. Let's go." ??

She was grateful for the help of the masked young man, but the situation at this time was too critical, and people were killed. No matter whether they were friends or foes, she did not dare to approach them rashly.

Just when Qin Yi and others were about to leave, a breath that was so terrifying that people could not help but tremble in their hearts pressed upon everyone's hearts.

There were four weirdos all covered in black robes surrounding him, and that terrifying aura was emanating from them.

Qi Teng immediately looked horrified and said: "Quickly go!"

Immortal warrior!

Although Qi Teng has never seen an undead warrior, Ji Wufeng told him that if he encounters one, leave immediately. This kind of monster is not something he can deal with.

The violent aura of the undead warrior made Qi Teng's men's legs weak, but the masked young man said indifferently: "Don't force me to kill!"

"Hehe... you will no longer kill, you will only be killed. If you kill the Black Dragon Gang, no one will be able to leave alive!" A man in black let out a weird laugh.

The masked young man shook his head helplessly and said: "The Black Dragon has really not made any progress in these years. It still likes to raise trash like you who don't look like humans or ghosts like ghosts!"

"Bold, you are looking for death, kill him for me..."

The man in black waved his hand, and the three undead warriors immediately roared into the sky, their bodies covered with black energy. It was so eerie and strange that if you saw this scene in the middle of the night, you would think you were seeing a ghost.


An undead warrior's fist hit the masked young man, but the punch missed and hit the ground directly, making a big hole in the ground.

A group of Qi Teng's subordinates were all startled. This was too violent. If it hit someone, wouldn't they be smashed into pulp?

Qi Teng's face turned pale. These undead warriors were really terrifying. If they really wanted to attack him, the current masters of the Qi family would not be able to resist them.

The undead warrior punched the air, and before he could get up, the masked young man suddenly appeared again strangely, opened his big hands and pinched his neck, shook his head and said: "Waste will always be waste, no matter how it is transformed and upgraded." Still trash!"


With a strong squeeze of his big hand, the undead warrior's neck was crushed into pulp by him, and his head rolled to the ground.

After such a bloody scene, Qin Yi's face changed drastically and she hurriedly covered the eyes of the three children, fearing that they would be frightened and have nightmares at night.

It is impossible to live without a head, but what happens next

This scene made everyone gasp.

Although the undead warrior had no head, his body was still alive. He waved his arms and rushed towards the masked young man. The masked young man dodged and the undead warrior punched the ground again.


A big hole was made on the ground again!

"Jie Jie... you didn't expect it, did you? The current black dragon warrior's equipment is truly immortal. Just wait until you die, haha..." The man in black laughed wildly.


The masked young man snorted coldly: "I want to see if this immortal body is really immortal!"

Before he finished speaking, he had already disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, he was already standing behind the headless undead warrior, and slashed the undead warrior's shoulder with a hand knife.

The arm fell to the ground.

With three lightning strikes, all the limbs of the undead warrior were separated from the body. However, the strange thing was that the undead warrior was still not dead, and the remaining limbs were still squirming on the ground.

A group of Qi Teng's men were almost scared to death. Oh my god, are these people or ghosts? They have all been dismembered, but they are not dead yet!

The masked young man was finally a little surprised, frowned slightly, stepped forward and stepped on the body of the undead warrior. Poof, the still squirming body finally stopped and turned into a puddle of flesh and became motionless!

The man in black's wild laughter suddenly stopped. These Dragon King warriors were indeed powerful, but they still turned into scum in the face of absolute power!

"Go on, kill him!" the man in black shouted sternly.

The remaining two undead warriors swarmed forward, and the masked young man punched out with a backhand. One undead warrior was beaten to pieces, and blood and flesh spurted everywhere!

The man in black was immediately startled. Oh my god, what kind of monster is this guy?


Before he had time to react, his so-called Dragon King's undead warriors had all turned into rubble. Sensing that something was wrong, he turned around and left!

But before he could take a step forward, his neck was already pinched by a hand, eyes full of murderous intent staring at him.

"Don't kill me..." The man in black was a little more advanced than those undead warriors. He still maintained the sanity of a normal person, knew fear, and knew how to beg for mercy.


The masked young man waved his hand, and the body of the man in black flew out and hit the telephone pole on the roadside. The telephone pole, which was as thick as his thigh, fell to the ground with a crash.

"Go back and tell Hei Long that he is not qualified to touch the Ji family, so get out!"

The masked young man said lightly, then bowed respectfully to Qin Yi, turned around and strode away.

Qin Yi didn't know why, but at this moment she could finally feel that the masked young man came with good intentions.

"Don't leave yet."

Suddenly thinking of something, Qin Yi became very excited and rushed over, trying to hold the masked young man's hand.

"Mr. Qin, be careful!"

Qi Teng shouted in horror and chased after him. If Qin Yi had any shortcomings, he wouldn't have to live.


A violent force of energy descended from the sky and hit the masked young man.

The masked young man turned slightly, opened his palm, and patted it gently. With a loud bang, the violent energy disappeared without a trace. The masked young man was safe and sound, while his attacker flew away.

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