In terms of combat power, Chiba-ryu is indeed very powerful, but unfortunately, Chiba-ryu only possesses pure power, but does not have the state of mind that a strong person should have.

Take Ji Wufeng for example, he has too many ways to increase his skill in a short period of time, but he can't do that because his state of mind must improve at the same time as his skill.

If the skill is too strong and the state of mind is not enough, you will not be able to exert your true fighting power at all, and there are huge hidden dangers, and you will most likely go crazy.

"In my opinion, you are just a nouveau riche. Once you have money, you only know how to brag. What else can you do? But the real rich people are different. Their money is not used to brag. Instead, it is used to make more money. You are now a nouveau riche, and I am the real rich man!"

"This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Qianye Liu went a little crazy, and finally shouted: "I am the strongest, there is no way I will lose..."

Looking at Qianye Liu who was falling into madness, Ji Wufeng shook his head. Such a guy was too far behind Gu Tianyang and was not worthy of being his opponent.

He turned to look at Black Dragon. It was very strange. He found that Black Dragon was only a mere Grandmaster, but he actually felt a hint of threat from him.

"I let you run away last time, but this time I want to see what you are." Ji Wufeng said.

"Jie Jie... I didn't expect that I would have to personally get rid of you in the end."

The black dragon suddenly went crazy, roared, and his body began to swell. The clothes on his body were torn, revealing the bulging muscles inside. No, those were not human muscles, because they were actually covered with terrifying scales.

The whole body of the black dragon was revealed. The human-shaped body was covered with dense scales, and the limbs were like devil's claws.

This is no longer a human being, but a terrifying monster!

When Ji Wufeng rescued the Ling sisters, he had encountered the Black Dragon. He also learned from Ye Linglong that the Black Dragon relied on animal genes to enhance their strength. To put it bluntly, they were half-human and half-animal.

After Ji Wufeng killed the black dragon warrior who was chasing the Ling sisters, he sneered, thinking that even half-beasts were nothing but trash.

Now it seems that he underestimated it. Although this black dragon only has the cultivation level of a grand master, after its transformation, it has astonishing power comparable to that of a royal warrior.

"Go to hell!" the black dragon roared and rushed towards Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng was already on guard, but the black dragon's movements were too fast. In a flash, he arrived in front of Ji Wufeng and grabbed Ji Wufeng's head with one claw.

In a hurry, Ji Wufeng punched him!


The black dragon was knocked upside down, and its claw-like feet carved two deep ravines on the hard ground. Ji Wufeng felt uncomfortable. He took several steps back before he could stabilize his body, and bloodshot eyes started to flow from the corners of his mouth again. .

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but yelled and cursed. He was injured twice in a row today. It was so embarrassing.

"Hey, it's your turn to take action." Ji Wufeng said to the masked man.

Unexpectedly, the masked man bowed and said: "The master has given instructions not to take action unless necessary."

"What do you mean by unnecessary circumstances?"

"It's just that the young master is not close to death yet."


Ji Wufeng couldn't help but screamed and cursed. He originally thought that a free thug was coming, but he didn't expect that he had no intention of taking action at all, which made him feel frustrated.

"go to hell."

Feeling aggrieved, Ji Wufeng was filled with annoyance. He roared and rushed towards the black dragon, opened his palm and swiped it hard.


The black dragon was whipped and flew out. His body knocked a ravine into the ground, and a large mouthful of blood overflowed from his mouth.

However, the black dragon roared excitedly: "Hahaha... Ji Wufeng, you can't kill me, hahaha..."

The scales on the black dragon's body were glowing with blood, and the scars were healing at an astonishing speed. He actually had the characteristics of an undead warrior.

"Damn it, I can't kill you, but I want to see if I can't really kill you..."

Ji Wufeng became even more furious and had no reservations anymore. He ducked in front of the black dragon and stomped it down hard. Suddenly, the black dragon's entire body sank into the ground.

boom! boom! boom!

Ji Wufeng stamped his feet crazily. Every time he stamped his feet, the ground shook violently and blood spattered. Ji Wufeng couldn't see the scene inside the pit, but he felt that even if the black dragon hadn't been trampled into a pulp, it probably wouldn't. How much better. .??.

Ji Wufeng didn't stop until he was breathing heavily from exhaustion, but he saw that the black dragon's destroyed and mangled body was rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although it was not as fast as Qianye Liu, it was equally astonishing.

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt that Ultraman fighting little monsters was not a fairy tale, because monsters can really be seen everywhere!

"Hahaha... I am already immortal, Ji Wufeng, you can't kill me!" Black Dragon laughed proudly.

But before the black dragon could fully recover, his body suddenly flew up and he was sucked away by a powerful attraction.

It was Qianye Liu, who grabbed the black dragon's head with his palm and smiled ferociously.

Black Dragon's expression changed drastically, and he said sternly: "Qianye Liu, what are you going to do?"

"Black Dragon, do you still remember the agreement between us?"

Qianye Liu said with a ferocious face: "You said that I would help you practice the Black Dragon Swallowing Heaven Technique, and you would help me deal with Ji Wufeng. Now it is time to fulfill your promise."

Qianye Liu grabbed his hand, and the black dragon's body immediately twitched and let out an extremely miserable howl!

Ji Wufeng's face was full of astonishment. He did not expect that Qianye Liu would be so cruel and would not spare Black Dragon. However, he did not stop him. Both Qianye Liu and Black Dragon must die today.

"Bastard, stop it..." Black Dragon roared sharply.

But Qianye Liu was unmoved at all, frantically extracting his skill and vitality.

"Haha... this feels so amazing, hahaha..."

Qianye Liu looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. Black Dragon became angry and said hatefully: "Qianye Liu, you bastard, I won't let you succeed!"


The black dragon's body suddenly exploded, and a cloud of blood mist rose up. At this time, the hatred in his heart was overwhelming, and he would rather self-destruct than fulfill Qianye Liu.

"You bastard, you really deserve to die. Since you are deliberately seeking death, I will help you!"


Qianye Liu punched the black dragon on the head, and the terrible destructive power immediately turned the black dragon's body into a bloody mist. Qianye Liu opened his mouth and actually sucked a large ball of blood mist into his mouth. inside.


Qianye Liu suddenly let out a shrill scream and fell to the ground, rolling on the ground. His hands were tearing at the flesh of his body crazily, and his claw-like claws scratched the skin, and the ulcerated skin Not a drop of blood came out from under it.

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