For earth warriors, this may be extremely powerful, but for cultivators, it is really too low-level.

The inner world of a cultivator is just a corner of heaven and earth, while the kingly space of a warrior is just a space of consciousness. There is no comparison between the two.

Ji Wufeng suddenly roared, his domineering aura burst out, and Gu Mingxiu's royal space was distorted.


Everyone's eyes were wide open, with expressions on their faces like they'd seen a ghost.

"Does this kid also have a royal realm?" Crazy Blade asked with wide eyes.

Ordinary warriors are brought into the royal space only to be slaughtered by others, but Ji Wufeng can actually distort the royal space. This is unscientific, unless Ji Wufeng also understands the royal space.

Boxing Fighter frowned and said: "It's not clear yet, let's see again!"


Ji Wufeng suddenly let out an angry roar, and with a loud bang, the entire royal space shook, cracks appeared, and there was a violent shaking, as if there was a big earthquake!

The violent force burst out, and Sanjue and Yun Jianxin both retreated violently. Their eyes were fixed on the scene in front of them, their eyes widened and their mouths grew big!

"Isn't it possible that I'm dazzled?"

"Someone pinch my thigh and let me see if I am really dazzled."

"Are we all dazzled at the same time?"

Sanjue rubbed his eyes at the same time, but Yun Jianxin said with excitement: "You are not dazzled, this kid really did it!"

The sharp and violent energy exploded like a sharp sword, and boom...

Although Ji Wufeng was pulled closer to the Wang Dao consciousness space, he was not under control. The walls made of fine iron seemed to have been scratched by sharp blades, and cracks appeared. You must know that in order to prevent destruction by Wang Dao level warriors, these The walls are all specially made, and even a sniper rifle hitting them will only leave a dent.

Ji Wufeng was indeed brought into his own King's Space by Gu Mingxiu, but unfortunately, his King's Space did not control his consciousness at all.


The extremely violent explosion shook the ground, and dense cracks appeared on the ground and walls, as if they had just been blasted by a high-explosive bomb.

The royal space collapsed directly, and Gu Mingxiu's figure appeared, his face pale.

But Ji Wufeng, who had been standing there, fell to the ground, opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood, and lay there for a long time without the strength to get up.

"What a pity. In less than ten years, this world will be yours!" Gu Ming said.

At such a young age, he has already become a king-level warrior. Even if he is in a hostile relationship, he can't help but feel sorry for him.

Ji Wufeng almost used all his strength to get up from the ground, grinned at Gu Mingxiu, wiped the blood on his face, and said, "There is one more move!"

At the same time, the long-haired young man with an evil face said with disdain: "Didn't you say how powerful he is? Why hasn't he come out yet?"

The masked woman in black said: "Isn't this enough? Gu Mingxiu is determined to kill. The fact that he has not yet produced any results means that he is not dead yet."

"That's indeed what happened. It seems that he really has the qualifications to let me take action." The long-haired young man nodded.

"Maybe you may not have a chance to take action. If he passed the test of Gu Mingxiu, he may not be able to pass the test of the Gu family!"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think the Gu family will send out Gu Mingxiu even if they don't want to lose their old face? If they still can't take down Ji Wufeng, what do you think the Gu family will think?"

The long-haired young man's eyes showed sharpness, he stood up and left.

"where are you going?"

"Go to Huajing!"

Seeing that Ji Wufeng was so injured, several of them rushed over. The mad knife pointed at Gu Mingxiu and shouted: "Old ghost, are you enough? Even if you only have two moves, you have tried your best. It's best not to go too far. Got it!"

Although there were only two moves, Gu Mingxiu even used the Kingly Space. Even though he failed to kill Ji Wufeng, Ji Wufeng was already at the end of his strength. If Gu Mingxiu used the third move, Ji Wufeng would definitely die!

Powerful auras emanated from San Jue and Yun Jianxin at the same time. Today they had to save Ji Wufeng's life no matter what, even breaking the rules of the Shura battlefield and fighting against the gatekeeper Gu Mingxiu...

As long as he is still a human being, he must have selfish motives. For the Three Jue of Zhongzhou, Ji Wufeng is their junior brother, but for Yun Jianxin, they have the same connection and must keep Ji Wufeng no matter what.

"Seniors, forget it, life and death are destined!" Ji Wufeng said.

"No, if you die, where will we put our old faces in the future?" The four of them were full of fighting spirit. Ji Wufeng must not die.

"That's it, Ji Wufeng, let's go."

Unexpectedly, Gu Mingxiu suddenly waved his hand and said: "My old face has been completely disgraced, and I really can't do such a more despicable thing again."

Everyone was stunned. Is Gu Mingxiu's brain burned out? You want to let Ji Wufeng leave?

"Ancient ghost, are you serious?" Crazy Blade was stunned and asked.

"Of course, I am no match for the four of you anyway." Gu Mingxiu said with a bitter smile.

"Junior brother, let's go!" As soon as Ao Jian finished his words, he reached Ji Wufeng in a flash, put it on his shoulder and disappeared without a trace, as if he was afraid that Gu Mingxiu would regret it.

Hegemony took a deep look at Gu Mingxiu and said, "Old Ghost, the three of us brothers will remember this favor."

Yun Jianxin also nodded and said: "We at Bingqingxue Pavilion also owe you a favor."

Seeing the four people leaving with Ji Wufeng, Gu Mingxiu suddenly looked decadent, as if he had aged dozens of years in an instant, and murmured to himself: "Oh, what a crime. I hope you can really get through this last hurdle."

The moment Ji Wufeng was carried by Ao Jian on his shoulders, he passed out and completely lost consciousness. The previous battle with Gu Mingxiu had exhausted all his energy, and now he was completely exhausted.

And when he woke up, he found himself in Yun Jianxin's small courtyard. He quickly climbed up, but then his legs weakened and he fell to the ground again. He was really too weak at this time.

"You need to rest." Yun Jianxin's cold voice came to his ears.

"I can't rest, I have to rush back to Yuzhou immediately."

Ji Wufeng knew that he was very weak at this time, but he had already guessed that Yuzhou must be in an extremely difficult situation now. Only if he returned immediately could the urgent need be solved.

Yuzhou has too much concern for him. His relatives, friends, and his current foundation are all in Yuzhou. If Yuzhou is gone, he will lose everything. For earth warriors, this may be extremely powerful, but for cultivators, it is really too low-level.

The inner world of a cultivator is just a corner of heaven and earth, while the kingly space of a warrior is just a space of consciousness. There is no comparison between the two.

Ji Wufeng suddenly roared, his domineering aura burst out, and Gu Mingxiu's royal space was distorted.


Everyone's eyes were wide open, with expressions on their faces like they had seen a ghost.

"Does this kid also have a royal realm?" Crazy Blade asked with wide eyes.

Ordinary warriors are brought into the royal space only to be slaughtered by others, but Ji Wufeng can actually distort the royal space. This is unscientific, unless Ji Wufeng also understands the royal space.

Boxing Fighter frowned and said: "It's not clear yet, let's see again!"


Ji Wufeng suddenly let out an angry roar, and with a loud bang, the entire royal space shook, cracks appeared, and there was a violent shaking, as if there was a big earthquake!

The violent force burst out, and Sanjue and Yun Jianxin both retreated violently. Their eyes were fixed on the scene in front of them, their eyes widened and their mouths grew big!

"Isn't it possible that I'm dazzled?"

"Someone pinch my thigh and let me see if I am really dazzled."

"Are we all dazzled at the same time?"

Sanjue rubbed his eyes at the same time, but Yun Jianxin said with excitement: "You are not dazzled, this kid really did it!"

The sharp and violent energy exploded like a sharp sword, and boom...

Although Ji Wufeng was pulled closer to the Wang Dao consciousness space, he was not under control. The walls made of fine iron seemed to have been scratched by sharp blades, and cracks appeared. You must know that in order to prevent destruction by Wang Dao level warriors, these The walls are all specially made, and even a sniper rifle hitting them will only leave a dent.

Ji Wufeng was indeed brought into his own King's Space by Gu Mingxiu, but unfortunately, his King's Space did not control his consciousness at all.


The extremely violent explosion shook the ground, and dense cracks appeared on the ground and walls, as if they had just been blasted by a high-explosive bomb.

The royal space collapsed directly, and Gu Mingxiu's figure appeared, his face pale.

But Ji Wufeng, who had been standing there, fell to the ground, opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood, and lay there for a long time without the strength to get up.

"What a pity. In less than ten years, this world will be yours!" Gu Ming said.

At such a young age, he has already become a king-level warrior. Even if he is in a hostile relationship, he can't help but feel sorry for him.

Ji Wufeng almost used all his strength to get up from the ground, grinned at Gu Mingxiu, wiped the blood on his face, and said, "There is one more move!"

At the same time, the long-haired young man with an evil face said with disdain: "Didn't you say how powerful he is? Why hasn't he come out yet?"

The masked woman in black said: "Isn't this enough? Gu Mingxiu is determined to kill. The fact that he has not yet produced any results means that he is not dead yet."

"That's indeed what happened. It seems that he really has the qualifications to let me take action." The long-haired young man nodded.

"Maybe you may not have a chance to take action. If he passed the test of Gu Mingxiu, he may not be able to pass the test of the Gu family!"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think the Gu family will send out Gu Mingxiu even if they don't want to lose their old face? If they still can't take down Ji Wufeng, what do you think the Gu family will think?"

The long-haired young man's eyes showed sharpness, he stood up and left.

"where are you going?"

"Go to Huajing!"

Seeing that Ji Wufeng was so injured, several of them rushed over, pointed the mad knife at Gu Mingxiu and shouted: "Old ghost, are you enough? Even if you only have two moves, you have tried your best. It's best not to go too far. Got it!"

Although there were only two moves, Gu Mingxiu even used the Kingly Space. Even though he failed to kill Ji Wufeng, Ji Wufeng was already at the end of his strength. If Gu Mingxiu used a third move, Ji Wufeng would definitely die!

A powerful aura emitted from Sanjue and Yun Jianxin at the same time. Today, they had to save Ji Wufeng's life no matter what, even breaking the rules of the Shura battlefield and fighting against the gatekeeper Gu Mingxiu...

As long as he is still a human being, he must have selfish motives. For the Three Jue of Zhongzhou, Ji Wufeng is their junior brother, but for Yun Jianxin, they have the same connection and must keep Ji Wufeng no matter what.

"Seniors, forget it, life and death are destined!" Ji Wufeng said.

"No, if you die, where will we put our old faces in the future?" The four of them were full of fighting spirit. Ji Wufeng must not die.

"That's it, Ji Wufeng, let's go."

Unexpectedly, Gu Mingxiu suddenly waved his hand and said: "My old face has been completely disgraced, and I really can't do such a more despicable thing again."

Everyone was stunned. Is Gu Mingxiu's brain burned out? Are you going to let Ji Wufeng leave?

"Ancient ghost, are you serious?" Crazy Blade was stunned and asked.

"Of course, I am no match for the four of you anyway." Gu Mingxiu said with a bitter smile.

"Junior brother, let's go!" As soon as Ao Jian finished his words, he reached Ji Wufeng in a flash, put it on his shoulder and disappeared without a trace, as if he was afraid that Gu Mingxiu would regret it.

Hegemony took a deep look at Gu Mingxiu and said, "Gui Gui, the three of us brothers will remember this favor."

Yun Jianxin also nodded and said: "We at Bingqingxue Pavilion also owe you a favor."

Seeing the four people leaving with Ji Wufeng, Gu Mingxiu suddenly looked decadent, as if he had aged dozens of years in an instant, and murmured to himself: "Oh, what a crime. I hope you can really get through this last hurdle."

The moment Ji Wufeng was carried by Ao Jian on his shoulders, he passed out and completely lost consciousness. The previous battle with Gu Mingxiu had exhausted all his energy, and now he was completely exhausted.

And when he woke up, he found himself in Yun Jianxin's small courtyard. He quickly climbed up, but then his legs weakened and he fell to the ground again. He was really too weak at this time.

"You need to rest." Yun Jianxin's cold voice came to his ears.

"I can't rest, I have to rush back to Yuzhou immediately."

Ji Wufeng knew that he was very weak at this time, but he had already guessed that Yuzhou must be in an extremely difficult situation now. Only if he returned immediately could the urgent need be solved.

Yuzhou has too much concern for him. His relatives, friends, and his current foundation are all in Yuzhou. If Yuzhou is gone, he will lose everything.

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