Another terrifying aura full of violence burst out, and a figure rushed over like a ferocious giant beast.

The masked young man punched out again, and the person flew backwards. The masked young man's body only trembled slightly.

The two people who attacked the masked young man steadied themselves. They were Wen Jingtao and Murong Wuji. Ji Wufeng had the most important family members in Guangzhou, so they naturally had to send someone to protect them.

During this period, the two of them have been secretly following Qin Yi and others, but they cannot reveal their traces until a critical moment.

The power of the masked young man made the two of them feel terrible, and Qin Yi's active contact forced them to show up.

Feeling that the masked young man was invincible, both of them were nervous and guarded Qin Yi.

Qin Yi asked emotionally: "Who are you?"

The masked young man saluted respectfully again and said, "Mr. Qin, don't worry. I'm just here to help Young Master Wu Feng. My master will definitely tell you the whole story personally in the future." ??

After saying that, the masked young man strode away.

After sending Qin Yi's family back, Qi Teng said with worry on his face: "This person is too dangerous. If he does anything bad to us..."

Wen Jingtao waved his hand to interrupt him and said: "Probably not. If he wants to be detrimental to us, we can't stand here safely now."

Murong Wuji said: "That's right, even if Taozi and I combined, we may not be his match."

Qi Teng was shocked. He knew very well the skills of Wen Jingtao and Murong Wuji, but he was so afraid of the masked young man.

Seeing the nervousness on Qi Teng's face, Wen Jingtao said: "Don't worry. It seems that although we don't know his identity now, he is probably not our enemy. Otherwise, he would not take action against the Black Dragon Gang today, nor would he We show mercy.”

In the fight just now, Wen Jingtao knew very well that if it weren't for Mask Qing

If Nian shows mercy, he will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die.

"Even if he is not an enemy, the Black Dragon Gang is not something we can contend with now." Qi Teng said coldly.

Today, I have seen the terror of the undead warriors again. The Qi family cannot be their opponent. If they kill them, it will not be a problem to destroy the Qi family.

"Don't worry, if we can't make them relax their vigilance, how can the big fish easily bite the hook?" Murong Wuji said with murderous intent all over his body.

At midnight, on the Yuzhou Overpass, a gorgeous woman in black faced the evening breeze and smoked a cigarette elegantly.

A young man who also wore a silver mask said respectfully: "I have met Miss Tang."

Although he also wears a silver mask, it is certain that this person is not the same person as the masked young man who appeared in Gwangju.

Although the masked young man was respectful, Tang Huanxin had a bitter look on his face and said, "It seems that I am only Miss Tang and cannot be your mistress."

The masked young man was silent. Although he was extremely respectful to Tang Huanxin and would even die for her, as Tang Huanxin said, she was always just Miss Tang, not his mistress.

Seeing that the masked young man didn't speak, Tang Huanxin sneered: "What? He can even send out his feathered guards, but he still doesn't want to see me in person?"

The masked young man lowered his head and said, "Miss Tang, my master has some last resort reasons, but Miss Tang's kindness in helping Young Master Wu Feng will be unforgettable by everyone in the Ji family."


Tang Huanxin laughed and said, "Everyone in the Ji family? Is the Ji family still the Ji family of Ji Hongtu?"

"The Ji family is always the Ji family, not Ji Longtu's Ji family, let alone Xia Mingxue's Ji family!" the masked young man said.

"What if I want the Ji family to become Ji Wufeng's Ji family?" Tang Huanxin suddenly said coldly.

As if he had known that Tang Huanxin would ask this question, the masked young man said: "The Ji family is the Ji family of the Ji family!"

The cold aura on Tang Huanxin's body gradually disappeared and she said: "Go back and tell Ji Hongtu that everything I did has nothing to do with him. From now on, I will only recognize Ji Wufeng's Ji family."

The masked young man saluted respectfully, turned around and strode away.

Wu Chang and Youhun walked out of the darkness and looked at the masked young man's leaving figure with solemn expressions.

"This guy is scary, I'm no match for him." Gouhun said.

Impermanence said: "One sword, even my strongest sword, will definitely kill you!"

Gouhun was startled and asked, "Is he really that strong?"

Impermanence no longer speaks, but silence has already given a positive answer.

How could such a terrifying guy appear when Guhun numbed his claws? And there are more than one. News has come from Guangzhou that a masked man has also appeared, and he is also outrageously tyrannical.

“Don’t worry about them, they’ll just clear the biggest hurdles for them.”

After Tang Huanxin finished speaking, she turned around and left. She flicked the cigarette butt in her hand and said, "It's time for me to take over Tianfeng."

That's right, Lao Gui and Ren Feixing disappeared one after another. Tianfeng Group was leaderless. Someone had to take over, and that person was Tang Huanxin.

Ren Feixing has been lying in bed for a week. He found that except for the nurse who treated his wounds, he had never seen another person.

When Ye Qianxiang walked in, Ren Feixing had already changed his clothes.


br\u003e “Where to go?” Ye Qianxiang asked.

"Hui Tianfeng."

Ren Feixing said: "I took a week off. It's too long. Tianfeng still has many things that I need to deal with."

"Isn't it good to rest like this? Whether it's money or fame, you already have it!"

This is true at all. Although Ren Feixing only has a meager share in Tianfeng Group, considering the current value of Tianfeng Group, his worth is already an astronomical figure.

While Tianfeng Group was shining brightly, Ren Feixing's name was also praised as one of the most valuable and potential young talents in the business world.

"This is not what I want, my dream has not come true yet!"

Although Tianfeng Group is currently developing rapidly, it is still far from the huge empire he dreamed of.

"If you could only choose one dream between me and yours, which one would you choose?" Ye Qianxiang asked.

"If I give up my dream, are you willing to give up everything and follow me?" Ren Feixing asked.

Ye Qianxiang was silent, unable to answer for a long time. Ren Feixing smiled and said: "Is it done? Now you can't even do basic acting?"

"When did you notice it?" Ye Qianxiang asked calmly, not feeling the slightest bit flustered by Ren Feixing's words.

"The moment you appeared next to me."

Ren Fei There is someone who understands you better than me, and I believe that even Chiba-ryu doesn't understand you as well as me. Even though you are tender to me in every possible way, the distance you give me is getting farther and farther."

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