Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1234 The real murderous intention

When Tie Xin, Zhuang Zhiling and Gu Mingyue arrived, Ji Wufeng had already left.

Yun Jian thought: "You have no other choice. If you really want to be able to help him, you should practice your martial arts well."

Tie Xin and Zhuang Zhiling turned around and left. Gu Mingyue asked curiously: "Master, who are you talking about?"

Out of her protectiveness towards Gu Mingyue, she still didn't know about Ji Wufeng until now.

"A person who should be very important to you!" Tie Xin said.

"Someone who is important to me?" Gu Mingyue looked confused. She felt that except Gu Tianyang, her master and her senior sister, no one was important to her.

At midnight, Ji Wufeng rushed to the airport. The news that he had broken through the Shura battlefield would soon spread throughout Huajing. I believe that the situation in Huajing would be stabilized, but Yuzhou must be in dire straits at this time. ??

Dragging his seriously injured and exhausted body out of the taxi, he was so weak now that he had to gasp for air even if he could only walk a few steps.

Four figures appeared strangely and surrounded him. Ji Wufeng stopped and said in a deep voice, "Who is it?"

"Gu Mingyang!"

"Gu Ming City!"

"Gu Mingyan!"

"Gu Mingxing!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly focused. Although these four people were not kingly warriors, they were not far away. They were four half-step kingly warriors.

No wonder Gu Mingxiu let him go so easily. It turned out that he already knew that the Gu family would make another move. Although Ji Wufeng was now a master of the king, after taking Gu Mingxiu's two moves, he was already exhausted and could not block it at all. The four masters can't live here.

"It seems that the Gu family is bent on killing me." Ji Wufeng said with a bitter smile.

He never expected that the Gu family would be so shameless and would actually send experts to ambush him. Now that his power was exhausted, even an ordinary killer could easily kill him.

"The enemies of the Gu family have never left alive."

"This is the result of opposing the Gu family!"

"The enemies of the Gu family must die!"

"So, Ji Wufeng, you must die today!"

The tone of the four people was extremely calm, but they revealed fierce murderous intent.

Ji Wufeng felt chills in his heart. He never expected that the Gu family would actually play this trick. It turned out that Gu Mingxiu in the Shura battlefield was only the first level, and the purpose was just to beat him half to death. He did not really want to kill him. After all, how many people are watching the Shura battlefield? If he goes too far, too many people will be dissatisfied.

The real murderous intention is here. Ji Wufeng has discovered that there is no one on Airport Avenue, which was originally bustling with people. It has obviously been cleared out long ago. Kill Ji Wufeng at this time. If you die, you will die. As long as there is no evidence, you can't take it. How about the Gu family.

"I bought a watch last year. It's despicable, filthy and dirty... Gu Mingtang, your Immortal Banban'er!" Ji Wufeng suddenly jumped to his feet and cursed like a shrew, spitting stars flying around.

It seems that this time he is really dead. Since he is going to die, wouldn't it be a big loss if he doesn't scold him enough?

"Go ahead and scold him as much as you want. You will never have such an opportunity again." An old man said in a ferocious voice.

Ji Wufeng suddenly closed his mouth and said, "I have one more wish before I die. Can a few seniors fulfill it for me?"

"Tell me, we have always been tolerant and generous to a person who is about to die." An old man agreed generously.

"Let me go!" Ji Wufeng said very spinelessly.

It is very spineless to beg for mercy, but Ji Wufeng felt that if you lose your life and can't even save your bones, how can you talk about your spine?

"I'm sorry, we may not be able to fulfill your last wish." An old man said coldly.

Ji Wufeng glared and cursed: "Fuck you, uncle, didn't you just say you are tolerant and generous? You can't even satisfy me with such a small request. You are so tolerant and generous. I despise you. Your words don't count." If you die, you will become a bastard!"

Ji Wufeng's scolding became more intense, jumping up and down, spitting foam all over the faces of the four old men.

"It's time for you to hit the road!"

An old man couldn't control himself anymore. He wiped the spit from his face, raised his fist and smashed Ji Wufeng's head.


In this situation, Ji Wufeng's head should have been smashed to pieces as usual, but Ji Wufeng stood there calmly, but the old man who attacked him seemed to have been beaten by a ghost, his body was sideways. Fly out.

Uh, what's going on? Could it be that I stand on the Seven Stars and the Purple Star descends to earth, and whenever I encounter danger, I will have divine power to repel the enemy?

"Who is it?" The expressions of the four old men changed, and they stared at Ji Wufeng and shouted coldly.

"Ha ha……"

Ji Wufeng laughed loudly, pointed at the four old guys and shouted arrogantly: "Did you see it? Your young master is not a big cabbage. You can cut it any way you want. I warn you, if you dare to touch a hair on my head, God will not stop you." I will let you go."

Unexpectedly, a strange voice suddenly sounded from behind him, saying: "I kind of regret coming to save you. A shameless and shameless person like you will make you lose your appetite just by looking at him!"

"Who is scolding me? Come forward, uh...who are you?"

Ji Wufeng looked back and saw a super handsome guy with long hair, a handsome face, and a black robe standing behind him!

It’s so jealous. Women will be jealous of beautiful women, and of course men will be jealous of handsome guys.

Li Yunxiao is already a super handsome guy, and this guy's looks are not inferior to Li Yunxiao's. Compared to Li Yunxiao's handsomeness, this guy has an evil aura all over his body, which makes women even more fascinated.

"Who is your pretty boy?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Your grandpa is so handsome. If we show up together in the future, you will let the pretty girls go and let me go drink the northwest wind?

"Is this how you treat your savior?" Tian Wuxin said coldly.

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said, "Did I ask you to save me? I think you are jealous that I am more handsome than you, and you came here specifically to see me make a fool of myself?"

He didn't know if this handsome guy was jealous of him, but he was sure that he would be jealous of the handsome guy in front of him.

"Hehe... I was skeptical before I came, but now I think you are invincible just because of your shameless temper." Tian Wuxin said hehe.

"I don't care who you are. When the Gu family is doing things, no matter who you are, you have to stay away!" An old man saw the two people chatting enthusiastically there and didn't even bother to pay attention to them. He immediately became angry.

I'm here to kill people today. You look down on people so much, do you still have moral cultivation? When Tie Xin, Zhuang Zhiling and Gu Mingyue arrived, Ji Wufeng had already left.

Yun Jian thought: "You have no other choice. If you really want to be able to help him, you should practice your martial arts well."

Tie Xin and Zhuang Zhiling turned around and left. Gu Mingyue asked curiously: "Master, who are you talking about?"

Out of her protectiveness towards Gu Mingyue, she still didn't know about Ji Wufeng until now.

"A person who should be very important to you!" Tie Xin said.

"Someone who is important to me?" Gu Mingyue looked confused. She felt that except Gu Tianyang, her master and her senior sister, no one was important to her.

At midnight, Ji Wufeng rushed to the airport. The news that he had broken through the Shura battlefield would soon spread throughout Huajing. I believe that the situation in Huajing would be stabilized, but Yuzhou must be in dire straits at this time.

Dragging his seriously injured and exhausted body out of the taxi, he was so weak now that he had to gasp for air even if he could only walk a few steps.

Four figures appeared strangely and surrounded him. Ji Wufeng stopped and said in a deep voice, "Who is it?"

"Gu Mingyang!"

"Gu Ming City!"

"Gu Mingyan!"

"Gu Mingxing!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly focused. Although these four people were not kingly warriors, they were not far away. They were four half-step kingly warriors.

No wonder Gu Mingxiu let him go so easily. It turned out that he already knew that the Gu family would make another move. Although Ji Wufeng was now a master of the king, after taking Gu Mingxiu's two moves, he was already exhausted and could not block it at all. The four masters can't live here.

"It seems that the Gu family is bent on killing me." Ji Wufeng said with a bitter smile.

He never expected that the Gu family would be so shameless and would actually send experts to ambush him. Now that his power was exhausted, even an ordinary killer could easily kill him.

"The enemies of the Gu family have never left alive."

"This is the result of opposing the Gu family!"

"The enemies of the Gu family must die!"

"So, Ji Wufeng, you must die today!"

The tone of the four people was extremely calm, but they revealed fierce murderous intent.

Ji Wufeng felt chills in his heart. He never expected that the Gu family would actually play this trick. It turned out that Gu Mingxiu in the Shura battlefield was only the first level, and the purpose was just to beat him half to death. He did not really want to kill him. After all, how many people are watching the Shura battlefield? If he goes too far, too many people will be dissatisfied.

The real murderous intention is here. Ji Wufeng has discovered that there is no one on Airport Avenue, which was originally bustling with people. It has obviously been cleared out long ago. Kill Ji Wufeng at this time. If you die, you will die. As long as there is no evidence, you can't take it. How about the Gu family.

"I bought a watch last year. It's despicable, filthy and dirty... Gu Mingtang, your fairy is like a badass!" Ji Wufeng suddenly jumped to his feet and started to curse like a shrew, spitting stars flying around.

It seems that this time he is really dead. Since he is going to die, wouldn't it be a big loss if he doesn't scold him enough?

"Go ahead and scold him as much as you want. You will never have such an opportunity again." An old man said in a ferocious voice.

Ji Wufeng suddenly closed his mouth and said, "I have one more wish before I die. Can a few seniors fulfill it for me?"

"Tell me, we have always been tolerant and generous to a person who is about to die." An old man agreed generously.

"Let me go!" Ji Wufeng said very spinelessly.

It is very spineless to beg for mercy, but Ji Wufeng felt that if you lose your life and can't even save your bones, how can you talk about your spine?

"I'm sorry, we may not be able to fulfill your last wish." An old man said coldly.

Ji Wufeng glared and cursed: "Fuck you, uncle, didn't you just say you are tolerant and generous? You can't even satisfy me with such a small request. You are so tolerant and generous. I despise you. Your words don't count." If you die, you will become a bastard!"

Ji Wufeng's scolding became more intense, jumping up and down, spitting foam all over the faces of the four old men.

"It's time for you to hit the road!"

An old man couldn't control himself anymore. He wiped the spit from his face, raised his fist and smashed Ji Wufeng's head.


In this situation, Ji Wufeng's head should have been smashed to pieces as usual, but Ji Wufeng stood there calmly, but the old man who attacked him seemed to have been beaten by a ghost, his body was sideways. Fly out.

Uh, what's going on? Could it be that I stand on the Seven Stars and the Purple Star descends to earth, and whenever I encounter danger, I will have divine power to repel the enemy?

"Who is it?" The expressions of the four old men changed, and they stared at Ji Wufeng and shouted coldly.

"Ha ha……"

Ji Wufeng laughed loudly, pointed at the four old guys and shouted arrogantly: "Did you see it? Your young master is not a big cabbage. You can cut it any way you want. I warn you, if you dare to touch a hair on my head, God will not stop you." I will let you go."

Unexpectedly, a strange voice suddenly sounded from behind him, saying: "I kind of regret coming to save you. A shameless and shameless person like you will make you lose your appetite just by looking at him!"

"Who is scolding me? Come forward, uh...who are you?"

Ji Wufeng looked back and saw a super handsome guy with long hair, a handsome face, and a black robe standing behind him!

It’s so jealous. Women will be jealous of beautiful women, and of course men will be jealous of handsome guys.

Li Yunxiao is already a super handsome guy, and this guy's looks are not inferior to Li Yunxiao's. Compared to Li Yunxiao's handsomeness, this guy has an evil aura all over his body, which makes women even more fascinated.

"Who is your pretty boy?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Your grandpa is so handsome. If we show up together in the future, you will let the pretty girls go and let me go drink the northwest wind?

"Is this how you treat your savior?" Tian Wuxin said coldly.

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said, "Did I ask you to save me? I think you are jealous that I am more handsome than you, and you came here specifically to see me make a fool of myself?"

He didn't know if this handsome guy was jealous of him, but he was sure that he would be jealous of the handsome guy in front of him.

"Hehe... I was skeptical before I came, but now I think you are invincible just because of your shameless temper." Tian Wuxin said hehe.

"I don't care who you are. When the Gu family is doing things, no matter who you are, you have to stay away!" An old man saw the two people chatting enthusiastically there and didn't even bother to pay attention to them. He immediately became angry.

I'm here to kill people today. You look down on people so much, do you still have moral cultivation?

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