Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1245 The Domineering Chiba Style

It actually grew black scales like a black dragon!

The black scales became denser and denser, covering his whole body in an instant. At the same time, Qianye Liu's body was also expanding. His originally thin body became burly, covered with terrifying black scales, and his limbs turned into sharp claws.

Like the Black Dragon, Qianye Liu is no longer a person, but has become a terrifying monster!

The pain gradually disappeared. Qianye Liu stood up, shook his ferocious head, and said with intoxicated excitement: "Jiejie, it's so amazing. I didn't expect the black dragon's bloodline to be so powerful. It's a pity. If it had been long ago If I knew, I would have devoured him long ago, but it’s not too late now!”

Qianye Liu turned to stare at Ji Wufeng, like a bloodthirsty beast staring at its prey!

Ji Wufeng also felt the transformation of Qianye Liu, and his strength increased a lot, and said: "It has become more and more disgusting. If I don't kill you today, what should I do if you scare the children?"

"You are so arrogant even when you are about to die!"

As soon as Qianye Liu finished speaking, black energy rose from his body. He ducked in front of Ji Wufeng and punched him in the chest.


Ji Wufeng was sent flying, and his body hit the mountain wall hard, causing the entire mountain to shake violently.

With one step forward, Qianye Liu arrived in front of Ji Wufeng and slashed his claws at Ji Wufeng's neck. Ji Wufeng became angry and punched out with a roar.

This time it was Qianyeliu who flew out, smashing a big hole into the mountain wall on the opposite side!

Ji Wufeng did not stop and stepped in the direction of Qianye Liu, but then Qianye Liu's domineering fist came forward.


The energy generated by the collision of fists and feet was too strong. The cave could not withstand such a terrible impact and was about to collapse.

The bodies of the two of them rushed out like two cannonballs. With the strength they were arousing now, this battlefield was too small.

Just as Ji Wufeng landed, a ray of black energy shot out from Qianye Liu's eyes and hit the place where he was originally standing. However, Ji Wufeng disappeared in a flash and appeared behind Qianye Liu, on the mountain of earth not far in front of Qianye Liu. Bao became Ji Wufeng's scapegoat.

The black energy shot onto the mound, and the mound began to tilt slowly, as if tofu was cut open with a sword, and collapsed in two halves.

At this time, Ji Wufeng, who appeared behind Qianye Liu, put a palm print on Qianye Liu's vest. His feminine energy was concentrated in his palm, making it impossible for anyone to feel it at all.

But Qianye Liu felt the crisis, and the black light on his body became strong. The black light like a sharp sword suddenly burst out from his body and shot out in all directions.

The moment he was hit by the black light, Ji Wufeng dodged and appeared in front of Qianye Liu again. He punched out hard and collided fiercely with the black light.

Two completely different Qi energies scratched the ground, leaving deep ravines, as if they had been cut by a sharp weapon. If they hit a person, they would be cut into pieces on the spot.

Ji Wufeng frowned for a while. Whether it was Qianye Liu or Black Dragon, they were nothing to worry about in his opinion, but he didn't expect that the combined power of the two would be so strong.

boom! boom! boom!

The two kept colliding, and their movements became faster and faster. From a distance, it looked like two afterimages colliding with each other, but every collision would emit powerful energy and spread out in all directions.

This caused disaster to the flowers, plants and trees nearby.

When it blows by, it instantly turns into fly ash.


A fierce collision sent the two of them flying sideways. One was driven into the rocks of the mountain, and the other broke a dozen trees before stopping.

"Jiejie, it's so amazing. I really like the feeling of this kind of power pouring into my whole body. Roar..."

After Qianye Liu laughed wildly, his body suddenly tensed up, his two sharp claws clenched into fists, and then suddenly curled together, as if something was about to burst out of his body, and a weird roar came from his mouth.

"Damn it, what's wrong with him? Is he suffering from epilepsy? Or is it the sequelae of such an experiment on himself?"

Seeing Qianye Liu's extremely painful look, Ji Wufeng was about to laugh, but he suddenly felt a truly domineering and extremely strange power.


Qianyeliu suddenly opened his limbs violently and let out an explosive roar from his mouth, which caused large-scale vibrations in the distant mountain peaks. Some rocks and trees that were closer could not withstand the explosive roar and exploded one after another. .

A powerful and strange aura slowly oppressed everything here, cracks appeared on the ground, and large areas of flowers, plants and trees died.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Ji Wufeng was a little uneasy, raised his fist and hit the ground hard.


The violent force burst out, and the whole ground was shaking. All the trees swept by the energy exploded and then turned into ashes. The hard stones were also shaken and flew up, exploding in the air. The air was full of Some large and small gravel fell down.

Qianye Liu's body was filled with black light, and Ji Wufeng's body was filled with energy, and he rushed toward the opponent like thunder.


The two collided again, this time it was simple and violent, without any moves, it was purely a competition of strength and strength. The unparalleled energy exploded from the two of them, and the void actually became distorted.


A strange roar suddenly came from Qianye Liu's mouth. It was not something a human could make, but more like the roar of a beast.

An astonishing scene appeared. His claws suddenly expanded and became extremely huge. Not only his claws, but his whole body was also expanding, and in an instant it grew to a height of five meters.

This has completely broken away from the category of human beings, Qianba Liu has completely turned into a huge monster!

"Haha...Ji Wufeng, you should die!"

Qianye Liu laughed loudly and opened his huge claws to swipe at Ji Wufeng.


In front of Qianye Liu, Ji Wufeng's body looked pitifully small, like a fly that had been swatted away, with large mouthfuls of blood spilling from the air.

Before Ji Wufeng had time to land, Qianye Liu's huge body caught up with him in one step, raised his huge claws and slapped him hard.


Ji Wufeng slapped it to the ground, and his whole body sank into the ground. Qianye Liu raised his huge foot again and stamped it down hard!


Sand and dust covered the sky, and a huge crack appeared on the ground, as if the entire land was about to be stepped in half by Chiba Ryu's foot!

Ji Wufeng in the crack was seriously injured, his chest collapsed horribly, his body was covered in blood, and his whole body was twisted. It was very scary!

"Haha... Ji Wufeng, you are destined to be my food, accept your fate!" He actually grew black scales like a black dragon!

The black scales became denser and denser, covering his whole body in an instant. At the same time, Qianye Liu's body was also expanding. His originally thin body became burly, covered with terrifying black scales, and his limbs turned into sharp claws.

Like the Black Dragon, Qianye Liu is no longer a person, but has become a terrifying monster!

The pain gradually disappeared. Qianye Liu stood up, shook his ferocious head, and said with intoxicated excitement: "Jiejie, it's so amazing. I didn't expect the black dragon's bloodline to be so powerful. It's a pity. If it had been long ago If I knew, I would have devoured him long ago, but it’s not too late now!”

Qianye Liu turned to stare at Ji Wufeng, like a bloodthirsty beast staring at its prey!

Ji Wufeng also felt the transformation of Qianye Liu, and his strength increased a lot, and said: "It has become more and more disgusting. If I don't kill you today, what should I do if you scare the children?"

"You are still talking so shamelessly when you are about to die!"

As soon as Qianye Liu finished speaking, black energy rose from his body. He ducked in front of Ji Wufeng and punched him in the chest. ??


Ji Wufeng was sent flying, and his body hit the mountain wall hard, causing the entire mountain to shake violently.

With one step forward, Qianye Liu arrived in front of Ji Wufeng and slashed his claws at Ji Wufeng's neck. Ji Wufeng became angry and punched out with a roar.

This time it was Qianyeliu who flew out, smashing a big hole into the mountain wall on the opposite side!

Ji Wufeng did not stop and stepped in the direction of Qianye Liu, but then Qianye Liu's domineering fist came forward.


The energy generated by the collision of fists and feet was too strong. The cave could not withstand such a terrible impact and was about to collapse.

The bodies of the two of them rushed out like two cannonballs. With the strength they were arousing now, this battlefield was too small.

Just as Ji Wufeng landed, a ray of black energy shot out from Qianye Liu's eyes and hit the place where he was originally standing. However, Ji Wufeng disappeared in a flash and appeared behind Qianye Liu, on the mountain of earth not far in front of Qianye Liu. Bao became Ji Wufeng's scapegoat.

The black energy shot onto the mound, and the mound began to tilt slowly, as if tofu was cut open with a sword, and collapsed in two halves.

At this time, Ji Wufeng, who appeared behind Qianye Liu, put a palm print on Qianye Liu's vest. His feminine energy was concentrated in his palm, making it impossible for anyone to feel it at all.

But Qianye Liu felt the crisis, and the black light on his body became strong. The black light like a sharp sword suddenly burst out from his body and shot out in all directions.

The moment he was hit by the black light, Ji Wufeng dodged and appeared in front of Qianye Liu again. He punched out hard and collided fiercely with the black light.

Two completely different Qi energies scratched the ground, leaving deep ravines, as if they had been cut by a sharp weapon. If they hit a person, they would be cut into pieces on the spot.

Ji Wufeng frowned for a while. Whether it was Qianye Liu or Black Dragon, they were nothing to worry about in his opinion, but he didn't expect that the combined power of the two would be so strong.

boom! boom! boom!

The two kept colliding, and their movements became faster and faster. From a distance, it looked like two afterimages colliding with each other, but every collision would emit powerful energy and spread out in all directions.

This caused disaster to the flowers, plants and trees nearby.

When it blows by, it instantly turns into fly ash.


A fierce collision sent the two of them flying sideways. One was driven into the rocks of the mountain, and the other broke a dozen trees before stopping.

"Jiejie, it's so amazing. I really like the feeling of this kind of power pouring into my whole body. Roar..."

After Qianye Liu laughed wildly, his body suddenly tensed up, his two sharp claws clenched into fists, and then suddenly curled together, as if something was about to burst out of his body, and a weird roar came from his mouth.

"Damn it, what's wrong with him? Is he suffering from epilepsy? Or is it the sequelae of such an experiment on himself?"

Seeing Qianye Liu's extremely painful look, Ji Wufeng was about to laugh, but he suddenly felt a truly domineering and extremely strange power.


Qianyeliu suddenly opened his limbs violently and let out an explosive roar from his mouth, which caused large-scale vibrations in the distant mountain peaks. Some rocks and trees that were closer could not withstand the explosive roar and exploded one after another. .

A powerful and strange aura slowly oppressed everything here, cracks appeared on the ground, and large areas of flowers, plants and trees died.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Ji Wufeng was a little uneasy, raised his fist and hit the ground hard.


The violent force burst out, and the whole ground was shaking. All the trees swept by the energy exploded and then turned into ashes. The hard stones were also shaken and flew up, exploding in the air. The air was full of Some large and small gravel fell down.

Qianye Liu's body was filled with black light, and Ji Wufeng's body was filled with energy, and he rushed toward the opponent like thunder.


The two collided again, this time it was simple and violent, without any moves, it was purely a competition of strength and strength. The unparalleled energy exploded from the two of them, and the void actually became distorted.


A strange roar suddenly came from Qianye Liu's mouth. It was not something a human could make, but more like the roar of a beast.

An astonishing scene appeared. His claws suddenly expanded and became extremely huge. Not only his claws, but his whole body was also expanding, and in an instant it grew to a height of five meters.

This has completely broken away from the category of human beings, Qianba Liu has completely turned into a huge monster!

"Haha...Ji Wufeng, you should die!"

Qianye Liu laughed loudly and opened his huge claws to swipe at Ji Wufeng.


In front of Qianye Liu, Ji Wufeng's body looked pitifully small, like a fly that had been swatted away, with large mouthfuls of blood spilling from the air.

Before Ji Wufeng had time to land, Qianye Liu's huge body caught up with him in one step, raised his huge claws and slapped him hard.


Ji Wufeng slapped it to the ground, and his whole body sank into the ground. Qianye Liu raised his huge foot again and stamped it down hard!


Sand and dust covered the sky, and a huge crack appeared on the ground, as if the entire land was about to be stepped in half by Chiba Ryu's foot!

Ji Wufeng in the crack was seriously injured, his chest collapsed horribly, his body was covered in blood, and his whole body was twisted. It was very scary!

"Haha... Ji Wufeng, you are destined to be my food, accept your fate!"

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