Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1262 The Assassination of Gu Mingtang

"The Gu family has remained standing for so many years. It seems that it is not luck, let alone an accident." Ji Wufeng nodded.

Gu family?

Is this old man from the Gu family? Moreover, there are people as interested as Ji Wufeng and Xiao Mingyu, so who could this person be?

Soon the Lu Zifeng Bureau knew who this person was. Apart from Gu Tianyang, he was the only one who could get Ji Wufeng and Ji Wufeng to pay attention at the same time. That was the head of the Gu family... Gu Mingtang!

Lu Zifeng was almost stunned. No wonder Ji Wufeng said that this old man was prettier than the beautiful woman. He was indeed very good-looking. This man was the most powerful person in China, the man who established the Gu family's position as king for decades.

Lu Zifeng was thinking, what would be the consequences if the ancient leader was killed here today?

It’s exciting just thinking about it!

However, looking at the situation in front of him, it seems that his wish will be difficult to realize. The guy with a body like an iron tower is too strong. He is simply a giant beast. All the black-clothed assassins can only touch him without being torn into two by him. Half a year later, he was punched away!

With such a powerful master guarding him, it was impossible for the assassin to get close.

In an instant, more than half of the dozen black-clothed assassins had been killed, and the huge body laughed loudly: "Hahaha... Come again, the killing is not enough!"

The remaining black-clothed assassins all suddenly got into the water. However, a moment later, there were suddenly several high-explosive bombs rising from the feet of their huge bodies.

To kill Gu Mingtang, this person is undoubtedly the biggest obstacle.

"Hmph, they all came out just in time, so you will only die faster!"

The huge body snorted coldly and stomped on the ground. Immediately, the stomped body of an assassin in black was torn into pieces and scattered on the river.

The assassins in black were as if they were made of paper, vulnerable to the huge body.

While the huge body was slaughtering crazily, a figure that suddenly appeared and disappeared appeared at his feet like a ghost, and Ling Lie's murderous intention suddenly broke out.

The huge body sensed the crisis and turned around. The cold light passed by his scalp and a strand of black hair fell down.

"Such a master is here, but you will die today!"

Fortunately, he dodged in time, otherwise what he just lost would not just be a strand of hair, but his head.

The black shadow appeared out of thin air and hung on the water. It was covered with black gauze and its long hair was flying in the wind, but it could not hide the graceful body. This assassin was a woman, and a very beautiful woman at that.


The woman in black snorted coldly, and her figure disappeared in an instant. A ghastly and terrifying evil spirit rose into the sky, and the face of her huge body changed slightly, and she said: "Rakshasa Jin, you are the Rakshasa girl of the Rakshasa Sect!"

Nearly a hundred years ago, martial arts in China were at their peak. In addition to the famous sects, there was also one demon and two evils. This demon refers to the demon sect, and the two evils refer to the two evil sects, the Rakshasa sect and the Sunflower sect!

However, except for the remnants of the Demon Sect, the two evil sects have long been extinct and lost their inheritance. I didn't expect that a disciple of the Rakshasa Sect would appear again today.

The woman in black was silent, her huge body laughed loudly and said: "What a pity, the Rakshasa sect will be completely extinct today!"


The aura from the huge body suddenly burst out, rolling over like a violent storm. Even from a long distance, Lu Zifeng felt that his body was full of pressure, and he almost fell to the ground.

"Open Heavenly Power!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly condensed. Xiao Mingyu held the wine glass and said with a smile: "Today's drama is really getting more and more exciting. Opening Heaven seems to be the secret skill of Tiangong!"

Ji Wufeng's brows couldn't help but frown slightly. He didn't expect that Gu Mingtang would be closely protected by Tiangong's masters. This showed that the Gu family and Tiangong must have some involvement.


The two masters on the water collided for the first time. The huge body finally swayed, but the woman in black flew out, but before she touched the water, the figure had disappeared.

The huge body roared loudly and punched into the sky above him.


The woman in black appeared above him at some unknown moment, and the punch from her huge body hit the short blade in her hand.

The two Gu family guards who were responsible for fish manipulation were entangled by two assassins in black, and they shouted sternly: "Protect the old master!"

In an instant, a large number of Gu family guards rushed out of the woods and surrounded Gu Mingtang. Lu Zifeng was speechless for a while. He took so many bodyguards with him when he went out to catch fish. The life of this ancient leader was too precious. ?

Being blocked by the guards, Gu Mingtang was furious and said: "Get out of my way, didn't you see me fishing?"

The guards immediately moved out of the way. The two guards were still holding the nets. There was no other way. Even if the King of Heaven came to kill him, he would have to help the old man get the fish up first.

Seeing that the big fish was about to land, a guard holding a net suddenly turned back with a fierce look in his eyes.


It's gunfire!

Gu Mingtang was shot. Perhaps no one would have thought that the guards of the Gu family would shoot him.

However, this shot did not hit Gu Mingtang's vital part, but hit his abdomen. Everyone was stunned when they saw Gu Mingtang lying in a pool of blood.

"You all deserve to die!"

The huge body was instantly furious, roaring to the sky, and the violent aura exploded like a tornado.


The woman in black sprayed a stream of blood from her mouth, flew out, fell into the water and disappeared.

However, the Gu family guard who shot Gu Mingtang did not have such good luck. Instead of chasing the woman in black, his huge body quickly returned to Gu Mingtang and slapped the Gu family guard into pieces. mud.

Lu Zifeng secretly screamed that it was a pity that this shot failed to kill Gutou. I'm afraid there will never be such an opportunity again, because Gu Mingtang will never come out to fish again in this life!

"Brother Ji, do you think this scene is exciting?" Xiao Mingyu asked with a smile.

"Very exciting, what do you think?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

"I also think it's very exciting!"

"Ha ha……"

The two laughed and stood up in unison, and Wang left in the opposite direction.

Sitting in the car, Ji Wufeng hummed a tune happily. Lu Zifeng asked depressedly: "Are you so happy? The ancient ghost is not dead, what a pity!"

In his opinion, the person who directed this assassination drama could be said to have fallen short.

"Who said I wanted him to die?" Ji Wufeng asked.

" don't want him to die?"

"I want him to die, but he is more useful now alive than dead!" Ji Wufeng said.

"What do you mean?" Lu Zifeng was a little confused. "The Gu family has remained standing for so many years. It seems that it is not luck, let alone an accident." Ji Wufeng nodded.

Gu family?

Is this old man from the Gu family? Moreover, there are people as interested as Ji Wufeng and Xiao Mingyu, so who could this person be?

Soon the Lu Zifeng Bureau knew who this person was. Apart from Gu Tianyang, he was the only one who could get Ji Wufeng and Ji Wufeng to pay attention at the same time. That was the head of the Gu family... Gu Mingtang!

Lu Zifeng was almost stunned. No wonder Ji Wufeng said that this old man was prettier than the beautiful woman. He was indeed very good-looking. This man was the most powerful person in China, the man who established the Gu family's position as king for decades.

Lu Zifeng was thinking, what would be the consequences if the ancient leader was killed here today?

It’s exciting just thinking about it!

However, looking at the situation in front of him, it seems that his wish will be difficult to realize. The guy with a body like an iron tower is too strong. He is simply a giant beast. All the black-clothed assassins can only touch him without being torn into two by him. Half a year later, he was punched away!

With such a powerful master guarding him, it was impossible for the assassin to get close. .??.

In an instant, more than half of the dozen black-clothed assassins had been killed, and the huge body laughed loudly: "Hahaha... Come again, the killing is not enough!"

The remaining black-clothed assassins all suddenly got into the water. However, a moment later, there were suddenly several high-explosive bombs rising from the feet of their huge bodies.

To kill Gu Mingtang, this person is undoubtedly the biggest obstacle.

"Hmph, they all came out just in time, so you will only die faster!"

The huge body snorted coldly and stomped on the ground. Immediately, the stomped body of an assassin in black was torn into pieces and scattered on the river.

The assassins in black were as if they were made of paper, vulnerable to the huge body.

While the huge body was slaughtering crazily, a figure that suddenly appeared and disappeared appeared at his feet like a ghost, and Ling Lie's murderous intention suddenly broke out.

The huge body sensed the crisis and turned around. The cold light passed by his scalp and a strand of black hair fell down.

"Such a master is here, but you will die today!"

Fortunately, he dodged in time, otherwise what he just lost would not just be a strand of hair, but his head.

The black shadow appeared out of thin air and hung on the water. It was covered with black gauze and its long hair was flying in the wind, but it could not hide the graceful body. This assassin was a woman, and a very beautiful woman at that.


The woman in black snorted coldly, and her figure disappeared in an instant. A ghastly and terrifying evil spirit rose into the sky, and the face of her huge body changed slightly, and she said: "Rakshasa Jin, you are the Rakshasa girl of the Rakshasa Sect!"

Nearly a hundred years ago, martial arts in China were at their peak. In addition to the famous sects, there was also one demon and two evils. This demon refers to the demon sect, and the two evils refer to the two evil sects, the Rakshasa sect and the Sunflower sect!

However, except for the remnants of the Demon Sect, the two evil sects have long been extinct and lost their inheritance. I didn't expect that a disciple of the Rakshasa Sect would appear again today.

The woman in black was silent, her huge body laughed loudly and said: "What a pity, the Rakshasa sect will be completely extinct today!"


The aura from the huge body suddenly burst out, rolling over like a violent storm. Even from a long distance, Lu Zifeng felt that his body was full of pressure, and he almost fell to the ground.

"Open Heavenly Power!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly condensed. Xiao Mingyu held the wine glass and said with a smile: "Today's drama is really getting more and more exciting. Opening Heaven seems to be the secret skill of Tiangong!"

Ji Wufeng's brows couldn't help but frown slightly. He didn't expect that Gu Mingtang would be closely protected by Tiangong's masters. This showed that the Gu family and Tiangong must have some involvement.


The two masters on the water collided for the first time. The huge body finally swayed, but the woman in black flew out, but before she touched the water, the figure had disappeared.

The huge body roared loudly and punched into the sky above him.


The woman in black appeared above him at some unknown moment, and the punch from her huge body hit the short blade in her hand.

The two Gu family guards who were responsible for fish manipulation were entangled by two assassins in black, and they shouted sternly: "Protect the old master!"

In an instant, a large number of Gu family guards rushed out of the woods and surrounded Gu Mingtang. Lu Zifeng was speechless for a while. He took so many bodyguards with him when he went out to catch fish. The life of this ancient leader was too precious. ?

Being blocked by the guards, Gu Mingtang was furious and said: "Get out of my way, didn't you see me fishing?"

The guards immediately moved out of the way. The two guards were still holding the nets. There was no other way. Even if the King of Heaven came to kill him, he would have to help the old man get the fish up first.

Seeing that the big fish was about to land, a guard holding a net suddenly turned back with a fierce look in his eyes.


It's gunfire!

Gu Mingtang was shot. Perhaps no one would have thought that the guards of the Gu family would shoot him.

However, this shot did not hit Gu Mingtang's vital part, but hit his abdomen. Everyone was stunned when they saw Gu Mingtang lying in a pool of blood.

"You all deserve to die!"

The huge body was instantly furious, roaring to the sky, and the violent aura exploded like a tornado.


The woman in black spit out a stream of blood, flew out, fell into the water and disappeared.

However, the Gu family guard who shot Gu Mingtang did not have such good luck. Instead of chasing the woman in black, his huge body quickly returned to Gu Mingtang and slapped the Gu family guard into pieces. mud.

Lu Zifeng secretly screamed that it was a pity that this shot failed to kill Gutou. I'm afraid there will never be such an opportunity again, because Gu Mingtang will never come out to fish again in this life!

"Brother Ji, do you think this scene is exciting?" Xiao Mingyu asked with a smile.

"Very exciting, what do you think?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

"I also think it's very exciting!"

"Ha ha……"

The two laughed and stood up in unison, and Wang left in the opposite direction.

Sitting in the car, Ji Wufeng hummed a tune happily, and Lu Zifeng asked depressedly: "Are you so happy? The ancient ghost is not dead, what a pity!"

In his opinion, the person who directed this assassination drama could be said to have fallen short.

"Who said I wanted him to die?" Ji Wufeng asked.

" don't want him to die?"

"I want him to die, but he is more useful now alive than dead!" Ji Wufeng said.

"What do you mean?" Lu Zifeng was a little confused.

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