Ma Tianlin waved his hand, and Ji Wufeng was about to curse, how could there be such a heartless bastard in the world.

"And I always feel that this matter should be related to Gu Tianyang. If you kill that bastard, the old immortal may be fine." Ma Tianlin was silent for a moment and then said.

Ji Wufeng swallowed back the words he wanted to scold him, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Good buddy, let's destroy that bastard Gu Tianyang together!"

Although this damn fat man is full of fat, he has a good heart. When he was caught, he also guessed that it was related to Gu Tianyang. However, their sect was not happy and weak. If he got involved in the disputes between the Taoist sect, he would probably die. If you can't find the scumbag, you might as well follow Ji Wufeng, get rid of Gu Tianyang, and fundamentally solve the problem.

Ma Tianlin suddenly squinted his eyes and said: "Good buddy? Is this how you treat a good buddy? That bullshit method you taught me doesn't work at all. I can't pick up girls without getting scolded. You know Master Dao, how many beatings have I received?"

Ji Wufeng smiled coquettishly and said: "Well... you can't actually blame me. We may have different models, and the method that suits me may not suit you. But don't worry, I will tailor it for you when the time comes. The magical skill of picking up girls will ensure that you are invincible and invincible in every battle!"

"Are you serious?"

"Of course it is."

"How many can you give me? I want ten!"

"Damn, can you handle ten? I'll suck you dry by then."

"It's funny, I'm so plump, and I'm still worried that I can't bear it?"

In the heavily guarded secret room, Chu Tianshu leisurely read the newspaper, drank the best tea, and kept moving his legs. The guard responsible for guarding him was extremely depressed. How could this uncle come? Those who are in jail are obviously here for vacation.

The masked woman in black walked in and chuckled: "Are you really so confident in him?"

Chu Tianshu didn't even raise his head and said calmly: "At least I haven't made any mistakes."

"You really never make a mistake, and he wins again."

"It's far from enough. This is just the beginning!" Chu Tianshu affirmed.

"Yes, this has just begun. It seems that a big chaos is inevitable, but if you don't participate, I'm afraid many people will find it boring." The masked woman said.

Chu Tianshu finally raised his head and said: "Tian Shu Pavilion can't restrain me, and the Heavenly Law Order can't restrain me either. Do you think I will care?"

"You don't care about Tianshu Pavilion, and you certainly don't care about Tiandao Order, but do you care about that person's life or death?"

Chu Tianshu suddenly stood up, and an extremely domineering aura rose from the ground and came over him like a violent storm. The guard responsible for guarding him trembled unconsciously in his legs and almost collapsed on the ground.

"Do you think you can really trap me?"

The aura on Chu Tianshu's body became sharp, almost threatening the masked woman, and he said in a deep voice: "After so many years, don't you still understand?"

Facing Chu Tianshu's compelling aura, the masked woman not only showed no signs of alertness, but instead looked excited and said, "Yes, that's it. This is the man I admire. Of course I know it's difficult here. I can’t help you, Chu Tianshu, otherwise, how can you be worthy of me!”

The aura on Chu Tianshu's body disappeared instantly, he turned around and sat down, and said indifferently: "You should also know one thing, that is, no matter what you do, in the end

Just in vain! "


The masked woman screamed excitedly: "It will never be in vain. You should be the most eye-catching person. Why should you stand behind that person? I tell you, he is dead, that person is dead." , don’t you understand yet? It’s time for you to stand up!”

"He's not dead!"

Chu Tianshu's tone was light but extremely firm as he said, "Because no one in the world can kill him!"

The masked woman sneered: "No one can? I hope your guess this time is still correct. I know you are waiting for him to show up. You can wait, but I don't know if Ji Wufeng can wait."

The masked woman turned and left, and the guard wanted to lock the door.

"There's no need to lock the door. If he wants to leave, you can't stop him. What's more, it's just a door?"

A group of guards were stunned. Thinking of the overbearing aura just now, is Master Tianshu really as powerless as the legend says?

Looking at Han Chong kneeling in front of him, Gu Tianyang stepped forward and said, "What are you doing? Get up!"

"Prince, I am willing to accept any punishment!"

Han Chong is still the same handsome young man as before. His eyes are red, his face is pale, and his hair is disheveled. He looks like a lost dog!

"That's it. Victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists. If you have always been defeated, why would you succumb to me?" Gu Tianyang said with a smile.


Han Chong didn't know how to reply. Isn't the reason why he followed Gu Tianyang just because he was not as good as him? If even Gu Tianyang would fail, let alone himself?

"Now is not the time for you to be discouraged. Instead, you should summarize where you lost. I believe you will never make the same mistake next time." Gu Tianyang said with a faint smile.

Han Chong did not reply, but stood up, the decadence on his face wiped away, and his eyes were sharp!

If Ji Wufeng heard what Gu Tianyang said, he would definitely give him a thumbs up. If it were another master, his subordinates would be ineffective and would be beaten or scolded.

Fortunately for this guy, he gave words of encouragement. Instead of being punished, his subordinates became more motivated and showed no sign of failure, which made him even more determined!

A scholar dies for a confidant!

Sometimes the so-called kindness is far more powerful than a whip!

Gu Tianyang nodded with satisfaction and said, "Now let's talk about what we should do next?"

Han Chong thought for a while and said: "Now that Yuzhou is back in Ji Wufeng's hands, we must be more vigilant. I'm afraid we won't have a chance in a short time. Therefore, our eyes can only be on Huajing, and his goal is also Huajing." Beijing!"

"The current situation in Huajing seems not to be very good." Gu Tianyang shook his head and sighed.

"That's because there is no prince, otherwise, they would not have any chance!" Han Chong said confidently.

"The Xiao family is unstoppable, and the Yuwen family, together with Ye, Lu, Beichen, and Lei, cannot be ignored, so you must not make the same mistake again." Gu Tianyang said.

Xiao Mingyu's current prosperity is certainly related to Gu Tianyang's departure, but once a seed breaks out of the ground and grows into a towering tree, it is not so easy to suppress it.

There are also the Yuwen family, the Ye family, the Lu family, the Lei family, and the Beichen family. The five forces are twisted into one, and they will definitely be as good as the Xiao family! Ma Tianlin waved his hand, and Ji Wufeng was about to curse, how could there be such a heartless bastard in the world.

"And I always feel that this matter should be related to Gu Tianyang. If you kill that bastard, the old immortal may be fine." Ma Tianlin was silent for a moment and then said.

Ji Wufeng swallowed back the words he wanted to scold him, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Good buddy, let's destroy that bastard Gu Tianyang together!"

Although this damn fat man is full of fat, he has a good heart. When he was caught, he also guessed that it was related to Gu Tianyang. However, their sect was not happy and weak. If he got involved in the disputes between the Taoist sect, he would probably die. If you can't find the scumbag, you might as well follow Ji Wufeng, get rid of Gu Tianyang, and fundamentally solve the problem.

Ma Tianlin suddenly squinted his eyes and said: "Good buddy? Is this how you treat a good buddy? That bullshit method you taught me doesn't work at all. I won't be scolded if I can't pick up girls, you know Master Dao, how many beatings have I received?"

Ji Wufeng smiled coquettishly and said: "Well... you can't actually blame me. We may have different models, and the method that suits me may not suit you. But don't worry, I will tailor it for you when the time comes. The magical skill of picking up girls will ensure that you are invincible and invincible in every battle!"

"Are you serious?" .??.

"Of course it is."

"How many can you give me? I want ten!"

"Damn, can you handle ten? I'll suck you dry by then."

"It's funny, I'm so plump, and I'm still worried that I can't bear it?"

In the heavily guarded secret room, Chu Tianshu leisurely read the newspaper, drank the best tea, and kept moving his legs. The guard responsible for guarding him was extremely depressed. How could this uncle come? Those who are in jail are obviously here for vacation.

The masked woman in black walked in and chuckled: "Are you really so confident in him?"

Chu Tianshu didn't even raise his head and said calmly: "At least I haven't made any mistakes."

"You really never make a mistake, and he wins again."

"It's far from enough. This is just the beginning!" Chu Tianshu affirmed.

"Yes, this has just begun. It seems that a big chaos is inevitable, but if you don't participate, I'm afraid many people will find it boring." The masked woman said.

Chu Tianshu finally raised his head and said: "Tian Shu Pavilion can't restrain me, and the Heavenly Law Order can't restrain me either. Do you think I will care?"

"You don't care about Tianshu Pavilion, and you certainly don't care about Tiandao Order, but do you care about that person's life or death?"

Chu Tianshu suddenly stood up, and an extremely domineering aura rose from the ground and came over him like a violent storm. The guard responsible for guarding him trembled unconsciously in his legs and almost collapsed on the ground.

"Do you think you can really trap me?"

The aura on Chu Tianshu's body became sharp, almost threatening the masked woman, and he said in a deep voice: "After so many years, don't you still understand?"

Facing Chu Tianshu's compelling aura, the masked woman not only showed no signs of alertness, but instead looked excited and said, "Yes, that's it. This is the man I admire. Of course I know it's difficult here. I can’t help you, Chu Tianshu, otherwise, how can you be worthy of me!”

The aura on Chu Tianshu's body disappeared instantly, he turned around and sat down, and said indifferently: "You should also know one thing, that is, no matter what you do, in the end

Just in vain! "


The masked woman screamed excitedly: "It will never be in vain. You should be the most eye-catching person. Why should you stand behind that person? I tell you, he is dead, that person is dead." , don’t you understand yet? It’s time for you to stand up!”

"He's not dead!"

Chu Tianshu's tone was light but extremely firm as he said, "Because no one in the world can kill him!"

The masked woman sneered: "No one can? I hope your guess this time is still correct. I know you are waiting for him to show up. You can wait, but I don't know if Ji Wufeng can wait."

The masked woman turned and left, and the guard wanted to lock the door.

"There's no need to lock the door. If he wants to leave, you can't stop him. What's more, it's just a door?"

A group of guards were stunned. Thinking of the overbearing aura just now, is Master Tianshu really as powerless as the legend says?

Looking at Han Chong kneeling in front of him, Gu Tianyang stepped forward and said, "What are you doing? Get up!"

"Prince, I am willing to accept any punishment!"

Han Chong is still the same handsome young man as before. His eyes are red, his face is pale, and his hair is disheveled. He looks like a lost dog!

"That's it. Victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists. If you have always been defeated, why would you succumb to me?" Gu Tianyang said with a smile.


Han Chong didn't know how to reply. Isn't the reason why he followed Gu Tianyang just because he was not as good as him? If even Gu Tianyang would fail, let alone himself?

"Now is not the time for you to be discouraged. Instead, you should summarize where you lost. I believe you will never make the same mistake next time." Gu Tianyang said with a smile.

Han Chong did not reply, but stood up, the decadence on his face wiped away, and his eyes were sharp!

If Ji Wufeng heard what Gu Tianyang said, he would definitely give him a thumbs up. If it were another master, his subordinates would be ineffective and would be beaten or scolded.

Fortunately for this guy, he gave words of encouragement. Instead of being punished, his subordinates became more motivated and showed no sign of failure, which made him even more determined!

A scholar dies for a confidant!

Sometimes the so-called kindness is far more powerful than a whip!

Gu Tianyang nodded with satisfaction and said, "Now let's talk about what we should do next?"

Han Chong thought for a while and said: "Now that Yuzhou is back in Ji Wufeng's hands, we must be more vigilant. I'm afraid we won't have a chance in a short time. Therefore, our eyes can only be on Huajing, and his goal is also Huajing." Beijing!"

"The current situation in Huajing seems not to be very good." Gu Tianyang shook his head and sighed.

"That's because there is no prince, otherwise, they would not have any chance!" Han Chong said confidently.

"The Xiao family is unstoppable, and the Yuwen family, together with Ye, Lu, Beichen, and Lei, cannot be ignored, so you must not make the same mistake again." Gu Tianyang said.

Xiao Mingyu's current prosperity is certainly related to Gu Tianyang's departure, but once a seed breaks out of the ground and grows into a towering tree, it is not so easy to suppress it.

There are also the Yuwen family, the Ye family, the Lu family, the Lei family, and the Beichen family. The five forces are twisted into one, and they will definitely be as good as the Xiao family!

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