Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1260 What a handsome hammer

"You are not as good as the Stone Girl!"

"Son of a bitch, I'll fight you..."

The car stopped in front of Mo Qingran's house. As soon as Mo Qingran got out of the car, a yellow-faced woman rushed over like a wolf and a tiger. She scolded Mo Qingran head-on and said, "You damn girl, you are so audacious. If you dare to run away, if you ruin my big business, I will skin you..."

Mo Qingran couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Since you want me to marry that bastard so much, you might as well marry yourself." .??.

"Damn girl, how dare you talk to me like that!"


The yellow-faced woman became angry and slapped Mo Qingran hard on the face. Mo Qingran was stunned and looked at her mother blankly, not believing that she really hit her.

"Come here, take her in and lock her up for me. She is not allowed to come out until we get married. If she dares to leave, I will break her legs. Even if she dies, she will have to die after I get to the Song family!"

The yellow-faced woman yelled angrily, and two bodyguards immediately came over and dragged Mo Qingran inside.

Sitting in the car, Ma Tianlin felt quite happy when he saw Mo Qingran being scolded at first. But when he saw her being beaten and heard the vicious words of the yellow-faced woman, he felt distressed for no reason. He felt that this little girl was actually pretty good. pitiful.

Is there such a vicious mother in the world?

Anger instantly shot from the soles of his feet to his forehead. Ma Tianlin rushed out of the car and said, "Let her go!"

Suddenly a fat man popped out. The yellow-faced woman was stunned for a moment and then said angrily: "Where did you come from, fat man? Get out of here!"

Ma Tianlin suppressed his anger, pointed at Mo Qingran and said, "I am her friend, and you treat your daughter like this?"

"She is my daughter. I can treat her however I like. It's none of your business. Get out of here right away or I'll break your legs!" said the yellow-faced woman.

"Oh, I won't get out of here yet, I want to see how you break my legs." Ma Tianlin said with his chest raised.

"You stupid bitch, break one of your legs!" the yellow-faced woman said to the two bodyguards.

Two tall bodyguards immediately pounced on you. A fat man will beat you into a skinny man today.

At this time, Mo Qingran finally came to her senses. She didn't expect that Ma Tianlin would stand up for her. When she heard the bodyguard was about to break his legs, she immediately grabbed the yellow-faced woman and shouted: "Mom, he is really my friend, forget it. ?”


As a result, the yellow-faced woman slapped her again and cursed: "Get out of here, I'll settle the score with you later!"

Seeing that the bodyguards had already pounced on him, Mo Qingran ignored the slap he had just received and shouted at Ma Tianlin: "You idiot, run quickly, they will really break your legs."

Hearing Mo Qingran's cry, Ma Tianlin suddenly had a strange feeling. It felt strange to be cared about.

"Don't worry, we don't know who broke whose leg yet."

Ma Tianlin blinked at Mo Qingran, and then faced the two wolf-like bodyguards.

Mo Qingran was so angry that she stamped her feet and almost burst into tears. She was such a second-rate idiot.

Bang bang!

Someone fell to the ground, but it was not Ma Tianlin, but the two fierce bodyguards. Before they could take action, Ma Tianlin kicked one of them, sending the two of them flying far away and rolling on the ground several times. My son, he didn't get up for a long time.



br\u003e Ma Tianlin made a very handsome pose. The pose is very handsome, but because of his physique, the pose feels weird no matter how you look at it.

Mo Qingran's eyes widened and her mouth opened into an "O" shape. It was obvious that what was happening in front of her felt a little unreal.

Her life is very simple and simple. She feels that the bodyguard at home is already a master. Where has she seen any real martial arts masters? Even if she had seen it, she would not believe that this wretched fat man could be a master.

"Was I so handsome just now?" Ma Tianlin asked.

Mo Qingran came back to her senses and said, "What a handsome hammer!"

"You seemed worried about me just now." Ma Tianlin asked with a smile.

"Of course I'm worried. You are already ugly. If your hands and feet are broken again and you become disabled, won't you be unable to marry a wife in the future? Besides, it's because of me. What if I am responsible for you? "Mo Qingran pouted.

"Don't worry, even if I am really disabled, I will never hold you responsible." Ma Tianlin said.

"You bastard, do you want to quarrel?"

"Whoever is afraid of whom? Just make a noise."

The two of them suddenly stared at each other, as if they were two fighting cocks preparing to fight.



The two of them stared at each other for a long time and suddenly laughed again, as if some subtle changes had occurred between them, and they both felt that the other person was suddenly different.

The yellow-faced woman was also frightened, and finally reacted, screaming: "Someone is coming, someone is coming quickly..."

Mo Qingran's expression changed and she said, "You should leave quickly. We have a lot of bodyguards. They will all be here later."

"Are you afraid of a hammer? Come one and I'll kill one, come two and I'll kill a pair, and I'll kill as many as you come!" Ma Tianlin rolled up his sleeves and roared.

"No, she is my mother anyway. If things get serious, it won't be good for anyone." Mo Qingran said.

Ma Tianlin thought about it and said, "Okay, I'll leave first, but don't worry, I won't let you marry anyone else. I will definitely come to snatch the bride when the time comes!"

"Okay, you must come and grab it when the time comes, don't let me go!"

Ma Tianlin ran away, but neither of them seemed to react. It seemed that the plan was for Ji Wufeng to snatch it, but the two just decided that Ma Tianlin would snatch it!

Everyone knows that Gu Mingtang has a hobby, fishing, and he especially likes night fishing. In the quiet night, big fish relax their vigilance and are easier to take the bait. Like all fishing enthusiasts, Gu Mingtang is also obsessed with the kind of big fish that are lured into the nest. , and then the thrill of achievement of being caught ashore.

Gu Mingtang not only likes night fishing, but also wild fishing. He has no interest in those farmed fisheries because farmed fish have no spirituality at all.

After dinner, Ji Wufeng looked at the time and said, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Lu Zifeng asked.

"go fishing!"

"Don't go!"

Lu Zifeng has many hobbies, such as catching beautiful girls, but he doesn't like fishing. It took him a long time to hook a fish. By that time, I had drained the river and caught all the fish.

"Hehe... besides fishing, there are other fun things to do." Ji Wufeng chuckled.

"Could there be a beautiful woman swimming in the river?" Lu Zifeng's eyes lit up. If there is really a beautiful woman swimming, then she must not miss it. "You are not as good as the Stone Girl!"

"Son of a bitch, I'll fight you..."

The car stopped in front of Mo Qingran's house. As soon as Mo Qingran got out of the car, a yellow-faced woman rushed over like a wolf and a tiger. She scolded Mo Qingran head-on and said, "You damn girl, you are so audacious. If you dare to run away, if you ruin my big business, I will skin you..."

Mo Qingran couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Since you want me to marry that bastard so much, you might as well marry yourself."

"Damn girl, how dare you talk to me like that!"


The yellow-faced woman became angry and slapped Mo Qingran hard on the face. Mo Qingran was stunned and looked at her mother blankly, not believing that she really hit her.

"Come here, take her in and lock her up for me. She is not allowed to come out until we get married. If she dares to leave, I will break her legs. Even if she dies, she will have to die after I get to the Song family!"

The yellow-faced woman yelled angrily, and two bodyguards immediately came over and dragged Mo Qingran inside.

Sitting in the car, Ma Tianlin felt quite happy when he saw Mo Qingran being scolded at first. But when he saw her being beaten and heard the vicious words of the yellow-faced woman, he felt distressed for no reason. He felt that this little girl was actually pretty good. pitiful.

Is there such a vicious mother in the world?

Anger instantly shot from the soles of his feet to his forehead. Ma Tianlin rushed out of the car and said, "Let her go!"

Suddenly a fat man popped out. The yellow-faced woman was stunned for a moment and then said angrily: "Where did you come from, fat man? Get out of here!"

Ma Tianlin suppressed his anger, pointed at Mo Qingran and said, "I am her friend, and you treat your daughter like this?"

"She is my daughter. I can treat her however I like. It's none of your business. Get out of here right away or I'll break your legs!" said the yellow-faced woman.

"Oh, I won't get out of here yet, I want to see how you break my legs." Ma Tianlin said with his chest raised.

"You stupid bitch, break one of your legs!" the yellow-faced woman said to the two bodyguards.

Two tall bodyguards immediately pounced on you. A fat man will beat you into a skinny man today.

At this time, Mo Qingran finally came to her senses. She didn't expect that Ma Tianlin would stand up for her. When she heard the bodyguard was about to break his legs, she immediately grabbed the yellow-faced woman and shouted: "Mom, he is really my friend, forget it. ?”


As a result, the yellow-faced woman slapped her again and cursed: "Get out of here, I'll settle the score with you later!"

Seeing that the bodyguards had already pounced on him, Mo Qingran ignored the slap he had just received and shouted at Ma Tianlin: "You idiot, run quickly, they will really break your legs."

Hearing Mo Qingran's cry, Ma Tianlin suddenly had a strange feeling. It felt strange to be cared about.

"Don't worry, we don't know who broke whose leg yet."

Ma Tianlin blinked at Mo Qingran, and then faced the two wolf-like bodyguards.

Mo Qingran was so angry that she stamped her feet and almost burst into tears. She was such a second-rate idiot.

Bang bang!

Someone fell to the ground, but it was not Ma Tianlin, but the two fierce bodyguards. Before they could take action, Ma Tianlin kicked one of them, sending the two of them flying far away and rolling on the ground several times. My son, he didn't get up for a long time.



br\u003e Ma Tianlin made a very handsome pose. The pose is very handsome, but because of his physique, the pose feels weird no matter how you look at it.

Mo Qingran's eyes widened and her mouth opened into an "O" shape. It was obvious that what was happening in front of her felt a little unreal.

Her life is very simple and simple. She feels that the bodyguard at home is already a master. Where has she seen any real martial arts masters? Even if she had seen it, she would not believe that this wretched fat man could be a master.

"Was I so handsome just now?" Ma Tianlin asked.

Mo Qingran came back to her senses and said, "What a handsome hammer!"

"You seemed worried about me just now." Ma Tianlin asked with a smile.

"Of course I'm worried. You're ugly to begin with. If your hands and feet are broken again and you become disabled, won't you be unable to marry a wife in the future? Besides, it's because of me. What should I do if I am responsible for you? "Mo Qingran pouted.

"Don't worry, even if I am really disabled, I will never hold you responsible." Ma Tianlin said.

"You bastard, do you want to quarrel?"

"Whoever is afraid of whom? Just make a noise."

The two of them suddenly stared at each other, as if they were two fighting cocks preparing to fight.



The two of them stared at each other for a long time and suddenly laughed again, as if some subtle changes had occurred between them, and they both felt that the other person was suddenly different.

The yellow-faced woman was also frightened, and finally reacted, screaming: "Someone is coming, someone is coming quickly..."

Mo Qingran's expression changed and she said, "You should leave quickly. We have a lot of bodyguards. They will all be here later."

"Are you afraid of a hammer? Come one and I'll kill one, come two and I'll kill a pair, and I'll kill as many as you come!" Ma Tianlin rolled up his sleeves and roared.

"No, she is my mother anyway. If things get serious, it won't be good for anyone." Mo Qingran said.

Ma Tianlin thought about it and said, "Okay, I'll leave first, but don't worry, I won't let you marry anyone else. I will definitely come to snatch the bride when the time comes!"

"Okay, you must come and grab it when the time comes, don't let me go!"

Ma Tianlin ran away, but neither of them seemed to react. It seemed that the plan was for Ji Wufeng to snatch it, but the two just decided that Ma Tianlin would snatch it!

Everyone knows that Gu Mingtang has a hobby, fishing, and he especially likes night fishing. In the quiet night, big fish relax their vigilance and are easier to take the bait. Like all fishing enthusiasts, Gu Mingtang is also obsessed with the kind of big fish that are lured into the nest. , and then the thrill of achievement of being caught ashore.

Gu Mingtang not only likes night fishing, but also wild fishing. He has no interest in those farmed fisheries because farmed fish have no spirituality at all.

After dinner, Ji Wufeng looked at the time and said, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Lu Zifeng asked.

"go fishing!"

"Don't go!"

Lu Zifeng has many hobbies, such as catching beautiful girls, but he doesn't like fishing. It took him a long time to hook a fish. By that time, I had drained the river and caught all the fish.

"Hehe... besides fishing, there are other fun things to do." Ji Wufeng chuckled.

"Could there be a beautiful woman swimming in the river?" Lu Zifeng's eyes lit up. If there is really a beautiful woman swimming, then she must not miss it.

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