Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1248 Dao Sect Heavenly Order

"Brother Ji, please rest assured. Since it is a deal, of course we will not act deviantly." Yu Longfei touched his neck and said with a pale face.

"Let them go!"

Now that Ma Tianlin and Chu Tianshu are in the hands of others, let alone arresting the two minions, even if they arrest Gu Tianyang, they have to be released.

"Thank you very much, Brother Ji."

Yu Longfei got rid of the fear in his heart and became the humble gentleman again. Ji Wufeng really wanted to give him a few big mouths. This kind of scumbag bastard is definitely a strong enemy for picking up girls.

When Yu Longfei left, a little girl secretly looked back at Ji Wufeng with a complicated expression. Ji Wufeng touched his nose, why is this little girl looking at me like that? Could it be that she has a crush on me?

Han Chong and Lu Zixuan were let go, and Ma Tianlin came back. As soon as he entered the door, he lay on the ground holding Ji Wufeng's thigh and cried loudly: "Brother, I kiss you, I finally see you, I thought we Brothers will never have a chance to meet again in this life..." .??.

Ji Wufeng immediately covered his nose and cursed: "What the hell do you smell like? Get out of here!"


Ma Tianlin was kicked away. He rolled on the ground several times and then got up quickly. He grabbed the fruit on the table and started to chew it like a starving ghost reincarnated. He wanted to swallow the banana peel and peach core. .

His hair was as messy as a chicken coop, his big white face was so dark, his clothes were full of holes, just like a few rags hanging on his body, and his body exuded a strong rancid smell. You don't even need to put on makeup to squat on the street and beg for food. You can start working with just a broken bowl. It seems that the fat man has really suffered a lot during this period.

When Ma Tianlin cleared the table of fruits before burping, Ji Wufeng said, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Ma Tianlin suddenly shouted with grief and indignation: "Isn't it because of you? They arrested Master Dao and asked me to betray you and betray you, but Master Dao, I am so

Of course the loyal people refused to do it, so they tortured and ravaged me. Look, how thin is my body that was so plump back then? "

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said: "I didn't notice how thin you were. If I had known this, I wouldn't have brought you back. I would have asked you to lose weight!"

Ma Tianlin suddenly felt as if he had stepped on his tail. He jumped up, pointed at Ji Wufeng and cursed: "You bastard, Taoist, I traveled thousands of miles to help you, and I still suffered all kinds of torture for you, right?" You are even more infatuated, no, loyal, you actually treat me like this, you are so heartless..."

The damn fat man is now a resentful woman, spewing foam and stars all the time. Ji Wufeng said with a dark face: "If you don't talk about business, believe it or not, I will throw you off the stairs right now?"

"The old immortal is missing." Ma Tianlin suddenly sat down on the ground and muttered.

Ji Wufeng frowned and said, "Were they also arrested by the Bagua Sect people?"

Ma Tianlin shook his head and said, "No, Qingwan told me that my master is not in Bagua Sect."

"Who is Qingwan?"

"She's a female disciple of the Duntian Clan, whom you met just now."

Ji Wufeng thought of the little girl who peeked at him just now. It must be her. It seemed that Ma Tianlin still trusted her.

"What did they arrest you for?"

There were many people around Ji Wufeng, and Ma Tianlin was not the most important. If they wanted to threaten him, Ma Tianlin would definitely not be the first choice.

"You don't know yet?" Ma Tianlin asked.

"what do you know?"

"Then you've always heard of Heaven's Order, right?"

"I've heard of this before. Does that thing really exist?" Ji Wufeng frowned.

Thousands of Taoist sects in the world are originally one family. In ancient times, there was a strange man named Duanjun, the ancestor of Nantian, who used herbs to cure diseases. He gathered talented people from all over the world to demonstrate virtues and thus founded Taoism. From now on, a huge sect means a huge force. , so there must be a symbol of power. Duan Jun created the Tiandao Order, just like the jade seal passed down to the country. The person holding the Tiandao Order can control the Taoist sect and command the disciples of the Shenzhou Taoist sect in the world.

After thousands of years, the Taoist sect fell into pieces and the Heavenly Dao Order was lost. Outstanding disciples began to establish their own schools one after another, and only then did the various Taoist sects in the world exist today.

But the Tiandao Order is still of great significance. The Taoist disciples are always in awe of the supreme authority of the Taoist order. Once the Tiandao Order reappears, even if it cannot command the Taoist sects in the world, it can at least gather more than half of the power of the Taoist sect.

Thinking about the Taoist sect that has been spreading for thousands of years, its disciples have long been spread all over the world. If they were gathered because of this, it would definitely be a huge and terrifying force.

Ma Tianlin shook his head and said: "I don't know if the Tiandao Order really exists, but Qingwan said that her master saw a token and suddenly knelt down and kowtow three times. After that, the Escape Gate became involved with the Bagua Gate. Together. I know Qing Wan’s master very well. If the token is just an ordinary sign, it is absolutely impossible to make him kneel down. After thinking about it, I am afraid that only the Tiandao Token has such a great deterrent effect."

Ji Wufeng said with a solemn expression: "Do you suspect that the Bagua Sect has obtained the order from Heaven?"

"This is not clear yet, but I know that if the Heavenly Order really exists, no matter who gets it, the Taoist sect will face a disaster!" Ma Tianlin let out a long breath.

If the Taoist sect at this time was still one family, the Taoist order on that day would be like the jade seal passed down to the country, symbolizing supreme authority. But it is a pity that now that the Taoist sect has established its own branch, who is the one?

Taoist orthodoxy? Who is qualified to take charge of the Tiandao Order?

If you don’t know, you have to fight, but if you fight together, it will inevitably cause a bloody storm.

Ji Wufeng suddenly had an ominous premonition. If Ma Tianlin was kidnapped because of the dispute between the Taoist sects, why would he trade this damn fat man with him now? This shows that the person who has mastered the Tiandao Order attaches great importance to Han Chong and the two, so there is no need to guess the identity of this person... Gu Tianyang!

I bought a watch last year!

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but want to scold his mother. After finally regaining his breath, another dog-skinned Taoist order appeared. If Gu Tianyang ordered the Taoists to fight against him, his claws would be numb.

Bagua Sect, Duntian Sect, Longhu Mountain, Maoshan... including Tianshu Pavilion, all belong to Taoist sects, and their methods are even weirder and weirder than those of warriors, making it difficult for people to guard against them!

"What are your plans now?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"I don't have any plans. I'll just continue to drink, eat, and pick up beautiful girls with you."

"Damn it, such a big thing happened in Daomen, why do you still have time to pick up girls?"

Ma Tianlin said confidently: "Does this have anything to do with me? I'm just a disciple of a small Taoist sect. I can't play a big role in such a big thing. Let them just make trouble. If I join in, If you go in, your life will be at risk, even if you lose a few pounds, it won’t count!”

Ji Wufeng had a look of disdain on his face. This guy was so shameless and didn't have the demeanor of a Taoist disciple at all.

"Then you don't care about the old man in your family? He raised you so big and fat, you have to be conscientious." Ji Wufeng said.

"Think about it, since he can teach such a wise and martial disciple like me, how capable he must be, can't he be able to get rid of this little trouble?"

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