Idiots are everywhere, but idiots exist because they are supported by smart people, so there are also many smart people.

They quickly understood the key. One monk carried water to eat, two monks carried water to eat, and three monks had no water to eat. Xiao Mingyu was the third monk!

Two people were having a great time grabbing a piece of good cake. Suddenly, a third person wanted to share a piece. I'm afraid no one would be willing to take it. Of course, they had to drive the third monk out now. Slowly share the cake alone!

Seeing the different expressions on everyone's faces, Gu Tianyang and Ji Wufeng looked at each other with a mysterious and mean smile. Probably only Lu Zifeng present understood why they smiled so meanly.

A livid-faced Xiao Mingyu returned to Xiao's house. As soon as he entered the door, a man in black came up to him and said respectfully: "Master, according to the latest news, the young master of the Demon Sect's Tianluo Dao has appeared."

"I've already seen it." Xiao Mingyu said in a cold voice.

A voluptuous masked woman in black came out, shook her waist and said with a smile: "Haha, it seems that you two are not very happy getting along."

"Humph, you really raised a good nephew!" Xiao Mingyu snorted coldly.

"Are you angry that he exposed you?" the woman in black said.

Xiao Mingyu showed murderous intent on his face and said coldly: "Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

It is true that Xiao Mingyu is not incompetent. It is even difficult to find someone stronger than him among the younger generation.

However, there are too few people who know this secret. Even the Xiao family only knows a limited number of people. Now it is completely exposed to the public. Is it possible that he is not angry?

The woman in black laughed and said: "Haha... Xiao Mingyu, you are so cautious. Do you think Gu Tianyang and Ji Wufeng are idiots? Do you think they really think that you only rely on the Xiao family and your own brains? Do you think they rely on their own brains?" Why do you value you so much?"

"Hmph, don't you understand that the unknown enemy is the most terrifying thing? So what if they suspect it? Without accurate confirmation, they can't truly measure my strength.

force. "Xiao Mingyu said angrily.

"But now I think that since you are interested in fooling others, you might as well think about how to deal with Gu Tianyang and Ji Wufeng."

"What do you want to say?"

"Don't you know that the two of them are drinking and talking?"

"Absolutely impossible, they can never join forces!" Xiao Mingyu's face was full of disbelief.

"Really? But now, with the help of Ji Wufeng, Gu Tianyang has the opportunity to return to the Gu family so quickly and regain control of the Gu family!"

In an instant, a sharp aura and murderous intent emanated from Xiao Mingyu, but it disappeared in an instant.

"Hey, this is exactly what I want. If the opponent is too weak, wouldn't it be boring?" Xiao Mingyu said with a smile.

The woman in black walked up to Xiao Mingyu, gently stroked his cheek, and said softly: "You two are so similar. I like you now because you are almost exactly the same!"

"Really? It's a pleasure for a man to say that his son looks like you?" Xiao Mingyu said.

"What's wrong? One is my favorite man, and the other is my biological son!"

"Haha... Your son is like an adulterer. You must feel very accomplished, right?" Xiao Mingyu chuckled.


A slap hit Xiao Mingyu's face, but Xiao Mingyu did not dodge. A bright red fingerprint appeared on his face. The woman in black immediately touched it and said, "I'm sorry, son, I didn't mean it."

Xiao Mingyu gently pushed her hand away and said, "Whether it was intentional or not, it doesn't matter to me at all. What matters is that if you were not my biological mother, you would be a dead person now."

"Do you think it's a shame?"

"Until now I don't know that I

Is his surname Xiao or Chu? Haha...Prince? I'm going to fuck the prince! "

Xiao Mingyu's expression suddenly turned ferocious, without any trace of his usual calmness, and he left with a maniacal laugh.

The woman in black stood there. Although she couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, she could see her fierce gaze. She said: "It doesn't matter to me whether your surname is Xiao or Chu. What's important is that no matter what you want, Whatever, I can help you get it! "


He stamped his foot on the ground, cracks appeared on the ground, figures flew around, and a punch came, causing a mound of earth to collapse after being bombarded!

Tian Wuxin took a step back, waved his hands and said, "No more fighting."

"Are you afraid of losing to me?" Ji Wufeng asked as he fell to the ground.

"Will I lose to you?"

Tian Wuxin glared and said, "There's not a single ghost here. Even if I kill you, no one will see you. What will happen if you don't admit it then? I think it's more appropriate to beat you to death when there are many people!"

"Stop bragging, please give back your awesomeness!" Ji Wufeng said scornfully.

"You still want to fight, right?"

"Come on, am I afraid of you?"

The two of them stared at each other like two big cocks fighting. Suddenly Tian Wuxin laughed and said, "I kind of like you."

Ji Wufeng also likes Tian Wuxin a little bit. Not to mention whether this guy is good or evil, just because of his straightforward character of hitting and scolding whenever he wants, he is much better than those sanctimonious and duplicitous hypocrites.

However, Ji Wufeng would not admit it. Instead, he took a step away and cursed: "Although I am extremely handsome, I don't like men. You damn piece of glass. If you dare to say that you like me again, I will kill you!"

"You're so fucking mean!"

"You're even meaner!"

"No, I'm not as mean as you, you are meaner than me."

"Wrong, you are the meanest, I can't compare with you."\u003c


Tumo Xingzi fell in love with each other for a long time, and then the two of them felt a little thirsty. Ji Wufeng asked: "Tell me, what do you want?"

"Hehe... I want the Demon Sect, the Demon Sect in the world!" Tian Wuxin said.

"Ha ha……"

Ji Wufeng laughed and said, "Are you feeling aggrieved to be ordered around by a girl?"

Tian Wuxin said with sharp eyes: "Agree or not?"


Ji Wufeng decisively refused and said: "The Demon Sect is the public enemy of the martial arts. I helped you. What will happen when the righteous people in the world come to trouble me?"

Speaking of general, Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and said, "Not to mention, what benefits can I get from doing this?"

Asking others to do things, but not mentioning any benefits at all, you are not a beautiful woman, the key has done the work for you, and it is enough if you promise me your body.

"Ji family!" Tian Wuxin spat out three words.

Ji Wufeng suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you really willing to help me?"

"Ha ha……"

Tian Wuxin laughed wildly and said: "If I want the Demon Sect, of course I have to exchange it for the Ji family with the same weight."

"What do you want me to do?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Since he asked this question, it meant that he had agreed to Tian Wuxin's proposal.

"Heavenly Order!"

"You want me to help you seize the Heavenly Order?"

The Heavenly Order is indeed a great threat, and the power gathered from all the Taoist sects in the world is a very terrifying force.

Tian Wuxin took out a dark token from his body and threw it to him. Ji Wufeng took it and took a look, only to see the word "Tao" engraved on one side of the token.

"Is this an order from heaven?"

Ji Wufeng did not expect that the Tiandao Ling would be in Tian Wuxin's hands. He had always thought that the Tiandao Ling was in Gu Tianyang's hands, and he immediately looked at Tian Wuxin in confusion.

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