Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1273 The God of Plague is coming

But when they saw Ma Tianlin desperately trying to protect his woman, such a good man indeed deserved their sympathy.

"Bai Weihao, if you dare to kill him, kill me first."

Mo Qingran stood up, stared at Bai Weihao and said, "I tell you, even if I die with him, I will not marry you."

Ma Tianlin was stunned for a moment, what the hell is going on? Could it be that this little girl has a crush on me?

But what's the use of a hammer at this time? Master Tao, I'm going to die soon. Isn't this delayed love?

However, after Mo Qingran stood up, the onlookers became sympathetic again, and they all said, "Oh, it's so affectionate and righteous."

"What a pitiful mandarin duck!"

"Woo... They say love can transcend life and death. I thought it was nonsense at first, but now I believe it."

The crowd's discussion almost made Bai Weihao faint. Damn it, that's my wife, okay? Now that the bride is about to run away with someone else, it doesn’t matter if you don’t sympathize with me, why are you actually there praising love?

This made him hate even more, so much that he even wanted to kill Mo Qingran.


Mo Qingran's mother, the yellow-faced woman, rushed over, slapped Mo Qingran on the face, and said in a sharp voice: "You shameless thing, do you still have any sense of shame? ?”

With things like this, what will happen to Mo Qingran even if she marries into the Bai family? Others will definitely think that Bai Weihao robbed Ma Tianlin's lover by force. Where does this put the Bai family's face?

When the time comes, Mo Qingran will definitely be angered, and then the entire Mo family will also suffer.

At this time, the weird voice in the crowd said in a weird voice: "Yeah, I'm a little confused. In order to curry favor with others, I clearly know that my daughter has a sweetheart, but I still force her to marry. This kind of selfishness is so selfish that even my own woman wants to marry her." A betrayer actually has the nerve to call others shameless and shameless?"

Then someone else responded: "It's so vicious and selfish. You push your own daughter into the fire pit for your own purposes. She is worse than an animal."


Hearing this, all the guests immediately burst into an uproar and said, "Isn't it too selfish to betray your daughter?"

"Is this my own mother? I think she is a beast!"

"It's so shameless. How can there be such a shameless mother in the world? It's such a disgrace to us women!"

Seeing a large group of people in front of him who were all filled with righteous indignation, Bai Weihao thought his eyes were black. Are these people crazy? If you dare to put things on the spot like this, aren't you afraid of your own retaliation afterwards?

Among the crowd, Lu Zifeng said with a proud look on his face: "Hey, what do you think of my idea? The effect is remarkable!"

"It's so rare to come up with such a good idea with your low IQ!"

"You don't know, in order to increase their popularity, all the so-called celebrities do this. As long as they shout and shout a few words, they can get money. There are so many people doing this kind of thing."

Maybe Bai Weihao never thought that the people in the crowd shouting and shouting were not the guests attending the wedding at all, but the shills invited by Lu Zifeng. They didn't care about the Bai family and the Song family, who gave them money. , who is their boss, and the more money they give, the harder they shout.

Bai Weihao felt like he was going crazy. He picked up the gun of the outlaw man on the ground. He wanted to kill the bastard Ma Tianlin with his own hands, but the gun was immediately snatched away by a bodyguard of the Song family. He said, "Master Weihao, if you are so If you do, you will be in big trouble.”

"I want him to be cut into pieces!" Bai Weihao said to the man in black with almost broken teeth.

"Don't worry, Master Weihao, I promise you won't survive!" The man in black chuckled and strode towards Ma Tianlin.

"What are you doing?" Mo Qingran asked with a look of fear.

"Don't worry, you are Master Weihao's woman, I won't kill you!"

The man in black pushed Mo Qingran away, stepped forward and kicked Ma Tianlin in the stomach. Ma Tianlin was immediately kicked and flew up, with blood pouring from his mouth.

Before Ma Tianlin could land, the man in black rushed over again and kicked him.

After two kicks, Ma Tianlin was no longer human. His whole body was covered in blood and he lay paralyzed on the ground without even the strength to get up.

"Don't hit me, wuwu...please...don't hit me anymore." Mo Qingran cried and rushed over.

Seeing Ma Tianlin being beaten like that, some girls turned their heads in dismay. At this time, someone in the crowd shouted indignantly: "Are you trying to beat someone to death? In this bright world, in a society ruled by law, you actually dare to kill people on the street. Call the police." , the murderer must be severely punished!”

This sentence immediately aroused public outrage, and everyone shouted angrily: "Yes, call the police and let the police arrest him."

The man in black glanced over them sinisterly, and the shouts immediately stopped. Being stared at by the man in black's terrifying eyes made them feel scared from the bottom of their hearts.

Ordinary people are kind-hearted, but they are also very afraid of death. In their hearts, they want to redress the injustice, but not many people actually take action and draw their swords to help.

The man in black continued to walk towards Ma Tianlin. Mo Qingran cried like a tearful person. Ma Tianlin felt distressed and looked up to the sky and howled: "Your uncle, why don't you come out? You really want to visit my grave on Qingming Festival next year!"

He didn't believe that Ji Wufeng really wasn't coming. Just now he heard someone in the crowd yelling in a weird voice, and he knew that this bastard was already here.

"I wanted you to be more majestic for a while, but you couldn't handle it so quickly. It's really a waste of all my hard work."

The two people walked out of the crowd. Bai Weihao's expression suddenly changed, and the other guests also recognized the two of them. After all, Ji Wufeng has been very high-profile in Huajing recently, and everyone who has gained a little bit of publicity is dissatisfied with him. Too unfamiliar.

"Damn it, isn't that Ji Wufeng? Why is this god of plague here?"

Seeing that Ji Wufeng had really come out, Ma Tianlin immediately relaxed. He lay there with his arms stretched out and cursed: "I'm your uncle's fault for causing me to be like this. Just wait, and the debt won't be settled."

"Who are you?" The man in black stared at Ji Wufeng, and an unprecedented danger surged into his heart.

"You do not know who I am?"

Ji Wufeng pointed at his nose, and then said in a tense tone: "Damn it, I am so magnificent and wise, but you don't even know who I am. How can I be such a country bumpkin and a country bumpkin like you?"

"Hmph, no matter who you are, anyone who messed with me today will die!"

The man in black had a vicious look on his face, and the Yin Corpse grabbed Ji Wufeng's neck with his hand in the air, causing a sharp sound that tore through the air. But when they saw Ma Tianlin desperately trying to protect his woman, such a good man indeed deserved their sympathy.

"Bai Weihao, if you dare to kill him, kill me first."

Mo Qingran stood up, stared at Bai Weihao and said, "I tell you, even if I die with him, I will not marry you."

Ma Tianlin was stunned for a moment, what the hell is going on? Could it be that this little girl has a crush on me?

But what's the use of a hammer at this time? Master Tao, I'm going to die soon. Isn't this delayed love? .??.

However, after Mo Qingran stood up, the onlookers became sympathetic again, and they all said, "Oh, it's so affectionate and righteous."

"What a pitiful mandarin duck!"

"Woo... They say love can transcend life and death. I thought it was nonsense at first, but now I believe it."

The crowd's discussion almost made Bai Weihao faint. Damn it, that's my wife, okay? Now that the bride is about to run away with someone else, it doesn’t matter if you don’t sympathize with me, why are you actually there praising love?

This made him hate even more, so much that he even wanted to kill Mo Qingran.


Mo Qingran's mother, the yellow-faced woman, rushed over, slapped Mo Qingran on the face, and said in a sharp voice: "You shameless thing, do you still have any sense of shame? ?”

With things like this, what will happen to Mo Qingran even if she marries into the Bai family? Others will definitely think that Bai Weihao robbed Ma Tianlin's lover by force. Where does this put the Bai family's face?

When the time comes, Mo Qingran will definitely be angered, and then the entire Mo family will also suffer.

At this time, the weird voice in the crowd said in a weird voice: "Yeah, I'm a little confused. In order to curry favor with others, I clearly know that my daughter has a sweetheart, but I still force her to marry. This kind of selfishness is so selfish that even my own woman wants to marry her." A betrayer actually has the nerve to call others shameless and shameless?"

Then someone else responded: "It's so vicious and selfish. You push your own daughter into the fire pit for your own purposes. She is worse than an animal."


Hearing this, all the guests immediately burst into an uproar and said, "Isn't it too selfish to betray your daughter?"

"Is this my own mother? I think she is a beast!"

"It's so shameless. How can there be such a shameless mother in the world? It's such a disgrace to us women!"

Seeing a large group of people in front of him who were all filled with righteous indignation, Bai Weihao thought his eyes were black. Are these people crazy? If you dare to put things on the spot like this, aren't you afraid of your own retaliation afterwards?

Among the crowd, Lu Zifeng said with a proud look on his face: "Hey, what do you think of my idea? The effect is remarkable!"

"It's so rare to come up with such a good idea with your low IQ!"

"You don't know, in order to increase their popularity, all the so-called celebrities do this. As long as they shout and shout a few words, they can get money. There are so many people doing this kind of thing."

Maybe Bai Weihao never thought that the people in the crowd shouting and shouting were not the guests attending the wedding at all, but the shills invited by Lu Zifeng. They didn't care about the Bai family and the Song family, who gave them money. , who is their boss, and the more money they give, the harder they shout.

Bai Weihao felt like he was going crazy. He picked up the gun of the outlaw man on the ground. He wanted to kill the bastard Ma Tianlin with his own hands, but the gun was immediately snatched away by a bodyguard of the Song family. He said, "Master Weihao, if you are so If you do, you will be in big trouble.”

"I want him to be cut into pieces!" Bai Weihao said to the man in black with almost broken teeth.

"Don't worry, Master Weihao, I promise you won't survive!" The man in black chuckled and strode towards Ma Tianlin.

"What are you doing?" Mo Qingran asked with a look of fear.

"Don't worry, you are Master Weihao's woman, I won't kill you!"

The man in black pushed Mo Qingran away, stepped forward and kicked Ma Tianlin in the stomach. Ma Tianlin was immediately kicked and flew up, with blood pouring from his mouth.

Before Ma Tianlin could land, the man in black rushed over again and kicked him.

After two kicks, Ma Tianlin was no longer human. His whole body was covered in blood and he lay paralyzed on the ground without even the strength to get up.

"Don't hit me, wuwu...please...don't hit me anymore." Mo Qingran cried and rushed over.

Seeing Ma Tianlin being beaten like that, some girls turned their heads in dismay. At this time, someone in the crowd shouted indignantly: "Are you trying to beat someone to death? In this bright world, in a society ruled by law, you actually dare to kill people on the street. Call the police." , the murderer must be severely punished!”

This sentence immediately aroused public outrage, and everyone shouted angrily: "Yes, call the police and let the police arrest him."

The man in black glanced over them sinisterly, and the shouts immediately stopped. Being stared at by the man in black's terrifying eyes made them feel scared from the bottom of their hearts.

Ordinary people are kind-hearted, but they are also very afraid of death. In their hearts, they want to redress the injustice, but not many people actually take action and draw their swords to help.

The man in black continued to walk towards Ma Tianlin. Mo Qingran cried like a tearful person. Ma Tianlin felt distressed and looked up to the sky and howled: "Your uncle, why don't you come out? You really want to visit my grave on Qingming Festival next year!"

He didn't believe that Ji Wufeng really wasn't coming. Just now he heard someone in the crowd yelling in a weird voice, and he knew that this bastard was already here.

"I wanted you to be more majestic for a while, but you couldn't handle it so quickly. It's really a waste of all my hard work."

The two people walked out of the crowd. Bai Weihao's expression suddenly changed, and the other guests also recognized the two of them. After all, Ji Wufeng has been very high-profile in Huajing recently, and everyone who has gained a little bit of publicity is dissatisfied with him. Too unfamiliar.

"Damn it, isn't that Ji Wufeng? Why is this god of plague here?"

Seeing that Ji Wufeng had really come out, Ma Tianlin immediately relaxed. He lay there with his arms stretched out and cursed: "I'm your uncle's fault for causing me to be like this. Just wait, and the debt won't be settled."

"Who are you?" The man in black stared at Ji Wufeng, and an unprecedented danger surged into his heart.

"You do not know who I am?"

Ji Wufeng pointed at his nose, and then said in a tense tone: "Damn it, I am so magnificent and wise, but you don't even know who I am. How can I be such a country bumpkin and a country bumpkin like you?"

"Hmph, no matter who you are, anyone who messed with me today will die!"

The man in black had a vicious look on his face, and the Yin Corpse grabbed Ji Wufeng's neck with his hand in the air, causing a sharp sound that tore through the air.

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