In addition to his arrogance, the young man in black is also full of evil spirits, which adds a sense of mystery to him.

"Since there is good tea to drink, I also want to come and ask for a cup. Doesn't anyone mind?" The young man in black said with a smile.

"Bold, who are you?"

No one had ever seen this young man in black, and he was so arrogant. Someone from the Gu family immediately yelled at him.

"Back off!"

Gu Tianyang shouted coldly, clasped his fists towards the young man in black and said, "Brother, it is Tianyang's honor that you can condescend to visit me. You should be served with good tea!"

"Haha... Then I'm not welcome."

The young man in black strode forward and said: "Sure enough, you have extraordinary courage, and you are worthy of me treating you as my number one opponent!"

Everyone was immediately shocked, who is this person? How dare you speak arrogantly and treat Gu Tianyang as your opponent. ??

"This is Tianyang's honor." Gu Tianyang said with a smile.

"Hey, you little pretty boy, your number one rival is me. When did you become him?"

Someone shouted very unhappily. Everyone turned around and saw that it was Ji Wufeng.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on the young man in black again. This monster appeared out of nowhere and made Gu Tianyang and Ji Wufeng compete to be their rival.

What does this mean? This shows that he must be a tyrannical person!

Only a strong person is qualified to become the opponent of another strong person!

God has no intention!

The person who came was none other than Tian Wuxin, the young master of the Demon Sect’s Tianluo Dao!

Tian Wuxin squinted at Ji Wufeng and said, "Don't worry, you are both my opponents, so you both will have a chance!"

Everyone was immediately shocked. Who is this kid? He wants to be enemies with Gu Tianyang and Ji Wufeng at the same time. Isn't this too arrogant?

Ji Wufeng became angry and said to Gu Tianyang: "This kid is really crazy. Why don't we join forces and beat him first so that he can remember it?"

Everyone was speechless. He was a little crazy, but it was better than you being so unreasonable.

Want face!

"Everyone who comes today is a guest of my Gu family. We value peace, okay?" Gu Tianyang said.

Ji Wufeng said magnanimously: "Well, this is your territory after all. You have the final say. Let this kid run around for a few days first, and then deal with him later!"

Tian Wuxin strode forward with an evil smile on his face, but when he passed by Xiao Mingyu, his steps suddenly stopped and he turned his head to stare at Xiao Mingyu strangely.

"What advice does this brother have?" Xiao Mingyu asked with a smile.

Tian Wuxin's eyes lit up, and he said with a somewhat surprised expression: "I almost lost my sight. I didn't expect that there is actually a master here. It's great. Now that I have three opponents, I don't have to worry about being lonely anymore."

"I don't understand what Xiongtai means?" Xiao Mingyu was still smiling.

"Don't understand? Then I'll let you understand!"

Before he finished speaking, an evil and cold aura suddenly rose from Tian Wuxin's body, and he slapped Xiao Mingyu with a palm.

Xiao Mingyu's face changed slightly, he raised his fist and went forward.


The fists and palms collided fiercely, and a powerful force suddenly spread out. The crowd of people watching felt like a strong wind blowing through them. Some people lost their footing and fell to the ground.

In an instant, the whole place burst into screams, and half of the people standing in front were blown to the ground.


The floor was made of hard rock, and bullets hitting it would bounce back. However, the stone slabs under their feet shattered violently, and their feet sank directly into the stone slabs.


Tian Wuxin laughed loudly and said: "There are not many people who can take my slap. You are definitely qualified to fight with me. Great, let's do it again!"

He raised his foot and stepped on it hard.


As if an earthquake had occurred, the entire ground was shaking violently, and starting from Tian Wuxin's feet, a deep crack appeared on the ground.


Everyone in the audience immediately screamed.


Gu Tianyang shouted suddenly and said: "You two are my guests today, please abide by the rules of the Gu family, and there are many people here. If you hurt innocent people, don't blame Tianyang for not understanding. Good hospitality!"

A violent aura rose up and spread over the entire audience. Immediately, some people could not help but tremble in their legs and almost collapsed on the ground.


Tian Wuxin turned his head and glanced at Gu Tianyang, then smiled at Xiao Mingyu and said, "Well, we have a long way to go, and there will eventually be a battle between you and me!"

The ground stopped shaking and everything returned to calm. Tian Wuxin retracted his palm and stood there as if nothing happened just now.

But the four deep footprints and huge cracks on the ground told everyone that they had just almost witnessed a fierce battle with their own eyes!

This time everyone's eyes left Tian Wuxin and all shifted to Xiao Mingyu.

Everyone knows that Xiao Mingyu is a young genius, but there has never been any news that he knows martial arts. Almost everyone believes that the reason why he is qualified to become the new prince is that in addition to relying on the power of the Xiao family, his greatest asset is his intelligence!

But at this time, everyone was shocked to discover that Xiao Mingyu was actually a powerful martial arts expert just like Gu Tianyang!

Compared with the shock on everyone's faces, Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang's faces were full of matter-of-factness, and they didn't feel surprised at all.

If Xiao Mingyu is really a helpless student, why should he stand up to them?

Take Gu Tianhao for example, if he was also a strong martial artist, how could he not get the support of the Gu family? How could he be suppressed by Gu Tianyang?

Stop it and become the lost dog it is today?

Xiao Mingyu now is the real Xiao Mingyu!

Xiao Mingyu always greeted people with a smile and was extremely kind to everyone, but now although he was still smiling, his smile seemed a bit stiff.

"Brother Tianyang, Mingyu still has some things to deal with, so I'll take my leave now." Xiao Mingyu clasped his fists and said.

"If you have the chance, you must let me entertain you well." Gu Tianyang said with a smile.


After Xiao Mingyu finished speaking, he turned around and left. Ji Wufeng shouted from behind, "Why hasn't the generous gift you just said you prepared been delivered yet? The ancient leader is still waiting to take the supplements you sent to replenish his body. "

Xiao Mingyu, who had already walked outside the door, paused, his mouth twitched, and then quickened his pace.

Ji Wufeng shouted angrily: "Who is this? He has no etiquette at all. If his gift hasn't been delivered by night, tell me that I will ask him to go home if I chase him!"

"Thank you very much, Brother Ji. Let's have a drink?" Gu Tianyang said...

"It's necessary. I'm just here to ask for a drink tonight." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"We won't come home until we get drunk tonight!"

Everyone was stunned. The current situation in Huajing can be said to be three-pronged, with three parts of the world. A war is inevitable. Gu Tianyang, Ji Wufeng, and Xiao Mingyu can be said to be enemies. Who doesn't want to kill the other?

When Gu Mingtang was assassinated, the two of them came to offer condolences in person. This was not surprising. To do great things, you must first be generous. They naturally had to follow these basic etiquettes.

But they could definitely become friends because of this, but now Ji Wufeng actually stayed because of Gu Tianyang's words. What on earth is going on?

This is not scientific at all. It is impossible for the two of them to live in peace!

Seeing the two people chatting and laughing, walking arm in arm into the inner hall, everyone felt that they had received a message that Gu Tianyang and Ji Wufeng had formed an alliance for some reason.

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