The bright moon is hanging in the sky, and even if there is no light, it is still very bright under the moonlight reflected in the river. From a distance, you can see dots of colorful lights on the river, which are fishermen's luminous floats.

Lu Zifeng knew he had been deceived as soon as he arrived. There were so many fishhooks in the river, who would dare to swim in it? Aren't you afraid of getting hooked on your butt?

"There are no beauties, why don't you come and get some yarn?" Lu Zifeng said depressedly.

Ji Wufeng threw him a night vision binoculars, pointed not far away and said: "We are not here to see the beauty, we are here to see him."

Lu Zifeng held the binoculars and saw a fishing platform set up on the other side of the river. An old man wearing a straw hat was fishing quietly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have a beautiful woman, you actually asked me to see a bad old man!" Lu Zifeng was angry.

"But I think he is much prettier than the beautiful woman." Ji Wufeng grinned.


Lu Zifeng picked up the telescope and looked at it again. This time he found that other fishermen were in groups, basically gathering together, but this old man was far away from them, and there was no one around him. .

The old man was very quiet, but upon closer inspection, there was a domineering aura of calmness and self-power hidden beneath the quietness. His subconscious told Lu Zifeng that this old man was no ordinary old man.

The old man's float moved. The old man raised his pole fiercely and hit a big fish. Whoosh... whoosh. Two black figures rushed to the river like lightning, holding the fishing net in their hands.

The two of them exuded a powerful aura, and one could tell at a glance that they were top experts. How could they be so pretentious? Even those who go out to catch fish and bring fried fish with them are experts.

"Who is this old man?" Lu Zifeng knew that this old man was anything but ordinary.

Ji Wufeng said with a smile: "Don't worry, there will be someone more interesting to you later."

A large herring weighing more than ten kilograms was brought ashore, and the two men in black quickly left with the fish, not daring to disturb the old man's fishing.

Ji Wufeng took out his fishing rod and dropped the bait. At this moment, someone came over with fishing gear on his back and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Brother Ji to have such a hobby like me. Let's go together. This way we can pass the time." !”

Lu Zifeng turned around and looked, his eyes suddenly focused, and said: "Is it you?"

Yes, this person did interest Lu Zifeng more, because this person may be the person he is most interested in in his life.

Regarding Lu Zifeng's hateful eyes, Xiao Mingyu smiled lightly and said, "If Brother Lu can't let go, Mingyu will always give Brother Lu a chance."

Chance? what chance? Of course this is Lu Zixuan’s chance to take revenge on Xiao Mingyu!

The resentment in Lu Zifeng's eyes disappeared instantly. Even the opportunity to retaliate against others had to be given to him. At this time, he was far from qualified to retaliate against others.

Ji Wufeng turned around and smiled: "Fishing itself is a bit boring, so why not have one more person to chat with to relieve your boredom?"

"Then excuse me."

Xiao Mingyu opened his fishing gear box, and instead of taking out the fishing rod, he took out a jar of wine and said, "With such an atmosphere, why don't you have a drink?"

"Haha... Since Brother Xiao is in such a good mood, let's have a drink!" Ji Wufeng laughed.

Xiao Mingyu patted open the mud, and an intoxicating aroma of wine immediately overflowed. Lu Zifeng's eyes lit up and he said, "Daughter is red?"

Nowadays, wine in jars is rare. Only rich families will find the best wine to store in cellars and drink it when a girl gets married, following the example of the ancients.

Xiao Mingyu smiled and said nothing, but Ji Wufeng said: "I think this is Zhuangyuanhong, right?"

"Haha... No matter how good the wine is, its value is revealed when it meets a close friend." Xiao Mingyu took out three more wine glasses and filled them all.

Picking up the wine glass, Lu Zifeng felt intoxicated by the rich aroma of the wine before he started drinking it. It was truly a wine on earth.

Ji Wufeng and Xiao Mingyu drank wine together, looked at each other, and then laughed loudly: "Hahaha, good wine!"

After tasting the wine, Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "It seems a little inappropriate to drink while fishing."

Xiao Mingyu raised his eyebrows and said, "Then when does Brother Ji think the best time to drink is?"

"Of course it's the most leisurely time, such as watching a play!"

"Not bad, especially watching a good show!"


Looking at the two people laughing, Lu Zifeng became even more interested in the old man. What was his identity? How could Ji Wufeng and Xiao Mingyu come here to watch a show at the same time in the middle of the night?

But no matter who this old man is, it has been determined that he is definitely not a simple person, and he is still someone who can affect the future situation of Huajing.

The old man's fishing skills are really good. In less than an hour, several big fish have taken the bait. It can be said that he has caught a lot of fish.

Entering late at night, the temperature gradually cooled down, and many fishermen had already started to pack up their things and go home. At this moment, the old man's float suddenly stopped. The old man held the fishing rod with both hands and raised it fiercely. The fishing rod suddenly felt violent. The shaking is another big fish taking the bait!

Lu Zifeng found that Ji Wufeng and Xiao Mingyu cast their gaze over at the same time, and also looked over.

I saw the old man swinging the pole vigorously, and a big fish surfaced. Two men in black stepped forward to grab the fish, but suddenly they turned around and shouted: "Who is it?"

Two figures rushed over like ghosts, and two men in black immediately rushed over with the net in hand.

At the same time, the big fish in the water was also lifted out of the water, but along with the big fish came a ghostly black shadow, and a cold light struck straight at the old man.

"Be bold!"

A loud shout came from the woods behind the old man, and a body as strong as an iron tower came through the air.


The black shadow was blown away by a punch and fell into the river.

Bang bang bang...

The tranquil water surface suddenly seemed to have set off huge waves. More than a dozen black figures rushed out of the water at the same time, rushing towards the old man with murderous intent. The huge body laughed and said: "Haha... I haven't seen you in many years." Such an impudent young man."

The huge body stomped to the ground, and his body was like a big eagle leaping into the water. He grabbed it with his bare hands and caught a man in black in his hand. He tore it apart with all his strength and tore a living person apart. Torn in half, the body was thrown into the water.


The cold light struck, and the huge body punched him. The man in black was beaten and flew away, and a rain of blood fell in the air.

In such a fierce battle, the old man remained unmoved, holding the fishing rod leisurely and continuing to fish, as if what was happening in front of him was far less interesting to him than the fish on his fishing rod.

Lu Zifeng looked dull. Damn it, this is too exciting.

Xiao Mingyu praised: "Taishan collapsed and his face remained unchanged. This is a person worthy of awe." The bright moon is hanging in the sky. Even if there is no light, it is still very bright under the moonlight reflected by the river. From a distance, you can see dots of colorful lights on the river. , that is a luminous float for fishermen.

Lu Zifeng knew he had been deceived as soon as he arrived. There were so many fishhooks in the river, who would dare to swim in it? Aren't you afraid of getting hooked on your butt?

"There are no beauties, why don't you come and get some yarn?" Lu Zifeng said depressedly.

Ji Wufeng threw him a night vision binoculars, pointed not far away and said: "We are not here to see the beauty, we are here to see him."

Lu Zifeng held the binoculars and saw a fishing platform set up on the other side of the river. An old man wearing a straw hat was fishing quietly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have a beautiful woman, you actually asked me to see a bad old man!" Lu Zifeng was angry.

"But I think he is much prettier than the beautiful woman." Ji Wufeng grinned.


Lu Zifeng picked up the telescope and looked at it again. This time he found that other fishermen were in groups, basically gathering together, but this old man was far away from them, and there was no one around him. .

The old man was very quiet, but upon closer inspection, there was a domineering aura of calmness and self-power hidden beneath the quietness. His subconscious told Lu Zifeng that this old man was no ordinary old man.

The old man's float moved. The old man raised his pole fiercely and hit a big fish. Whoosh... whoosh. Two black figures rushed to the river like lightning, holding the fishing net in their hands.

The two of them exuded a powerful aura, and one could tell at a glance that they were top experts. How could they be so pretentious? Even those who go out to catch fish and bring fried fish with them are experts.

"Who is this old man?" Lu Zifeng knew that this old man was anything but ordinary.

Ji Wufeng said with a smile: "Don't worry, there will be someone more interesting to you later."

A large herring weighing more than ten kilograms was brought ashore, and the two men in black quickly left with the fish, not daring to disturb the old man's fishing.

Ji Wufeng took out his fishing rod and dropped the bait. At this moment, someone came over with fishing gear on his back and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Brother Ji to have such a hobby like me. Let's go together. This way we can pass the time." !”

Lu Zifeng turned around and looked, his eyes suddenly focused, and said: "Is it you?"

Yes, this person did interest Lu Zifeng more, because this person may be the person he is most interested in in his life.

Regarding Lu Zifeng's hateful eyes, Xiao Mingyu smiled lightly and said, "If Brother Lu can't let go, Mingyu will always give Brother Lu a chance."

Chance? what chance? Of course this is Lu Zixuan’s chance to take revenge on Xiao Mingyu!

The resentment in Lu Zifeng's eyes disappeared instantly. Even the opportunity to retaliate against others had to be given to him. At this time, he was far from qualified to retaliate against others.

Ji Wufeng turned around and smiled: "Fishing itself is a bit boring, so why not have one more person to chat with to relieve your boredom?"

"Then excuse me."

Xiao Mingyu opened his fishing gear box, and instead of taking out the fishing rod, he took out a jar of wine and said, "With such an atmosphere, why don't you have a drink?"

"Haha... Since Brother Xiao is in such a good mood, let's have a drink!" Ji Wufeng laughed.

Xiao Mingyu patted open the mud, and an intoxicating aroma of wine immediately overflowed. Lu Zifeng's eyes lit up and he said, "Daughter is red?"

Nowadays, wine in jars is rare. Only rich families will find the best wine to store in cellars and drink it when a girl gets married, following the example of the ancients.

Xiao Mingyu smiled and said nothing, but Ji Wufeng said: "I think this is Zhuangyuanhong, right?"

"Haha... No matter how good the wine is, its value is revealed when it meets a close friend." Xiao Mingyu took out three more wine glasses and filled them all.

Picking up the wine glass, Lu Zifeng felt intoxicated by the rich aroma of the wine before he started drinking it. It was truly a wine on earth.

Ji Wufeng and Xiao Mingyu drank wine together, looked at each other, and then laughed loudly: "Hahaha, good wine!"

After tasting the wine, Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "It seems a little inappropriate to drink while fishing."

Xiao Mingyu raised his eyebrows and said, "Then when does Brother Ji think the best time to drink is?"

"Of course it's the most leisurely time, such as watching a play!"

"Not bad, especially watching a good show!"


Looking at the two people laughing, Lu Zifeng became even more interested in the old man. What was his identity? How could Ji Wufeng and Xiao Mingyu come here to watch a show at the same time in the middle of the night?

But no matter who this old man is, it has been determined that he is definitely not a simple person, and he is still someone who can affect the future situation of Huajing.

The old man's fishing skills are really good. In less than an hour, several big fish have taken the bait. It can be said that he has caught a lot of fish.

Entering late at night, the temperature gradually cooled down, and many fishermen had already started to pack up their things and go home. At this moment, the old man's float suddenly stopped. The old man held the fishing rod with both hands and raised it fiercely. The fishing rod suddenly felt violent. The shaking is another big fish taking the bait!

Lu Zifeng found that Ji Wufeng and Xiao Mingyu cast their gaze over at the same time, and also looked over.

I saw the old man swinging the pole vigorously, and a big fish surfaced. Two men in black stepped forward to grab the fish, but suddenly they turned around and shouted: "Who is it?"

Two figures rushed over like ghosts, and two men in black immediately rushed over with the net in hand.

At the same time, the big fish in the water was also lifted out of the water, but along with the big fish came a ghostly black shadow, and a cold light struck straight at the old man.

"Be bold!"

A loud shout came from the woods behind the old man, and a body as strong as an iron tower came through the air.


The black shadow was blown away by a punch and fell into the river.

Bang bang bang...

The tranquil water surface suddenly seemed to have set off huge waves. More than a dozen black figures rushed out of the water at the same time, rushing towards the old man with murderous intent. The huge body laughed and said: "Haha... I haven't seen you in many years." Such an impudent young man."

The huge body stomped to the ground, and his body was like a big eagle leaping into the water. He grabbed it with his bare hands and caught a man in black in his hand. He tore it apart with all his strength and tore a living person apart. Torn in half, the body was thrown into the water.


The cold light struck, and the huge body punched him. The man in black was beaten and flew away, and a rain of blood fell in the air.

In such a fierce battle, the old man remained unmoved, holding the fishing rod leisurely and continuing to fish, as if what was happening in front of him was far less interesting to him than the fish on his fishing rod.

Lu Zifeng looked dull. Damn it, this is too exciting.

Xiao Mingyu praised: "Taishan collapsed and his face remained unchanged. This is a person worthy of awe."

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