"What do you think will happen if the ancient ghost dies?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Lu Zifeng thought for a moment, then blurted out: "The world is in chaos!"

It is no exaggeration at all. Now that Gu Tianyang is gone and Gu Mingtang dies, the Gu family will be in chaos. However, those enemies of the Gu family and the branches and branches of the Gu family will definitely take action.

The Gu family is too huge, and the forces involved are simply countless. If they all take action, what will it be but chaos in the world?

"Wrong, that will only allow Gu Tianyang to regain control of the Gu family faster!" Ji Wufeng said.

"Gu Tianyang? Isn't he not here? By the time he comes back, it will be too late!" Lu Zifeng said.

"How do you know he's not here?"

Lu Zifeng was shocked, yes, Huajing is so lively now, can Gu Tianyang really resist coming back secretly?

"But since the ancient ghost cannot be killed, why did we arrange this assassination?" Lu Zifeng asked.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "Do you think those assassins can hurt Gu Mingtang today?"

Lu Zifeng was stunned, and his answer was of course no!

That master who is as tall as an iron tower is too tyrannical. If it weren't for the assassins lurking in the guards of the Gu family, they would not be able to contact the ancient ghosts at all. Wait, the guards of the Gu family?

The guards of the Gu family are famously loyal and reliable, and there is absolutely no chance of a traitor.

"Are you wondering why the guards of the Gu family betrayed you?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Actually, there's no need to be surprised. I don't think that guard betrayed the Gu family!"

"You are about to kill your master, and you still say you haven't betrayed him?" Lu Zifeng said.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "What if his master is not Gu Mingtang, but someone else from the Gu family?"

Lu Zifeng was confused for a while, and then suddenly realized: "You said this assassination was done by one of the Gu family?"

There is only one reasonable explanation. The guard did not betray the Gu family. He was just not loyal to Gu Mingtang, but loyal to the Gu family.

other people.

"It's Gu Tianhao!"

Lu Zifeng immediately targeted Gu Tianhao. He was the only one in the Gu family who could do this, and he had to do this!

Now he finally understood why Ji Wufeng said that Gu Mingtang was more valuable alive than dead.

Now that Gu Mingtang is not dead, he will definitely try his best to track down the mastermind behind the scenes. Gu Tianhao must not be able to hide, but how to deal with it then?

After all, he is his own grandson, and the tiger poison will not eat its seeds. The ancient ghost cannot do it himself, so he can only let others do it for him, but who could this person be? Any fool would think it must be Gu Tianyang!

When Gu Tianhao does such a thing, it is impossible for anyone in the Gu family to support him. Gu Tianyang will come back to power, and it is most reasonable for him to do this.

"He got a big deal this time!" Lu Zifeng said angrily.

"That's not necessarily the case. When hunting a tiger, a hunter has to wait until the tiger shows up. If the tiger can't hide, how can he fight it?" Ji Wufeng said.

"You mean you are forcing Gu Tianyang to show up?" Lu Zifeng asked.

"You're quite smart!"

"I'm pretty smart."

Lu Zifeng looked depressed and said, "How do you know about today's assassination and Xiao Mingyu?"

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes at him and said, "Do you think Gu Tianhao is so smart?"

"Damn it, you two couldn't have directed this, right?"

Lu Zifeng was a little confused. He really couldn't understand Ji Wufeng. On the one hand, he reached a cooperation agreement with Gu Tianyang, but on the other hand, he colluded with Xiao Mingyu, and severely tainted the Gu family.


Gu Tianhao threw the wine bottle in his hand to the ground. The plan failed. How could it fail? The guard fired and also hit

Gu Mingtang is here, but why should he be punched in the stomach and not in the head?

"Find Song Jianghe for me immediately!" Gu Tianhao said coldly.

"Young Master, Young Master Song's phone is turned off."

Although Gu Tianhao was not smart, he was by no means an idiot. He immediately guessed something, and his eyes were full of murderous intent, but soon turned into sadness and anger.

It's better to say that Gu Mingtang is dead. If he hadn't died, he would definitely not let the murderer go with his temper. Moreover, with the power of the Gu family, Gu Mingtang would know that he was controlling everything behind the scenes without waiting until tomorrow morning.

Assassinating his own grandfather, who was also the head of the family, no one could save him from such a heinous crime. It was over, it was all over!

After Gu Qingluan made tea, the door of the room was pushed open, and Gu Tianhao opened the door and walked in.

"Are you back?" Gu Qingluan asked with a smile.

Gu Tianhao nodded and said, "Well, I came back, but I failed."

In fact, Gu Tianhao is also a handsome guy, but now his hair is disheveled, his face is pale, and his eyes are red, like a madman who has just escaped from a madhouse.

"It's not surprising!" Gu Qingluan smiled.

Gu Tianhao suddenly thought of something, his eyes were full of fierceness, he stared at Gu Qingluan and said ferociously: "Do you know all this?"

Gu Qingluan pushed the tea on the table in front of Gu Tianhao and said: "My name is Qianye Qingzi, no, my name is Ji Qingzi now!"

"Chiba Haruko?"

Gu Tianhao understood everything. Because he was unwilling to give in, he had been paying attention to Gu Tianyang. Naturally, he knew everything Gu Tianyang encountered in the God of Gamblers Competition, and he also knew about the existence of Qianye Haruko.

"I just said, my name is Ji Qingzi now!" Ji Qingzi corrected.

"Are you from Ji Wufeng?" Gu Tianhao's eyes showed murderous intent.

Everything was clear. Ji Qingzi was approaching him with premeditation and had always treated him as a tool.


"You want to kill me?" Ji Qingzi smiled.

"Do you think I will let you go?" Gu Tianhao said sharply.

"I think you should let me go."

Ji Qingzi said with confidence: "Because I know you are a selfish person, and selfish people are afraid of death, but if you want to live now, it will be difficult to reach the sky, because the Gu family will not let you go, but the Gu family is too powerful Well, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, Gu Tianyang will still find you!"

"So now you are faced with two choices. One is to kill me to vent your anger, and the other is to cooperate with someone who is capable enough to protect you!"

The murderous intention in Gu Tianhao's heart suddenly disappeared. He really wanted to kill this woman who was planning to use him, but this woman was right. He was really afraid of death!

The Gu family will not let him go, and Gu Tianyang will not let him go. How can he survive?

He could only find someone who was not afraid of the Gu family and had the ability to protect him to give him shelter. However, it was already obvious who this person was.

Ji Wufeng!

"Injured?" Xiao Mingyu said distressedly.

"It has nothing to do with you!" The woman in black still refused to speak.

"How can you say it has nothing to do with me? You were hurt because of me."

"I owe you my life, it's only fair to give it back to you now!"

The woman in black turned and left. Xiao Mingyu behind him chuckled and shook his head: "It's really a difficult woman to conquer, but the harder it is to conquer, the more interested I am!"

Ji Wufeng, who was smoking a cigarette high above Huajing, suddenly turned his head and said, "It seems that your progress is very fast."

The woman in black appeared strangely behind him, pulled down the veil on her face, and said angrily: "You actually let me practice the martial arts of the Rakshasa Sect?"

Although the Rakshasa Sect has been extinct for many years, it was an evil sect that was notorious in those days. If it gets entangled with the righteous sects of those famous sects who use the banner of eliminating demons and protecting the way, they will be in constant trouble.

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