Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1239 I want to catch big fish

It was the palm of the masked man that pierced him from the back, and that heart was his.


Someone was slapped on the head, and poof, the whole person collapsed on the ground. Except for the head, which was still intact, the whole body became a puddle of meat.

Ji Wufeng was like a demon with black wings walking among the crowd, bringing bloody death wherever he went.

When the masked man stopped, there was not a single living person in the bar, not even a complete corpse.

Looking at the masked man covered in blood, Ji Wufeng said speechlessly: "You are quite ruthless."

The masked man said calmly: "That's because we have experienced more brutal massacres!"

Suddenly, an aura that was so gloomy that it chilled the whole body came overwhelmingly. Ji Wufeng's hand holding the wine glass paused at the same time, grinning happily: "Finally, the big fish has arrived."

At this time, in the hall, blood was like a trickle, and the floor was full of dismembered and broken flesh and blood corpses. It was like a slaughterhouse.

At this moment, a group of weirdos covered in black robes appeared strangely in this bloody scene. They exuded a strong sound of death and looked like seducers from hell.


Black mist spread from the man in black, and he rushed towards the two men with a dry and harsh roar.

The masked man suddenly rose up, grabbed the shoulder of a man in black, and grabbed his waist with the other hand. He pulled hard with both hands. The man in black's body was like it was made of paper, and he was directly hit by it. Torn in half.

Ji Wufeng came with murderous intent, and naturally he would not be idle at this time. He reached behind a man in black with one step, grabbed his neck, and swung him into the air.


The man in black was whipped to the ground like a human-shaped stick in Ji Wufeng's hands. The man in black was immediately beaten to pieces, and the violent energy knocked several nearby men in black away.

The man in black was roaring crazily, like a ghost roaring!

Ji Wufeng is like the king who dominates death at this time, walking between life and death. The fresh life dies in his hands, and the desperate death is annihilated in their hands!

Jiangling District is the most prosperous place in Yuzhou, and bars are gathering places for nightlife enthusiasts. However, there is a deathly silence around this bar. The terrifying screams coming from inside make everyone retreat, even stray dogs and rats. They were all running away like crazy, as if they were escaping from death.

Knowing that everything was lost, the police showed up. They had been notified by Long Feng and were mentally prepared. However, when they entered the bar, they were still horrified. It was too tragic.

The news that the Black Dragon Gang's stronghold in Jiangling District had been killed quickly spread, and Qianye Liu on the screen yelled crazily: "Trash, trash, everything is trash!"

Ye Qianxiang sneered: "Control everything? Now it seems that it is not what you said."

Although the situation was good before this, Ye Qianxiang has always had an uneasy feeling. Tianfeng Group, Ye's Group, and Tianxiang Group are all under his control, but Ye Xixi and Jiang Ruoshui have never been seen, and they followed them together. Also missing were Lu Zixuan and Heilong.

Many people believe in women's sixth sense. Now Ye Qianxiang finally understands why he has been uneasy. On the surface, everything seems to be under control, but sometimes

Even if you hold it in your hand, it may be taken away by others at any time.

"You bitch, I don't care what price you pay, I must get the Tianfeng Group!" Qianye Liu roared.

Although a mere stronghold of the Black Dragon Gang was massacred, Qianba Liu felt a strong sense of crisis, but if he just left like this, he would never be willing to do so!

Ye Qianxiang's eyes were filled with confusion. Do you really want to take that step?

It was dawn, but another shocking news spread. A man wearing a silver mask single-handedly targeted eight gang members of the Black Dragon Gang. Wherever he passed, rivers of blood flowed and corpses were everywhere.

The Black Dragon Gang had a total of nine entrances to the hall, eight of which were trampled down in one breath, and none of them survived.

Liu Qingqing saw the scene on the computer screen, resisted vomiting and said with a pale face: "This person is really terrible, who is he?"

The Black Dragon Gang has dominated the world of Yuzhou in such a short period of time, and even several leading families have to retreat. However, the masked man killed the Black Dragon Gang alone and shed a river of blood. If he were an enemy, it would be really scary.

"Don't worry, he is not an enemy!"

Ji Wufeng put aside the topic and said, "How is the situation at Tianfeng Group?"

"Ren Feixing was imprisoned by Ye Qianxiang, and the old ghost was also placed under house arrest. Now Ye Qianxiang basically has the final say." Liu Qing said.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and said, "Have no one from the Qianye family shown up yet?"

Liu shook his head gently and said: "No, but now that the masked man is making such a big fuss, I guess the Chiba family won't dare to show his face again."

"No, the hatred between me and the Qianye family is irresolvable. They have endured it for so long, and now they have the fat in their mouths. There is no way they will let it go so easily." Ji Wufeng affirmed.

"But now the Qianye family has put their heads in their shells and just caught one Ye Qianxiang. Isn't it too cost-effective?"

"It's certainly not cost-effective to cast such a big net just to catch a small fish, so we'll cast erbium again. It's a bait that big fish can't refuse!" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

The door opened, and Ren Feixing sat quietly on the bed. His injuries had healed, but he looked even thinner. His desolation was completely different from that of the former high-spirited Tianfeng leader.

Seeing the indifference in Ye Qianxiang's eyes, Ren Feixing smiled, finally reaching this point.

"Tell me where Tianfeng's core information is, and you can get whatever you want." Ye Qianxiang said.

"No need, you can't give me what I want." Ren Feixing closed his eyes and said.

"You can continue to be in charge of Tianfeng."

"I am no longer the Chiba family's dog!"

"I'm included."

Ren Feixing opened his eyes, stood up and looked at Ye Qianxiang carefully, and said, "This condition is irresistible, but unfortunately, you are no longer what I want."

Ye Qianxiang's fingers trembled slightly and said, "You should know very well that if I fail to achieve my goal, you will die."

"Ha ha……"

Ren Feixing laughed and said, "Did you forget? I was already dead."

"I'm sorry..." Ye Qianxiang said quietly.


A sharp cold light broke through the door and hit Ren Feixing's head. At the same time, an even sharper aura came through the air. It was the palm of the masked man that pierced him from the back, and that heart was his.


Someone was slapped on the head, and poof, the whole person collapsed on the ground. Except for the head, which was still intact, the whole body became a puddle of meat.

Ji Wufeng was like a demon with black wings walking among the crowd, bringing bloody death wherever he went.

When the masked man stopped, there was not a single living person in the bar, not even a complete corpse.

Looking at the masked man covered in blood, Ji Wufeng said speechlessly: "You are quite ruthless." .??.

The masked man said calmly: "That's because we have experienced more brutal massacres!"

Suddenly, an aura that was so gloomy that it chilled the whole body came overwhelmingly. Ji Wufeng's hand holding the wine glass paused at the same time, grinning happily: "Finally, the big fish has arrived."

At this time, in the hall, blood was like a trickle, and the floor was full of dismembered and broken flesh and blood corpses. It was like a slaughterhouse.

At this moment, a group of weirdos covered in black robes appeared strangely in this bloody scene. They exuded a strong sound of death and looked like seducers from hell.


Black mist spread from the man in black, and he rushed towards the two men with a dry and harsh roar.

The masked man suddenly rose up, grabbed the shoulder of a man in black, and grabbed his waist with the other hand. He pulled hard with both hands. The man in black's body was like it was made of paper, and he was directly hit by it. Torn in half.

Ji Wufeng came with murderous intent, and naturally he would not be idle at this time. He reached behind a man in black with one step, grabbed his neck, and swung him into the air.


The man in black was whipped to the ground like a human-shaped stick in Ji Wufeng's hands. The man in black was immediately beaten to pieces, and the violent energy knocked several nearby men in black away.

The man in black was roaring crazily, like a ghost roaring!

Ji Wufeng is like the king who dominates death at this time, walking between life and death. The fresh life dies in his hands, and the desperate death is annihilated in their hands!

Jiangling District is the most prosperous place in Yuzhou, and bars are gathering places for nightlife enthusiasts. However, there is a deathly silence around this bar. The terrifying screams coming from inside make everyone retreat, even stray dogs and rats. They were all running away like crazy, as if they were escaping from death.

Knowing that everything was lost, the police showed up. They had been notified by Long Feng and were mentally prepared. However, when they entered the bar, they were still horrified. It was too tragic.

The news that the Black Dragon Gang's stronghold in Jiangling District had been killed quickly spread, and Qianye Liu on the screen yelled crazily: "Trash, trash, everything is trash!"

Ye Qianxiang sneered: "Control everything? Now it seems that it is not what you said."

Although the situation was good before this, Ye Qianxiang has always had an uneasy feeling. Tianfeng Group, Ye's Group, and Tianxiang Group are all under his control, but Ye Xixi and Jiang Ruoshui have never been seen, and they followed them together. Also missing were Lu Zixuan and Heilong.

Many people believe in women's sixth sense. Now Ye Qianxiang finally understands why he has been uneasy. On the surface, everything seems to be under control, but sometimes

Even if you hold it in your hand, it may be taken away by others at any time.

"You bitch, I don't care what price you pay, I must get the Tianfeng Group!" Qianye Liu roared.

Although a mere stronghold of the Black Dragon Gang was massacred, Qianba Liu felt a strong sense of crisis, but if he just left like this, he would never be willing to do so!

Ye Qianxiang's eyes were filled with confusion. Do you really want to take that step?

It was dawn, but another shocking news spread. A man wearing a silver mask single-handedly targeted eight gang members of the Black Dragon Gang. Wherever he passed, rivers of blood flowed and corpses were everywhere.

The Black Dragon Gang had a total of nine entrances to the hall, eight of which were trampled down in one breath, and none of them survived.

Liu Qingqing saw the scene on the computer screen, resisted vomiting and said with a pale face: "This person is really terrible, who is he?"

The Black Dragon Gang has dominated the world of Yuzhou in such a short period of time, and even several leading families have to retreat. However, the masked man killed the Black Dragon Gang alone and shed a river of blood. If he were an enemy, it would be really scary.

"Don't worry, he is not an enemy!"

Ji Wufeng put aside the topic and said, "How is the situation at Tianfeng Group?"

"Ren Feixing was imprisoned by Ye Qianxiang, and the old ghost was also placed under house arrest. Now Ye Qianxiang basically has the final say." Liu Qing said.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and said, "Have no one from the Qianye family shown up yet?"

Liu shook his head gently and said: "No, but now that the masked man is making such a big fuss, I guess the Chiba family won't dare to show his face again."

"No, the hatred between me and the Qianye family is irresolvable. They have endured it for so long, and now they have the fat in their mouths. There is no way they will let it go so easily." Ji Wufeng affirmed.

"But now the Qianye family has put their heads in their shells and just caught one Ye Qianxiang. Isn't it too cost-effective?"

"It's certainly not cost-effective to cast such a big net just to catch a small fish, so we'll cast erbium again. It's a bait that big fish can't refuse!" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

The door opened, and Ren Feixing sat quietly on the bed. His injuries had healed, but he looked even thinner. His desolation was completely different from that of the former high-spirited Tianfeng leader.

Seeing the indifference in Ye Qianxiang's eyes, Ren Feixing smiled, finally reaching this point.

"Tell me where Tianfeng's core information is, and you can get whatever you want." Ye Qianxiang said.

"No need, you can't give me what I want." Ren Feixing closed his eyes and said.

"You can continue to be in charge of Tianfeng."

"I am no longer the Chiba family's dog!"

"I'm included."

Ren Feixing opened his eyes, stood up and looked at Ye Qianxiang carefully, and said, "This condition is irresistible, but unfortunately, you are no longer what I want."

Ye Qianxiang's fingers trembled slightly and said, "You should know very well that if I fail to achieve my goal, you will die."

"Ha ha……"

Ren Feixing laughed and said, "Did you forget? I was already dead."

"I'm sorry..." Ye Qianxiang said quietly.


A sharp cold light broke through the door and hit Ren Feixing's head. At the same time, an even sharper aura came through the air.

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