Lu Zixuan's eyes were red and he stared at Ji Wufeng with an expression that made him want to swallow Ji Wufeng alive.

Han Chong, on the other hand, smiled and said, "Young Master Ji is still as charming as ever!"

Ji Wufeng pointed at the two of them and said, "You two, you two are either biting like crazy dogs, or you are just stabbing others in the back. It's really disgusting."

"Ji Wufeng, you'd better kill me, otherwise I will definitely let you die miserably." Lu Zixuan said sternly.


Ji Wufeng slapped him with a big mouth, then held his chin and sneered: "Last time you turned into a lost dog, this time you turned into a mad dog, but now you are still locked in the same cage by me? What do you want? threaten me?"

"Ji Wufeng, how about we make a deal?" Han Chong said with a smile.

"Deal? Are you qualified to make a deal with me?" Ji Wufeng turned around and sneered.

Han Chong said without changing his expression: "If you don't want to negotiate terms with me, I'm afraid we are already dead now, right?"

"Look, look, such a dish is a smart person, but look at you, you are as stupid as a pig."

Ji Wufeng pointed at Lu Zixuan and scorned him fiercely, then squinted at Han Chong and said, "But now your life is in my hands, what capital do you have that you can use to make a deal with me?"

Han Chong smiled and said: "I actually don't know what capital I have, but since you don't kill us, you should have your reasons, right?"

"That's true."

Ji Wufeng nodded in agreement and said, "But I can't remember the reason for a while. I think this is it. I'll kill you first, and then I'll have time to think about it."

The two of them immediately became confused. Your uncle, you have already killed us. Even if you come up with a reason then, will it be of any use?

This time was really thrilling. If Ji Wufeng hadn't appeared in time, no one in Yuzhou would have been able to stop Heilong and Qianye Liu. It is estimated that Yuzhou by then would not be Yuzhou now.

Killing them was just to scare them, so Lu Zixuan didn't care, but Han Chong was Gu Tianyang's absolute confidant, wouldn't it be a waste to just kill him like this?

"But I don't think it's satisfying enough to kill you all like this. Come on, please take off their pants first, and take some videos and photos to keep as a souvenir. Remember, you must take artistic photos, otherwise the Internet Those netizens will say that I spread pornographic culture, but if it has a bit of artistic flavor, it can become a work of art!"

Several tall, strong men rushed in, grinning and trying to take off their pants.

The two of them were so frightened that they trembled all over and clamped their thighs tightly together. After all, they were both respectable people. If the videos and photos of their bare butts were posted online, Ji Wufeng wouldn't be needed. Kill them, and forget about them hitting the wall and dying!

At this time, Lin Tianzhao answered a call and said, "Master, someone wants to see you."


"Unknown, but he said he had information about Ma Tianlin." Lin Tianzhao said.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. That fat man disappeared for no reason at first and no clues were found. Is there finally any news now?

"I'll go out for a moment, and you guys can continue shooting. Remember, you must shoot with an artistic atmosphere. He

If they don't cooperate, give them some medicine. Use whatever medicine works quickly. "

After Ji Wufeng left, two people howled in terror from behind: "What are you going to do? My pants..."

When he came to the living room, he saw a handsome young man waiting there, and behind him were three young girls. Ji Wufeng didn't know that young man, but the three girls were acquaintances. They were the ones who failed to assassinate him before, and then were killed. The disciples of the Duntian Clan he let go.

"Hello, beauties, why are you here again? Are you impressed by my temperament and miss me?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"Humph, you stinky scoundrel!"

The three older girls all turned their heads and snorted coldly, but the young man laughed and said, "I guess this is Brother Ji Wufeng, right?"

"Who are you? Didn't you see that I was getting close to a beautiful woman? Why did you interrupt me?" Ji Wufeng turned around and shouted angrily.

Ji Wufeng had no intention of giving him a good look. This guy looked like a dog, and there were a lot of beauties around him. Don't you know that he was very flattering like this?

The young man's cheek twitched, and he smiled stiffly: "I'm Yu Longfei from the Bagua Sect. I'm here to make a deal with Brother Ji."

"Make a deal with me?"

Ji Wufeng pointed at the three beauties and said, "You don't want to sell these three beauties to me, do you? No problem, I want them, you name the price."


"Stinking rogue!"

"Son of a bitch!"

The three beauties suddenly became angry and cursed in unison.

Yu Longfei smiled and said: "I don't dare to betray my three junior sisters, but I think Brother Ji is more interested in Ma Tianlin."

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed and he said, "What do you want?"

"Han Chong, Lu Zixuan!"

"I spent a lot of effort to catch the two of them. Now you want to replace them with a fat guy with a bad nose. Wouldn't I be losing money too much?" Ji Wufeng shook his head in dissatisfaction.

Yu Longfei nodded and chuckled: "It is indeed a bit uneconomical, but according to my understanding, Brother Ji is a person who values ​​affection and righteousness. I think it is worth the extra price Brother Ji pays for his good brother. "

"You do know me very well."

Ji Wufeng nodded in agreement, and then suddenly laughed coldly: "But since you know me so well, you should know very well that I am never threatened by anyone!"

As soon as his eyes flashed, Ji Wufeng had arrived in front of Yu Longfei, grabbed his neck in his hands, lifted him off the ground, and said with murderous intent on his face: "Now I'll give you a chance, let him go." That damn fat man, I will spare your life!"

Stared by Ji Wufeng's cold eyes, Yu Longfei looked frightened, but he calmed down instantly and said: "Ma Tianlin just wants to express my sincerity. I think there is another person that Brother Ji is more interested in."

A copper coin appeared in front of Ji Wufeng's eyes. Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly turned cold. He loosened his grip on Yu Longfei's neck and said with a smile: "Hey, you said you know me very well, so you finally pray that he can live well. He If one hair is injured, I will kill one person from the Bagua Sect; if two hairs are injured, I will kill both of you. If he dies, I will not leave any chickens or dogs in your Bagua Sect alive!"

Ji Wufeng was smiling when he spoke, but his ghastly murderous intent made everyone present feel cold all over. Lu Zixuan's eyes were red and he stared at Ji Wufeng with an expression that made him want to swallow Ji Wufeng alive.

Han Chong, on the other hand, smiled and said, "Young Master Ji is still as charming as ever!"

Ji Wufeng pointed at the two of them and said, "You two, you two are either biting like crazy dogs, or you are just stabbing others in the back. It's really disgusting."

"Ji Wufeng, you'd better kill me, otherwise I will definitely let you die miserably." Lu Zixuan said sternly.


Ji Wufeng slapped him with a big mouth, then held his chin and sneered: "Last time you turned into a lost dog, this time you turned into a mad dog, but now you are still locked in the same cage by me? What do you want? threaten me?"

"Ji Wufeng, how about we make a deal?" Han Chong said with a smile.

"Deal? Are you qualified to make a deal with me?" Ji Wufeng turned around and sneered.

Han Chong said without changing his expression: "If you don't want to negotiate terms with me, I'm afraid we are already dead now, right?"

"Look, look, such a dish is a smart person, but look at you, you are as stupid as a pig."

Ji Wufeng pointed at Lu Zixuan and scorned him fiercely, then squinted at Han Chong and said, "But now your life is in my hands, what capital do you have that you can use to make a deal with me?"

Han Chong smiled and said: "I actually don't know what capital I have, but since you don't kill us, you should have your reasons, right?"

"That's true."

Ji Wufeng nodded in agreement and said, "But I can't remember the reason for a while. I think this is it. I'll kill you first, and then I'll have time to think about it."

The two of them immediately became confused. Your uncle, you have already killed us. Even if you come up with a reason then, will it be of any use?

This time was really thrilling. If Ji Wufeng hadn't appeared in time, no one in Yuzhou would have been able to stop Heilong and Qianye Liu. It is estimated that Yuzhou by then would not be Yuzhou now.

Killing them was just to scare them, so Lu Zixuan didn't care, but Han Chong was Gu Tianyang's absolute confidant, wouldn't it be a waste to just kill him like this?

"But I don't think it's satisfying enough to kill you all like this. Come on, please take off their pants first, and take some videos and photos to keep as a souvenir. Remember, you must take artistic photos, otherwise the Internet Those netizens will say that I spread pornographic culture, but if it has a bit of artistic flavor, it can become a work of art!"

Several tall, strong men rushed in, grinning and trying to take off their pants.

The two of them were so frightened that they trembled all over and clamped their thighs tightly together. After all, they were both respectable people. If the videos and photos of their bare butts were posted online, Ji Wufeng wouldn't be needed. Kill them, and forget about them hitting the wall and dying!

At this time, Lin Tianzhao answered a call and said, "Master, someone wants to see you."


"Unknown, but he said he had information about Ma Tianlin." Lin Tianzhao said.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. That fat man disappeared for no reason at first and no clues were found. Is there finally any news now?

"I'll go out for a moment, and you guys can continue shooting. Remember, you must shoot with an artistic atmosphere. He

If they don't cooperate, give them some medicine. Use whatever medicine works quickly. "

After Ji Wufeng left, two people howled in terror from behind: "What are you going to do? My pants..."

When he came to the living room, he saw a handsome young man waiting there, and behind him were three young girls. Ji Wufeng didn't know that young man, but the three girls were acquaintances. They were the ones who failed to assassinate him before, and then were killed. The disciples of the Duntian Clan he let go.

"Hello, beauties, why are you here again? Are you impressed by my temperament and miss me?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"Humph, you stinky scoundrel!"

The three older girls all turned their heads and snorted coldly, but the young man laughed and said, "I guess this is Brother Ji Wufeng, right?"

"Who are you? Didn't you see that I was getting close to a beautiful woman? Why did you interrupt me?" Ji Wufeng turned around and shouted angrily.

Ji Wufeng had no intention of giving him a good look. This guy looked like a dog, and there were a lot of beauties around him. Don't you know that he was very flattering like this?

The young man's cheek twitched, and he smiled stiffly: "I'm Yu Longfei from the Bagua Sect. I'm here to make a deal with Brother Ji."

"Make a deal with me?"

Ji Wufeng pointed at the three beauties and said, "You don't want to sell these three beauties to me, do you? No problem, I want them, you name the price."


"Stinking rogue!"

"Son of a bitch!"

The three beauties suddenly became angry and cursed in unison.

Yu Longfei smiled and said: "I don't dare to betray my three junior sisters, but I think Brother Ji is more interested in Ma Tianlin."

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed and he said, "What do you want?"

"Han Chong, Lu Zixuan!"

"It took me a lot of effort to catch them two. Now you want to replace them with a fat guy with a bad nose. Then wouldn't I be losing money too much?" Ji Wufeng shook his head in dissatisfaction.

Yu Longfei nodded and chuckled: "It is indeed a bit uneconomical, but according to my understanding, Brother Ji is a person who values ​​affection and righteousness. I think it is worth the extra price Brother Ji pays for his good brother. "

"You do know me very well."

Ji Wufeng nodded in agreement, and then suddenly laughed coldly: "But since you know me so well, you should know very well that I am never threatened by anyone!"

As soon as his eyes flashed, Ji Wufeng had arrived in front of Yu Longfei, grabbed his neck in his hands, lifted him off the ground, and said with murderous intent on his face: "Now I'll give you a chance, let him go." That damn fat man, I will spare your life!"

Stared by Ji Wufeng's cold eyes, Yu Longfei looked frightened, but he calmed down instantly and said: "Ma Tianlin just wants to express my sincerity. I think there is another person that Brother Ji is more interested in."

A copper coin appeared in front of Ji Wufeng's eyes. Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly turned cold. He loosened his grip on Yu Longfei's neck and said with a smile: "Hey, you said you know me very well, so you finally pray that he can live well. He If one hair is injured, I will kill one person from the Bagua Sect; if two hairs are injured, I will kill both of you. If he dies, I will not leave any chickens or dogs in your Bagua Sect alive!"

Ji Wufeng was smiling when he spoke, but his ghastly murderous intent made everyone present feel cold all over.

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