Whoosh... whoosh... whoosh... whoosh!

Four figures came through the air and landed not far away. Ji Wufeng smiled, but Gu Mingxiu frowned.

Ao Jian sat down on the ground and said with a smile: "You continue to fight, don't worry about us, we are just too idle and have nothing to do, so we came over to join in the fun and watch you fight."

It was Zhongzhou Sijue and Yun Jianxin who came.

Yun Jianxin said with a cold face: "Just carry on, we won't interfere, but if someone doesn't follow the rules, don't blame my old lady for meddling in other people's business."

Yun Jianxin's appearance changed so much that Ji Wufeng didn't recognize him for a while and asked, "Who is this?"

Crazy knife said sourly: "In just a few days, I don't know your second grandma anymore?"

"Uh, Second Grandma?"

Ji Wufeng's eyes widened and he looked carefully and saw that it was Old Lady Yun, but why did she suddenly become so young and beautiful? Could it be that this old woman has become a spirit?

Being stared at by Ji Wufeng, Yun Jianxin glared and said, "You little bastard, believe it or not, I'll dig out your eyeballs."

Ji Wufeng was not afraid, and said with a smile: "Isn't it because the second grandma is so beautiful? I was immediately fascinated."

"You're talking nonsense, if she wasn't pretty, would I be able to fall in love with her?" Boxing Ba curled his lips.

"Do you want to die?" A cold murderous aura emanated from Yun Jianxin's body, and Boxer immediately shut his mouth obediently.

Aojian shouted: "Okay, you guys start quickly. We are here to watch the fight, not to watch you stare at each other."

Gu Mingxiu smiled bitterly and said: "If I really beat you to a pulp later, why don't you old guys eat me alive?"

"No need to worry. If I die in your hands later, no one will be blamed except my lack of academic skills!" Ji Wufeng said.

Gu Mingxiu nodded and said, "Then I'll take action!"

Before he finished speaking, Gu Mingxiu's body had disappeared from the spot, and then suddenly appeared above Ji Wufeng, slashing down with a horizontal palm.

In the eyes of others, this might be just an ordinary slap, which might not even kill mosquitoes, but Ji Wufeng didn't dare to relax at all and slapped it out.

But it was too late. Ji Wufeng's palm passed through Gu Mingxiu's palm, and his expression immediately changed. It turned out to be just an afterimage.


Gu Mingxiu slapped Ji Wufeng's chest. Ji Wufeng's body did not take a step back. He felt as if his internal organs were about to explode.


Ji Wufeng roared loudly, and the true energy in his body that circulated crazily gathered in his chest, forcing down the explosive energy in his body.

But the energy was so powerful that it couldn't be suppressed at all. Poof, blood spurted out, and Ji Wufeng collapsed on the ground, kneeling on one knee, barely holding on and not falling down.

It was too strong. In fact, if Gu Mingxiu's palm just relied on Ji Wufeng's current strength, his internal organs would have been completely shattered and he would have died.

But fortunately, his cultivator's physique was extraordinary and far tougher than that of a warrior, so he managed to save his life.

Gu Mingxiu had a strange expression on his face. He knew how much effort he had just exerted. Ji Wufeng was able to hold on, but he simply couldn't do it with his current true cultivation level.

The only explanation is that Ji Wufeng's talent is beyond the reach of ordinary people.


Gu Mingxiu said with a look of regret: "Why bother? I, Gu Mingxiu, claim to be an outstanding person, but I didn't expect that today I would do something to kill the genius. I am really embarrassed!"

Ji Wufeng's amazing talent and beauty made people look at him and make him love talents, but it was a pity that Gu Mingxiu couldn't stop.

Zhongzhou Sijue and Yun Jianxin were both silent. Although Ji Wufeng was amazing, he was seriously injured the first time and his chance of winning was too small.

"We won't go through this level anymore, let's go." Yun Jianxin came over and said.

San Jue also nodded and said: "That's right, let's go. It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge after ten years. Now that you have just made a breakthrough, you are still no match for this old ghost. You will come to him for revenge after you have mastered your martial arts!"

"We have green mountains here, so we don't have to worry about running out of firewood. Life is more important than face."

"Little brother, don't be afraid of embarrassment. This old ghost has no shame in attacking you. We don't have any need to save face and suffer."

No one can interfere with the Shura battlefield, but today the four old monsters did not care about this in order to protect Ji Wufeng.

"I do not go."

Ji Wufeng stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "If I just left like this, I might have saved my life, but I would have lost something more important than my life."

That man has been through the Shura battlefield, and Gu Tianyang has also been through it. If he escapes at the moment, he will be inferior to Gu Tianyang in the eyes of everyone. Then is he worthy of being Gu Tianyang's opponent?

It is even less possible to surpass that person.

Now that he has come to the Shura battlefield, he has already prepared that there is no way out. If he withdraws at this time, he will not be able to pass this level.

In fact, in terms of cultivation, even Gu Mingxiu couldn't catch up with him. It's a pity that he came back too short, and his combat power was not even half restored.

If he was given another half a year, he could destroy Gu Mingxiu with one finger.

It's a pity that Gu Mingxiu can't give him half a year, but what if he doesn't have half a year? Not even the sky can destroy him, let alone Gu Mingxiu.


A domineering aura came out of the body and raged around, causing the expressions of several old monsters present to change!

"Let's continue." Ji Wufeng said calmly.

There was no trace of cowardice or dodge, everything was peaceful, but the domineering aura of controlling everything filled the entire space.

"Take my second move!"

As soon as Gu Mingxiu finished speaking, the person had mysteriously disappeared in place. However, this move was no longer as ordinary as the first move. Ji Wufeng could clearly feel that the entire space was surging crazily. A powerful force is tearing the entire space violently!

In an instant, Ji Wufeng felt as if he was being brought into an independent space. In this space, he found that he could not move. That powerful force was like a supreme master. Ji Wufeng was in this space and was controlled by this force. Controlled by supreme power.

Life and death are completely controlled!

"This damn old ghost actually used the royal space!" Ao Jian yelled.

The royal space?

Ji Wufeng knew that the kingly warriors would realize the so-called kingly space after breaking through. In this space, every kingly warrior was the master, dominating a world that belonged to them. But now Ji Wufeng was brought into him by Gu Mingxiu. in the royal space.

Ji Wufeng turned his head and looked around. Is this the so-called space for kingly warriors? Whoosh... whoosh... whoosh... whoosh!

Four figures came through the air and landed not far away. Ji Wufeng smiled, but Gu Mingxiu frowned.

Ao Jian sat down on the ground and said with a smile: "You continue to fight, don't worry about us, we are just too idle and have nothing to do, so we came here to join in the fun and watch you fight."

It was Zhongzhou Sijue and Yun Jianxin who came.

Yun Jianxin said with a cold face: "You just carry on, we won't interfere, but if someone doesn't follow the rules, don't blame my old lady for being nosy."

Yun Jianxin's appearance changed so much that Ji Wufeng didn't recognize him for a while and asked, "Who is this?"

Crazy knife said sourly: "In just a few days, I don't know your second grandma anymore?"

"Uh, Second Grandma?"

Ji Wufeng's eyes widened and he looked carefully and saw that it was Old Lady Yun, but why did she suddenly become so young and beautiful? Could it be that this old woman has become a spirit?

Being stared at by Ji Wufeng, Yun Jianxin glared and said, "You little bastard, believe it or not, I'll dig out your eyeballs."

Ji Wufeng was not afraid, and said with a smile: "Isn't it because the second grandma is so beautiful? I was immediately fascinated."

"You're talking nonsense, if she wasn't pretty, would I be able to fall in love with her?" Boxing Ba curled his lips.

"Do you want to die?" A cold murderous aura emanated from Yun Jianxin's body, and Boxer immediately shut his mouth obediently.

Aojian shouted: "Okay, you guys start quickly. We are here to watch the fight, not to watch you stare at each other."

Gu Mingxiu smiled bitterly and said: "If I really beat you to a pulp later, why don't you old guys eat me alive?"

"No need to worry. If I die in your hands later, no one will be blamed except my lack of academic skills!" Ji Wufeng said.

Gu Mingxiu nodded and said, "Then I'll take action!"

Before he finished speaking, Gu Mingxiu's body had disappeared from the spot, and then suddenly appeared above Ji Wufeng, slashing down with a horizontal palm.

In the eyes of others, this might be just an ordinary slap, which might not even kill mosquitoes, but Ji Wufeng didn't dare to relax at all and slapped it out.

But it was too late. Ji Wufeng's palm passed through Gu Mingxiu's palm, and his expression immediately changed. It turned out to be just an afterimage.


Gu Mingxiu slapped Ji Wufeng's chest. Ji Wufeng's body did not take a step back. He felt as if his internal organs were about to explode.


Ji Wufeng roared loudly, and the true energy in his body that circulated crazily gathered in his chest, forcing down the explosive energy in his body.

But the energy was so powerful that it couldn't be suppressed at all. Poof, blood spurted out, and Ji Wufeng collapsed on the ground, kneeling on one knee, barely holding on and not falling down.

It was too strong. In fact, if Gu Mingxiu's palm just relied on Ji Wufeng's current strength, his internal organs would have been completely shattered and he would have died.

But fortunately, his cultivator's physique was extraordinary and far tougher than that of a warrior, so he managed to save his life.

Gu Mingxiu had a strange expression on his face. He knew how much effort he had just exerted. Ji Wufeng was able to hold on, but he simply couldn't do it with his current true cultivation level.

The only explanation is that Ji Wufeng's talent is beyond the reach of ordinary people.


Gu Mingxiu said with a look of regret: "Why bother? I, Gu Mingxiu, claim to be an outstanding person, but I didn't expect that today I would do something to kill the genius. I am really embarrassed!"

Ji Wufeng's amazing talent and beauty made people look at him and make him love talents, but it was a pity that Gu Mingxiu couldn't stop.

Zhongzhou Sijue and Yun Jianxin were both silent. Although Ji Wufeng was amazing, he was seriously injured the first time and his chance of winning was too small.

"We won't go through this level anymore, let's go." Yun Jianxin came over and said.

Sanjue also nodded and said: "That's right, let's go. It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge after ten years. Now that you have just made a breakthrough, you are still no match for this old ghost. Wait until you have mastered your martial arts before you come to him for revenge!"

"We have green mountains here, so we don't have to worry about running out of firewood. Life is more important than face."

"Little brother, don't be afraid of embarrassment. This old ghost has no shame in attacking you. We don't have any need to save face and suffer."

No one can interfere with the Shura battlefield, but today the four old monsters did not care about this in order to protect Ji Wufeng.

"I do not go."

Ji Wufeng stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "If I just left like this, I might have saved my life, but I would have lost something more important than my life."

That man has been through the Shura battlefield, and Gu Tianyang has also been through it. If he escapes at the moment, he will be inferior to Gu Tianyang in the eyes of everyone. Is he still worthy of being Gu Tianyang's opponent?

It is even less possible to surpass that person.

Now that he has come to the Shura battlefield, he has already prepared that there is no way out. If he withdraws at this time, he will not be able to pass this level.

In fact, in terms of cultivation, even Gu Mingxiu could not catch up with him. It was a pity that he came back too short, and his combat power was not even half restored.

If he was given another half a year, he could destroy Gu Mingxiu with one finger.

It's a pity that Gu Mingxiu can't give him half a year, but what if he doesn't have half a year? Not even the sky can destroy him, let alone Gu Mingxiu.


A domineering aura came out of the body and raged around, causing the expressions of several old monsters present to change!

"Let's continue." Ji Wufeng said calmly.

There was no trace of cowardice or dodge, everything was peaceful, but the domineering aura of controlling everything filled the entire space.

"Take my second move!"

As soon as Gu Mingxiu finished speaking, the person had mysteriously disappeared in place. However, this move was no longer as ordinary as the first move. Ji Wufeng could clearly feel that the entire space was surging crazily. A powerful force is tearing the entire space violently!

In an instant, Ji Wufeng felt as if he was being brought into an independent space. In this space, he found that he could not move. That powerful force was like a supreme master. Ji Wufeng was in this space and was controlled by this force. Controlled by supreme power.

Life and death are completely controlled!

"This damn old ghost actually used the royal space!" Ao Jian yelled.

The royal space?

Ji Wufeng knew that the kingly warriors would realize the so-called kingly space after breaking through. In this space, every kingly warrior was the master, dominating a world that belonged to them. But now Ji Wufeng was brought into him by Gu Mingxiu. in the royal space.

Ji Wufeng turned his head and looked around. Is this the so-called space for kingly warriors?

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