Suddenly, a ghastly and terrifying aura spread, and a man shrouded in black robes appeared at the scene at some unknown time. He twisted the neck of a little Yakuza and swung it with all his strength. His body flew out as if it were made of plastic. After knocking over several tables, he passed out.

"This is the Black Dragon Gang. If they cause trouble here, kill them!" A sharp voice came from the man in black robe.

I saw that the face of the man in black robe was frighteningly pale, with no blood at all, just like the face of a dead person, and his two palms were as dry as dead branches. When he spoke, the eerie and terrifying aura made him look like... A fierce ghost instantly calmed down those troublemaking little brats.

Ji Wufeng wiped the wine stains from the corner of his mouth and said, "It's so noisy. It makes me want to kill someone."

The scene was controlled by the man in black, and the waiters in the bar began to shout and shouted fiercely: "What the hell, just stay there and be honest..."

The masked man suddenly moved at this time, and a wine bottle flew out, hitting the man who yelled the most fiercely on the head. ??


The wine bottle was smashed and turned into a pile of broken glass.

This is nothing strange. The wine bottle is made of glass, and glass will break when touched. But not only did the wine bottle break, but a head also broke.

I saw that the head was like a watermelon hit by a dozens of kilograms of shot put. It was instantly smashed, and the viscous liquid mixed with blood and brain was sprayed everywhere!

In an instant, the bar became deathly silent. Everyone who went to the nightclub had naturally seen bloody scenes, and members of the Black Dragon Gang had even killed people with their own hands, but this was definitely the first time they had seen such a bloody scene.

"Wow... ugh..."

Someone vomited, and then a large group of people lay on the table and vomited crazily.

Ji Wufeng had a depressed look on his face. This guy was a bit angry. He would do whatever he asked. He had such a personality.

"you wanna die!"

Everyone was frightened, but the man in black robe had a fierce look on his face, and a trace of black energy suddenly spread from his body, and he rushed over like a ghost.

The man in black robe moved very quickly, rushing over almost as fast as lightning. However, when he reached the bar, he suddenly stopped moving because his neck was pinched tightly by a big hand.


With a gentle force of his hand, the masked man pulled out the black-robed man's head like a carrot, threw it to the ground, and then returned to his seat.

Unexpectedly, Ji Wufeng pointed at his back with a smile and said, "It's not completely done yet."

Ji Wufeng looked back and saw that although the man in black robe had his head removed, he was not dead yet and actually rushed towards him waving his arms.


The masked man slapped him with his backhand, and the black-robed man's body turned into a puddle of meat as if it had been hit by a large truck.

Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "It's finally quiet."

It was indeed very quiet, and it was a bit too quiet. There were at least a hundred people in the bar, and at this time, except for the sound of violent breathing, there was no other sound.

"Oh my god, I killed someone..."

I don’t know who screamed, and the silence in the bar was instantly broken. The whole scene was filled with howling ghosts, crying for father and mother.

, one by one rolling and crawling out of the bar.

Fights are often seen, and even if someone is beaten to death, there is nothing surprising. But pulling off a person's head and beating the person into a pulp with a palm, they have never seen it in their lives.

Immediately, the originally bustling bar suddenly became quiet because everyone ran out, including the members of the Black Dragon Gang and the waiters in the bar.

Ji Wufeng poured the last bottle of wine into his stomach in one breath, then stood up and walked to the wine cabinet, saying depressedly: "You have to do it yourself when you come to the bar to drink. I really don't know how to do business. I think it will be bad sooner or later."

After taking a few bottles of transparent wine with foreign characters printed on it, Ji Wufeng cursed again: "What does it taste like? It's just like horse urine!"

Finally, I found a few bottles of wine and drank together, and said, "What happened? No one has come here for half a year. I think the business is not doing well, and the fighting is not good. Don't you dare to come?"

The masked person said: "No, I won't come. Since they dare to take Jiangling District, they won't give up easily. This is a very important stronghold for them."

Ji Wufeng said with an evil look on his face: "Then I will turn this place into a gate of hell!"

With rapid footsteps, hundreds of big men in black were seen rushing in. Half of them had sharp weapons in their hands, while the rest had guns in their hands.

Jiangling District is located in the center of Yuzhou. These people are holding arms so unscrupulously. It seems that the Black Dragon Gang has reached a strong point.

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said, "It turns out that some small fish came here and made me wait for a long time."

"Where are you from? You didn't know this was the Black Dragon Gang..." The person yelled at the two of them.

The masked man's eyes instantly turned gloomy and terrifying, and his body suddenly rose up. When he appeared again, he was already standing in front of the yelling man, and slashed him with a hand knife.

The man was slashed away by the masked man's hand knife. After he landed on the ground, his shoulders and waist seemed to have been chopped off with a sharp weapon. He was split into two halves. He bounced on the ground a few times and then stopped moving.

Feather Guards, the most loyal guards, are also the sharpest killing weapons!

The masked man rushed into the crowd with his bare hands, but he was like a man-hungry tiger with fangs spread out and pounced on the sheep. He opened and closed the knife widely, like the Yangtze River pouring down, but no one could stop it. There was no unnecessary movement. Every time he hit someone, It must be a scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere!

This seems to be a feast with the theme of death. Just like Ji Wufeng said just now, the door to the underworld has been opened, and this is the gate of hell!

The king of hell is here, the judge goes first, the feast of death begins to enter the theme, the temperature of life is gradually stolen by the darkness, the door to the underworld has really been opened!

Someone was so frightened that they shouted at the top of their lungs: "Brothers, you must kill them, otherwise everyone will die!"

The gunfire rang out, and bullets shot towards the masked man like raindrops. As soon as the masked man stamped his feet, the man disappeared. A figure flashed past. A big man was having fun shooting when suddenly a big mouth slapped him hard. come over.


His head was as if it were made of tofu, it was beaten to pieces, and his body slowly fell to the ground. His finger still kept pulling the trigger, and bullets kept shooting out.


Someone felt a pain from the junior, looked down and saw a palm emerging from his chest, with a beating heart on the palm. Suddenly, a ghastly and terrifying aura spread, and a man shrouded in black robes appeared at the scene at some unknown time. He twisted the neck of a little Yakuza and swung it with all his strength. His body flew out as if it were made of plastic. After knocking over several tables, he passed out.

"This is the Black Dragon Gang. If they cause trouble here, kill them!" A sharp voice came from the man in black robe.

I saw that the face of the man in black robe was frighteningly pale, with no blood at all, just like the face of a dead person, and his two palms were as dry as dead branches. When he spoke, the eerie and terrifying aura made him look like... A fierce ghost instantly calmed down those troublemaking little brats.

Ji Wufeng wiped the wine stains from the corner of his mouth and said, "It's so noisy. It makes me want to kill someone."

The scene was controlled by the man in black, and the waiters in the bar began to shout and shouted fiercely: "What the hell, just stay there and be honest..."

The masked man suddenly moved at this time, and a wine bottle flew out, hitting the man who yelled the most fiercely on the head.


The wine bottle was smashed and turned into a pile of broken glass.

This is nothing strange. The wine bottle is made of glass, and glass will break when touched. But not only did the wine bottle break, but a head also broke.

I saw that the head was like a watermelon hit by a dozens of kilograms of shot put. It was instantly smashed, and the viscous liquid mixed with blood and brain was sprayed everywhere!

In an instant, the bar became deathly silent. Everyone who went to the nightclub had naturally seen bloody scenes, and members of the Black Dragon Gang had even killed people with their own hands, but this was definitely the first time they had seen such a bloody scene.

"Wow... ugh..."

Someone vomited, and then a large group of people lay on the table and vomited crazily.

Ji Wufeng had a depressed look on his face. This guy was a bit angry. He would do whatever he asked. He had such a personality.

"you wanna die!"

Everyone was frightened, but the man in black robe had a fierce look on his face, and a trace of black energy suddenly spread from his body, and he rushed over like a ghost.

The man in black robe moved very quickly, rushing over almost as fast as lightning. However, when he reached the bar, he suddenly stopped moving because his neck was pinched tightly by a big hand.


With a gentle force of his hand, the masked man pulled out the black-robed man's head like a carrot, threw it to the ground, and then returned to his seat.

Unexpectedly, Ji Wufeng pointed at his back with a smile and said, "It's not completely done yet."

Ji Wufeng looked back and saw that although the man in black robe had his head removed, he was not dead yet and actually rushed towards him waving his arms.


The masked man slapped him with his backhand, and the black-robed man's body turned into a puddle of meat as if it had been hit by a large truck.

Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "It's finally quiet."

It was indeed very quiet, and it was a bit too quiet. There were at least a hundred people in the bar, and at this time, except for the sound of violent breathing, there was no other sound.

"Oh my god, I killed someone..."

I don’t know who screamed, and the silence in the bar was instantly broken. The whole scene was filled with howling ghosts, crying for father and mother.

, one by one rolling and crawling out of the bar.

Fights are often seen, and even if someone is beaten to death, there is nothing surprising. But pulling off a person's head and beating the person into a pulp with a palm, they have never seen it in their lives.

Immediately, the originally bustling bar suddenly became quiet because everyone ran out, including the members of the Black Dragon Gang and the waiters in the bar.

Ji Wufeng poured the last bottle of wine into his stomach in one breath, then stood up and walked to the wine cabinet, saying depressedly: "You have to do it yourself when you come to the bar to drink. I really don't know how to do business. I think it will be bad sooner or later."

After taking a few bottles of transparent wine with foreign characters printed on it, Ji Wufeng cursed again: "What does it taste like? It's just like horse urine!"

Finally, I found a few bottles of wine and drank together, and said, "What happened? No one has come here for half a year. I think the business is not doing well, and the fighting is not good. Don't you dare to come?"

The masked person said: "No, I won't come. Since they dare to take Jiangling District, they won't give up easily. This is a very important stronghold for them."

Ji Wufeng said with an evil look on his face: "Then I will turn this place into a gate of hell!"

With rapid footsteps, hundreds of big men in black were seen rushing in. Half of them had sharp weapons in their hands, while the rest had guns in their hands.

Jiangling District is located in the center of Yuzhou. These people are holding arms so unscrupulously. It seems that the Black Dragon Gang has reached a strong point.

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said, "It turns out that some small fish came here and made me wait for a long time."

"Where are you from? You didn't know this was the Black Dragon Gang..." The person yelled at the two of them.

The masked man's eyes instantly turned gloomy and terrifying, and his body suddenly rose up. When he appeared again, he was already standing in front of the yelling man, and slashed him with a hand knife.

The man was slashed away by the masked man's hand knife. After he landed on the ground, his shoulders and waist seemed to have been chopped off with a sharp weapon. He was split into two halves. He bounced on the ground a few times and then stopped moving.

Feather Guards, the most loyal guards, are also the sharpest killing weapons!

The masked man rushed into the crowd with his bare hands, but he was like a man-hungry tiger with fangs spread out and pounced on the sheep. He opened and closed the knife widely, like the Yangtze River pouring down, but no one could stop it. There was no unnecessary movement. Every time he hit someone, It must be a scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere!

This seems to be a feast with the theme of death. Just like Ji Wufeng said just now, the door to the underworld has been opened, and this is the gate of hell!

The king of hell is here, the judge goes first, the feast of death begins to enter the theme, the temperature of life is gradually stolen by the darkness, the door to the underworld has really been opened!

Someone was so frightened that they shouted at the top of their lungs: "Brothers, you must kill them, otherwise everyone will die!"

The gunfire rang out, and bullets shot towards the masked man like raindrops. As soon as the masked man stamped his feet, the man disappeared. A figure flashed past. A big man was having fun shooting when suddenly a big mouth slapped him hard. come over.


His head was as if it were made of tofu, it was beaten to pieces, and his body slowly fell to the ground. His finger still kept pulling the trigger, and bullets kept shooting out.


Someone felt a pain from the junior, looked down and saw a palm emerging from his chest, with a beating heart on the palm.

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