The inner world of most cultivators is extremely small, and at most they can only have storage space.

But no matter what, the inner world is just a dead land, but Ji Wufeng saw the sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers in his inner world, glowing with endless vitality.

How is this possible?

He closed his eyes and felt everything in the inner world, but as he breathed, the sun, moon and stars were rising and falling, and the mountains and rivers were breathing.

This is actually a vibrant world!

No, this is no longer a world, this is a world!

Ji Wufeng suddenly opened his eyes. The sun and the moon were shining brightly in the sky. He stamped his feet violently. The mountains and rivers were trembling and the rivers were flowing backwards.

In this world, he is the king, he is everything, he is the master of all supreme beings!

Ji Wufeng waved his hand, and everything in front of him disappeared, and he found that he was still in the Shura battlefield.

Zou Huairen walked in and said angrily: "You little bastard, you are so lucky that you managed to get through such a serious inner demon."

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "I can't help it, I have a good character."

"What a fart, just like Ji Laogui, his face is thicker than the city wall!" Zou Huairen cursed.

Ji Wufeng cupped his fists and said, "Thank you very much, senior, and say goodbye!"

Ji Wufeng turned around and left. There was a super boss waiting for him in the ninth level.

"Boy, please wait a moment."

Zou Huairen hesitated and said in a low voice: "You'd better be more careful. That old ghost Gu Mingxiu is not that simple. His actions this time will be different from before."

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me."

Ji Wufeng smiled, of course this time it would be different from before. Others had just three ordinary moves, but Ji Wufeng might have had three sure-kill moves.

If Ji Wufeng can pass through the Shura battlefield safely, the danger to the Gu family will skyrocket, and the Gu family will do everything possible to keep him here.

After Ji Wufeng left, the masked young man appeared and turned around to leave.

Zou Huairen hurriedly shouted: "Hey, you just left like that? Are you afraid that Gu Mingxiu will kill that kid?"

The masked young man said: "I am here just to prevent someone from causing trouble secretly. Now that my task has been completed, the master has given instructions not to interfere with the young master's entry."

The ninth level of Shura Battlefield is also an empty big room, but the difference is that the walls are made of poured steel plates, which is extremely strong.

This is not surprising at all. The strength of both those who broke through the barrier and those who defended it have reached an astonishing level. If it were just an ordinary wall, the entire big house would collapse with one blow.

"Are you here?" An old but powerful voice sounded from behind Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng turned around and nodded, saying, "I'm here."

Standing behind him was a burly old man. His eyes were half-closed, as if he hadn't woken up. He didn't look amazing. If he were walking on the street, he probably wouldn't attract anyone's attention.

But Ji Wufeng knew that this old man was the ultimate gatekeeper of the Shura battlefield, a king-level warrior who surpassed the Grand Master, and Gu Mingxiu of the Gu family!

"It's very good. You have reached such a state at a young age, half a year earlier than Tianyang." Gu Mingxiu smiled, not hiding his appreciation in his tone.

"Excessive praise." Ji Wufeng also smiled.

Gu Mingxiu looked a little surprised and said: "Do you know why I appear here?


"I know, you want to kill me."

"But you don't seem very angry, and you don't show any resentment towards me."

"You can't kill me, why do I resent you?" Ji Wufeng said calmly.

If he had met Gu Mingxiu before, he would have jumped up and cursed before the fight started.

But after eliminating the demons in his heart, he felt that Gu Mingxiu was just a stepping stone. He could just step on him, so why waste his words scolding him?

After defeating him, the two of them will never have any interactions with each other from now on.


Gu Mingxiu shouted hello and said: "Very good, Tianyang is not as good as you just for this reason. If it weren't for our different positions, I would really not be willing to kill you."

Ji Wufeng laughed. Although the relationship was hostile, he didn't find Gu Mingxiu annoying. At least Gu Mingxiu said frankly that he was here to kill him.

"Little brother, how about we discuss it?" Gu Ming said.

"Please speak." Ji Wufeng said. Since Gu Mingxiu is not in a hurry, he has nothing to be anxious about.

"As long as you are willing to give up your grudge against Tianyang, I will let you go today, how about it?" Gu Mingxiu asked with a questioning look.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you."

Ji Wufeng smiled helplessly and shook his head, saying: "If you retreat so easily, how can you talk about reaching the top?"

"If you die here, why are you talking about reaching the top of the cliff?" Gu Mingxiu asked.

"Do you think I will definitely lose?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Ha ha……"

Gu Mingxiu laughed and said: "Ji Wufeng, do you think you have made great progress in cultivation now?"

Are you confident that you can beat me? "

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "I don't have absolute confidence, I just don't want to back down."

Yes, even if he has made great progress in cultivation now, his combat power may still not be as good as that of Gu Mingxiu, but he can't back down as he moves forward in his cultivation.


Gu Mingxiu suddenly sighed and said: "It's fate. Ji Changkong is an outstanding figure of his generation, and he is proud and proud. He didn't expect that his grandson is equally extraordinary. Is the Gu family really going to be on a stranger's path after doing such a thing?"

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. He could tell that Gu Mingxiu didn't seem to agree with the Gu family's approach.

"Do you think I'm not the same as the Gu family?"

Gu Mingxiu said with a smile: "You are right. Although I am from the Gu family, I have absolutely defeated the Gu family. Unexpectedly, I am powerless to stop it, so I can only leave the Gu family and come here."

Ji Wufeng nodded. There are all kinds of birds in the forest. Although he hates the Gu family, he does not think that all the people in the Gu family are bad people. All people in China hate Dongyang, but not all Dongyang people deserve to die. Of course, the Gu family No exception.

"But I am a member of the Gu family after all. Even if I go against my will, I have to do it." Gu Mingxiu said helplessly.

Ji Wufeng nodded and said: "I can understand, don't be embarrassed, just take action."

In any case, Gu Mingxiu is from the Gu family. Even if he has the intention not to be an enemy of Ji Wufeng, he must take action against this enemy of the Gu family for the sake of the Gu family. There is only a trace of goodwill in his heart. Compared with the entire Gu family, it seems too small. .

A sharp cold light suddenly appeared in Gu Mingxiu's eyes, and he said: "Remember, these three moves will be my strongest moves."

Since Ji Wufeng is going to stay, Gu Mingxiu's three moves will definitely be the strongest three moves full of murderous intent.

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